Ride Ruiners


No matter how funny or clever you think you are for screaming when the lights go out in the HM stretch room or ToT library, or shouting "THE GIFT SHOP!!!" when Rod Serling says "because this elevator leads directly to:...."
I'm going to have to remember this for next time. :lol:


I really like HoP and it really ruins the experience when people feel they need to voice their animosity for the opposing political party by booing or making comments about past or current Presidents.
I agree.
The entire attraction itself represents unity despite political affiliation, and such behavior completely takes away from that message.

And there's nothing patriotic (or sane) about sitting in a theme park & shouting disapproval toward AA figures.


I'm currently at the EMH (which does not feel like it) and just got out of HM. In the stretching room, some guy decided to do a word for word impression of the Ghost Host, much to the frustration of the guests. If it was your first time and probably only time riding this, wouldn't you get ticked as well if doneone were to ruin the experience?

Honestly, if I heard that I would probably laugh out loud. That sounds really funny. However, I have gone on the ride dozens of times. If I was a first-timer, I would not enjoy that. It would seriously damper the experience...

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
People are morons. Flash takers on dark rides, people talking throughout a ride. They're all out there.

There are indeed people who are completely oblivious to the welfare of others. They're dunderheads. I remember last trip riding on POTC, and a lady in front of us kept taking flash pictures. I and another passenger scolded her (in whispers), and she paid absolutely no attention, just kept going. And once I was in the TOT, and some dumb chick in front of me kept yapping on her cell phone all during Rod Serling's intro. I wanted to clock her one. Manners are rare in this day and age...

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Premium Member
We should probably PM, but I'm saying it anyways. You don't think 18 can get it done!? Granted, I'm never so optimistic, and I'm generally a realist. But I think it's possible this year. 2 is having a year like the 22 last year, hot for a little bit, then the fade out. But of course, overall 48 is unstoppable in the Chase.

ON topic:

Maybe it's because I go so much, but I usually don't get upset by certain things. It's people just having fun, and if they're not directly harming me, then I'm fine. I even join in on the fun with them sometimes. Granted, I never take it too far. But, a few people having fun at night with a fairly empty park, when the kids are tucked in asleep, let them have their fun.

Off topic: dont think shhrub will win the season until he concentrates on one championship rather than how many wins he can get over the three.but i do see him winning at least one championship,and would love to see him as part of team usa in the race of champions in dec teamed with JJ.

Off topic: It says something about a persons lack of parenting ability if the only way they can control their children is either the act, or threat of physical violence.....

off topic 2. I completely disagree.i was smacked occasionaly by both parents but only for things that would cause me harm.It doesnt make my parents bad people/parents.I would and still do things for my parents because i respected them and loved them.I think thats what is missing from the younger generations is a basic lack of respect.

On topic: To me the worst ride ruiners are the flash photography people in the dark rides. There is nothing that ruins the experiance more than seeing stuff that was meant to be hidden by the lack of light, along with the blindness that results for a moment from the bright light flashing in a dark space.

FINALLY this post has come on topic!! i agree that the worst offenders are flash photograpy people and they should be removed from the parks pronto.Its not like there are no warnings/announcements pre and during the ride (has anyone seen people getting in trouble for doing this).
Who-ever posted about using an LED torch to exact revenge.. nice idea,I like the way you think.Unfortunatly in todays society you would probably be the one ejected for ruining the other peoples ride and they would end up sueing Disney for the pain and suffering and nightmares and being unable to work because you were allowed to bring a torch to the park :hammer::hammer::brick::brick:


Well-Known Member
I'm currently at the EMH (which does not feel like it) and just got out of HM. In the stretching room, some guy decided to do a word for word impression of the Ghost Host, much to the frustration of the guests. If it was your first time and probably only time riding this, wouldn't you get ticked as well if doneone were to ruin the experience?

I've actually done this and then felt horrible after thinking exactly what you said. i never thought about it while I was doing it because I was messing with my nieces and nephews with the ghost voice. It was pretty inconsiderate of me but I never realized it till after. :brick:


Well-Known Member
i'm SO glad this thread started. on my last trip, here's what i ran into:

the american adventure: two families (one in front of me, one behind me) talked through the ENTIRE thing. so much so that i asked my wife if we could do it again. and not at a whisper. like...full blown conversation. i almost lost it. this trumps my usual pet peeve of people naming all the people in the finale video to each other. let's just assume since these are some of the most iconic moments in the history of the country that most of us know why they are. if not, talk among yourselves afterward. the american adventure, at least for me, is very emotionally stirring and there always seems to be someone disrupting it.

POTC: the guy in the row in front of us decided to take non-stopped flash pictures. so much so that when the boats backed up at the end of the unloading station, he just kept taking picture after picture of the dog-and-key scene. finally, i saw his wife look at him and he said, "i want to get the hang of the flash!" i guess he was trying out a new camera and decided a dark ride would be a good place for it. isn't that lovely?

finally, the line cutters. listen, i don't understand this. if you're getting on line, make sure your whole party is together. and yes, i know the fast pass trick. "i'll get the fast passes, you get on the stand by line." i'm sorry, that's ridiculous. why can't the attendant that's distributing the time markers (red cards) remind people to have their entire party together before getting on line? would it really be so hard? i'm sure we've all seen a ton of close calls on confrontations happen as a result of the "excuse me, my family is up there" routine.


Well-Known Member
No matter how funny or clever you think you are for screaming when the lights go out in the HM stretch room or ToT library, or shouting "THE GIFT SHOP!!!" when Rod Serling says "because this elevator leads directly to:...." you are annoying and 10 people have probably done it before you that hour alone.

I have to admit, I think this one actually IS clever and pretty hilarious! :lol: I've been ToT more times than I can count and have never heard this one before. Sorry, but I just think it's funny!


Well-Known Member
Every time we went on Pirates the last time we went to DLP we had "flashers" really ruined it.

I must admit I do the "talk-backs" on some of the rides (Test Track... RnRC... etc) but never very loudly, just loud enough so my OH and I can hear!

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
It's true. I'm a huge "Disneyland over WDW" proponent, but this is one of the biggest counter-arguments. The hardcore fanbase (which makes up a much larger portion of the Anaheim crowd) is self-absorbed and would recite every spiel in the park if people didnt give them dirty looks ... and most times, they dont even care if they are getting dirty looks.

I can do without the Maynard theatrics too.

EDIT: Here's a good rule of thumb ... every single showing of every single attraction is somebody's first time (and perhaps, last and only time). So if you are altering the presentation, you are being selfish and screwing the experience for someone else. Don't be selfish.

Unfortunately, no one thinks this way. I can practically recite the narration of half the rides at Disney, word for word, but I NEVER do so because it ruins the experience of others.

People no longer care about others...just about their kid getting to "see" or making a stupid joke on a ride instead of listening and watching. I love when people ask if they can stand in front of me during parades because I'm an adult...No, you can't.

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
I have to admit, I think this one actually IS clever and pretty hilarious! :lol: I've been ToT more times than I can count and have never heard this one before. Sorry, but I just think it's funny!

I literally hear that 1 in 2 times of riding the Tower of Terror. It wasn't funny the first time or the 50th. Disney is trying to make money? Shocker...

But they also make great rides, great themes, and put on a great show. So they want you to buy some high margin crap afterward to help pay for the $100 million ride we just got to enjoy? Fine by me...

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
And just a tip for everyone (might have been said):

Kindly ask a cast member if you can do a re-ride because someone ruined your experience. I've done it at least a 5-6 times on Pirates and Haunted Mansion because of the yelling and pictures.

It works and they know when you're being genuine if you approach it like a huge fan.

Mansion Butler

Active Member
Given the "legendary" status of Maynard (the Tiki Room CM in that video) among DL fans, I'm fairly certain Disneyland management is aware of, and approves of, what he's doing. Otherwise they would have stopped him a long time ago.
I can personally attest to the bold part not being true, in general.

But I won't go further than that.


Well-Known Member
I literally hear that 1 in 2 times of riding the Tower of Terror. It wasn't funny the first time or the 50th. Disney is trying to make money? Shocker...
But they also make great rides, great themes, and put on a great show. So they want you to buy some high margin crap afterward to help pay for the $100 million ride we just got to enjoy? Fine by me...

Granted I've never actually heard the comment being made, but I imagine most people who do it are just trying to be funny, and nothing more. I doubt that it's intended as some sort of commentary on whether or not Disney SHOULD have a give shop. They're just making a joke about it. Seems harmless to me. :lol:


Well-Known Member
i'm SO glad this thread started. on my last trip, here's what i ran into:

the american adventure: two families (one in front of me, one behind me) talked through the ENTIRE thing. so much so that i asked my wife if we could do it again. and not at a whisper. like...full blown conversation. i almost lost it. this trumps my usual pet peeve of people naming all the people in the finale video to each other. let's just assume since these are some of the most iconic moments in the history of the country that most of us know why they are. if not, talk among yourselves afterward. the american adventure, at least for me, is very emotionally stirring and there always seems to be someone disrupting it.

POTC: the guy in the row in front of us decided to take non-stopped flash pictures. so much so that when the boats backed up at the end of the unloading station, he just kept taking picture after picture of the dog-and-key scene. finally, i saw his wife look at him and he said, "i want to get the hang of the flash!" i guess he was trying out a new camera and decided a dark ride would be a good place for it. isn't that lovely?

finally, the line cutters. listen, i don't understand this. if you're getting on line, make sure your whole party is together. and yes, i know the fast pass trick. "i'll get the fast passes, you get on the stand by line." i'm sorry, that's ridiculous. why can't the attendant that's distributing the time markers (red cards) remind people to have their entire party together before getting on line? would it really be so hard? i'm sure we've all seen a ton of close calls on confrontations happen as a result of the "excuse me, my family is up there" routine.

Your post hit home for me because we just experienced all three of these complaints while we were at Disney this past June. We were in several attractions where people talked like that and it drove me nuts! AA was one of them as was CoP and a few others. I found that So rude!:fork:

We were on PoC and towards the end of the ride in the last scene the boats were stopped for for reason and a lady in a boat about 3 or so in front of us kept taking pictures. A CM came over the speaker and said no flash photography but the woman didn't stop. Then the CM came back on and said "I SAID TO STOP". It was kind of mean sounding but we were happy she did it. :lol:

We didn't see to much of the line breaking thing but it did happen a couple of times. Once it was clear that the people getting by us were not really catching up to anyone. :rolleyes:

You know, it's to bad that everyone doesn't tour and act like most of us do. It would be even more magical if they did. :D

Mickey is King

New Member
If a person is one whom frequents the parks and gets upset when their ride experience gets tainted by another guest who for instance knows the narration.
1- You frequent the parks, it won't be your only ride on a peticular attraction.

2- If you know a narration by heart for instance, why would one get upset at someone else that rattles it off next to you? Even though you may love it, haven't you heard it a million times?

3- We can't control other people (as much as we would all like too.)

That being said, I can relate though because I also hate many of the things mentioned on this list. it is very important to pack alot of patience before entering a park for the day. I try not to sweat the small stuff when I'm there.
People are people, it is what it is.....


Well-Known Member
I don't really care if someone recites a narration, or even the occasional flash. Although I do quite loudly say that their photo wont turn out good, and they should learn how to use a camera in the dark, which is about the point I receive a dirty look. But even then I let it go. The worst thing for me is when a CM tells you to go to line number X, and the stupid guest goes wherever they want, which in turns splits up there party. Since they dont wanna be split up, which is exactly why the CM told the stupid guest to go that particular line, they then cause everyone behind them to wait even longer, because they are a stupid guest. Lines would move so much faster if people weren't idiots. There is one other thing though, and that is when stupid guests are mean to CM. I always stick up for them, and try to make the stupid guest feel stupid.


Well-Known Member
Although I do quite loudly say that their photo wont turn out good, and they should learn how to use a camera in the dark,

In doing this, aren't you, in effect, ruining it for others around you who had nothing to do with the person who flashed their camera? Just saying... :shrug:
In doing this, aren't you, in effect, ruining it for others around you who had nothing to do with the person who flashed their camera? Just saying... :shrug:

Not for me. As a matter of fact, them yelling at the person might keep me from getting removed from the park for going off on the flash user at the end of the ride. So I say, yell at them all you want! :)

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