Well-Known Member
God it’s so bad. Lol. Do we know if this type of tree is a fast grower? I’m comparing to the concept art and see that they may have purposely picked that tree because it was the closest they could find to the actual “Dreaming tree” with that one low large branch coming branching out. Are they actually trying to make this tree look like that particular tree branch for branch? Lol. I thought it was more of a symbolic thing. If this is some attempt at picking the Dreaming Tree’s twin, it’s just another example of they have been prioritizing their skewed view of “story” over placemaking, immersion and aesthetics. With that said there is no excuse for the poor implementation of the fake roots on the ground. Unless, of course they “grow” as the tree gets bigger. Maybe the concept art was showing Dreaming Tree 2045.
It's difficult to say what they were going for here. The tree itself almost seems like an afterthought. I kind of feel sorry for it now!
The tree will obviously leaf out more this spring. It's still in shock from transplanting, and needs a good season of growth. But even five years from now, assuming the fake roots haven't been removed per Legal, the whole "Dreaming Tree!" space is not going to look much different.
I just found this unique angle, taken yesterday from the wheelchair ramp access up to Goofy's playhouse, looking north.
If you fast forward five years, and you get the Disneyland Horticulture Department to bombard this tree with industrial strength fertilizers made from the finest Petroleum byproducts that Texas oil fields can produce, you could get some great growth and greening. The fake AstroTurf lawn in Toontown is already Hosted by Monsanto, so why shouldn't the real trees be too?!?
I took the photo above and grew the branches and fleshed out the leaves and canopy quite a bit, showing what the tree might be able to look like by Summer 2028 or so. But you've still got the AstroTurf and PlayPlace Padding and fake roots going on, so....
Mickey's Toontown - The Place for Play!
Mickey's Toontown is now open at Disneyland and it is the place to play for kids of all ages!