Reality takes on Fantasy, Reality up 1-0....


Well-Known Member
Computer Magic said:
Red Roof Inn :veryconfu I've stayed at a Red Roof Inn, I know Red Roof Inn....Disney is no Red Roof Inn :lol:

Red Roof Inn is for Hookers and Beer :lookaroun

Wouldn't that make it a Red Light Inn? :veryconfu

Now to sit back for more of the DJ and MSUSA show!


Well-Known Member
I don't know when Hilton became the enemy.

I don't have a problem with Hilton building on that land. Most people don't. I think the complaint we have is that for years and years the view from inside the parks was unhindered. Nothing that wasn't placed by Disney rose from beyond the Berm. We were able to move into our little place of fantasy and removal from the world and were able to travel there, content in knowing that for a little while we could leave the world behind.

Now for the first time, someone is intruding on that. Now I'm going to give Hilton the benefit of the doubt that they'll build something classy that will just be another part of the background that we don't pay much attention to. However I do have some fears that they'll plop a big red Hilton sign on top of the hotel that can be seen from inside the park, and that would make me very sad. And if they do that, while I still support their right to build whatever on land they own, I will not support that particular hotel in anyway. I hope that the brand has enough respect for the property that they're hoping to make money off of that they will not do something that just looks jarring in the skyline.

We'd all prefer it not to be there at all, but I know there's nothing we can do to stop it. I just hope that it turns out ok, and if so, I won't complain.


Park History nut
Premium Member
jmaxwell007 said:
sooo, if SM was in place of CoP instead of were it lies now outside of the tracks, would the building have to be the size of SM (DL) to fit in the park?

The SM building would have been a strange shape; to look at it would have resembled Space Mountain as we know it (with a few more spires; more like concept art images) but have had steeper sides. The shape would have been `L` shaped, from the Skyway Station around the edge of tomorrowland virtually to If You Had Wings.

This was the original 8 track version, then 4 track, both with exterior track elements. Eventually it was moved to accomodate GEs wishes to move the CoP to WDW and was refined to the current shape, although not the available land. The lake next to SM was shrunk for the building to fit.


Well-Known Member
Main Street USA said:
Wow, learn how to read. I never said half of things you claim I said. When you learn to pay attention and compare things as apples to apples, we'll talk. Until then, I'm wasting my time. You gloss over everyone else's points with no retort whatsoever, and focus in on moot things. I have no problem patronizing someone who won't take the time to read another's comments and respond intelligently.

You've been proven wrong by others above. Heck, this comment by Peter11435 shows how ignorant your comparison is:

"Hilton has over 2700 hotels worldwide. Disney has 35. Need I say more."

You're not making sense. But I can tell you're trying. So I'll stop here.

I am not going to drag this out for another day because the fact is, you're not going to let me be right. There are things in this argument that I am right about, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. I don't appreciate being told to learn how to read, or that I am ignorant because not only are neither of those statements anywhere close to accurate, they are unfair and mean and I am not going to play dirty like that. It's never okay for you to be patronizing-even if it is someone who you don't happen to think is responding intelligently. The bottom line? None of this matters. What you think, what I think, none of it. Hilton is building 2 hotels there. Maybe they'll be nice. Maybe they won't. You or I or peterwhoever or speck, none of us have a say or any control in it, so essentially we are ALL sitting here arguing over moot points-not just me, as you so kindly pointed out. I don't see the point in disrespectfully arguing with someone you've never even met on some forum.

Shows over, folks.


Well-Known Member
Do you think there is any way, at all, to block the view from the parks to the hotel, so it cannot be seen from inside the parks?

I beleive someone mentioned it earlier, Hilton is easily gaining revenue from this location, simply because of its location. Yes, I understand that is how most hotels make thier money. But this hotel offers a view of fireworks and a view inside the parks, which I find simply unacceptable.

But as said before, there isnt much we can do about it, except building something in it's way. Do you think that will ever be done?


Well-Known Member
DisneyRoxMySox said:
Do you think there is any way, at all, to block the view from the parks to the hotel, so it cannot be seen from inside the parks?
I suppose it depends from where the buildings are visible as if they're visible over the pavillions it might be tricky, but if it's a situation like the picture shown of the buildings being visible over the vegetation next to Germany I don't see why not. Disneyland manages to block out tall buildings located right across the street with ease and Disney could build up berms I would imagine to block these new ones out. The big problem with Epcot, though, is the big sweeping views. So sad that Epcot is getting to the point where, like DCA, it faces having a Hilton hotel looming over it.

I'm surprised Disney wouldn't have had a word to Hilton about this as I assume they could make life a little difficult for them at their other hotels around WDW and DL. Couldn't they threaten to exclude Hilton from perks extended to other hotels, not renew leases, etc?

Disneyjill, I sincerely hope you are high up in the Hilton company or recently found out your father was Mr Hilton to have such undying love for the brand! ;) No offense is intended, but I've never known anyone to like the company they worked for to anything like that extent!


New Member
Quote: Disneyjill, I sincerely hope you are high up in the Hilton company or recently found out your father was Mr Hilton to have such undying love for the brand! No offense is intended, but I've never known anyone to like the company they worked for to anything like that extent!

I agree. I have worked as a manager for both a full service Hilton and currently a (crap as it was called) Holiday Inn. While I do agree that Hilton and many other hotels have better reputations than Holiday Inn, it really depends on what company owns that particular hotel. Sure, there are standards, but often it's a very gray area. Your level of service also kind of depends on the location of the hotel and the demographics of the employees there.

So, I shall say it is slightly snobby to be so critical of other brands. I would also be careful in being so loyal to one company because you might miss some great opportunities otherwise. There's nothing wrong with being proud of where you work. It's great actually, but just be cautious as you may eat your words at some point. It may sound better to say you work for Hilton than Holiday Inn or wherever, but it's just a brand.


Well-Known Member
as to blocking the views, we'll just have to wait and see what exactly is visible and where it's visible from as well as how intrusive it is. Depending on where it is there are probably ways to block it, and if it's only really visible in a currently unbuilt area, maybe it'll force them to build a new pavilion that will block it out. Who knows.


Well-Known Member
kcnole said:
as to blocking the views, we'll just have to wait and see what exactly is visible and where it's visible from as well as how intrusive it is.

I agree, we have no idea the impact.

And to be honest, I'd be more upset if it was MK or AK. Epcot doesn't make me feel like I'm going to another world like the others; and since I know that you can't see the Eiffel Tower and a Japanese Pagota in the same view, that sort of immersion just doesn't happen for me and a hotel wouldn't ruin it.


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
Who are you and what have you done with Speck???

Lol, nice. That's sort of what I was thinking. Seriously, though. I meant no harm, and I wasn't in the most fab mood when I posted that, which I would imagine is the reaosn for the harshness.

My only real point is that the comparisom makes no sense, because Disney is not a hotel company, Hilton is. Hilton has nice hotels, and really bad hotels. They're independantly owned, so that's what generally happens. If Disney had however many thousand hotels, and was only a hotel company, I would imagine they'd have quite a few unique 5 stars of their own, and not all of the rest would be great either. But until that happens, it's like comparing Baskin Robbins to Target. Two totally different things.

Like I said before, I don't have a problem with them building there at all. It isn't Disney's land, and none of us will be forced to look at or visit them.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
imagineer boy said:
You've been reported.

that is all

thanks! see how it is....while you continue to make your typical insults and backhanded comments.....

BTW...there was nothing censored in my previous post.....if your imagination takes you "there" perhaps you have some pretty major issues


Premium Member
Lets quit the petty arguing and short tempered behaviour. I dont understand how you guys can become so aggressive and argumentative over a simple forum posting.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
ScrapIron said:
Disney most certainly is a hotel company.

Ha, wow. They are? Last time I looked they were in the hotel business, movie business, theme park business, travel agency business, tv business, radio business........need I continue? There are plenty more.

Of course, Disney is in the hotel business. I'm no idiot, but it seems someone else has missed the point. The POINT is that Hilton is in the hotel business, period, and uh, Disney has a lot more on their plate. If they concentrated on hotels and properties as Hilton does, then you could compare them.

Geez, next time try to read the WHOLE post and get the WHOLE point. You're like the media when they just take out an excerpt from something someone said to make them sound stupid.

Here let me try it......

Actual quote:

"Walt Disney was a visionary. As a man well ahead of his time, he dreamed up the first true theme park and brought about the idea of E.P.C.O.T., which others are still trying to build upon today. Some thought, and still think, that Walt Disney was crazy, and in some cases even a communist, but there's no denying his ingenuity."

Your take:

"Walt Disney was crazy"

Lol, thanks.


Well-Known Member
I just have to say that Disney is an entertainment/media company. Part of that company is creating resorts & hotels so the guests can continue to be "entertained" for their entire stay. Since Disney is operating broadly, they don't focus all of their resources on their resorts. Hilton, Marriott and others focus on one thing, hotels and resorts. They are great at what they do, but that is pretty much all they do. Like someone said earlier, this is like comparing the ice cream section of a Target (= Disney Co) to a chain of specialty icecream stores like Ben & Jerry's, Cold Stone Creamery, Maggie Moo's, etc...

Anyway, I really hope that the Hilton company has more class than to put a giant light up sign on top of one of their towers. And it is not true that we don't have a say. We may not make the final decision for these matters, but we can call, e-mail, and or write a hotel chain to voice concerns. If they get enough feedback about issues, they may institute changes. In Hilton's case, that is good business for them and I am sure that they look at customer feedback closely.


Active Member
hokielutz said:
And it is not true that we don't have a say. We may not make the final decision for these matters, but we can call, e-mail, and or write a hotel chain to voice concerns. If they get enough feedback about issues, they may institute changes. In Hilton's case, that is good business for them and I am sure that they look at customer feedback closely.
This is the most sensible thing i've read in this thread. Whose hotels are better isn't the point. The new Hilton could be the greatest hotel ever devised by mankind and only charge $1 a night, and it wouldn't make seeing it from inside the park any better. The chance of the Hilton company management potentially signifigantly degrading the Disney/Epcot experience is the point of this thread. I think I'm going to write a letter myself, and encourage everyone else to do the same.

How many members does this board have? How many of us have posted in this thread, or at least read it? Together, we are MIGHTY; divided, we're nothing.
(i think this is where we need to start, remember, be polite, check your spelling and grammar, and try not to get overly emotional or irrational in the words that you choose)

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