Progress at Everest!


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member

They've had 3 years (basically) with the star of thier marquee ride not functioning. 3 YEARS.

Exactly how long do we have to "give them a chance" before it's okay for it to upset us?

Give me a break.

When they do well, I praise. When they don't, I complain. There have been some things they've done well lately, and I've said as much. But there's still a fairly long list of things that make no sense what so ever, and even worse, are not the way things would have been done years ago.

I'm not trying to drag this thread into another "we hate TDO" thread... But it bugs me when I see someone... ANYONE... Cutting TDO slack on the yeti. 3 years. It's been broken for 3 years. Not one person should be okay with that.

Agreed. I'm willing to be patient and cut TDO slack on a lot of situations and projects (FLE), but this one has gotten beyond the point of being ridiculous. Instead of tossing strobe lights under it to insult my intelligence, they really should have looked at ways to truly remedy the situation at the onset.


Well-Known Member

I'm not trying to drag this thread into another "we hate TDO" thread... But it bugs me when I see someone... ANYONE... Cutting TDO slack on the yeti. 3 years. It's been broken for 3 years. Not one person should be okay with that.


I know how long it's been broken, and I'm not happy with it either. However, I also realize that the problem is obviously not something simple, easy or cheap to fix, otherwise they would have already fixed it.
Do I think TDO has let things go on this attraction? Absolutely! There are other cheap and easy things that could have been fixed, yet for whatever reason, they weren't.

Agreed. I'm willing to be patient and cut TDO slack on a lot of situations and projects (FLE), but this one has gotten beyond the point of being ridiculous. Instead of tossing strobe lights under it to insult my intelligence, they really should have looked at ways to truly remedy the situation at the onset.

Do we really know that they haven't been working on a solution? From everything I've read, they have look a few different options, but the only real solution to permanently fix it was to close the ride for an extended period and re-work, which is obviously something management won't allow.

All I'm saying is that now that they're actually seem to be doing something, can't we just wait and see what it is as opposed to criticizing the tarp? Sure, the tarp is bad show, but the attraction is still open. I've seen the debate on how much a part of the attraction the Yeti is, and his absence is certainly a disappointment to the riders, but it doesn't ruin all the fun of the ride by him not being there, it just takes away a little bit of the thrill.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member

I know how long it's been broken, and I'm not happy with it either. However, I also realize that the problem is obviously not something simple, easy or cheap to fix, otherwise they would have already fixed it.
Do I think TDO has let things go on this attraction? Absolutely! There are other cheap and easy things that could have been fixed, yet for whatever reason, they weren't.

Do we really know that they haven't been working on a solution? From everything I've read, they have look a few different options, but the only real solution to permanently fix it was to close the ride for an extended period and re-work, which is obviously something management won't allow.

All I'm saying is that now that they're actually seem to be doing something, can't we just wait and see what it is as opposed to criticizing the tarp? Sure, the tarp is bad show, but the attraction is still open. I've seen the debate on how much a part of the attraction the Yeti is, and his absence is certainly a disappointment to the riders, but it doesn't ruin all the fun of the ride by him not being there, it just takes away a little bit of the thrill.

And where was it that I criticized the tarp? What I've objected to is the length of time it has taken TDO to realize that simply putting strobe lights under the Yeti is not the way to rememdy the fact he no longer properly moves.

And, I've actually stated before I'm glad they're leaving the ride open, especially as the summer season kicks off.


Well-Known Member

I know how long it's been broken, and I'm not happy with it either. However, I also realize that the problem is obviously not something simple, easy or cheap to fix, otherwise they would have already fixed it.
Do I think TDO has let things go on this attraction? Absolutely! There are other cheap and easy things that could have been fixed, yet for whatever reason, they weren't.

The problem is this: For 3 years, the main focus of the main attraction in the park hasn't worked. End of story. I don't care why, I don't care who hasn't approved funding. The fact that the ride has been allowed to continue to run is laughable, and CERTAINLY not something that would have been allowed in the past.

I don't buy the "we can't close it because there's nothing else to do" line, because the park was open for YEARS before this attraction was built. Run extra Nemo shows... Come up with some kind of creative festival campaign... Something to offset. It could be done, fairly easily, if that were a real concern.

The ride should be 101 when you have a dead yeti.

The reality is probably much more simple: The fix is is going to cost money (both to fix, and in lost gate revenue from people that will choose not to visit the park while it's down), and is going to create guest complaints. I'm certain that they just looked at the situation and decided they'd rather deal with the complaints and not put out the money and lose gate revenue.

There will be a tipping point... Where doing that becomes uneconomical... And it will actually be "cheaper" to fix it right. But they're not there yet. THAT'S why we haven't seen a repair. THAT'S why we haven't seen a closure. All that bull about not being able to handle closing the attraction because of crowds is just that. Bull. A convenient excuse to point to.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Do we really know that they haven't been working on a solution?
Yes. For nearly 3 years now TDO and DAK suits have been dragging their feet with this. Multiple, viable options have been on the table for all this time. Including this one. Only now - partly with a new VP - have things begun to get moving.


Well-Known Member
Yes. For nearly 3 years now TDO and DAK suits have been dragging their feet with this. Multiple, viable options have been on the table for all this time. Including this one. Only now - partly with a new VP - have things begun to get moving.

So, by this, you agree/acknowledge they HAVE been working on a solution, multiple in fact.

I hate to be the "fly in the soup", but I should probably point out that as things work in the real world, or at least the bottom-line driven world of today which includes Disney, upper management has to make decisions that will not hurt the company financially. So, in their decision process they look at what will cause the least impact financially, irregardless of a few fan-boys who get their panties in a wad, and go with the choice that means more money in THEIR pocket and the shareholders. I know, this is probably not how Walt would have done it, and it bothers me too, but nobody cares at Disney, so why keep complaining about it? We are a miniscule representation of the people who spend money at the parks, ther others who spend the majority are clueless to the issue(s), but silent. I guess my point would be, don't blame Disney, it's the shareholders really, and the investors who insist and demand that companies improve quarter after quarter and not doing so, could mean the loss of someone's job. So, try for a moment to put yourself in their position and ask, what would you do?


Park History nut
Premium Member
So, by this, you agree/acknowledge they HAVE been working on a solution, multiple in fact.
I do. I also say though that things should and could have happened a lot quicker without costing vast amounts of money (or peoples jobs)


Well-Known Member
I love that we have a thread about a tarp.

I can't wait for the acronym on this one!

TSU...Tarp Status Update?

TCA...Tarp Condition Analysis?


Well-Known Member
I love that we have a thread about a tarp.

I can't wait for the acronym on this one!

TSU...Tarp Status Update?

TCA...Tarp Condition Analysis?

Maybe they should put a sign up. It could say something like, "We're sorry for the inconvenience, the Yeti is missing, but will return shortly" or "The Yeti when to check out Harry Potter, maybe you should too" or "No peeking, the Yeti is changing, he'll be ready shortly". :ROFLOL:

Seriously though, if they intend for the tarp to be there for long, maybe they could just paint a scary looking Yeti or better yet, project something similar to the other animation in the ride, but maybe more realistic.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Is this your opinion or fact?
If fact, please provide details please.

If Martin says it, that's good enough for me....

And quite frankly, if you don't like what's being posted on this thread, you have alternatives. But complaining about others venting their frustrations over this attraction on a WDW forum is absurd. They have as much right to their opinions as you.


Well-Known Member
If Martin says it, that's good enough for me....

And quite frankly, if you don't like what's being posted on this thread, you have alternatives. But complaining about others venting their frustrations over this attraction on a WDW forum is absurd. They have as much right to their opinions as you.

Sure, I have other alternatives, but stirring the pot is sooo much fun! :fork:

Of course, it's kind of hypocritical of me to complain about their complaining, and then your complaining about my complaining is still more absurd, is it not? It's a vicious, yet somewhat entertaining circle here. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The problem is this: For 3 years, the main focus of the main attraction in the park hasn't worked. End of story. I don't care why, I don't care who hasn't approved funding. The fact that the ride has been allowed to continue to run is laughable, and CERTAINLY not something that would have been allowed in the past.

I don't buy the "we can't close it because there's nothing else to do" line, because the park was open for YEARS before this attraction was built. Run extra Nemo shows... Come up with some kind of creative festival campaign... Something to offset. It could be done, fairly easily, if that were a real concern.

The ride should be 101 when you have a dead yeti.

The reality is probably much more simple: The fix is is going to cost money (both to fix, and in lost gate revenue from people that will choose not to visit the park while it's down), and is going to create guest complaints. I'm certain that they just looked at the situation and decided they'd rather deal with the complaints and not put out the money and lose gate revenue.

There will be a tipping point... Where doing that becomes uneconomical... And it will actually be "cheaper" to fix it right. But they're not there yet. THAT'S why we haven't seen a repair. THAT'S why we haven't seen a closure. All that bull about not being able to handle closing the attraction because of crowds is just that. Bull. A convenient excuse to point to.

Yes. For nearly 3 years now TDO and DAK suits have been dragging their feet with this. Multiple, viable options have been on the table for all this time. Including this one. Only now - partly with a new VP - have things begun to get moving.

I definitely agree with this. Our opposition is not that they're fixing it, our opposition is that it took this long.

There were timetables for this park that would have had Beastly Kingdom replace Camp Minnie Mickey (Pocahontas and Festival of the Lion King), as well as adding the Excavator to Dinoland USA (presumably instead of DinoRama). This would have all been done prior to the opening of Expedition Everest. I assume had Beastly Kingdom and the Excavator opened by 2006, that Expedition Everest would never have been built. However, I would also speculate that another addition would be on the way had the original timetable been followed.

The park is well below the intended capacity that was projected after the Beastly Kingdom/Excavator additions, and some time tables had that complete only a few years after the park opened.

The Animal Kingdom is my favorite park, largely because I love taking photos of the animals, but it is in desperate need of expansion. Never has this been more apparent then dealing with the Yeti non-sense.

This approach to building "half-parks" hasn't worked. It didn't work with MGM or the Animal Kingdom, it didn't work with Disney Studios Paris, and it didn't work with Hong Kong Disneyland. They've been aggressive in expanding California Adventure, which would also fit into the category, except it's attraction lineup (from a quantity standpoint) is far superior than any of these parks.


New Member
Haha. One thing you learn fairly quick about Screamscape, only quote it if it has pictures. :p

Glad to see the Yeti getting the work it needed though. :D

Lance is actually pretty accurate lately. He correctly called out alot of things Six Flags has done recently, but you cant blame him for things that come out of the blue from theme parks.


Beta Return
Hey Steve don't you have any of your minions that you can send to verify if the Yeti is there or not?

Friend rode it 4 times in a row yesterday (got FastPasses from a family who was leaving) and said the Yeti room was pitch black - couldn't see anything.

He said, "If the Yeti is there, he's definitely hidden well."

I have a hard time believing they got him out of the mountain. Nobody ever saw a crane, and it would be impossible without one - and would take more than one night. Heck, it took them 3 nights to move Pooh's tree across the sidewalk.

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