Progress at Everest!


Active Member
Sorry if this is obvious, but this thread has many pages and gets confusing at times: Was that mysterious tarp ever put up again? Is Yeti visible and is he still in crotch-staring mode?

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I agree with you 100% the ride in my opinion is just as fun without the Yeti. I have rode EE a bunch of times with the Yeti working and sure it was great fun seeing him move an everything, but I have also seen him not moving at all, but I still found the ride to be great fun and enjoyable to everyone even if you have seen the Yeti in "A" mode.
For me the ride is still fun without the yeti. I think thats mostly because of my daughter. It was fun to watch her ride and try to keep her eyes open and see the yeti. She had no clue it was broken. Of course that doesnt mean I dont want it fixed, and fixed right. I know its a hard pill to swallow but if it takes 6 months, just do it, get it over with, and everyones happy. Well probably.:lookaroun


Active Member
Sorry if this is obvious, but this thread has many pages and gets confusing at times: Was that mysterious tarp ever put up again? Is Yeti visible and is he still in crotch-staring mode?

I think he is visible once again, and his crotch-staring mode is still on (maybe in a nod to the return of Captain EO as it has been speculated here). :p

It may be possible for the Yeti to be built using lighter parts but the reality is, until something is built to offset the closure of Expedition Everest, it's not likely to close.

And there is yet another item to file under the "Why I would be happier if BK was actually built" list.

Thanks for the information. It is sad, but interesting anyway.


Active Member
My son has a question

Hi everyone,
I love all the posts on this website, but am somewhat challenged on how to use it myself ! For the life of me I cannot figure out how to post a question, I can only figure out how to reply to a thread that is already there. Can anyone help me with this?

I picked this thread as I do have a question about Expedition Everest. My 13 year old has been searching every website he can to try and find the answer to his question ! On EE where the Yeti "tears" the track ... what is at the end? He is dying to know if the ride breaks somehow and doesn't come to a stop ... is he going to go flying off the track ? lol

Silly question I know , but if someone could answer I would love to be able to tell my son how just how they constructed that part of the ride !

Thanks so much, you guys are all awesome !!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
I love all the posts on this website, but am somewhat challenged on how to use it myself ! For the life of me I cannot figure out how to post a question, I can only figure out how to reply to a thread that is already there. Can anyone help me with this?

I picked this thread as I do have a question about Expedition Everest. My 13 year old has been searching every website he can to try and find the answer to his question ! On EE where the Yeti "tears" the track ... what is at the end? He is dying to know if the ride breaks somehow and doesn't come to a stop ... is he going to go flying off the track ? lol

Silly question I know , but if someone could answer I would love to be able to tell my son how just how they constructed that part of the ride !

Thanks so much, you guys are all awesome !!!

Tell him that it's an old train, but it has REALLY good brakes.

The train may seem like it's flying up to a dead end, but in reality it doesn't have enough energy to make it up the hill. As it reaches the point where normally it would slow and fall backwards, a system of brakes and tires in the tracks slowly Pull it up to the top of the hill, where brakes grab the train. When the track switch is done and changed, the brakes simply let you go, and gravity pulls the train back down into the backwards portion. So remember, even if the brake and pull system failed, you'd just reach about halfway up the hill and roll back. There isn't enough energy for the train to make it up to the top of the dead end sections, which is why you are slowly pushed up to the top.

I'm sure when you get there if you explain to a Cast Member, they might be able to let you sit in the back row farthest from the front, or maybe even go in the control tower and watch it happen if you are very lucky.


Well-Known Member
We had Jim Hill on our show this week and we talked about this briefly. While none of this should be too surprising here's what he had to say.

The rig was under engineered. To fix it, would require roughly 6 months of downtown for the attraction.

It may be possible for the Yeti to be built using lighter parts but the reality is, until something is built to offset the closure of Expedition Everest, it's not likely to close.

Since nothing significant has been greenlit for that park, and because nothing seems even remotely close, we are probably several years away from having a fully functioning yeti. Unless of course they decide to take the hit and close the attraction for 6 months.

In park complaints from guests has been minimal, so perhaps if we all start complaining at guest relations they may decide to take action. However, considering the number of people that are likely to read this, and then the percentage of those people that will take the time to go to guest relations compared to the number of people that visit the park on any given day - I'm guessing that won't really make much of a difference.

Disney knows it's bad show, but it's the same type of thing that causes them to not put the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay on Haunted Mansion. "Vacations will be ruined".

I don't really agree with this part... I don't think it's Disney caring about people's vacations per se... but as mentioned in this same post... the capacity at AK is so bad that it wouldn't shut down a headliner attraction for that length of time!

I agree that AK would need another "major" attraction if it were going to take out EE for an extended length of time!


Well-Known Member
The train may seem like it's flying up to a dead end, but in reality it doesn't have enough energy to make it up the hill. As it reaches the point where normally it would slow and fall backwards, a system of brakes and tires in the tracks slowly Pull it up to the top of the hill, where brakes grab the train. When the track switch is done and changed, the brakes simply let you go, and gravity pulls the train back down into the backwards portion. So remember, even if the brake and pull system failed, you'd just reach about halfway up the hill and roll back. There isn't enough energy for the train to make it up to the top of the dead end sections, which is why you are slowly pushed up to the top.

I'm sure when you get there if you explain to a Cast Member, they might be able to let you sit in the back row farthest from the front, or maybe even go in the control tower and watch it happen if you are very lucky.

Good explanation! For those concerned about safety, and the potential rollback into another train, you might want to read about the Rollercoaster Block System at:
Basically, the coaster is broken up into sections, and computers monitor/control where the trains are to prevent more than one train in a section. If a train gets stuck or delayed in a section, then the computer knows to stop trains in the sections behind it.


Well-Known Member
We had Jim Hill on our show this week and we talked about this briefly. While none of this should be too surprising here's what he had to say.

The rig was under engineered. To fix it, would require roughly 6 months of downtown for the attraction.

It may be possible for the Yeti to be built using lighter parts but the reality is, until something is built to offset the closure of Expedition Everest, it's not likely to close.

Since nothing significant has been greenlit for that park, and because nothing seems even remotely close, we are probably several years away from having a fully functioning yeti. Unless of course they decide to take the hit and close the attraction for 6 months.

In park complaints from guests has been minimal, so perhaps if we all start complaining at guest relations they may decide to take action. However, considering the number of people that are likely to read this, and then the percentage of those people that will take the time to go to guest relations compared to the number of people that visit the park on any given day - I'm guessing that won't really make much of a difference.

Disney knows it's bad show, but it's the same type of thing that causes them to not put the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay on Haunted Mansion. "Vacations will be ruined".

The high-lighted part really urks me. Any manager worth there weight in salt knows how to fix this. Pick a date 6 months or a year in advance for the refurb and then tell everyone who makes a reservation that EE will be down, actually they should do this for any refurb, that way if people want to reschedule they can. If they can't reschedule at least they know the ride will be down and aren't blind-sided when they get to WDW. And I mean tell people, not just post it on the web site, but actually tell them when reservations are being made. Because most people aren't going to wade through Disney's web site to find this information. This isn't rocket-science, it's customer service!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
I love all the posts on this website, but am somewhat challenged on how to use it myself ! For the life of me I cannot figure out how to post a question, I can only figure out how to reply to a thread that is already there. Can anyone help me with this?

In each forum there should be a button in the upper left, right above the list of threads that says something like "Start New Thread".

I picked this thread as I do have a question about Expedition Everest. My 13 year old has been searching every website he can to try and find the answer to his question ! On EE where the Yeti "tears" the track ... what is at the end? He is dying to know if the ride breaks somehow and doesn't come to a stop ... is he going to go flying off the track ? lol

Silly question I know , but if someone could answer I would love to be able to tell my son how just how they constructed that part of the ride !

Thanks so much, you guys are all awesome !!!

The only way that the train could reach the end of the track be if for some reason the drive motors in that section of track kept running and didn't turn off.
Even then, there are "bumpers" built into the track at the end of the upslope to stop a train for over-running the end of the track. There are similar bumpers in the shadow cave when you go uphill backwards and stop while the track switches in front of you.



Well-Known Member
The high-lighted part really urks me. Any manager worth there weight in salt knows how to fix this. Pick a date 6 months or a year in advance for the refurb and then tell everyone who makes a reservation that EE will be down, actually they should do this for any refurb, that way if people want to reschedule they can. If they can't reschedule at least they know the ride will be down and aren't blind-sided when they get to WDW. And I mean tell people, not just post it on the web site, but actually tell them when reservations are being made. Because most people aren't going to wade through Disney's web site to find this information. This isn't rocket-science, it's customer service!!
I'm a little behind, but I think the problem with this idea (at least I'd guess in Disney's eyes) is that AK is already a half day park to many at best. If you take the top most popular attraction out of comission and have no real additional draw to entice people, they are going to more than likely skip the park...meaning that a 4 day ticket just now potentially became a 3 day ticket...

And that means that people may start looking offsite for activites to do on their week long vacation...activities like a certain park that just built a brand new area..:lookaroun

Therefore, they'd rather leave the ride in the shape it's in...then have people potentially leave their property and spend their money elsewhere.


Active Member
I'm a little behind, but I think the problem with this idea (at least I'd guess in Disney's eyes) is that AK is already a half day park to many at best. If you take the top most popular attraction out of comission and have no real additional draw to entice people, they are going to more than likely skip the park...meaning that a 4 day ticket just now potentially became a 3 day ticket...

And that means that people may start looking offsite for activites to do on their week long vacation...activities like a certain park that just built a brand new area..:lookaroun

Therefore, they'd rather leave the ride in the shape it's in...then have people potentially leave their property and spend their money elsewhere.

Agreed. The Yeti will get a proper refurb once DAK opens it's next E-ticket or two. Until then, it's likely to be duct tape maintenance. While I disagree that DAK is a half-day park, I realize that many disagree and Disney needs to be looking out for their dollar.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Speaking of the Yeti....
Keep an eye on The Sentinal late this week or next...;)

Did they score an exclusive interview with the Yeti? :lookaroun
I wonder if they will once again remind us of the monorail one year ago? :rolleyes: (We have such short memory spans, ya know)

Hopefully, someone will link to it when it appears.

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