Press event Tuesday, Jan. 18th.


Well-Known Member
I think I should just stay away from the news and rumor board until after the announcement tomorrow. I could easily waste all day at work today reading and responding to posts. Exciting stuff, here! Thanks to all those who are sharing--who actually have some degree of knowledge on these projects!

It's MLK Day, what work is getting done today?


Well-Known Member
]My only gripe is that we will loose a dark ride. I'm okay with the Snow White dark ride being removed and the Snow White theme carried on via the new mine coaster ride. What I lament (my only thumbs down to this project now) is that we didn't repurpose the space into a new dark ride, even if it were announced but not built until all the other FLE work is complete.

I know that part of the earlier plans was to move carpets as a second dumbo, I don't know any disney fans that wouldn't have a problem with that. They can use that space for an Aladdin ride, and Aladdin fits in FL better than Adventureland. I know us Tiki fans would love to hear both of those plans going through.

It reminds me of all of the hoopla before an Apple event. People wish for anything from a slightly faster iMac to a teleportation machine.

But you know, it's all fun, all of it; just as long as you remember how much fun the build up was and don't let the final news disappoint you.

You mean we are looking for a totally new and cool product like the iphone and it sounds like all we are getting is a slightly thinner macbook air?


Well-Known Member
Do we have an official title for the mine coaster? Will it be considered a Magic Kingdom Mountain?
Well, it's not official, so we certainly don't have an official title. We have a working title in this thread, but attraction names frequently change. We still haven't decided if it's Toy Story Mania or Toy Story Midway Mania...


You mean we are looking for a totally new and cool product like the iphone and it sounds like all we are getting is a slightly thinner macbook air?

What I meant is that not every Apple announcement can be about a new brilliant iDevice and sometimes it's just about a logical upgrade to the product line. But the fanboys have a blast day dreaming, and that's half the fun.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Well, it's not official, so we certainly don't have an official title. We have a working title in this thread, but attraction names frequently change. We still haven't decided if it's Toy Story Mania or Toy Story Midway Mania...

Well, some haven't......

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
Maybe another troll or two. :lol:
Speaking of Maelstrom, wasn't that ride both better and longer? It seems it was made much shorter around the same time HS shortened both the Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid live shows.

Am I remembering incorrectly?

Thanks for everyone's info...can't wait til tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
What I meant is that not every Apple announcement can be about a new brilliant iDevice and sometimes it's just about a logical upgrade to the product line. But the fanboys have a blast day dreaming, and that's half the fun.

Well yeah, because no one wants just a simple upgrade, they want something new and awesome.

Speaking of apple fanboys, today is a bad news day for them.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Maelstrom, wasn't that ride both better and longer? It seems it was made much shorter around the same time HS shortened both the Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid live shows.

Am I remembering incorrectly?

Thanks for everyone's info...can't wait til tomorrow!

Never use to be longer has always been the same that way, but yes use to be much better. Rain use to pour down in the oil rig scene with lightning effects, and other things have been added and or taken away over the years, remember the little guy atop the cliff with binoculars right before you went down the falls? It just needs some major TLC and love. A new load area would be nice, its in bad shape, too bad they dont implement the original forest idea through there with all the trees. I realize the mural was done at the sponsors request but those days are over. I like the mural but something new would be nice. Okay totally off topic I know.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Speaking of Maelstrom, wasn't that ride both better and longer? It seems it was made much shorter around the same time HS shortened both the Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid live shows.

Am I remembering incorrectly?

Thanks for everyone's info...can't wait til tomorrow!
You are remembering incorrectly. While there are a couple of effects that are no longer functional Maelstrom is the exact same length today as it was when it opened.


Well-Known Member


I've got it!

Special agent Hobbits in Space!

HP killer for sure!


New Member
Lord of the Rings...Absolutely a fantastic franchise in its heyday. Grossed a load of money and won awards. However, I think this franchise its past its prime with the general public. To generate the same excitment for this that HP did, then we'd have to go back in time about 10 years and build it then. Not to mention, Universal is already trying to corner the market with this Franchise. I just don't believe this would be something that would bring people in from all over the world like HP did.

Star Trek..No, not so much. Although a very large and dedicated fanbase, it just doesnt have the same appeal to all ages that the Harry Potter franchise does. Even with the new movie, the image of this product has changed so much over the years that it'd be difficult to build something that could be true to an actual Star Trek fan. Also, I dont believe that your typical Trekkie would like to see Disney's version of this franchise.

007---Not at all. At this point, the Bond series is simply a parody of itself. With all the men that have played Bond over the years, you're just not going to get that same connection to that character that people have to Radcliffe's version of Potter and the WB movies.

Nope, what Disney needs to do is what they've done over the past 80+ years and come up with new things that people feel a connection to. I'm not saying they need to constantly build multi-million dollar attractions at all, but things do need to continue to evolve.


New Member
I am looking forward to the announcements coming tomorrow. I think that'll its going to be a step in the right direction. Do I think we are going to get tons and tons of stuff..No not at all. Baby steps. Sometimes, we should be happy with baby steps, at least its a direction.


Active Member
I am fairly certain of a couple of things. #1 We need to quit worrying about what Disney's answer to HP is going to be. Quite frankly, there is absolutely nothing that can be an answer to Harry Potter, at least for the next 10-15 years.

This is way off topic at this point and I know it's never ever ever ever ever going to happen, but LOtR would top Harry Potter in a heartbeat.

EDIT: Guess I should have finished reading the thread before I posted. Regardless, I still believe what I said. With "The Hobbit" film project getting underway, the timing would be perfect. Plus, the Lord of the Rings is far more classic than Harry Potter ever is or ever will be, and could sustain itself far longer than Harry Potter. HP will die off after the movies are finished and the books' original fans grow up. HP isn't the kind of literature you pass down for future generations. It's derivative pulp fiction at best, and will fade as quickly as it came.


Active Member
Reposting an edit I made to my previous post, as I've been quoted a couple times without the edit:

With "The Hobbit" film project getting underway, the timing would be perfect. Plus, the Lord of the Rings is far more classic than Harry Potter ever is or ever will be, and could sustain itself far longer than Harry Potter. HP will die off after the movies are finished and the books' original fans grow up. HP isn't the kind of literature you pass down for future generations. It's derivative pulp fiction at best, and will fade as quickly as it came.


New Member
Oh, I agree that LotR is so much better and more well done than HP. Heck, if you read both you can see how many "ideas" Rowling got from LotR. But when it comes to the masses and masses of people you need to generate income for a Theme Park, Harry Potter has the appeal to everyone. Btw, just because something is old and something else is newer doesnt mean one is more "classic" than the other. I hate the general thinking when ppl think that there can never be something better than "so and so" b/c its considered the best ever, with that logic than we should have William Shakespeare land as the 5th gate.

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