Premium Parking coming to Walt Disney World's parking lots?


Well-Known Member
Damn right. I bet you leave your car in that spot all day too. pfft. 3 hours. That's more or less a suggestion by Disney. Doesn't apply to bad boys like us.

Dude, don't be angry because you're stuck in NJ and I got out of that crap state and got to relocate within 30 miles of Disney.

Your bet would be wrong. If I'm at the park by rope drop, I'm back home by lunch time. A few hours is more than enough for me.


Think for yourselfer
Dude, don't be angry because you're stuck in NJ and I got out of that crap state and got to relocate within 30 miles of Disney.

Your bet would be wrong. If I'm at the park by rope drop, I'm back home by lunch time. A few hours is more than enough for me.
Shoot. You found me out bro. I'm so angry I'm stuck in New Jersey. If I could only move to Orlando and park in rando Disney resorts foh free all day everyday. Then I would be well and truly fulfilled.

:hangs head:


Well-Known Member
This was fun, but I'm out of this conversation. Quite frankly, I don't care what any of you think but I'm not someone who takes any crap. However, my day is about to get a whole lot busier...meetings, class and an 8PM reservation at The Wave, so I have to run. Until next time...

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
This was fun, but I'm out of this conversation. Quite frankly, I don't care what any of you think but I'm not someone who takes any crap. However, my day is about to get a whole lot busier...meetings, class and an 8PM reservation at The Wave, so I have to run. Until next time... sure to relocate your vehicle to a more appropriate location after your dining reservation.


Well-Known Member
I hesitated to chime in on the recent discussion about "rules" because there are obvious passions on both sides and I don't want to be flamed on either side of the debate. But one issue mentioned in the more recent posts caught my attention - and that is with respect to various CMs advising one way or the other as to whether or not a specific action is acceptable (assuming of course that assertion is in fact true), and thus carve out an "exception" (so to speak) for the guest.

The best example that I can come up with is this: When I went to Epcot last week I parked where I was directed to park, although I suppose that I could have ignored the parking attendants and parked on the grass area closest to the park entrance, under the friendly shade of a large tree. But I knew that I wasn't supposed to park on the grass (not a designated parking lot), just as I wouldn't want guests at my home to park in my manicured lawn instead of the available driveway. However, on capacity days like New Year's Eve, CMs were directing cars to park in the grass, so that's where I parked - exactly where I was directed to park - even though doing the same on any other day would have been completely inappropriate.

So, if there's a rule in place, whether it's parking-related or otherwise, and I ask a CM about it and they tell me something different, I'm inclined to follow the direction of the CM. CMs act as agents of Disney (both in the legal and in the common sense meaning of the term). And as guests, we're expected to follow the directions of CMs, whether that's in the parks, resorts, parking lots; anywhere in the World. Thus, although the general population may accept that a grassy hill is not a designated parking area, if that's where a CM directs me to park, then that's where I'm parking.

Similarly, if others have had experience with a CM telling them that they may leave their car parked in a certain area for a period of time that is extended beyond whatever blanket policy may otherwise apply, then doing so (relying on the advisement of Disney's agents) seems appropriate under those circumstances.

That's just my personal opinion. If a CM advises "yes" to this or "no" to that, following suit (specifically under those circumstances) seems reasonable to me.

Otherwise, rules are rules, especially on someone else's property. Follow the rules.

Please don't flame me :angelic:
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Well-Known Member
On the subject of parking...

Does each park have a pick-up/drop-off area and if so are they easy to get to during the closing rush?

The Mom

Premium Member
More times than not, I use the valet parking, especially in the evenings, since it is free with TIW. In those cases, I'm not taking up any of the regular spots. However I will park in the regular spots if I have a 7:30AM reservation for breakfast, for example.

It isn't free with your hotel room (which was my point.) Too many of the "free" hotel guest spots are filled with non-hotel guests all day and evening. So the hotel guests are either forced to carry/roll their luggage a long way (unless they have someone to stay with it in the lobby) or have to pay for valet parking.


Well-Known Member
No, it's called 'you don't hassle your real customers' - that's why they aren't strict about enforcing things.. its based on a notion called TRUST. Trust that people will respect each other, people will respect rules and intentions. But people like yourself and others posting here will game the freedoms to your advantage... costing EVERYONE in the long run.

Your post reminds me of the people who argue "well they didn't have a sign saying I COULDN'T take things from the store shelf and just walk away". You clearly know what the rules are, you clearly know what their intentions are, yet, because there is no explicit barrier to do so you justify abusing the privileges. Way to go... this is why we can't have nice things.
My favorite oft repeated best kept secret in this vein is the ft wilderness campfire sing a long with chip n Dale. It's obviously put on for campground guests yet everyone would have you think Disney puts on this free event for everyone in the greater Orlando area


Liker of Things
To bring the thread back in focus, my review of premium parking:

The sun diffused through the tinted windshield as the parking space sommelier cheerfully waved me towards my 128 square feet of heaven. As the high end parking space dome was gently lowered over my vehicle, my wife and I perused the wine list that was gently pushed through the opening on the driver’s side windshield. I chose the 1998 Opus One whilst the wife decided that some Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill enhanced with a shot or two of pure grain alcohol would best steel her soul for the mostly alcohol free slog that awaited us in Magic Kingdom, should we ever decide to leave our parking space. After several glasses of refreshing beverage were consumed we alighted on the two recliners placed behind our vehicle whilst the cleaning crew commenced to vacuum, scrub, and repair (the leather they had matched perfectly!). So that we weren’t overwhelmed by the local weather conditions, small fans and a wall mounted air conditioning unit were placed around us at a strategic distance to maximize cooling capacity. At this point, I should note that my gyro didn’t have quite as much tzatziki sauce as I normally enjoy, but overall it was well prepared. As we enjoyed the performance of the “off duty” FotLK dancers outside our front window, I couldn’t let the apparent scrimping on the gyro condiment go, so overall I must give the so called “premium” parking space a slight thumbs down.


Premium Member
This was fun, but I'm out of this conversation. Quite frankly, I don't care what any of you think but I'm not someone who takes any crap

Exactly as I called out before...
I'm going to say this once... because I know you aren't actually interested in hearing it and I'm not going to waste time trying to convince you because it's a morals issue which nothing I do will fix you.

The formula always holds true..


Well-Known Member
Can I have a recap?

Someone breaks a written rule as part of Tables in Wonderland ts and cs then gets upset when it is pointed out?




Well-Known Member
Except Disney world is a cash cow....and is making money hand over fist....WE HAVE TO PAY for business screw ups in other places.

Disney world revenue wise is the citadel of parks and resorts I believe.

Being a cash cow or making money hand over fist is irrelevant. There is no mandated cap on what a private business such as this can charge for their goods and services. Call it free market if capitalism isn't quite the right term.

You do not HAVE to pay for business screw-ups in other places. You and the rest of us CHOOSE to pay for business screw-ups by continuing to give Disney our money at whatever prices they set. You have the right to not buy their products or visit their parks and resorts if you feel the prices are not to your liking or affordability. I am reaching the point where it's value to me for the amount of money they want is dwindling incredibly fast after our last visit.


Well-Known Member
This was fun, but I'm out of this conversation. Quite frankly, I don't care what any of you think but I'm not someone who takes any crap. However, my day is about to get a whole lot busier...meetings, class and an 8PM reservation at The Wave, so I have to run. Until next time...

Bruh, I don't think you understand: you're going to take all the crap.


Well-Known Member
Time for my three cents (my opinion is worth more than two cents in my opinion...)

I actually thought this was already a thing, so this news does not impact me.


Well-Known Member
I would not use premium parking. With the amount of walking my family does in the parks, what's a few more steps in the lot?

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