Premium Parking coming to Walt Disney World's parking lots?


Active Member
The current ferry boats are also able to be side docked if needed at the Poly and Grand. Its actually part of the assessment for new pilots.

Not anymore. Its been close if not over 2 years since this has been taught to new pilots.

Yeah was on one of the mid-size ferry boats back to the grand Floridian in December when the monorails weren't operating after EMH one night. It wasn't one of the larger ferryboats though.


Well-Known Member
Um, OK...two completely different things.

For the four or five of you giving me about this since yesterday, no one has still been able to say exactly what the problem is or who I am hurting by leaving my car there. I'm still waiting.
I for one stated over and over that I didn't care where you parked your car. What I do care about is coming on a discussion board of Disney fans and telling them that they should just go buy a muffin (or not) and park there then walk to the park. Telling them that it's no problem, you will not run into any negative result and Disney will just love you for it. You know, proud of your independent spirit and all. I even tried to give an example of what happens when Disney got lax on the rules and allowed unlimited time usage of FP, then it became public knowledge and all of a sudden everyone was doing it. Originally it was being done for people that had seemingly legitimate reasons for being late. Then all of a sudden what was once just a few people turned into thousands a day. And it was lost to everyone.

The bragging part of it is the biggest part of the problem. The pride you have shown in altering the rules to fit your desires and giving no consideration to the long term affects of your actions. With their new premium parking area there now is a real motivation for Disney to stop trying to make a few random lives easier and no one will be able to. They've done it before, you can bet they will do it again. I would even feel a little better about it, if at least you were to acknowledge that you are successfully beating the system, then to keep coming up with, at the very least, lame reasons why it's OK to do. It isn't, you're just getting away with it. Good for you. You're obviously not a fisherman because if you were you would know better then to tell everyone where the best fishing hole is because the next time you were to go to it, it would be too crowded to use.


Well-Known Member
It isn't free with your hotel room (which was my point.) Too many of the "free" hotel guest spots are filled with non-hotel guests all day and evening. So the hotel guests are either forced to carry/roll their luggage a long way (unless they have someone to stay with it in the lobby) or have to pay for valet parking.
I'm in 100% agreement with you in that the Resort parking is first and foremost for the Hotel Guests and should be priority for them…they paid for it. I'm a local and I have heard of various ways people have "abused/skirted" the rules to benefit themselves, especially when the Florida Passholders used to have to pay for parking. I'm totally against not following the rules for such reasons as that which you stated. Unfortunately, Disney often chooses NOT to enforce their own rules, which in turn allows those that feel they are entitled or above everybody else to abuse the system and cause a hardship to other guests. Can you imagine the lack of parking there would be if all of we locals had the same attitude?

It seems to me, Disney could easily resolve this problem in one of a few ways:

1. They could simply eliminate any available parking at the MK monorail loop Resorts and make any TiW member or any ADR go through the TTC/Monorail System to get to the Resort. This would free up a lot of parking and ensure guests are not skirting the system.


2. Since they have the MM+ system, why couldn't Disney link all memberships, reservations and such to that system. This way, when you arrive at the valet, they can scan your membership or MagicBand/Card which would start the clock. Then you would have a certain amount of time in which you would have to arrive at your dining destination in which they again, would scan your band or card to ensure you had the reservation. Upon leaving, when you pay your bill, then Disney could once again scan your band or card upon your departure from the restaurant in which you have a set amount of time, say 30 minutes, to get to your car and leave. In this scenario, there would be no time limit on dining but there would be to and from your car. If you choose not to leave the resort or head to MK, you would then be automatically charged something substantial, not the measly $35 ($20 + $15 premium) but more like $100.


3. Perhaps you pay a certain amount, like $30 or $40 and then get it validated at the restaurant and if you return and leave within that 3 hour limit, from the time you arrive at the parking until you leave, then you get refunded that amount, otherwise you get charged the $30 or $40 for that time plus a certain amount every hour (or fraction thereof) beyond the limit. It's very similar to the setup they have now for the TiW member Theme Park parking but price it higher to discourage the abuse at the resorts.

IMHO, this is very much the same with people abusing the Handicapped Parking requirements. There are so many times, not only at Disney, that you see people parking in Handicapped Parking spaces, sometimes along with their entire group and they hop out of their cars and run off, literally "run". The placard probably belongs to an elderly parent or grandparent that stayed home and they used the placard to provide themselves "premium parking".


Well-Known Member
not true at all. they just have changed policy. the ferries are no longer allowed to dock at the resorts for safety reasons so how can you teach something they cannot do?


Active Member
Have you ever seen the line for the monorail or ferry at the end of the night...backed up to the turnstiles? As a local who is at the parks at least once a week and has at the very least a 35 minute drive home from WDW, the last thing I want to do at the end of the night is wait in a line an hour long just to get on the monorail, then wait for the tram to get back to my car. I could be home in bed by that time. There's nothing magical about that.

And this is why I also park at the Contemporary whenever possible. The "magic" of riding the monorail and seeing Magic Kingdom from a distance is obliterated by the sardine-style packing they do in each monorail car. I love the smell of the BO when I'm squeezed in between two grown men who thought it was a good idea to where pants and long sleeves on a 90 degree day.

I am not a Tables in Wonderland member. So these "rules" of parking for the sole purpose of dining does not exist. Everyone is acting like there is something that I will get in trouble for when I make a reservation, park at the hotel, and walk to the park. I've abided by all the rules. You may consider it "cheating," but they can not penalize me for anything as I met all the requirements to fill that parking spot.

I think you all are just jealous you didn't think of this first...

The day I stop parking at the Contemporary will be the day I don't have to park a mile and a half away from the Magic Kingdom. You should hear guests reactions when you're riding the tram and the cast member tells them that over the speaker.


Grill Master
Premium Member
I think you all are just jealous you didn't think of this first...

The day I stop parking at the Contemporary will be the day I don't have to park a mile and a half away from the Magic Kingdom. You should hear guests reactions when you're riding the tram and the cast member tells them that over the speaker.
We aren't jealous of you, just saddened by your lack of moral compass, and entitled attitude.


Well-Known Member
And this is why I also park at the Contemporary whenever possible. The "magic" of riding the monorail and seeing Magic Kingdom from a distance is obliterated by the sardine-style packing they do in each monorail car. I love the smell of the BO when I'm squeezed in between two grown men who thought it was a good idea to where pants and long sleeves on a 90 degree day.

I am not a Tables in Wonderland member. So these "rules" of parking for the sole purpose of dining does not exist. Everyone is acting like there is something that I will get in trouble for when I make a reservation, park at the hotel, and walk to the park. I've abided by all the rules. You may consider it "cheating," but they can not penalize me for anything as I met all the requirements to fill that parking spot.

I think you all are just jealous you didn't think of this first...

The day I stop parking at the Contemporary will be the day I don't have to park a mile and a half away from the Magic Kingdom. You should hear guests reactions when you're riding the tram and the cast member tells them that over the speaker.
Believe me, you're no genius thinking that you were the first to think of this! We were parking at the Contemporary back in the early 90's, long before you were born, but when we did, we were there to dine at the Contemporary's awesome buffet that is now where Chef Mickey's is located. Keep in mind, at that time, there were no restrictions for parking there like they have now and the Parks were much, much slower back then. So slow, we would watch the nighttime parade while sitting in the rocking chairs in Frontierland with no one in front of us. Oh…those were the days! So we would spend an hour or so at the buffet then walk over to the MK. We didn't eat at the Contemporary just to be able to park closer either, we parked closer because we wanted to eat at the Contemporary. When we didn't eat there, we parked at the TTC like everybody else. Now with Bay Lake Tower there and the crowds being at an all time high, Contemporary Resort Guest Parking is more than likely going to be more difficult to find for those whom are paying the big bucks. So it is really about being considerate to others that are truly entitled to be there. "Jealousy" is not the word that I think of regarding what you are doing by parking there.


Well-Known Member
And this is why I also park at the Contemporary whenever possible. The "magic" of riding the monorail and seeing Magic Kingdom from a distance is obliterated by the sardine-style packing they do in each monorail car. I love the smell of the BO when I'm squeezed in between two grown men who thought it was a good idea to where pants and long sleeves on a 90 degree day.

I am not a Tables in Wonderland member. So these "rules" of parking for the sole purpose of dining does not exist. Everyone is acting like there is something that I will get in trouble for when I make a reservation, park at the hotel, and walk to the park. I've abided by all the rules. You may consider it "cheating," but they can not penalize me for anything as I met all the requirements to fill that parking spot.

I think you all are just jealous you didn't think of this first...

The day I stop parking at the Contemporary will be the day I don't have to park a mile and a half away from the Magic Kingdom. You should hear guests reactions when you're riding the tram and the cast member tells them that over the speaker.

You need to check your facts. You have 3 hours to leave your car in that lot. If you choose to park your car there and Disney decides to start checking times on cars in the lots then you're in for a surprise. My guess is that with this proposed idea for parking fees the bean counters at TDO are going to start enforcing this 3 hour window. Go ahead. Park at your own risk, but don't sit here and act like you're a genius who thought of some fantastic way to "beat the system" regardless if you assume it is by the rules. You're wrong, on both counts. MANY others have thought of this little secret of yours AND It IS against the rules. ;)


Well-Known Member
And this is why I also park at the Contemporary whenever possible. The "magic" of riding the monorail and seeing Magic Kingdom from a distance is obliterated by the sardine-style packing they do in each monorail car. I love the smell of the BO when I'm squeezed in between two grown men who thought it was a good idea to where pants and long sleeves on a 90 degree day.

I am not a Tables in Wonderland member. So these "rules" of parking for the sole purpose of dining does not exist. Everyone is acting like there is something that I will get in trouble for when I make a reservation, park at the hotel, and walk to the park. I've abided by all the rules. You may consider it "cheating," but they can not penalize me for anything as I met all the requirements to fill that parking spot.

I think you all are just jealous you didn't think of this first...

The day I stop parking at the Contemporary will be the day I don't have to park a mile and a half away from the Magic Kingdom. You should hear guests reactions when you're riding the tram and the cast member tells them that over the speaker.

In order to properly understand the argument you've laid out, I have to know if you're the type of person that doesn't take any crap?


Think for yourselfer
So how's the morality police doing today?

Still shoveling snow up there in NJ, xdan0920?

Grrrargh you got me again, bro! I was shoveling snow. Threw that white ish on my neighbors driveway though, fool didn't have a sign up specifically to tell me not to do it!

Wish I could be living the dream like you bro! Though, my dream wouldn't necessarily be living in Orlando going to Disney Parks twice a week.


Well-Known Member
I think by now, its pretty obvious that none of your points mean anything to him and he is going to continue to park at the contemporary as long as he wants or until WDW decides it is an issue ands stops him. Until then, can we just stop??? I'm sure that if you are posting on this forum right now, you are like me and just trying to get though your friday at work—not having this out in the parking lot of the Contemp. No ones vacation is being ruined and there are thousands of people right now enjoying their time inside the parks not giving 1 thought of a parking space.

I'm not says who is right or wrong, just that not a single thing posted here in the last 3-something pages will make either group change their mind. So in the words of some ice chick...let it go.

I can't believe we took a thread about a silly upcharge in which .1% of people will actually be affected by and turned it into a moral slap fight.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I'm more concerned about the people who make ADR's with no intention of actually showing up. They view the $10 "penalty" as a discounted parking rate. Meanwhile, someone who actually wants to eat at the restaurant can't get the reservation.

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