Possible name for new Nemo ride at Epcot


Park History nut
Premium Member
How ironic - moving forward into a new era and they return to the original 1978 name for the pavilion!


New Member
peter11435 said:
I was on the US patent and trademark office site today and came across an interesting new Disney trademark.

It says "The Seas with Nemo and Friends." I could be wrong but I think this must have something to do with the new Nemo attraction at the Living Seas. It was listed right below "Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage" which is obviously the new attraction at Disneyland.

Have a look for yourself.


You do realize that Disney has hundreds of patents out for rides/attractions that were never built don't you?

Just because there's a patent out there being held by Disney...really means nothing.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
TiggerRPh said:
You do realize that Disney has hundreds of patents out for rides/attractions that were never built don't you?

Just because there's a patent out there being held by Disney...really means nothing.
This is not a patent it is a trademark. You can't patent a name.

That said yes, I am well aware that Disney has in the past trademarked names of attractions (Time Racers) that have not been built, I never said this was for sure what the new attraction would be called. That is why I said "possible" new name. It was speculation on my part (after all this is the rumors board) based on tangible evidence.

This may have nothing to do with the new Nemo attraction. But the difference here is that we do know that Disney is building a new Nemo attraction at Epcot and now they have trademarked a name that could very well fit as its title.

It’s just like when the trademark for "Expedition Everest Legend of the Forbidden Mountain" was discovered. The fact that there were already rumors of a mountain (forbidden mountain) going into AK made the two seem connected. We were right in that case to assume that it was going to be the name of the new AK attraction. And we all know how that one turned out.

So since we know they are installing a new Nemo attraction at the Living Seas and have now trademarked a name that seems to fit, why shouldn’t we speculate that the two are connected?

And finally, why the hostility?


New Member
SirNim said:
This sure sounds like an entire pavilion re-name.

So, we've already got "The Land." So right next door, now, will be "The Seas." As much as I would like to cling to the original name, with its "vivacious" adjective (Living), it sort of makes sense to rename it. Of course, I do detest the subtitle "...with Nemo..." Thumbs down to that part, sets (or should I say "continues"?) a horrible precedent...

Yes, it continues a horrible precedent set by Walter E. Disney when he opened entire lands at Disneyland full of attractions based on his films and characters.
Adventureland (in the original Jungle Cruise, show scenes were based on scenes from the 'True Life Adventures' film series)
Frontierland contained multiple references to Davy Crockett as seen on the Disneyland TV show.
Fantasyland (Sleeping Beauty Castle, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Snow White's Adventures, Captain Hook's pirate ship, Peter Pan's Flight, etc)

Yes, some attractions were completely unrelated to pre-existing Disney stories, but we have that now also (Mission:Space, Soarin', Living with the Land, Expedition Everest, Kilimonjaro Safaris, Kali River Rapids, and so forth)

The use of pre-existing film characters as a basis for theme park attractions is not new, it is not a trend, and it is not something thought of unanimously as inherently evil. There should not be a concerted effort to stop it, and there really isn't... at least not in the real world (although perhaps it is a war that rages on in the minds of some who should probably get out from in front of their PC monitors for a little fresh air more frequently.)


Park History nut
Premium Member
I think the problem lies with the fact that it`s another nail in the coffin (or dumbed down direction) in some peoples opinions of Futureworld.


New Member
Why not use the characters from your shows and movies for your attractions? For the younger, newer generation of Disney fans, the ability to see the characters they know and see at home in movies and TV at the parks helps them relate to the parks and their rides. It brings a sense of excitement that they know something about the parks. Why do you think character meet-and-greets are so popular. It stands to reason that the same idea will work for the attractions.

I realize the arguement is that the Imagineers aren't being "inventive" enough by creating stand alone new attractions, but who cares. The attractions they are creating, as a whole, are still really good. And even though WDW is for all ages, it makes beter sense to cater to the kids and youth and what they know than to adults. It's the kids that will be coming back for the next 60 years, not the older adults.


New Member
marni1971 said:
I think the problem lies with the fact that it`s another nail in the coffin (or dumbed down direction) in some peoples opinions of Futureworld.

That's a pretty snobbish, uninformed, and intellectually dishonest opinion to have. If you've been to The Living Seas since the first Nemo stuff was added, you should be quite aware that the characters are used as a catalyst for learning, which harkens back to old-school Disney educational products like "Donald in Mathemagic Land", "Man in Space", and Jiminy Cricket's "I'm No Fool" segments on the Mickey Mouse Club (among many others).
Disney has a long-standing heritage of helping kids (and adults) to learn without realizing that they are learning. Using popular characters to do so has always been a part of that heritage.
This is a battle only in the minds of some. The teams responsible for creating these magical experiences are all focused on the same goals, still led by the basic principles set forth by Walt.


New Member
Corrus said:
A better name would be...

PIXAR INTRUSION RIDE... :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun
Hate to say it, but Pixar has kept Disney's animation flicks afloat the last few years. Let's not bit the hand that feeds us, and now imagineers for us.

By the way, why is it intrusion for Pixar characters but not for traditional Disney characters (ie Mickey's PhilharMagic, EVERY parade, the new Princess room at Downtown Disney, etc.)???


New Member
Incredibles said:
Hate to say it, but Pixar has kept Disney's animation flicks afloat the last few years. Let's not bit the hand that feeds us, and now imagineers for us.

By the way, why is it intrusion for Pixar characters but not for traditional Disney characters (ie Mickey's PhilharMagic, EVERY parade, the new Princess room at Downtown Disney, etc.)???
methinks Corrus is jesting ....but good points worthy of consideration!


New Member
I apologize if he is kidding around.

I just find it unusual though how people look at Pixar as the demon running around changing the parks. If nothing else, the parks are better for these special characters and attractions. Look at Turtle Talk and all the attraction it gets now. Everytime I've been to the Living Seas the last few years, it was kinda dead. If Nemo rejuvinates the pavilion, then good for him and his watery friends!

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