Polynesian Refurb


Well-Known Member
Well if I did not have my web site to have to keep up with the current conditions and events I would say that it got to a price that I would have stopped going a few years ago. I have some friends that get me discounts but even then it is in the $300 a night plus. I remember when Club level was that much. Now the same room in the Hawaii longhouse is $1045 a night before tax during the Holiday Season. When I first started my web site 13 years ago the King Kamehameha 2 level multiple room suite was that much. The tax per night alone is what a garden view room was a few years ago. I do understand the frustration of Disney raising prices and lowering quality. I still prefer staying there because of the location, theme and it feels familiar. If I stop going it will not change what Disney does. They were at 65% capacity a few weeks ago but at those prices I guess you don’t have to fill the resort.
It has become difficult to accept the cost to stay there the last few trips and I think that DVC will be our only option in the future. I have always been against DVC and felt it was not a good investment. Our property in Maui was much more than DVC will be but it is a good investment and it is owned property. We are considering selling it to pay for DVC and get rid of our property tax in Hawaii. If we did not have the money from that to pay for DVC I would never consider making payments to Disney for DVC. The dues to Disney will be much less than our $2400 a year taxes in Hawaii so we will be saving on that. I know people say they Own Disney when they purchase DVC but I realize I am just giving them my vacation money up front. I think it will be our only way that we will continue to be able to stay at the Polynesian in the future. I know many long time families that have been going to the Polynesian since the yearly years that have stopped going because of the cost. I don’t see anything getting Disney to stop increasing the cost every year and reducing the discounts.
This is why I was very excited to read your posts regarding DVC coming to the Poly. It will be the only way we will stay there again. If we find it hard to book the rooms at the 7 month mark, then we will probably buy a small contract and bank and borrow to stay every few years. By the way, love your website. It's another way to get my Poly fix without breaking the bank.


Well-Known Member
I attempted to locate this information and you may be correct on housekeeping. I did find where Disney outsourced bell, valet, and baggage jobs to BAGS in 2006. I believe this is the same company that handles baggage in relation to Magical Express. I must have been thinking that this change also affected housekeeping services. I'll be interested to hear about the info you find out regarding housekeeping.

WDW1974 is correct. The night public area cleaning crew is outsources but housekeeping and maintenance is Disney. I was going off some conversations I had with staff around 2002 when they were being let go by Disney and they told me maintenance was being outsources. Also when the Polynesian was having some housekeeping issues a manager who is no longer there told me an off site company was doing that. After talking to a manager there it was confirmed that what WDW1974 said was correct and that it is still Disney staff.


Well-Known Member
Great post as always Tikiman.

All of this makes me wonder...who the heck can afford to stay at the Poly anymore? I mean, who are these people? Are they all once-in-a-lifetime Disney vacationers where money is no object? I just find it hard to believe the occupancy rate is even 65% anymore. I don't mean I don't believe you Steve, I just wonder who the heck these people are? Are they all lottery winners? Gosh I really miss the Poly but as I said before we just can't afford to stay there anymore. As Spirit often says you can have a good time at WDW without staying onsite, and you can get much better accomodations for much less money.

I know for us we still pay those crazy rates and it’s not easy. We usually do it every other year since we can go to Maui and not pay for a place to stay. I came out by myself this year to see the test rooms, otherwise I would not have been in WDW this year. We save up and use discounts and even then it is very expensive. I agree that you can go to WDW and have fun staying offsite or at a resort that cost less. Unfortunately for me I often spend more time at the resort than the parks just because it is more relaxing than fighting the crowds.


Well-Known Member
I know for us we still pay those crazy rates and it’s not easy. We usually do it every other year since we can go to Maui and not pay for a place to stay. I came out by myself this year to see the test rooms, otherwise I would not have been in WDW this year. We save up and use discounts and even then it is very expensive. I agree that you can go to WDW and have fun staying offsite or at a resort that cost less. Unfortunately for me I often spend more time at the resort than the parks just because it is more relaxing than fighting the crowds.

We also love spending time at the resorts, especially the Polynesian. That is why it is so frustrating that we can no longer afford to stay there. At least we can visit. Maybe someday they will charge for that too.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have to ask you this, how are you getting sub-$100 prices at Priceline for ANY of those hotels? The cheapest that Marriott World Center it's showing me is $159 per night and i've no earthly idea what you're doing to get it any lower. Dolphin is showing $160 as their cheapest on Priceline apparently. In fact, nowhere in Orlando or any surrounding areas am I finding ANY hotels higher than 2.5 stars that are $50 or less. Gaylord Palms is $160 per night. Hyatt Grand Cypress is the cheapest I've found at $111 but still well above $100. How on earth are you getting such low prices using Priceline?

First, I'd point out that those prices are all below what WDW charges for its moderate resorts to begin with, so those prices are values.

But to answer the question, I use Priceline.com's 'Name Your Own Price' bidding service. You can get (and I almost always do and have used it all over the globe ... only two places would I note advise using it and those are NYC and Las Vegas). There are two great sites out there that are all about PL bidding. I can't see why they would have an issue with me placing them here, so they are: biddingfortravel.com and betterbidding.com.


Well-Known Member
Well if I did not have my web site to have to keep up with the current conditions and events I would say that it got to a price that I would have stopped going a few years ago. I have some friends that get me discounts but even then it is in the $300 a night plus. I remember when Club level was that much. Now the same room in the Hawaii longhouse is $1045 a night before tax during the Holiday Season. When I first started my web site 13 years ago the King Kamehameha 2 level multiple room suite was that much. The tax per night alone is what a garden view room was a few years ago. I do understand the frustration of Disney raising prices and lowering quality. I still prefer staying there because of the location, theme and it feels familiar. If I stop going it will not change what Disney does. They were at 65% capacity a few weeks ago but at those prices I guess you don’t have to fill the resort.
It has become difficult to accept the cost to stay there the last few trips and I think that DVC will be our only option in the future. I have always been against DVC and felt it was not a good investment. Our property in Maui was much more than DVC will be but it is a good investment and it is owned property. We are considering selling it to pay for DVC and get rid of our property tax in Hawaii. If we did not have the money from that to pay for DVC I would never consider making payments to Disney for DVC. The dues to Disney will be much less than our $2400 a year taxes in Hawaii so we will be saving on that. I know people say they Own Disney when they purchase DVC but I realize I am just giving them my vacation money up front. I think it will be our only way that we will continue to be able to stay at the Polynesian in the future. I know many long time families that have been going to the Polynesian since the yearly years that have stopped going because of the cost. I don’t see anything getting Disney to stop increasing the cost every year and reducing the discounts.

If I had a place in Hawaii, I sure as heck wouldn't be wasting one dime of my money at Disney's version in the Florida swamps. ... But that's just me. I haven't stayed there in a decade now and unless someone wants to give me a room for free (oh, yeah, I'm not a social media !) it is unlikely I'll stay again.

Now, I would stay at Aulani with the current 70% off CM discount if I could get a friend to go!

But if I just has to stay at a Poly-themed hotel in O-Town, it would be Loew's Royal Pacific.


Well-Known Member
I attempted to locate this information and you may be correct on housekeeping. I did find where Disney outsourced bell, valet, and baggage jobs to BAGS in 2006. I believe this is the same company that handles baggage in relation to Magical Express. I must have been thinking that this change also affected housekeeping services. I'll be interested to hear about the info you find out regarding housekeeping.

Indeed, I was correct.

Housekeeping has not been outsourced by Disney, which I'm told employs more housekeepers than anyone else in O-Town, which I could see being true but have no way of confirming it.


Well-Known Member
Great post as always Tikiman.

All of this makes me wonder...who the heck can afford to stay at the Poly anymore? I mean, who are these people? Are they all once-in-a-lifetime Disney vacationers where money is no object? I just find it hard to believe the occupancy rate is even 65% anymore. I don't mean I don't believe you Steve, I just wonder who the heck these people are? Are they all lottery winners? Gosh I really miss the Poly but as I said before we just can't afford to stay there anymore. As Spirit often says you can have a good time at WDW without staying onsite, and you can get much better accomodations for much less money.

I'd guess many aren't from the USA. If you're from the UK or anywhere in the EU or Brazil, maybe it's affordable. As to Americans, my take is some are not wealthy but save for years and Disney is also taking advantage of the post 9/11 buildup of the military industrial complex. I see folks at these deluxe resorts who 15 years ago would have been staying at a Days Inn 20 miles away on the OBT. They didn't all hit the lottery, but Daddy may have gone from $9 an hour at Walmart to $300K a year working for Blackwater (or whatever they call themselves) or any of our private armies that have become in since we were attacked.


Well-Known Member
But if I just has to stay at a Poly-themed hotel in O-Town, it would be Loew's Royal Pacific.

Indeed. It's superior to the Poly in just about every way, and for a fraction of the price most of the time (especially if you have or can drag someone in even briefly who can produce FL identification). Then again, I think any of the three hotels at Universal are better than any hotel at WDW in every way.

(Disclaimer: I've stayed at many of the Disney hotels and multiple WDW hotels in every category... but I haven't stayed at all of them... so, my absolute statement is less than absolute.)


Well-Known Member
If I had a place in Hawaii, I sure as heck wouldn't be wasting one dime of my money at Disney's version in the Florida swamps. ... But that's just me. I haven't stayed there in a decade now and unless someone wants to give me a room for free (oh, yeah, I'm not a social media !) it is unlikely I'll stay again.

Now, I would stay at Aulani with the current 70% off CM discount if I could get a friend to go!

But if I just has to stay at a Poly-themed hotel in O-Town, it would be Loew's Royal Pacific.

70% off...I'll go to Aulani with you ;)


Well-Known Member
Tikiman. When do you anticipate updating your site with info from your trip? Looking forward to your post, as always.

I have it all written up, just had to add the photos. I almost finished last night but unfortunately life gets in the way (soccer coach/ ref for the kids, new baby in the house, wife’s birthday, etc. J ). Im sure many of you know how that is. I’m hoping to have it done this week. Sorry it has taken so long but family will always come first.


Well-Known Member
I know, you are right. We paid $350 a night (standard room) plus we had free dinning. Even with that, and the convenience of the monorail, I feel it was not worth the $$ IMO.
After almost 20 years of wanting to stay at the POLY, I was a bit disappointed. I guess I hyped it up too much, but there wasn't anything real "special" to say about it except for the REAL leis we got for our honeymoon. To me, the POLY needs love like oh so much @ WDW.:( I love WDW, but the convenience of the monorail resorts is just something we can't afford anymore.:( We like to go each year, but we can't now. My husband will not go back to value/moderate! LOL. So... we're saving $$$ for the Beach Club in 2014 Christmas ( yes- I know $$$) and hopefully the Mine Train will be up and running!:)


Well-Known Member
After almost 20 years of wanting to stay at the POLY, I was a bit disappointed. I guess I hyped it up too much, but there wasn't anything real "special" to say about it except for the REAL leis we got for our honeymoon. To me, the POLY needs love like oh so much @ WDW.:( I love WDW, but the convenience of the monorail resorts is just something we can't afford anymore.:( We like to go each year, but we can't now. My husband will not go back to value/moderate! LOL. So... we're saving $$$ for the Beach Club in 2014 Christmas ( yes- I know $$$) and hopefully the Mine Train will be up and running!:)

I feel the same way. I think I hyped it up too much also. I was very let down :(


Active Member
The first time I went Itook some advice from the DIS. Go expecting minimal and everything else is bonus. I have gone 4times in the past few years and I have truly made beautiful memories at the Poly with my family.

Tikiman, thank you for your reply. I look forward to reading your report. I am glad that you take the time and spend it with your kids and wife, lol. I am a teacher and appreciate that family time. You are just so good at what you do, that so many appreciate you outside of your inner circle. :)


Well-Known Member
The first time I went Itook some advice from the DIS. Go expecting minimal and everything else is bonus. I have gone 4times in the past few years and I have truly made beautiful memories at the Poly with my family.

Wow, how sad is that: Go there expecting a run down old Super 8 (again, at $450+ a night) and you'll be pleasantly surprised!!

Is this what WDW has come to?


Well-Known Member
Wow, how sad is that: Go there expecting a run down old Super 8 (again, at $450+ a night) and you'll be pleasantly surprised!!

Is this what WDW has come to?
God I hope not!:( It's a darn shame. I never thought I'd notice all of the details and the truly cost-cutting things that Disney is doing. Unfortunately the price only goes higher, but the quality gets worse.:( That's in EVERYTHING these days not just Disney!:( Don't get me wrong, we truly enjoyed the POLY and made some wonderful memories, but Contemporary got BLT, GF is getting a DVC, so now I guess Poly is next. I hope this is a good thing for the POLY.;)


Active Member
I knew I was paying for location. I also got 40% off. I went being thankful for that and looked at all the beauty it offered as magical. My three kids do not want to stay anywhere else. I am hoping we can stay a couple of nights next June, but it is starting to out price me. If I can't, my kids said they do not want to eat there because it will be too hard to have to leave. They are 15, 12, and 10. We have been lucky to experience wonderful stays.


Well-Known Member
Well I just booked the POLY for 7days/6nites on standard room with the DDP:) ..so you can imagine what I am paying for the week of Thankgiving:eek: ... I debated long and hard for about 2 weeks between the POLY, BWI, and WL :confused: and I have a feeling I would prefer the BWI and I really think I want to try the WL especially around the Christmas season but for whatever reason I put the grandkids up to the computer and we clicked thru the pics of the 3 resorts, and neither were interested in WL but my granddaughter did vote initially for BWI but in the end they both said POLY... so I hope I love it as much as I loved the BC.. hope there will be nice Christmas decorations at the POLY but regardless plan on spending alot of time Friday after Thanksgiving visiting GF, BWI, and WL looking at their lobbies and decor. :)

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