Planning excel sheet


Active Member
I am sure this has been asked plenty of times, but is there any chance somebody could send me their planning excel sheet?

pretty sure if I make my own I will just spend the next few weeks amending the sheet and not actually planning anything - also will more than likely forget something :(

if somebody could email theirs that would be much appreciated.

thanks :wave:


NO!!! I'll one-up you on that - I print it 5x7 size, laminate it and glue it to the outside of a 5x7 manilla envelope - where I store all of my important trip info (DME vouchers, Dinner show tix, etc.)

I'm beginning to realize joining this website may be contributing to my Disney-psychosis (the more you surround yourself with people as crazy as you are the more normal it appears!!:D)

I make a credit card size chart of all our ADRs for the week, laminate it, and keep it in my wallet with my Key to the World. Now that's , haha!
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OK - so I have a spreadsheet started with a page for mine & GenerationX's. I also included a page with Xethis's photoshop version - for viewing purposes. Wannabebelle is sending hers later - so - I believe I am missing spreadsheets from the following members:


Please send to Once I get them all in one workbook I will email to anyone who was posting on this thread - then we can spend the next few days compiling the mega-optimum-awesomest spreadsheet EVER!

I would really like to see the spreadsheets. I've been using Google Docs and it's not the best. Would really love to get copies. Please add me to the email list.

Thanks in advance.
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Well-Known Member
I don't use excel for my planning sheets. I use a leather Mickey embossed journal. This is the third trip we have used it for and it makes me so happy to see all of our old plans, and how they turned out. I hate opening the computer while at Disney so if things change the journal is perfect for noting the changes! :animwink:

Edited to add: With that said I would love to see everyone's excel spreadsheets once they are compiled to see if I miss anyting in my journal. I doubt it since I include our reservation times and numbers, the hours of the park we will be in that day, if it has EMH, what rides are open during EMH for that park, the quick service locations in the parks and what they serve (since once hubby is hungry he is super picky and I am not running from Casey's to Ray's to Columbia to Pinnochio's to Lunching pad just to find something that sounds good to him!), the numbers for the people watching the house/animals, email addresses of friends or family who might appreciate the things you can email from EPCOT, running total of expenses, place to rate the restaurants we have eaten at, running list of rides we have accomplished X number of times, etc.
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Well-Known Member
I have a draft email saved with everyone (I hope!) that expressed interest in seeing all the spreadsheets in one file. Once I have them all I will email it to the group (probably sometime tomorrow). BTW we're all NUTS! :D
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Well-Known Member
Hi All, I have sent my spreadsheet to everyone who listed their e mail address on the thread or PM'ed me. One person didnt list an e mail so I couldnt include you. If you didnt get the copy of the sheet, please let me know and Ill re-send!!! Marie
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Well-Known Member
A big "blanket" covering to thank everyone that was kind enough to send me their versions of spreadsheets.

I've gotten some great responses and appreciate everyone so THANKS! :wave:
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