PI Rumors - New Restaurants


Well-Known Member
A dinner show at DTD would be perfect. The Hoop-De-Doo is always popular, but it is so out of the way and kind of confusing to get to. Think how popular a show would be that was simply at PI, where resort/Park busses can travel to directly.

I agree with this. But I wonder if Disney thinks that by moving into DTD it would lose some of it's uniqueness. I'm sure it wouldn't be an easy decision. But it does seem to be an opportunity to make the show bigger and better.

I wonder if Cirque has a contract that no other large stage shows are allowed at DTD. That may also be a deterrent. To me that would be narrow thinking though. DTD could support two stage shows. Maybe better than one.


New Member
Basically I'd like to see a large collection of quality "ethnic" restaurants and QS counters on the former PI that offer menu items in smaller well themed venues and which are not featured in World Showcase. I think a lot of Raglin Road type eateries featuring different cuisine would work. Add live music from the area portrayed and I think it could be very nice. Also, a boutique style bowling alley, a Marvel based store/attraction, a Disney based themed restaurant (Tiana's?), a dinner show on the scale of Hoop-Dee-Doo, and an ESPNZone would work nicely.

So your great answer is to add a few more stores and restaurants, how will that change anything?


New Member
No more lame PI for starters.

PI wan't the problem it's location and acsess was. But adding a few restaurants will not draw anymore people.

Anything short of a full blown out attraction or a broadway scale show will not draw people tom DTD in FLorida. Your idea might work in DL but that is because people treat thier DTD as a shopping mall and nothing more.


Well-Known Member
PI wan't the problem it's location and acsess was. But adding a few restaurants will not draw anymore people.

Anything short of a full blown out attraction or a broadway scale show will not draw people tom DTD in FLorida. Your idea might work in DL but that is because people treat thier DTD as a shopping mall and nothing more.

I don't agree. Disney can create an atmosphere that draws people even where most of the facilities are third party. Just look at the success of the Marketplace! That is an attraction in and of itself. If I could translate my vision for PI into words you would change your mind. Here is the best I can do.

Think of the density of DL's Toontown. Then instead of cartoony buildings create small intimate restaurants and shops. Each unique and with their own offerings. Kind of like WS condensed down into the size of PI. Many with access to the waterfront with outdoor seating. That is the kind of atmosphere that draws people in and as I said is an attraction itself. Add lighting and music and streetmosphere (not my favorite word :lol:) and the possibility of a nightime show over the lake, and PI will be a forgotten memory. IMO.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I. Just look at the success of the Marketplace! That is an attraction in and of itself. .

Its somewhere to go when your killing time till your flight, nothing more, it sells the same generic over priced third world sweat shop produced tat that is available propert wide. What is unique about that?


Well-Known Member
Its somewhere to go when your killing time till your flight, nothing more, it sells the same generic over priced third world sweat shop produced tat that is available propert wide. What is unique about that?

I agree in a sense. The Marketplace is very successful numbers wise. Now imagine if they put an emphasis on unique offerings that are not necessarily commonplace as I suggested above. Then that sucess is multiplied many times. I think reservations would become a must at most of the eateries. Just like World Showcase. Basically it's the WS concept on a much more intimate scale.

Gotta go!


New Member
I don't agree. Disney can create an atmosphere that draws people even where most of the facilities are third party. Just look at the success of the Marketplace! That is an attraction in and of itself. If I could translate my vision for PI into words you would change your mind. Here is the best I can do.

Think of the density of DL's Toontown. Then instead of cartoony buildings create small intimate restaurants and shops. Each unique and with their own offerings. Kind of like WS condensed down into the size of PI. Many with access to the waterfront with outdoor seating. That is the kind of atmosphere that draws people in and as I said is an attraction itself. Add lighting and music and streetmosphere (not my favorite word :lol:) and the possibility of a nightime show over the lake, and PI will be a forgotten memory. IMO.

Everytime I go to DTD the entire place is dead so I disagree. We have this already its called The World Show Case.

Its somewhere to go when your killing time till your flight, nothing more, it sells the same generic over priced third world sweat shop produced tat that is available propert wide. What is unique about that?


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I agree in a sense. The Marketplace is very successful numbers wise. Now imagine if they put an emphasis on unique offerings that are not necessarily commonplace as I suggested above. Then that sucess is multiplied many times. I think reservations would become a must at most of the eateries. Just like World Showcase. Basically it's the WS concept on a much more intimate scale.

Gotta go!

Thats the point though isnt it, recent activity in this area would indicate that such concepts are unlikely for this location.

Great idea, just cant see it happening.


New Member
DTD is going to become a revolving door for business who think they can make it and find out they can't and move on. They will come and go but without something big to create a draw it won't work. PI was the heart beat of DTD and drew people in, sure the Ice bar sounds cool but you go once and the thrill is over. People like a party atmosphere and its gone now. They will have to do something big to draw poeple, resteraunts will not do it.


Well-Known Member
No more lame PI for starters.

Just because you didn't find PI enjoyable, doesn't mean other people found PI to be a fantastic place to spend their nights and weekends. But I can see your point, if they built a 3rd party restaurant on top of MILF I'd call it a "bold new vision" too.


New Member
PLEASE NO OCC!!!! I had to spend 12 yrs of my life in school with those gorillas...I can't drive around town with out seeing OCC retail store and facilities...they are on my tv...and now they might be invading my favorite vacation spot... NNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!

Now that I got that off my chest... I don't have a problem with these proposed restaurants. The BBQ...I like BBQ (just no OCC tied to it). I think another motorcycle reference, like Harley Davidson, would be a better fit. Put it in Manequins, right next to the shop and it would be perfect.

I like the hot dog idea...but wasn't there a hot dog place there before the Paridiso 37? Not an out of the box idea...but it's a hot dog, who cares?

The Ice Bar is intriguing...although I don't think I would pay extra to sit on a block of ice. But if they are going to have another area for drinks...great! My husband and I used to go out one night on our vacation and hit the clubs...but the last time we were there the novelty has worn off. There were a lot of people (I'd say early twenties) there and it just wasn't our thing anymore. Having a few places to have a drink or two and an appetizer, sounds good to me.

I'm surprised at the intense feelings about PI. It's a shopping and entertainment complex for pete's sake. I say bring in the third parties and let Disney spend their money on the parks...not a highly themed restaurant in a shopping mall. Don't get me wrong...I love DTD...usually go a couple of times on my trip...but I'd rather see Disney put their money where I spend $75 a day to get in.


New Member
Here are my suggestions:

Bring in the BBQ place- Don't theme it to OCC. Maybe Disney could work with a third party and call it Wild Hogs, in reference to the Disney movie. Put it in Manequins next to the Harley store- theme and consistency.

Turn the RRBC into the ESPN Zone- I love that place! Beer, wings and my favorite team...a winner!

The Hall of Fame Hot Dog Place- would be cool if it was like a Subway and you picked your own toppings.

I'd love to see the Peanut Butter Company or PB Loco open a shop there. What's more family friendly than a good old fashioned PB & J?

The Ice Bar is a cool concept.

I wouldn't be opposed to the restaurant Fire and Ice coming in...it's a fun and unique twist on the buffet concept and pretty tasty I might add.

I'd like to see the AC expanded into the BET Sound Stage and a dinner show created. Stretching on the concept of an open house...I would theme the story to a induction banquet for new members and all heck (and comedy) breaks loose.

For those who want a dance club...I would expand the Comedy Club into the open area in front and combine it with 8 Trax. Then, I would create a dance club with music from all genre's and era's that everyone would enjoy. Themed nights could also be a possibilty. I would also create a "teen dance club" in the lower level, for teens to have fun. A wall of one way mirrors can give some parents a chance to look down on their teens without being intrusive.

I've always thought the idea of having a theater in the DTD area would be great for Disney to put on traveling preformances of their shows, try out new show, host awards ceremonies, etc...

I think that removing Motions and creating a plaza area with benches fountains, landscaping and maybe a gazebo for small preformances would really help with the traffic flow and open PI up to the water views...which PI has the least of.

Well those are my ideas! Thanks for reading!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Here are my suggestions:

Bring in the BBQ place- Don't theme it to OCC. Maybe Disney could work with a third party and call it Wild Hogs, in reference to the Disney movie. Put it in Manequins next to the Harley store- theme and consistency.

Turn the RRBC into the ESPN Zone- I love that place! Beer, wings and my favorite team...a winner!

The Hall of Fame Hot Dog Place- would be cool if it was like a Subway and you picked your own toppings.

I'd love to see the Peanut Butter Company or PB Loco open a shop there. What's more family friendly than a good old fashioned PB & J?

The Ice Bar is a cool concept.

I wouldn't be opposed to the restaurant Fire and Ice coming in...it's a fun and unique twist on the buffet concept and pretty tasty I might add.

I'd like to see the AC expanded into the BET Sound Stage and a dinner show created. Stretching on the concept of an open house...I would theme the story to a induction banquet for new members and all heck (and comedy) breaks loose.

For those who want a dance club...I would expand the Comedy Club into the open area in front and combine it with 8 Trax. Then, I would create a dance club with music from all genre's and era's that everyone would enjoy. Themed nights could also be a possibilty. I would also create a "teen dance club" in the lower level, for teens to have fun. A wall of one way mirrors can give some parents a chance to look down on their teens without being intrusive.

I've always thought the idea of having a theater in the DTD area would be great for Disney to put on traveling preformances of their shows, try out new show, host awards ceremonies, etc...

I think that removing Motions and creating a plaza area with benches fountains, landscaping and maybe a gazebo for small preformances would really help with the traffic flow and open PI up to the water views...which PI has the least of.

Well those are my ideas! Thanks for reading!:wave:

Not bad at all.


Active Member

Everytime I go to DTD the entire place is dead so I disagree. We have this already its called The World Show Case.

Really? Everytime I go, it's always packed! It's crazy. And to note- DtD was busier than Ecpot WS (or so it seemed) the days I went in August. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
JT, what did you think about my ideas?

Sorry, I thought they were great. I think we are on the right track here generally. But maybe Disney will suprise us like they did with the MK expansion. There seems to be a lot going on behind the scenes right now.


Sorry, I thought they were great. I think we are on the right track here generally. But maybe Disney will suprise us like they did with the MK expansion. There seems to be a lot going on behind the scenes right now.

I agree that there's a lot going on behind the scenes, and most of it good.(Did you see my glowing post about the McPhee promotion?;))

Unfortunately I think PI's course is set. They're going for 3rd parties, and personally that doesn't sit well with me.


Well-Known Member
I agree that there's a lot going on behind the scenes, and most of it good.(Did you see my glowing post about the McPhee promotion?;))

Unfortunately I think PI's course is set. They're going for 3rd parties, and personally that doesn't sit well with me.

I think everybody understands that. My take is that third parties are, or can be a net positive. There is such a thing as spreading resources and talent too thin. And the "law of diminishing returns" kicks in and even large sums of money can't improve things. In fact it can then make things worse. Sometimes the solutions are not so obvious.


There is such a thing as spreading resources and talent too thin.

Oh I realize. But then the company should have kept the clubs open and settled with a small profit until they were ready to face the "problem" head on rather than bailing early.

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