PI Rumors - New Restaurants


Active Member
The views on PI seem to fall into whether or not you want Disney spending their imagineering resources on it like the parks; OR just letting it be a shopping/dining venue that has interesting stuff to hang at when you're needing a break from parks. It wouldn't be bad at all the second way, much like the marketplace currently. But not quite on par with our Disney standards for the parks. I guess I can live with it either way. It's just very hard to step back from the possibilities of greatness when it comes to Disney. Especially when it felt for a little while like it was going the other way, towards more Disney greatness. Where does all of this leave Disney Quest? No one has mentioned it in their plans, but have brought up ESPN zone a lot. I love DQ, but hate to see it in its current form. Needs to go one way or the other, too, don't you think?


Well-Known Member
Oh I realize. But then the company should have kept the clubs open and settled with a small profit until they were ready to face the "problem" head on rather than bailing early.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda. It's all water under the bridge now. And who knows, maybe that helped push some of the positive changes we are seeing now.

Now there is some irony mixed with optimism for you.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I think PI's course is set. They're going for 3rd parties, and personally that doesn't sit well with me.
Third parties can work so long as DIsney is willing to reach out of the comfort zone, which I do not see. Backfire BBQ does not sound all that different from Rainforest Cafe or T-REX. It seems though that the effects of saturation are diluted as tourists do not visit as regularly and many use the area as a place to go on travel days.

I think it would be very bold of Disney if they opened up some of the spaces throughout Downtown Disney to local entrepreneurs. A true eclectic mix could best be made by not trying to control it all to be generic American food with some different themed decor on the walls to make it "different".


Well-Known Member
The Marketplace is packed because the Disney World resort is packed with tourists who are stuck on property. And once the parks start closing, there isn't much else for them to do. They all descend on the place at the same time because Disney doesn't really offer anything else.

You can say what you will about Pleasure Island. I wasn't a fan. Never stepped foot in the clubs. But there's no doubt the Adventure's Club was a uniquely Disney experience. There are people who still feel the loss.

For Disney to close something as unique as the Adventure's Club and replace it with something as common as these third party offerings is just sad. Disney can do better. They claimed they had a "bold and new" vision for DTD. But there is nothing bold or new about these offerings. Even the proposed ice bar isn't unique.

The argument that Disney is allocating its resources to the parks instead of DTD is misdirection. They should have enough resources to maintain all of their property up to Disney standards. If they don't have the resources to manage DTD and the parks, that's just sad. This argument only serves to paint Disney in a different kind of bad light.

Realistically, Disney wanted out of the night club business. And I get that. It was never a great fit with the company image. They let PI fail. Maybe even nudged it along. Then they threw the baby out with the bathwater in order to lease out their property to anyone who can pay the rent.

The third party offerings may be good. They may be bad. They won't be Disney.

There's no vision; bold or new. There's just a plan to sit back and collect the rent.


Well-Known Member
The Marketplace is packed because the Disney World resort is packed with tourists who are stuck on property. And once the parks start closing, there isn't much else for them to do. They all descend on the place at the same time because Disney doesn't really offer anything else.

You can say what you will about Pleasure Island. I wasn't a fan. Never stepped foot in the clubs. But there's no doubt the Adventure's Club was a uniquely Disney experience. There are people who still feel the loss.

For Disney to close something as unique as the Adventure's Club and replace it with something as common as these third party offerings is just sad. Disney can do better. They claimed they had a "bold and new" vision for DTD. But there is nothing bold or new about these offerings. Even the proposed ice bar isn't unique.

The argument that Disney is allocating its resources to the parks instead of DTD is misdirection. They should have enough resources to maintain all of their property up to Disney standards. If they don't have the resources to manage DTD and the parks, that's just sad. This argument only serves to paint Disney in a different kind of bad light.

Realistically, Disney wanted out of the night club business. And I get that. It was never a great fit with the company image. They let PI fail. Maybe even nudged it along. Then they threw the baby out with the bathwater in order to lease out their property to anyone who can pay the rent.

The third party offerings may be good. They may be bad. They won't be Disney.

There's no vision; bold or new. There's just a plan to sit back and collect the rent.

It was meant to be third party from the beginning of LBV. PI was a departure from that and was folly. They have been dealing with trying to fix the problem ever since. And whatever meager profits PI might have generated have been lost in the mess of guest confusion and bad publicity. By the way, who exactly is "sitting back and collecting rent"? What a silly comment. :lol:


Well-Known Member
It was meant to be third party from the beginning of LBV. PI was a departure from that and was folly. They have been dealing with trying to fix the problem ever since. And whatever meager profits PI might have generated have been lost in the mess of guest confusion and bad publicity. By the way, who exactly is "sitting back and collecting rent"? What a silly comment. :lol:

Silly how? :lol:

You have a unique perspective on this, jt. I'll give you that.


Well-Known Member
Silly how? :lol:

You have a unique perspective on this, jt. I'll give you that.

Disney is publicly owned. It's not like there is some fat robber baron collecting checks and depositing them in his personal account. Yet that is how many people want to portray Disney (and most every other corporation these days.

Whenever in my life I see faddish "group think" my alarm bells go off. Especially when it is not based in reality. People tend to be unquestioning sheep because that is easy.

The people who profit from owning Disney stock are often standing right next to you in the parks enjoying the place as much as anyone. If they did not take the chance and invest the place wouldn't exist for long. That is my only point. Corporate bashing is so yesterday. :snore:

Gotta go, now where is my Ipod? :D


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Disney is publicly owned. It's not like there is some fat robber baron collecting checks and depositing them in his personal account. Yet that is how many people want to portray Disney (and most every other corporation these days.

Whenever in my life I see faddish "group think" my alarm bells go off. Especially when it is not based in reality. People tend to be unquestioning sheep because that is easy.

The people who profit from owning Disney stock are often standing right next to you in the parks enjoying the place as much as anyone. If they did not take the chance and invest the place wouldn't exist for long. That is my only point. Corporate bashing is so yesterday. :snore:

Gotta go, now where is my Ipod? :D

And this has what to do with the potential new restaurants at PI? Really?


Well-Known Member
Disney is publicly owned. It's not like there is some fat robber baron collecting checks and depositing them in his personal account. Yet that is how many people want to portray Disney (and most every other corporation these days.

Whenever in my life I see faddish "group think" my alarm bells go off. Especially when it is not based in reality. People tend to be unquestioning sheep because that is easy.

The people who profit from owning Disney stock are often standing right next to you in the parks enjoying the place as much as anyone. If they did not take the chance and invest the place wouldn't exist for long. That is my only point. Corporate bashing is so yesterday. :snore:

Gotta go, now where is my Ipod? :D

That's all well and good. But it has nothing to do with anything I said. It's smoke and mirrors.

Disney could have replaced PI with something unique. Something filled with Disney magic. When they said they had a bold, new vision for PI, the implication was that they would do more than just rent out the space.

Instead, they are renting out the space like any other strip mall in America. Yes, it will be higher class than most strip malls. And there are some Disney touches here and there. But even if these third party offerings are good, the new PI won't be Disney. And it certainly won't be the product of a bold, new vision. (At least, not if these rumors are any indication of things to come.)

Rather than make an effort to create something different and unique, Disney is just going to collect rent checks. They have decided to be landlords rather than invest in their own property. Getting on a soap box about "group think" doesn't change that.


Realistically, Disney wanted out of the night club business. And I get that. It was never a great fit with the company image. They let PI fail.

I agree. And it's a shame because they were good at it! Whenever I had to play tour guide with out of town friends, I always made sure we ended the day with Wishes at the MK followed by PI.

After a great fireworks spectacle in front of the iconic castle, they suddenly found themselves dancing on a rotating dance floor, staring at the disco ball girls and getting cooled down by columns of smoke.

They'd pretty much always say "wow" and "leave it up to Disney to come up with amazing clubs.

To quote a friend of mine after a night just like that after I asked her what she thought of Disney World: "I had an amazing time, dare I say magical."

Adults need something to do after 9 PM. Give them an experience that they can't find in their own city. There are nightclubs most anywhere, sure, but most people don't have something like the Adventurers Club and Mannequin's down the street.

I miss PI with all of my heart. I have amazing memories of the times spent there with my friends and my now other half.

Mouse Detective

Well-Known Member
Realistically, Disney wanted out of the night club business. And I get that. It was never a great fit with the company image. They let PI fail. Maybe even nudged it along.

Disney has never explained why they wanted out of the night club business. As constructed, it was one hell of a collection of clubs all in one place. We've been told it was profitible. Sure they let it fail but it was in business for 18+ years! A business doesn't last that long if it wasn't profitible!


Well-Known Member
That's all well and good. But it has nothing to do with anything I said. It's smoke and mirrors.

Disney could have replaced PI with something unique. Something filled with Disney magic. When they said they had a bold, new vision for PI, the implication was that they would do more than just rent out the space.

Instead, they are renting out the space like any other strip mall in America. Yes, it will be higher class than most strip malls. And there are some Disney touches here and there. But even if these third party offerings are good, the new PI won't be Disney. And it certainly won't be the product of a bold, new vision. (At least, not if these rumors are any indication of things to come.)

Rather than make an effort to create something different and unique, Disney is just going to collect rent checks. They have decided to be landlords rather than invest in their own property. Getting on a soap box about "group think" doesn't change that.

So what are your ideas for how the "Island" could be made "different and unique" or even "bold and new"? :veryconfu


New Member
So what are your ideas for how the "Island" could be made "different and unique" or even "bold and new"? :veryconfu

So is this your way of trying to shut down anyone who isn't happy with whats going on, to say "Whats your ideas for what should go on the Island"?

I don't have any Idea for what should go on the Island, what was there was above and beyond anything that has been proposed. What we are angry about is that fact the people who have the Ideas(Disney) and who get paid to come up with these fantastic ideas are sitting on the sideline and having second rate themed resteraunts go in.

We don't need to step up with ideas, or maybe we should seeing as a dress exibit and little girls socks are all the seem to be coming up with. Those are some Bold, trend setting ideas. Wow....


Well-Known Member
So is this your way of trying to shut down anyone who isn't happy with whats going on, to say "Whats your ideas for what should go on the Island"?

I don't have any Idea for what should go on the Island, what was there was above and beyond anything that has been proposed. What we are angry about is that fact the people who have the Ideas(Disney) and who get paid to come up with these fantastic ideas are sitting on the sideline and having second rate themed resteraunts go in.

We don't need to step up with ideas, or maybe we should seeing as a dress exibit and little girls socks are all the seem to be coming up with. Those are some Bold, trend setting ideas. Wow....

I'm not trying to shut down anyone. I have said that Disney was smart to move away from clubs and I have provided detailed reasons several times for thinking that. See, the critics of closing PI will never ever find anything positive to say about anything Disney does short of reopening the clubs. Since that is not happening it is nice to hear people's ideas of what they would do instead. Nobody is required to participate. So if you don't want to discuss the future of DTD that is fine with me. I plan to continue cause I enjoy it. And I am very optimistic and confident Disney has made the right choice. Too bad you can't see that.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I'm not trying to shut down anyone. I have said that Disney was smart to move away from clubs and I have provided detailed reasons several times for thinking that. .

No JT you have done what you always do, post opinion, based on your own rather restricted view, as fact. You dismiss posts that counter your opiniion as fan bhoy moaning and you push out a dream like vision that any rational person can see that Diney in its current form is unlikely to adopt.I would have thought that given the current economy no revenue stream could be ignored. Like many management trends adopting outsourcing policies has been cyclical, Disney just seems to have jumped aboard at the wrong time.


Well-Known Member
No JT you have done what you always do, post opinion, based on your own rather restricted view, as fact. You dismiss posts that counter your opiniion as fan bhoy moaning and you push out a dream like vision that any rational person can see that Diney in its current form is unlikely to adopt.I would have thought that given the current economy no revenue stream could be ignored. Like many management trends adopting outsourcing policies has been cyclical, Disney just seems to have jumped aboard at the wrong time.

Well we will know if it is fact or opinion shortly after the new year.

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