PI Rumors - New Restaurants


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
No JT you have done what you always do, post opinion, based on your own rather restricted view, as fact. You dismiss posts that counter your opiniion as fan bhoy moaning and you push out a dream like vision that any rational person can see that Diney in its current form is unlikely to adopt.I would have thought that given the current economy no revenue stream could be ignored. Like many management trends adopting outsourcing policies has been cyclical, Disney just seems to have jumped aboard at the wrong time.

Spoken for the truth. :sohappy:


New Member
I'm not trying to shut down anyone. I have said that Disney was smart to move away from clubs and I have provided detailed reasons several times for thinking that. See, the critics of closing PI will never ever find anything positive to say about anything Disney does short of reopening the clubs. Since that is not happening it is nice to hear people's ideas of what they would do instead. Nobody is required to participate. So if you don't want to discuss the future of DTD that is fine with me. I plan to continue cause I enjoy it. And I am very optimistic and confident Disney has made the right choice. Too bad you can't see that.

You say your not trying to shut down someones opinion the you turn around in the next sentence and try to shut my opinion down by saying if Disney doesn't reopen the clubs then I won't be happy. I never said that and you are so biased you can't see what people are saying unless its parroting what you said. Get a grip.

I don't care if they reopen the clubs, I just want Disney to let loose the creative imagination they have and replace the clubs with something as good as if not better. Can you get that point! I think subbing out the work to a second rate third party vendor is a step down, and a step in the wrong direction. How many times do I have to say that for you to see it.

Take your rose colored glasses off, Disney has always done things one notch above, always first rate. What is being discussed is not Disney. A hot dog stand, bbq and a bar with ice in it really doesnt rise to Disneys standard. Nore does a waffle house, Belgian or not.:brick: I was never a huge fan of the AC club but what they are proposing isn't fit to lick the boots of the AC club. Disney Imagination (AC)will always be better than Rain forest cafe, t-rex or anything those guys come up with.


Well-Known Member
You can say what you will about Pleasure Island. I wasn't a fan. Never stepped foot in the clubs. But there's no doubt the Adventure's Club was a uniquely Disney experience. There are people who still feel the loss.

Had you set foot in the other clubs, you would have realized they were unique, highly themed experiences as well. (Well, except Motion...)

A few observations from last night:
  • No photos, but there is a new set of cement stairs behind Mannequins. Construction is done. No one could confirm O.C. Choppers, but something is definitely afoot.
  • I like the new look of Fuego, even if it is a bit church-like. Hopefully draws them more business. Fuego is one of the few places in DTD to offer Disney-like service and atmosphere these days (even if it is third-party operated).
  • Despite the parking lot being full (XL 106.7 event at HoB, first night before Christmas week, Avatar pulling movie-goers), Paradisio clearly had plenty of open tables at around 8:00 p.m. The door hostess had nothing better to do than to dance around. At around 10, I walked right up to the cashier at McDonalds. Not sure a slew of new restaurants is what DTD needs.


Well-Known Member
You say your not trying to shut down someones opinion the you turn around in the next sentence and try to shut my opinion down by saying if Disney doesn't reopen the clubs then I won't be happy. I never said that and you are so biased you can't see what people are saying unless its parroting what you said. Get a grip.

I didn't refer to you or anyone else specifically, I made the statement in general terms and I stand by it!

I don't care if they reopen the clubs, I just want Disney to let loose the creative imagination they have and replace the clubs with something as good as if not better. Can you get that point! I think subbing out the work to a second rate third party vendor is a step down, and a step in the wrong direction. How many times do I have to say that for you to see it.

Ha! You say my claim does not apply to you and then you prove it does. Disney has not announced what is going onto PI and you already have prejudged it.

Take your rose colored glasses off, Disney has always done things one notch above, always first rate. What is being discussed is not Disney. A hot dog stand, bbq and a bar with ice in it really doesnt rise to Disneys standard. Nore does a waffle house, Belgian or not.:brick: I was never a huge fan of the AC club but what they are proposing isn't fit to lick the boots of the AC club. Disney Imagination (AC)will always be better than Rain forest cafe, t-rex or anything those guys come up with.

Again you essentially prove my point. My mistake was saying it was the clubs in general when I should have been more specific. You obviously (and many others) won't be happy with anything except the reopening of the AC. I stand corrected.

Mmmmmmmmm, waffles :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Had you set foot in the other clubs, you would have realized they were unique, highly themed experiences as well. (Well, except Motion...)

A few observations from last night:
  • No photos, but there is a new set of cement stairs behind Mannequins. Construction is done. No one could confirm O.C. Choppers, but something is definitely afoot.
  • I like the new look of Fuego, even if it is a bit church-like. Hopefully draws them more business. Fuego is one of the few places in DTD to offer Disney-like service and atmosphere these days (even if it is third-party operated).
  • Despite the parking lot being full (XL 106.7 event at HoB, first night before Christmas week, Avatar pulling movie-goers), Paradisio clearly had plenty of open tables at around 8:00 p.m. The door hostess had nothing better to do than to dance around. At around 10, I walked right up to the cashier at McDonalds. Not sure a slew of new restaurants is what DTD needs.

I'm hoping Fuego type venues become more the norm at the new PI. Smaller, specialized, quality, and classy. I'm not sure McD's fits that mold. Perhaps that is the problem.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Had you set foot in the other clubs, you would have realized they were unique, highly themed experiences as well. (Well, except Motion...)

A few observations from last night:
  • No photos, but there is a new set of cement stairs behind Mannequins. Construction is done. No one could confirm O.C. Choppers, but something is definitely afoot.
  • I like the new look of Fuego, even if it is a bit church-like. Hopefully draws them more business. Fuego is one of the few places in DTD to offer Disney-like service and atmosphere these days (even if it is third-party operated).
  • Despite the parking lot being full (XL 106.7 event at HoB, first night before Christmas week, Avatar pulling movie-goers), Paradisio clearly had plenty of open tables at around 8:00 p.m. The door hostess had nothing better to do than to dance around. At around 10, I walked right up to the cashier at McDonalds. Not sure a slew of new restaurants is what DTD needs.
Wow, I'm shocked they replaced the stairs to be honest. I will have to check it out after work.


Well-Known Member
So what are your ideas for how the "Island" could be made "different and unique" or even "bold and new"? :veryconfu

Adventurer's Club Dinner Show. They need another dinner show on property.

Magician Mansion. Interactive magic club with in house and guest magicians performing.

Expand and update Disney Quest. More unique Disney games, also have a tower with regular arcade games. Each floor could represent a different decade... pinball and antique machines on the ground floor.

Ink and Paint Club. All Toon revue! This has been mentioned before, an all animation themed club.

Uncle Scrooge's Adventures. Large pyramid building allowing guests to engage in different activities in an effort to find a rare treasure.

Possibly make a Disney Legoland and expand the store. Of course this would be invovling a third party but Legos are really cool.

Star Wars Cantina Bar. Some of us would never leave. Well, at least we wouldn't want to.

Turn the area into Adventure Island and install a ride showing the 'history' of the Island while taking guests on their own adventure.

Heck, they could really do ANYTHING they wanted with the area that would be more interesting than a hot dog stand and a bar. People go to Disney for Disney's theming and atmosphere, not third party bars. Its just laziness and thats really too bad. :(
I love the some of the ideas just posted. I thought some kind of magic store would be cool, but a dinner show would be even better, provided they can get really good magicians. People pay good money for this stuff in Vegas, and those shows stay open for years. Definitely need show sort of ride, the balloon doesn't count. May as well throe a giant dart in that thing.

I do not think that O.C. Choppers will be coming there, the Harley people would most likely have in the contract that there can be no other motorcycle type of store in the complex. That's pretty standard writing in most large corporate contracts, meant to prohibit owners from renting out to other businesses that would take away sales that Harley is paying rent to get.

From what I've been reading the whole AC idea is dead in any way, shape or form.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Really? Funny he (nor you) provided no specific examples to back it up. Not suprising. :lol:

Proof? Jt, all anyone who reads your rants and opinionated drivel has to do is see how you respond to anyone with the timerity to disagree with you on this or any other subject. Those that do are put into a category of "hater," "unknowing," or "fanboi." The facts, as you so call for them, are your own posts and responses to those with a different opinion than your own.


Well-Known Member
Adventurer's Club Dinner Show. They need another dinner show on property.

Magician Mansion. Interactive magic club with in house and guest magicians performing.

Expand and update Disney Quest. More unique Disney games, also have a tower with regular arcade games. Each floor could represent a different decade... pinball and antique machines on the ground floor.

Ink and Paint Club. All Toon revue! This has been mentioned before, an all animation themed club.

Uncle Scrooge's Adventures. Large pyramid building allowing guests to engage in different activities in an effort to find a rare treasure.

Possibly make a Disney Legoland and expand the store. Of course this would be invovling a third party but Legos are really cool.

Star Wars Cantina Bar. Some of us would never leave. Well, at least we wouldn't want to.

Turn the area into Adventure Island and install a ride showing the 'history' of the Island while taking guests on their own adventure.

Heck, they could really do ANYTHING they wanted with the area that would be more interesting than a hot dog stand and a bar. People go to Disney for Disney's theming and atmosphere, not third party bars. Its just laziness and thats really too bad. :(

I highlighted my favorites.

The upgrade to DQ and creating themed floors based on the eras of the technology is truly brilliant. And the ground floor could serve as an exhibit/museum/ticket sales and be open to everyone. That would absolutely "sell" the rest of the experience. Love that! :sohappy:


Active Member
also have a tower with regular arcade games

They do have this

Ink and Paint Club. All Toon revue! This has been mentioned before, an all animation themed club.

For adults? I think night clubs are the reason DtD is in this mess.

Turn the area into Adventure Island and install a ride showing the 'history' of the Island while taking guests on their own adventure.

I can't see any ride at DtD. It's just not the right place.

Heck, they could really do ANYTHING they wanted with the area that would be more interesting than a hot dog stand and a bar. People go to Disney for Disney's theming and atmosphere, not third party bars. Its just laziness and thats really too bad.

Every DtD is filled with 3rd party venues. It's just a more up-scale outdoor shopping mall with some Disney flare. Exactly what it's supposed to be.


Well-Known Member
I think they should call it Americana Island and include the following eateries:

1) McDonalds (which they have already)
2) Burger King
3) Pizza Hut
4) Kentucky Fried Chicken
5) Chick Fila
6) Arby's
7) Wendy's
8) Popeyes
9) Red Lobster
10) TGIF
11) Bennigans
12) Chili's
13) Subway
Did I forget any?
Mmmmmm....Comfort foods :slurp:


Well-Known Member
So what are your ideas for how the "Island" could be made "different and unique" or even "bold and new"? :veryconfu

I never claimed to have any ideas on what to do with DTD. I'm not an imagineer. I don't have to have any. But someone at Disney should have had a plan before they emptied all those buildings. If this is the best they can come up with over a year later, shame on them.


Well-Known Member
Had you set foot in the other clubs, you would have realized they were unique, highly themed experiences as well. (Well, except Motion...)

A few observations from last night:
  • No photos, but there is a new set of cement stairs behind Mannequins. Construction is done. No one could confirm O.C. Choppers, but something is definitely afoot.
  • I like the new look of Fuego, even if it is a bit church-like. Hopefully draws them more business. Fuego is one of the few places in DTD to offer Disney-like service and atmosphere these days (even if it is third-party operated).
  • Despite the parking lot being full (XL 106.7 event at HoB, first night before Christmas week, Avatar pulling movie-goers), Paradisio clearly had plenty of open tables at around 8:00 p.m. The door hostess had nothing better to do than to dance around. At around 10, I walked right up to the cashier at McDonalds. Not sure a slew of new restaurants is what DTD needs.

I didn't mean to disparage the clubs. When I said I wasn't a fan, I meant I never went in them so I had no opinion one way or another. I never stepped foot in the Adventurer's Club either. But from what I saw on You Tube, it was definitely unique. Basically, I was just trying to point out that I wasn't critical of the new stuff out of any loyalty to the old stuff.

Not being a night club person, I really didn't care if the clubs stayed or left. But even someone who never visited and likely never would have visited can see that these proposed replacements are inferior to what was there before.


Well-Known Member
I highlighted my favorites.

The upgrade to DQ and creating themed floors based on the eras of the technology is truly brilliant. And the ground floor could serve as an exhibit/museum/ticket sales and be open to everyone. That would absolutely "sell" the rest of the experience. Love that! :sohappy:

They should do a 'So you want to be an Imagineer' attraction at DQ as part of the upgrade. You design it then anyone can experience it. Maybe a prize for the best of the day? I can also see a big Tron tie in with the new movie coming out. I think that the games for the first Tron were more popular than the movie itself.

Maybe a Pinnocchio's Puppet Haus restaurant? Some high tech puppet entertainment? Maybe exhibits of really old puppets or mechanical figure shows on display?

How about a Wolfgang Puck Academy restaurant? They teach you how the professional chefs cook and the meal you make is the meal you eat! Some people would need more help than others for this one, esp kids, but I think that they would really like it.

When the whole Marvel thing kicks in, they gotta get the mother of all comics stores there, with artist signings and maybe even some drawing classes or other comic related experiences.


Well-Known Member
Ever since the Marvel deal was announced, I've seen people wanting a really big comic shop in DTD. I wonder how many people asking for this have actually been to a comic shop in the last decade.

You don't need a deal with Marvel to sell comics. The market for comics is very small. Comic buyers have a local comic shop they go to in order to get their fix, I mean product. And very few would be interested in a Marvel-only shop. (Fanboys love Batman.)

I could see a Marvel toy store. But there's already Marvel product in DTD's toy stores. So, there's hardly a need for it. You could put in a Marvel store like the one Uni has. But again, Uni already has it. Since Disney won't have any Marvel-themed rides, there's not a lot of point of making Marvel merchandise specific to the parks.

Obviously, I'm a comic fan. But I just don't see much potential for a Marvel store in DTD (unless it is just an amazing experience beyond the Marvel equivalent of a Disney store). And you will sell very few comic books there.


Well-Known Member
But I just don't see much potential for a Marvel store in DTD (unless it is just an amazing experience beyond the Marvel equivalent of a Disney store). And you will sell very few comic books there.

I am saying just that...an amazing experience beyond the Marvel equivalent of a Disney store.

Also, what I am saying by mentioning these things is that if they tried, they could make it an amazing place. I'm just a regular guy and I just threw out a bunch of ideas here. These guys get paid to do this sort of thing, they HAVE to be able to some up with something better than a bar, a biker bar themed restaurant and a hot dog stand!

I hope Disney reads this thread. People pay a lot of money to go to WDW for Disney experiences. I don't need any chain fast food restaurants, I have all of those here at home. I don't mind shopping, if they have something unique, something I can't get at home.

Stores are fine, restaurants are great, just make them unique somehow and most of all make it a Disney experience. By that I don't mean that everything has to be Mickey & the Gang, but immersive theming, interactivity, suprises, fun and unique.

As it is now, I really have no need to go there and with these rumored new places, I really have no desire to go there. I know step down from the soapbox.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the geniuses at Disney could come up with some Marvel-themed store idea that would just be incredible. And if they did, I would love it. But whenever I think about it, it makes my head hurt.

Forget comics. The people who buy comic books aren't going to go to DTD for them. And the rest of America doesn't want them. The days of buying your kid a comic off the rack for a quarter, fifty-cents, a dollar, what-have-you are over. For $3, you can buy a comic book which is most likely 1/6 of the overall story arc. And the subject matter is unlikely to be family friendly.

Alternatively, you've got the Marvel version of the Disney store. This is what I see Disney doing. Lots of Spidey and Hulk plushes. Some off-the-shelve Toys'r'Us merchandise. And T-shirts. Big snore.

The third option... something incredible... I just don't know what it would be. But it would have to be incredibly interactive. A one-of-a-kind experience. If they can find a way to do that in a way that would appeal to families without alienating Marvel's base of fans, they would have a hit on their hands.

But they will probably just sell posters, plushes and T-shirts. And open a hot dog stand next store.


Well-Known Member
But they will probably just sell posters, plushes and T-shirts. And open a hot dog stand next store.

I think that the hot dog stand is what upsets me most of all. Got a minute?

When I was a kid, my parents promised every year that we would go to Disney. Year after year, it wouldn't happen. At one point I got a younger brother, years later, a sister. Then they'd promise the 3 of us that we would go.

One year we actually had the car packed and everything and... didn't go. This was in the 80's at some point as I recall. I think by the end of the 80's they stopped promising.

Ten years ago, I traveled to Disney myself, for Star Wars Weekends. I was absolutely amazed... I loved it! When I talked to my parents about it they revelaed that their family and friends all told them that it cost $10,000 to go there and that all that wsa at WDW was a bunch of $10 hot dog stands. How they believed that I don't know. All I do know is that it didn't cost $10,000 to go there in the 80's, it doesn't cost that now! And there's a heck of a lot more there than hot dog stands.

Since then, I've taken my mom there twice. I'd like to take them both but it looks like it may never happen due to money and health reasons. :(

Anyway, back on topic!

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