Pet peeves at WDW?


Well-Known Member
I think this Breast-Feeding-in-the-bathrooms thing got kind of blown out of proportion.:lol:

I don't think anyone expects a Breastfeeding Mother to sit on a toilet stool in a bathroom stall and breast feed their child.

It was about being a little discrete about it and not popping your out in front of people who don't care to see them or don't want their children to see them.

Most WDW washrooms have a quiet, diaper changing area that is away from the bathroom stalls where one can stand and breast feed quietly away from the crowds.

All 3 of my children were breast fed and we never had any problems beacause my wife always excused herself in crowded places and restaurants to feed my children in privacyw/o being oggled, giggled, and pointed at.


My biggest peeve is people like ourselves (yes I'm including myself) who are so busy worrying and fussing over what others around us are doing we make ourselves miserable.

Most of us who read and post here have been, are planning on, and will go to WDW again in the future. However most of the world will never experience all the wonders of WDW. But yet we the privileged, gripe about BO, noise and crowds, individuals who may or may not be disabled, rude behavior, and children.

As far as BO (this one I exclude myself, I work with the homeless, it has to be gangrenous for my nose to notice) I hope those offended never travel outside the US or camp without water for any length of time or end up on the street. Your sensitive noses may not survive.

Noise and crowds....6 words WE ARE AT AN AMUSEMENT PARK!!!!!! and we have probably already seen the show <chill out>.

I hope for all of us who jump to conclusions when we see a person in a wheelchair that we are never the ones in it.

Rude behavior bothers us, suppose we set the better example and let it go. It is very hard to re-train someone who is already an adult, especially someone we more than likely won't see after our day at (insert park name here) is over. I think Walt set the perfect examples for us, Thumper's mother...If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. Jiminy Cricket....Always let your conscience be your guide. I think you see where this is headed.

On a personal note, I also have children, 4 of them. I have breast fed them in public, I have watched them throw a fit because I have pushed to hard, I have seen them disappointed because an adult cut in front of them and they missed hugging Mickey, I have stopped short to consult my map and they have bumped into one of you to keep from bumping into me, and I have blow my top and behaved like an insane person when dealing with them, there I've said it, I'm human too. Not always making the best choices every moment of my vacation.

I can tell by most of your posts you have never done any of the things you complain about, so I ask you what happened to the perfect children you once were since it seems you have become spoiled brats.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DDuckFan130
I do call Spaceship Earth "the ball" or "la bola" as a term of endearment, knowing full well what the name is.

My daughter sometimes refers to SE as "God's golf ball".
Who wants to correct her?:p


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
Krispy Creme--good; hunting--bad. This is America 2004, not the Wild West of 1865. There is no need to hunt anything but those crazy frigging terrorists, but then again they do still drag black men behind pickups in the South. Remember the Alamo!!!

Um, before it gets real ugly, I should warn you. What you just said will get you into a heap of trouble around here. Yes, you're entitled to your opinion, but a lot of people may get offended by what you said. I'm not African-American, but I was taken aback by that statement. Now I don't know if anyone will say anything about it but I have seen it already where people have made those kinds of statements and have ended up banned from the boards. Could be wrong though but I'll just :zipit: now.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by boldlyreal
My biggest peeve is people like ourselves (yes I'm including myself) who are so busy worrying and fussing over what others around us are doing we make ourselves miserable.

Most of us who read and post here have been, are planning on, and will go to WDW again in the future. However most of the world will never experience all the wonders of WDW. But yet we the privileged, gripe about BO, noise and crowds, individuals who may or may not be disabled, rude behavior, and children.

As far as BO (this one I exclude myself, I work with the homeless, it has to be gangrenous for my nose to notice) I hope those offended never travel outside the US or camp without water for any length of time or end up on the street. Your sensitive noses may not survive.

Noise and crowds....6 words WE ARE AT AN AMUSEMENT PARK!!!!!! and we have probably already seen the show <chill out>.

I hope for all of us who jump to conclusions when we see a person in a wheelchair that we are never the ones in it.

Rude behavior bothers us, suppose we set the better example and let it go. It is very hard to re-train someone who is already an adult, especially someone we more than likely won't see after our day at (insert park name here) is over. I think Walt set the perfect examples for us, Thumper's mother...If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. Jiminy Cricket....Always let your conscience be your guide. I think you see where this is headed.

On a personal note, I also have children, 4 of them. I have breast fed them in public, I have watched them throw a fit because I have pushed to hard, I have seen them disappointed because an adult cut in front of them and they missed hugging Mickey, I have stopped short to consult my map and they have bumped into one of you to keep from bumping into me, and I have blow my top and behaved like an insane person when dealing with them, there I've said it, I'm human too. Not always making the best choices every moment of my vacation.

I can tell by most of your posts you have never done any of the things you complain about, so I ask you what happened to the perfect children you once were since it seems you have become spoiled brats.


IMO, brilliant. (I thought I was the only crazy one here with four! :eek: ) I don't like the assumption that because someone catches an incident of bad behavior they automatically assume the child is bad. I think we all have our moments. Well, I do... I'll admit it.


Active Member
"On a personal note, I also have children, 4 of them. I have breast fed them in public, I have watched them throw a fit because I have pushed to hard, I have seen them disappointed because an adult cut in front of them and they missed hugging Mickey, I have stopped short to consult my map and they have bumped into one of you to keep from bumping into me, and I have blow my top and behaved like an insane person when dealing with them, there I've said it, I'm human too. Not always making the best choices every moment of my vacation."

OMG!! LOL!! That is so well said!! :sohappy: I also have 4 kids (between the ages of 2-9) and could have written most of what you wrote!! :lol: I do TRY to be the 'perfect" mother raising the 'perfect', well-behaved children but it just is not happening! No matter how well you discipline and raise your children they are indeed children and will mis-behave on occasion..especially infront of an audience! I, too have been that screaming lunatic trying to keep order!:hammer: :brick:

"I hope for all of us who jump to conclusions when we see a person in a wheelchair that we are never the ones in it. "

this is also very well stated and needs no comment.

Thanks for a 'breath of fresh air"!! I hope my lunatic tendancies do not come out on our next trip in June!
:p :p


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
but then again they do still drag black men behind pickups in the South. Remember the Alamo!!!

That was uncalled for. I live in the South and take high offense to that statement. Maybe you should think about editing.

BESIDES we are talking about pet peeves not the kkk, get back on track.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by boldlyreal
My biggest peeve is people like ourselves (yes I'm including myself) who are so busy worrying and fussing over what others around us are doing we make ourselves miserable.

Most of us who read and post here have been, are planning on, and will go to WDW again in the future. However most of the world will never experience all the wonders of WDW. But yet we the privileged, gripe about BO, noise and crowds, individuals who may or may not be disabled, rude behavior, and children.

As far as BO (this one I exclude myself, I work with the homeless, it has to be gangrenous for my nose to notice) I hope those offended never travel outside the US or camp without water for any length of time or end up on the street. Your sensitive noses may not survive.

Noise and crowds....6 words WE ARE AT AN AMUSEMENT PARK!!!!!! and we have probably already seen the show <chill out>.

I hope for all of us who jump to conclusions when we see a person in a wheelchair that we are never the ones in it.

Rude behavior bothers us, suppose we set the better example and let it go. It is very hard to re-train someone who is already an adult, especially someone we more than likely won't see after our day at (insert park name here) is over. I think Walt set the perfect examples for us, Thumper's mother...If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. Jiminy Cricket....Always let your conscience be your guide. I think you see where this is headed.

On a personal note, I also have children, 4 of them. I have breast fed them in public, I have watched them throw a fit because I have pushed to hard, I have seen them disappointed because an adult cut in front of them and they missed hugging Mickey, I have stopped short to consult my map and they have bumped into one of you to keep from bumping into me, and I have blow my top and behaved like an insane person when dealing with them, there I've said it, I'm human too. Not always making the best choices every moment of my vacation.

I can tell by most of your posts you have never done any of the things you complain about, so I ask you what happened to the perfect children you once were since it seems you have become spoiled brats.

Very well said!


New Member
YEAH, BABY, YEAH! BOLDLYREAL, may I just say that you have earned the incredible honor of being named "MY HERO" (besides Uncle Walt of course!) I couldn't have agreed with you more.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
Krispy Creme--good; hunting--bad. This is America 2004, not the Wild West of 1865. There is no need to hunt anything but those crazy frigging terrorists, but then again they do still drag black men behind pickups in the South. Remember the Alamo!!!
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where did this come from? So, since I live in the South, and I'm a white male, I'm looking to drag a black man behind my pickup? Dude, you are WAY OUT OF LINE on this. I suggest you edit your post and put up an apology. You have stepped waaaaaaay over the line to many people.


New Member
Originally posted by SpongeScott
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where did this come from? So, since I live in the South, and I'm a white male, I'm looking to drag a black man behind my pickup? Dude, you are WAY OUT OF LINE on this. I suggest you edit your post and put up an apology. You have stepped waaaaaaay over the line to many people.

Well said. No room for a witty comeback on that one. Only a way to start a fight.


New Member
Originally posted by edwardtc
Ok, here I go.....

1. Those certain people of Brazilian ancestry who seemingly forget their antiperspirant every morning, and then seemingly forget that there is a thing called PERSONAL SPACE!!!!!

Here goes mine:

American arrogant people who think they are better than everyone else and that they can tell the whole world what to do.

PS: As I hate people who generalize about nationality and behaviour, I would like to say that most American people are NOT like that, and that I have many nice and respectful American friends.


New Member
What drives me insane are the males who will sit in a seat on a disney resort bus while a woman with a stroller in one hand and a baby in another tries to keep her balance standing on the way back to the hotel. Why won't these guys be gentlemen and stand so the lady can sit? What rude people? Guess their fathers did not teach them the correct behavior for a gentleman.


New Member
Boldly real....I have never pushed in front of a child (that is not in my nature although I have seen it happen) to get my picture taken with a character......but I do wish I could have the opportunity to be in line like everyone else without getting "those looks" from their parents. :veryconfu

polyman 65

New Member
At least you can spot the people from Brazil by there wild soccer shirts and colored tennis shoes,havent noticed if they smell or not.I guess my pet peeve at WDW are the people who seem to think I want to see all there tatoos even the ones at the crack of there a:zipit: :zipit: .I dont want to see anyones tatoos on vacation I think they are :hurl: Oh I almost forgot people from NY or Jersey very rude


Originally posted by boldlyreal
I can tell by most of your posts you have never done any of the things you complain about, so I ask you what happened to the perfect children you once were since it seems you have become spoiled brats.

That was beautifully said. I've sat here & read this thread for awhile (silently). A lot of posts on this thread are really taking it a touch too far. Like calling something by the wrong name is *really* that big of a deal? I'm sorry but I've just picked up a.. mean spirited or elitist (for lack of better words) vibe off of some people listing somethings that shouldn't be important. A lot of the people who are doing the things yall have listed are probably first timers and wrapped up in the sheer magic of the place and not trying to be DC (Disney Correct), but just trying to have fun. The rudeness issues and parents not making their kids behave and all of the OTHER issues of course-yes even the BO issue- I have to ditto. Those are peeves of mine too in all aspects of life. I'm not tryin to be a :fork: or anything, but ease up. Hearing someone call a ride by the wrong name isn't like getting your ankles sliced open by a kamakaze stroller mom. LOL What's the harm?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneytati
Here goes mine:

American arrogant people who think they are better than everyone else and that they can tell the whole world what to do.

PS: As I hate people who generalize about nationality and behaviour, I would like to say that most American people are NOT like that, and that I have many nice and respectful American friends.

Don't take it personally disneytati. If you've read the previous posts, you'll see that there's an awful lot of generalizing going on and there isn't one group of people that haven't been hit. Children, parents, mothers who breastfeed, teens, gays, Europeans, Brazillians, etc. The last one's were southerners. And as you stated, most Americans aren't like that.


New Member
Originally posted by boldlyreal
My biggest peeve is people like ourselves (yes I'm including myself) who are so busy worrying and fussing over what others around us are doing we make ourselves miserable.....

Well put!

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