Pet peeves at WDW?


Active Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Gucci65
Good post.........but I said someONE in Indiana was happy, not EVERYone. It was directed to the person who make an ignorant statement on a disney board.

I just didn't want to see a fight break out over something so stupid.

Hate crimes happen everywhere, it just gets more coverage in the South if two different races are involved.

Have great day!!!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Sorry, people have taken my comments out of context. I was replying to a certain party in the Republic of Texas whose father was shot in a hunting accident and was in need of a wheelchair to get around. I am strongly opposed to hunting and private ownership of guns in general. How can you forget Bambi's mom? I am a member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals). However, any one who takes pleasure in stalking and they killing a defenseless animal in this and age needs some counseling.

THIS IS MY LAST POST!!! There are too many zanies here who have no sense of humor and did not enjoy my repartee. Have a good life and who knows one of you may bump into me at the turkey leg cart.


Well-Known Member
I don't like to insult or put down people, but what boggles my mind is that he is supposed to be a retired EDUCATOR. In other words, he's a lot older than me and he was a teacher for many years so he should be much wiser. Geez, what must you have taught your kids?

I'm studying to be a teacher myself and I hope to make a positive impact with my students. But he's definitely not the first teacher I know that's like this. Good thing the majority of the teachers are awesome :sohappy: and have inspired me to become one myself.


New Member
I don't care about people making silly mistakes such as calling rides the wrong names, etc. I also don't really mind people becoming brainless and asking someone coming out of the bathroom where the bathrooms are, and all that sort of thing.

What does bother me, though, is a pretty simple concept that far too few people seem to comprehend: in order to get on the bus/elevator/boat/ride/etc, you must first let people off of the bus/elevator/boat/ride/etc.

Also, people who get on a bus using the rear side door. Once, a mother shoved her little boy on up the steps of that door, only to have the driver (through no fault of his own) close the doors on the boy. It was cold, so the kid was in a huge puffy jacket, so the doors didn't hurt him at all but it was still a little scary, should the driver start to drive off. At the same time, it was also pretty funny (well, more when it was over) because the kid was totally stunned, and could barely move his giant puffy jacketted arms.

As far as people being rude and self centered and all, that's just going to happen. People get like that on a normal day, and they get especially bad about it on vacation in a place like WDW. Notions of entitlement, sort of thing. It's the people that are so obviously clueless about common decency and respectful behavior that bother me. You know the type, they blissfully do whatever they want, because they genuinely have no clue that what they are doing is annoying to others or just plain wrong.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
There are too many zanies here who have no sense of humor and did not enjoy my repartee. Have a good life and who knows one of you may bump into me at the turkey leg cart.
Since translation can get lost in cyberchat, that's why we use these little thingies to help the translation process. :lol: :D :animwink: :rolleyes: :king: :sohappy: :slurp: :)


New Member
Don't know if anyone mentioned this one yet but those who are entering an attraction, let's say Philarmagic and the cast member politely tells everyone to move to the end of the row before picking a seat and you get about half way down your row and this obnoxious family is just sitting there and they won't move or at least get up so you can do your Disney duty and walk to the end of the row....:brick: Not that it happened on our last trip or anything but I have never seen a more rude family!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
Sorry, people have taken my comments out of context. I was replying to a certain party in the Republic of Texas whose father was shot in a hunting accident and was in need of a wheelchair to get around. I am strongly opposed to hunting and private ownership of guns in general. How can you forget Bambi's mom? I am a member of PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals). However, any one who takes pleasure in stalking and they killing a defenseless animal in this and age needs some counseling.

THIS IS MY LAST POST!!! There are too many zanies here who have no sense of humor and did not enjoy my repartee. Have a good life and who knows one of you may bump into me at the turkey leg cart.

Just in case you decide to read this later. I was referring to your comment about dragging folks behind a pickup in the South, not about someone being shot in a hunting accident accident. You made an ugly comment, one that was not well received but in no way did you get your butt chewed off for it. I have seen people get ripped on this board for making stupid comments - yours only asked for an apology.

I have an excellent sense of humor. I laugh at most everything, in fact when you trip and fall at WDW while eating your turkey leg and hear someone laughing who finally stops to ask if you are okay....introduce will be me. (I'm one of those folks - I can't help myself).

Maybe you didn't realize the harshness of what you said. In any event, have a wonderful life.:wave:

My newest Pet Peeve: people who deliberately stoke the fires and run when it starts to get hot. Geez.......


Beta Return
Yeah ILOVEDISNEY! HAHAHA! At least when I "stroke the fires" I hang around to laugh at the silly comments that it provokes from people. :sohappy:

However, at the same time, I am NOT racist in my posts. Sure, I generalize my statements and make comments based on what I've experienced in my life, but RACIST means that you place one race in a category superior to other races - didn't do that :hammer:

If anyone needs to be drug behind a truck, or slaughtered.....well......nevermind, I'll just insert another graphical smiley, letting everyone know that I am indeed making a humorous statement :lol:

I am a Butthead - I posted my Pet Peeves, as the Thread asked of me. HOW DARE I!!!! I am ignorant :lol: <--- Notice the graphical smiley here....


New Member
My pet peeve is people who feel the need to post thier pet peeves:lol:

whats with all the negative nancyies..I prefer to stay positive...I choose to ignore the annoyances...which in fact causes me not to be annoyed..:)


New Member
Oh, PET peeves. I have misunderstood the whole thing. Okay, pet peeves about WDW.

Well, knowing Butler, I would assume his peeve would be the lack of nice quiet napping areas and the fact that he is not tall enough to ride any of the rides.

By the way, he is still single and still looking, albeit not very hard.


Well-Known Member
My biggest pet peeve is.....

TPA - Theme Park A$$

Not only in Disney but every crowded summertime tourist destination has people with TPA. Disney should have the security screeners ask people entering the parks "Did you wash your A$$ today?" If not, send them to the bathroom with some baby wipes or something. I find it among those who are not from our fair country mostly but the stinky american pops up from time to time. Queue lines can be painful if you get around someone with TPA. And just think, they are swimming in the pool back at your resort!! Yuk!:slurp:

Now to all those 2 dozen Krispy Kremers who insist on their carts - I am a big dude standing 6 feet tall and imposing in size. Yeah, after walking around the park all day, my legs hurt and they ache all night but I would NEVER EVER, NEVER EVER EVER think about even dreaming about riding a scooter. When the time comes to where I can't walk the 5-7 miles per day and stand in the queue lines to get on the attractions, it is time for me to not visit the theme parks until I get myself in shape to the point where I can do it again.

Another pet peeve is people who go on vacation and dress like they are headed to the backwoods family reunion where everyone is married to their own cousins. People, buy some clothes that fit, aren't torn and aren't ridlled with bleach stains! You are on vacation, you are representing your family and where you come from. Don't give people the wrong impression of who you are.

And be warned, when my wife and I are walking side by side, I am not moving out of the way of the teenagers who want to walk 8 wide. I am going to do like my football coaches used to teach and just barrel through!



Well-Known Member
Welcome phlydude:wave:

What about those people who dress WAY up? High heels and all. Who could walk around a theme park all day in those?:brick: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Okay we need to start a new thread entitled "what NOT to wear to WDW" whatcha think?

Here's my vote: Bikini tops on middle aged women - something about droopy really irks the crap out of me.


Active Member
Originally posted by Gucci65
Okay we need to start a new thread entitled "what NOT to wear to WDW" whatcha think?

Here's my vote: Bikini tops on middle aged women - something about droopy really irks the crap out of me.

a sexist " AMEN"

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