Pet peeves at WDW?


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Original Poster
Originally posted by crazydaveh

Number four: Dumb tourists
Being a resident of the Sunshine State, I often say, "go home all you tourists." I don't mean any harm, it's just a phrase I use for those who have no clue where they're going or what they're doing. I realize it may be their first trip to the property so I usually get over it quick.

Thats all. [/B]

Are you Seminole or Micosukee? If not, maybe you should practice what you screech!!!


Well-Known Member
Bad subject to get me started on

1. Kids who can't behave

2. People who don't use the proper names of rides (one person i heard called EPCOT EPACOT with an A! It spelled in GIANT letters Above Spaceship Earth!!!!!!)

3. Flash Pictures

4. I am fine with cell phones as long as they are turned of on rides and attractions ESPECIALLY shows.

5. people who won't be quiet on attractions

6. People who litter and think that the Cast Members will pick up after them!

7. Kids who truly use the wheelchair to skip the lines

8. People who cut he lines and abuse the Fastpass

9. People who invade personal space

10. Kids who won't stop screaming (let them pick the rides they want to go on!!)

Just a note:

I visited the Magic Kingdom with 5 of my friends and one of them had actually brocken her anckle. We got evil looks and were treated rether poorly by the people in the parks (the Cast Members couldn't have been better though!!!


Ok i'm done


Active Member
Originally posted by DiPSU224
4. When it's raining, you're keeping nice and dry in the shops and hoards of people come in with their wet ponchos, soaking you as they brush up against you while walking by

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets annoyed at Disney :)

How about the people with ponchos that crowd in the doorways and don't move so those that need to get ponchos or just get to a dry place, can get into the store. All the while complaining how the poncho didn't keep their feet dry.:confused: :mad:

Thought of another one....Mothers of infants that find the POTC ride as the perfect place to breast feed.:veryconfu My seven year old found that to be the most interesting part of the ride. Thankfully the lines were short so my daughter got a better idea of what POTC is the next time around.


Active Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
Are you Seminole or Micosukee? If not, maybe you should practice what you screech!!!

I said "resident" not "native"

But thanks for playing!

It's all fun here... some people take this stuff way to seriously.


Beta Return
Originally posted by GoofyFan1
How about the people with ponchos that crowd in the doorways and don't move so those that need to get ponchos or just get to a dry place, can get into the store. All the while complaining how the poncho didn't keep their feet dry.:confused: :mad:

Thought of another one....Mothers of infants that find the POTC ride as the perfect place to breast feed.:veryconfu My seven year old found that to be the most interesting part of the ride. Thankfully the lines were short so my daughter got a better idea of what POTC is the next time around.

YES on both!

Once you get your poncho, that means you can go stand in the friggin rain! Get out of the doors and shelters so that others, who DON'T have one yet, can get inside to get one. It's like standing under a shelter with your umbrella up - duh!

And for breastfeeding - very annoying. Sure, it's natural and all that crap, but it's still not something that many parents want their toddler or other aged kids to see. Do it in a stall in a restroom, do it in thr hotel room, or find a corner where the rest of your family can crowd aound you or just cover up better.


New Member
I agree with just about everything that has been said here. I am taking my 3 little girls in November and I will have a stroller and either me or my wife will be pushing it. I hate it when a parent will let one of their kids push the stroller. It's like begging for an accident. I will have to take up for the 2 dozen Krispy Kreme will chair riders though. My father in-law looks like one of these. He could definetly stand to use a couple of hundred pounds. However, he will be riding one of these when we go. He was shot in the leg during a hunting trip. He can still walk but can not stand for long periods of time. I bring this up because you never know the circumstances that bring people to the wheelchairs. Just because they look like they are fat and lazy doesn't mean that they are. Be happy that you don't HAVE to use one of these. I know he would gladly trade his wheel chair for a good leg.

Know if someone is ONLY using them to cut in line.......then I think we should give them a reason to need it! (Anyone got a shot gun?);)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by edwardtc

And for breastfeeding - very annoying. Sure, it's natural and all that crap, but it's still not something that many parents want their toddler or other aged kids to see.

Yet I've not heard anybody complaining about the 17 year olds in halter/tube tops with out any visible means of, erm, support. :lookaroun

:animwink: :lol:


Beta Return
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Yet I've not heard anybody complaining about the 17 year olds in halter/tube tops with out any visible means of, erm, support. :lookaroun

:animwink: :lol:

See, I've got to draw the line somewhere -- and I draw it where the nursing kid starts, which blocks my view :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by edwardtc
Do it in a stall in a restroom

As a former breastfeeder and human..can I say ICK. I can't even eat or drink anything after it has passed the threshold of the bathroom door, unless it is fully plastic wrapped and put away. I don't think anyone would want to feed their child in a bathroom (would you?). But I hear you on the general idea. I always practiced discreteness. It is very possible to bf without anyone seeing a .


Well-Known Member
I really don't understand the problem people have with mothers breastfeeding. I mean for crissakes it's just a child breastfeeding from its mother's breast. Some people. I tell ya. They'll accept a woman's breast doing almost anything except for what it was originally intended for.:lol:


Thank you, Lilmama21, for your comment! I, too, am a former breastfeeder and a human... and I would have never considered feeding my daughter in the restroom. That just seems gross- other people relieving themselves while I try to provide my child with a meal- ICKY!!!

Now, on the other hand, discretion was my goal anytime I needed to nurse in public. I would try to find a secluded (if there is such a thing at WDW) location and cover up. I realize there are people out there who are offended by this, and I personally didn't want to stir the waters- after all, they are on vacation too just as I am. The pet peeve I have with breastfeeders are those who will just "flop it out" and not be discreet. OMG... the looks on some kids faces (and my father-in-law's)!

As for stroller moms... please don't label all the bad drivers as the moms. I've had plenty of run-ins with stroller dads, too. If I ever run over anybody with our stroller, I try to apologize as quickly as I can... but there are the times that I try to apologize but before I can even say a word, I'm getting cussed out. I still apologize, but it doesn't always seem to work. So, here goes... If I EVER ran you over with my stroller, I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to!

Well, guess I'm finished with the soapbox... anybody else need it?


Well-Known Member
not just the people who cut in line...

I especially like the ones who are visiting from afar and pretend to not speak the language...

They figured out the words "Excuse Me", but when you say something after they stop IN FRONT OF YOU, it all 'blah, blah, blablablah, spitzblah, blah'.


Then I try using a little sign language to get my point across.



New Member
Most of my pet peeves are people/behavior related as well. After our last trip, my husband spent 3 days venting about all the strollers in Magic Kingdom. We didn't have a problem with any strollers hitting us but with families (ones with strollers in particular) who felt the need to all walk side by side and take up the whole aisle. Is it so awful if a couple of people walk behind others? And I was wondering why so many parents feel the need to bring their tiny infants to the park. I can understand if you have an older child you'd like to take but why bring an infant who's just going to get tired and irritable and in turn, make everyone else tired & miserable as well. Just doesn't make sense to me.
pet peeves

As as cast are a few pet peeves of mine about the guests....

1.) parents who insist that their child wants to ride space mountain when they are crying hysterically, and then when the cast member will not sent the rocket with the crying child, the parent violently pulls the child from the rocket and continues to scream at them all the way to the exit

2.) people who jump into the fastpass line and then argue with the cast member who collects them about how they "dropped their ticket" you are not being creative, i've heard this before..and if you did drop it....go find it..

3.) people who find it FUN to pound on the side of the control tower

4.) people who decide the star corridor is a restroom

5.) people who sneak their small children into the building and then yell at the cast member who does not let them ride

6.) people who try to jump into moving rockets

well thats about are VERY common occurrances and i am sure i am leaving some out...



Well-Known Member
Re: pet peeves

Originally posted by DispatchInhibit
As as cast are a few pet peeves of mine about the guests....

1.) parents who insist that their child wants to ride space mountain when they are crying hysterically, and then when the cast member will not sent the rocket with the crying child, the parent violently pulls the child from the rocket and continues to scream at them all the way to the exit

2.) people who jump into the fastpass line and then argue with the cast member who collects them about how they "dropped their ticket" you are not being creative, i've heard this before..and if you did drop it....go find it..

3.) people who find it FUN to pound on the side of the control tower

4.) people who decide the star corridor is a restroom

5.) people who sneak their small children into the building and then yell at the cast member who does not let them ride

6.) people who try to jump into moving rockets

well thats about are VERY common occurrances and i am sure i am leaving some out...

good to see a CM weigh in on this. In response to your postings:

1. *sigh* too bad there are parents like this
2. you're right--they need to be more creative than this
3. tell me it's teens, and not adults. Forget it, I'm sure I know the answer....
4. No way!
5. see #1
6. and I'm sure it would be WDW's fault if they get hurt doing this out of their own stupidity

Thanks for posting!


New Member

PEOPLE WHO PASS GAS IN LINE!! It happens at least twice a day while I'm there. My gosh, if the heat and B.O. doesn't give you a stroke this definitely will. It's always in a crowded line or waiting area where you really have no way of getting away from it. I'm definitlely bringing Febreeze on the next trip.

Originally posted by SpongeScott
I'm sorry and I won't do it again. Do you forgive me? :lookaroun

OK, OK, SpongeScott. Please remember the bean-o on the next trip!! You're literally blowing my attempt to "stop and smell the roses" while at Disney World!:p


Active Member
I add a point to the tube top issue. The worst part is when your wife spots her first, then eyes you to see if you look. That's just cruel. Also, the next time I go to WDW will be with a little one, so that should be interesting. I've too always wondered why the littles ones didn't listen and stop when they were told once. Then my son came along. It's just like "The same thing happens every night" routine from Bill Cosby's "Himself".

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