Pet peeves at WDW?


Mine is when the people your with dont enjoy the magic, like my trip a few weeks ago , they could of ruined it if I didnt enojy as much as I do


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TAC
People (usually women) who do NOT have the legs or to wear spandex. I saw one woman wearing spandex, and it looked like two pigs fighting in there!

Were you watching "Steel Magnolias" over the weekend?


New Member
I agree about the people who dress WAY UP---what has gotten into any woman's head that wears heels & a dress to walk around a theme park all day. If I was going to go back for a nice dinner or something....maybe, but you can bet I would be going back to my room to change & not be hoofing it around like that all day. :veryconfu


Beta Return
Yeah, I always wait until after I leave the parks to put on my high, uh, I mean......NO BIKINIS ON OLD LADIES!!:hammer:


New Member
Wow, this place is crazy. I had a wonderful time just watching everyone get mad ot other people because they feel that their opinions are better. Of course that is how the world works. That is the reason you have opinions, to try to one-up the next schlub.

However, I do feel that a few people in here need to understand a little more what people are actually trying to say. If someone crowds in line with you and doesn't give you personal space you get annoyed, unless of course it is part of your culture. If another person does it you get even more annoyed and so on. If after a while you start to notice a trend in the people who are doing it (i.e. people who have bright green with red polka dot hats on who stand on only one leg) you will tell in your experiences that those in fact are the people who are the culprits. When those are the only people you experience that trouble with, it sinks in that that is part of their culture and that it irks you. Generalizations are hard to stay away from. At a place like WDW, when you post pet peeves you really can't say this individual did this and this individual did that. That would take about 426 threads :lookaroun . If a trend appears in the pet peeve, that trend will be stated (never accusing all of that particular group) and will simply show personal experiences.

Oh well, everyone else on wdwmagic seemed to have an opinion so I just added mine. Enjoy. :hammer:


Active Member
I would like (or rather not) to see some of these stroller drivers operate a motor vehicle. Or better yet, the parents who let the three year old push around an empty stroller, running and slmming into people trying to walk by.

or maybe the group of people at your resort who walk up to the bus stop after you have been waiting 20 minutes, and decide that the bus is for them, so they just walk right up in front of everyone like there is no line.

Maybe the people who do not like where the CM's put them on a busy ride, so they screw up all organization and get on the ride where ever they want.

The annoying kid who is more interested in what is going on at your dinner booth than his. So the parents let him hang over the booth wall and drop his food near you?

The annoying people who think it is "fun" to scream and yell on Tower of Terror before anything evens happens.

Man, I could go on for days!


Active Member
one more,

I hate the people who swing themselves around and whacks you with the overstuffed backpack. Of course, no acknowledgement of doing it.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dae_woods
P.S. I am from Indiana and I love everyone!!!:wave:

The only reason I mentioned Indiana was because ILOVEDISNEY listed that state as his location. It had NOTHING to do with the state. :hammer: :sohappy:

Talking about what people were wearing was an attempt to change the subject from racist remarks to silly. I don't care what anyone wears as long as they enjoy themselves.


New Member
Originally posted by Gucci65
The only reason I mentioned Indiana was because ILOVEDISNEY listed that state as his location. It had NOTHING to do with the state. :hammer: :sohappy:

I know I know...I just wanted to mention that. :D

As for the clothing...would you rather continue conversing about things that some people find racist? I personally only felt that the only real racist comment was the uncalled for joke about southerners and their trucks. Other than that everything was just generalizations of personal experiences. But I say by all means continue talking about clothes if this thread does happen to conitinue.:xmas:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bsandersjr
The annoying people who think it is "fun" to scream and yell on Tower of Terror before anything evens happens.

Man, I could go on for days!

Ok, I'm gonna have to defend myself on this one, or apologize I guess. I'm guilty of doing this and I'm 19. Call me immature or annoying but geez it gets boring when you just sit there...yes I shut up when the narration is going on, but when we're going from floor to floor and it's quiet my cousin and I will bust out with something or some stranger will and it's just FUNNY! For grad nite I went on Space mountain with my non-screaming friends and it was the most boring time I've ever been on Space mountain...complete silence! Screaming is half the fun on rides, and it doesn't have to be because you're scared, you could be having fun. I should apologize but I won't because that's one pet peeve I personally don't agree with and I'll apologize for that, for disagreeing. But oh well, I don't let too many things bother me while I'm at WDW. The stroller complainers or the people who don't like irresponsible parents, THOSE people I get, but some pet peeves take it a bit too far IMHO. Ok, that's enough from me I'll :zipit: now :)


as a disney cast member, my all-time pet peeve at WDW has to be people who just can't follow the rules. it's like they just leave common sense behind and just think that they own the place by breaking the rules. to make matters worse, if anyone gets injured during their "lack of common sense" moments, they begin to whine, groan, and moan to disney saying that they're going to sue. hello, McFly? anybody home? if you want to have a nice day, put your cameras away if they say "no flash photos on this ride", stay behind the safety line until your ride vehicle stops completely. it's that simple.

ok, i guess i spent more time on the soapbox than i expected


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bsandersjr

The annoying people who think it is "fun" to scream and yell on Tower of Terror before anything evens happens.

Yeah, I'm going to have to mea culpa on this one. I think it's funny to scream to break the tension. I never do it when you're going through the hall with all the effects. Only when we're past that and entering the shaft. And it's just sort of like a release for what you know is going to happen. Will try to restrain self next time.:zipit:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cherrynegra
Yeah, I'm going to have to mea culpa on this one. I think it's funny to scream to break the tension. I never do it when you're going through the hall with all the effects. Only when we're past that and entering the shaft. And it's just sort of like a release for what you know is going to happen. Will try to restrain self next time.:zipit:

Gracias I thought I was alone in this :D. I also don't do it when we're seeing the effects or the narration is still going on, but when we go from the floor with the ghosts to the one the elevator leaves, we scream like if that's it we're gonna fall. We also do it when we're about to fall since it's so quiet. I will also try to contain myself next time.....



Originally posted by edwardtc
Ok, here I go.....

1. Those certain people of Brazilian ancestry who seemingly forget their antiperspirant every morning, and then seemingly forget that there is a thing called PERSONAL SPACE!!!!!

2. Flash photography. I don't care if you take a thousand pics or video in a ride, but don't hold the camera up in my line of sight, and DO NOT use the light or flash.

3. Wheelchair abusers - whether they're the Krispy Kremers that someone else mentioned, and just drive around like kings in those motorized flab-mobiles, or if they're just moms/kids/others using one just to cut in line.

4. Teen girls who scream constantly in the Haunted Mansion. I rode once where I seriously could NOT hear the dialogue, which is played right there in MY omnimover, next to my ear! The mansion is not scary, but has some startling parts in the graveyard and attic - still not worthy of screaming CONSTANTLY and trying to compete with the airheads in the next car.

5. Kids with no discipline. I know they're inquisitive, and curious, but there was a kid in A Bug's Life right next to me who COULD NOT sit still, kept kicking me when he stood up in the bench, and asked his mom a thousand questions ("What's that bug?" "Why are people laughing?" "What's that mean?" "What are we doing next?" "Can I have a cracker?") AHHHHHHHHH!!! Parents, PLEASE, give them some discipline or they'll be the teenagers I cuss at in Movie Theaters!

6. Cheaters. People who abuse the FastPass system, or cut in line.

7. Cell phones. Why do you even have them at Disney World? I leave mine in the hotel room because I surely don't want to talk to anyone in the real world when I'm on vacation there! And if you DO bring it, put it on vibrate or OFF - if it rings in a show or ride, I'd just love to break it, and you!

Whew! Sorry! Got on my soapbox there.....hope I didn't offend too many people, because if I did - that means you fit one of my pet peeves, HAHA!

I Agree..especially 1. (sometimes people make me feel like im invisible or they dont see me standing on line before they push in front-but this can be applied to anyone), 4(It's not that serious, no need for the screaming).,5. Amen edwardtc
As for 3. I have to say that I know someone that is extremely obese and cannot walk for long distances due to their weight...I Dont see anything wrong with using a wheelchair if you need to.
As for the other comment made by, ILOVEDISNEY, Hey, I find that totally offensive and if this was my first time here to these boards i would never return.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Plutofan

As for the other comment made by, ILOVEDISNEY, Hey, I find that totally offensive and if this was my first time here to these boards i would never return.

See, you offended a Yankee as well!!!:animwink: :lol:

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