Pet peeves at WDW?


New Member
Originally posted by cherrynegra
Don't take it personally disneytati. If you've read the previous posts, you'll see that there's an awful lot of generalizing going on and there isn't one group of people that haven't been hit. Children, parents, mothers who breastfeed, teens, gays, Europeans, Brazillians, etc. The last one's were southerners. And as you stated, most Americans aren't like that.

Yeah, I know. But I don't agree with generalizations, because they are always unfair. I think this thread has gone too far in this sense. And even if many other groups have been hit, none has been so rudly treated as mine (and no, we aren't smelly). I think everyone deserves respect, and nobody is so perfect that can point out other people's faults. Of course, there are nice people in this thread with whom I agree .:) (you included) Thanks for the support, anyway!:)

POLYMAN 65 - I hate soccer, and most of Brazilian people do not wear soccer shirts, unless there is a game or their team wins. It's the same as saying we can spot Americans by basketball or baseball shirts, although we know that most Americans love these sports. Don't get me wrong, I am not mad at you or anything, you haven't been rude to me or my people, I just took your post as an example of generalization. People are different, and although nationalities do have some specific characteristics, we cannot generalize. You could spot me by colorful tennis shoes (I love and even collect them) but my brother only wears black shoes and thinks American tennis shoes are too colorful... :lol:

Anyway, I love the USA, and would really like to move up there (for my MA in English Literature at UCA), but it's been hard to convince my husband because of such arrogant behaviour of some people.

Kisses from Brazil!:kiss:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SpongeScott
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where did this come from? So, since I live in the South, and I'm a white male, I'm looking to drag a black man behind my pickup? Dude, you are WAY OUT OF LINE on this. I suggest you edit your post and put up an apology. You have stepped waaaaaaay over the line to many people.

I mentioned this as well and received no response, so all I can say is since ignorance is bliss, someone in Indiana is real happy right now.:animwink:


New Member
Fellow Southerner here and yes, it was a bit offensive. However, I work with the public and sadly have become used to the ignorant generalizations that I encounter concerning Southerners. Being a Floridian, I am surrounded by people that are not originally from here so it happens often. At any given moment a particular "group" of people are being unfairly categorized and bashed. Sometimes I acutally feel sorry for the person doing the bashing. :(

Oh well, I love y'all anyway! YES, BY GEORGE, I said it.......Y'ALL!

By the way Disneytati, if that is a picture of your baby as your Avatar, let me say that I would be kissing on those beautiful cheeks all day long!! How do you get anything else done?!


Well-Known Member
I, too, can't stand the stroller people. I have a 7 year old so I've used a stroller, but there is no reason to use it as a battering ram. I had a lady run into the back of my daughter's legs with hers, I let it go. BUT, the very same lady did it again about 5 mins. later. That one, I didn't let go. I'm an easy going person and I don't like confrotation, but don't hurt my daughter. I politely told her that if she hit my kid again, she would need someone to push her wheel chair. NO offense to those in wheelchairs, and you are right you can't tell if someone actually needs it or just using it. I had a niece (she has since died, today is the year anniversary:cry: ) that had a brain tumor. She didn't "look" sick but she needed the chair. Have a heart, you never know.

People who stand in line and proceed to spit giant snot balls on the ground. That just makes me gag!!:hurl:

As for children...............They ask questions. That is how we learn things is by asking. If they see something they want to know about, the place they are isn't as important to them as finding out the answer. We have to let them know it's ok to ask questions. My daughter is very respectfull of everyone, but she gets excited and my let out a little squeal, I'm not going to yell at her for that. If we respect others our children will see us respecting them and they in turn will learn that and pass it to their children. :)


New Member
Originally posted by bigfatdonna

By the way Disneytati, if that is a picture of your baby as your Avatar, let me say that I would be kissing on those beautiful cheeks all day long!! How do you get anything else done?!

Yeah, this is my baby. Her name is Maria Clara and she is 7 months old. And yeah, I keep kissing her cheeks all day long! People here stop me on the street saying: oh, how cute! oh, those cheeks are soooooo cute!!! She just smiles to everyone.:) Right now, I only think about two things: my baby, and our WDW december trip. It's going to be her first trip!!!:xmas:


Active Member
Originally posted by Scooter
I think this Breast-Feeding-in-the-bathrooms thing got kind of blown out of proportion.:lol:

I don't think anyone expects a Breastfeeding Mother to sit on a toilet stool in a bathroom stall and breast feed their child.

It was about being a little discrete about it and not popping your out in front of people who don't care to see them or don't want their children to see them.

Most WDW washrooms have a quiet, diaper changing area that is away from the bathroom stalls where one can stand and breast feed quietly away from the crowds.

All 3 of my children were breast fed and we never had any problems beacause my wife always excused herself in crowded places and restaurants to feed my children in privacyw/o being oggled, giggled, and pointed at.

That is exactly what I meant when I posted my peeve about the lady on POTC.

Thanks for understanding. I wasn't looking to tick anybody off, I know it's natural and what the are really for. I'm just asking that there be a little discretion on the part of the breastfeeding mom.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
Krispy Creme--good; hunting--bad. This is America 2004, not the Wild West of 1865. There is no need to hunt anything but those crazy frigging terrorists, but then again they do still drag black men behind pickups in the South. Remember the Alamo!!!

Maybe some of you have lost it, or are way to sensitive. He didnt say all southern white males do this. He didnt say it was a ritual in the south. It was used as a means to point out that one can talk about guns, and shooting someone, and that somehow is perfectly acceptable. Yet you bring a race card into it, or a dose of reality, and all of a sudden everyone becomes a mother teresa. Casually talking about shooting someone is kind of funny, yeah, but also disturbing considering the nuts that are out there today. Neither is acceptable, not guns or dragging a man, and one was just used to illustrate the outlandishnis-nis-nis of the other.

And I would love to be on the wedway or the ball right now. So get your smelly as* the H*ll out of my way, you lying b*stards. :xmas:


Beta Return
Man, this thread has taken a turn for the worse in the last 24 hours, HAHAHAHA!

Yeah, I'm an American and I generalize a lot - who doesn't? Admit it.....

1. Breastfeeding in a bathroom - yeah I said it. Yeah, it was an EXAMPLE of somewhere to do it rather than a bench, with your big 'ol swollen hanging out, uncovered, right next to a bunch of familes on the MGM Stars and Motorcars parade route, in broad daylight (true story). Of the 2, the Baby-Changing Restroom is a far more respectful choice. It's true, I'm male and appreciate the occasional glimpse of the female body - but not when its bloated, swollen, and attached to by another person - and neither do the children who have grown up in an AMERICAN society where nudity is not common. Just be discreet, I don't care where - for all I care, feed them in a dumpster, port-o-jon, or your resort room :lol:

2. As for stinky people - they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. But, of course, I generalized. It is apparently not a custom in some countries to use deodorants - and they bring those customs here. True, there are plenty of Americans who also do not practice that portion of personal hygeine, but overall, I can safely generalize that 99% of the odorous people I've encountered are of hispanic or middle eastern ancestry. Yes, I do have a sensitive nose, because I've been cultured in a society where people do not normally smeel like a sliced onion - and it bothers me. Add 90 degrees and a Florida sun to that, and MMMMM MMMMMM GOOD :slurp:

3. We're all created equal. Making a joke about shooting a white man, and making a joke about dragging a black man behind a truck are equally bad. Neither of which should be done, nor discussed on these boards. (And not all of us in Indiana are happy about that)

4. Stroller Issues: If you're operating one, keep your eyes on the road. Treat them as if they were a car. No, they won't kill someone (most likely) but they can hurt someone. If you're around them, just be aware. I try to avoid them like the plague, and walk on the sides of the paths, or just keep up a good pace.

5. Wheelchairs: I don't think any of us on here complained about ANYONE who justifiably traversed the parks in a wheelchair. Our pet peeves are when people who DO NOT have any physical disability or other medically justified illness or disease use them to cut in line or receive other benefits. My grandfather had his leg amputated 2 years ago because of diabetes, and he's now in a wheelchair. If we went to WDW with him, there is NO WAY that anyone in my family would even CONSIDER "using" him to slip in the exits of rides and shows. Sure, one or two would go on things with him but a group of 6 or so of us wouldn't abuse that "privilege".

6. If someone has trouble keeping all of their children in line, and behaved, perhaps they should have stopped having them 2 or 3 kids ago. Why should I have to put up with screaming kids (and moms and dads) just because they were visited by the stork too many times? Be responsible for your actions, whether it be in the conception process, or the raising process. Quanitity is not a justification for lack of control.

7. Finally, correct, I have never done any of the things that are Pet Peeves of mine. NOPE, i'm not better than anyone else on here, because I'm SURE i do things that annoy other people, so they can write their pet peeves about me, and tell how awful i am. I am an American, and proud of it. I am not frowning on any other nationality or race, just simply stating it as i see it. Certain traits and customs don't mean that a race or nationality is bad - just that they have those certain traits or customs that' i'm not used, to, and that I dislike - thus, a Pet Peeve of mine :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Wow Tom!...

You're such a butthead!

And I trusted you, man!

*gettin' choked up*

I saved!...I thought that meant something to you!

:cry: :cry:

(sorry...had to put that in there. It fit my mood!)


Beta Return
Originally posted by BwanaBob
Wow Tom!...

You're such a butthead!

And I trusted you, man!

*gettin' choked up*

I saved!...I thought that meant something to you!

:cry: :cry:

Bob, I have NO IDEA what you mean, HAHAHAHA! Yes, I am a butthead, a REALLY big butthead :sohappy: But I just call it like I see it. Not out to offend any specific person or group, just listing my pet peeves, just like the rest of them - and then we get these defensive people saying that our Pet Peeves aren't justified - which is just like telling someone that their OPINION is wrong. That's just displaying their ignorance.

Anyway, what does "I saved" mean? And you can still trust me - I'll always be there for ya man! HAHA :lol:

Jungle Skipper

New Member
Wow...this thread really took a nosedive...I reccommend therapy for some of you...lots and lots of Disney related therapy!

I'm just taken aback by some of the posts here...such hostility.

I guess my biggest pet peeve periods would be ignorant, racist, generalizing know-it-alls who think they are better than everyone else in the does that drive me up the wall.

Generalizations are ridiculous...just because I'm fat doesnt mean I eat 2 dozen Krispy Kremes a day. Just because my best friend is from the middle east doesnt make him a terrorist nor does it mean that he stinks. Just because I'm Amercian doesn't make me better than anyone else in the world...

Sorry thats my rant on where this thread went...the best post here was how some people are taking this thread way to seriously...

I sugggest some of this negativity should be shifted to a new positive happy fun time thread...wheree we can talk about great times at WDW and why we wanna go back! See my new thread.

Just remember PetPeeves are like opinions...which are a lot like A**holes...everybodies got one!
Jungle Josh


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by edwardtc

Anyway, what does "I saved" mean? And you can still trust me - I'll always be there for ya man! HAHA :lol:

Geico commercial...

you know...the whole '15% or more on car insurance' bit?


Beta Return
Originally posted by BwanaBob
Geico commercial...

you know...the whole '15% or more on car insurance' bit?

WOW, that came from nowhere, HAHA. I guess I need to open up my mind a bit :animwink:

Thanks for reading my essay anyway - I'm just waiting for the ignorant remarks to start flowing again :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by edwardtc

3. We're all created equal. Making a joke about shooting a white man, and making a joke about dragging a black man behind a truck are equally bad. Neither of which should be done, nor discussed on these boards. (And not all of us in Indiana are happy about that)


Good post.........but I said someONE in Indiana was happy, not EVERYone. It was directed to the person who make an ignorant statement on a disney board.

I just didn't want to see a fight break out over something so stupid.

Hate crimes happen everywhere, it just gets more coverage in the South if two different races are involved.

Have great day!!!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by ILOVEDISNEY
OK, let's stoke the fire. It's been too quiet lately.

My biggest peeve is those 2-pack-a-day and/or 2-dozen-a-day Krispy Kreme folks who run you over in their motorized carts with their entourage in tow and push to the head of the handicapped line like they owned the place. They could care less about the poor souls with CP, MS, SB, etc. who actually need to be in a chair. Is it any wonder persons from other countries hate us?

My pet peeve is people who post threads critiquing what other people do in the parks. If there are so many annoying people, that you have to post a whining rant about it - THEN DON'T GO!! How much easier can it be?

I enjoy the parks and expect to deal with different types of people, some of them rude, some of them slow, and some of them loud -- who cares?.

As far as your insult about 2-pack-a-day or 2-dozen-a-day Krispy Kreme folks -- how dare you?!? Do you have any idea how harsh and stupid that statement is? Many of the people who are largely overweight are suffering from serious diseases. In a majority of cases, the weight is a result of disease and not the other way around. Just because someone is large, and on a motorized scooter, doesn't mean they sit back and stuff down doughnuts.

I won't even bother explaining it further, cause people like you just don't get it. :fork:

PS - Learn how to write, your quote sounds like it came directly out of the third grade.


New Member
Originally posted by edwardtc
Bob, I have NO IDEA what you mean, HAHAHAHA! Yes, I am a butthead, a REALLY big butthead :sohappy: But I just call it like I see it. Not out to offend any specific person or group, just listing my pet peeves, just like the rest of them - and then we get these defensive people saying that our Pet Peeves aren't justified - which is just like telling someone that their OPINION is wrong. That's just displaying their ignorance.

:mad: Yeah, you are REALLY a butthead. Listing pet peeves is arrogant by itself, and I shouldn't have bothered to read these posts (well, I thought there were only nice people here, and that the posts would probably be funny). You didn't only post your opinion, you were racist, rude and arrogant in your statements and tone. Your generalizations display YOUR ignorance, as you really don't know what you are talking about. I really think moderators should pay attention to prejudice and hostility in the threads.

PS: I don't think you should laugh at other people's feelings, disrespecting people is not funny at all. And don't bother to reply to my post, as this thread has gone too far and I won't come back here again. I come to this website to have fun, make friends and talk about Disney, not to argue. Yeah, JUNGLE SKIPPER, your new thread is much better.:)


Active Member
Original Poster
Re: Re: Pet peeves at WDW?

As far as your insult about 2-pack-a-day or 2-dozen-a-day Krispy Kreme folks -- how dare you?!? Do you have any idea how harsh and stupid that statement is? Many of the people who are largely overweight are suffering from serious diseases. In a majority of cases, the weight is a result of disease and not the other way around.

Yeah, right you are--HMD (Hand to Mouth Disease). Please, give credit where it is due. That's my alleged "insult," and I resemble that remark. Are you an MD specializing in proctology?


New Member
Hand to mouth disease - eh? That just shows what an uneducated dolt you are. I guess you've never heard of diabetes, congestive heart failure, or the whole host of other diseases that can result in severe weight gain.

Your original post seemed like troll bait, now with this post, it's confirmed.

Congratulations on being a certified idiot, and welcome to my rarely used block list.

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