Well-Known Member
Christmastime was the exact reason why we still had our Platinum's, but our monthly payment would have gone up by $60 to keep and we just couldn't justify it. We almost non-renewed out of principal, but they have us hook, line and sinker so we dropped down to Gold.unless you want the photo pass the silver seems to be a sweet spot platinum makes no sense unless you need to be there on Christmas. unlike universal the pass levels are mostly just for the privlige of walking in the gate at x time of year. been doing universal alot more lately and let me just say.... spontaneous feels good.
We actually used to have UO AP's after WWoHP opened. However, despite being much cheaper than WDW passes, we found them to be a much worse value for our family. While my son is a huge HP fan (the reason why we bought the tickets in the first place), he is a gentle soul and refuses to go on thrill rides or anything aggressive in nature. There's only so many times we could walk through Hogsmeade and Diagon, go on Cat in the Hat, and sit in the JP Discovery Center or Curious George area while he played before we realized we were throwing our money away.
My daughter, on the other hand, is turning out to be a little Hellraiser, so we might have to just go back when she's tall enough to go on the coasters.