Park Pet Peeves


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Yay! My first Post!

I agree with most of you guys about the usual pet peeves, I hate when people cut in front of me. Espically during parades when the parents shove their kids in front of you even though you have been standing there longer.

I also have a weird pet peeve. I hate when people will go to the exit line or up to where a character is standing and try to take a picture of them when they are with SOMEONE ELSE'S family. It's just you have no idea what those people are after. First off, 80% of the time they are just lazy and want a picture of the character without waiting in line, but seriously the people could be pedophiles or something. Plus it distracts the character and ruins the other family's interaction because the character doesn't know if that person is with the family and normally doesn't want them to get a picture if not.


Active Member
Yay! My first Post!

I agree with most of you guys about the usual pet peeves, I hate when people cut in front of me. Espically during parades when the parents shove their kids in front of you even though you have been standing there longer.

I also have a weird pet peeve. I hate when people will go to the exit line or up to where a character is standing and try to take a picture of them when they are with SOMEONE ELSE'S family. It's just you have no idea what those people are after. First off, 80% of the time they are just lazy and want a picture of the character without waiting in line, but seriously the people could be pedophiles or something. Plus it distracts the character and ruins the other family's interaction because the character doesn't know if that person is with the family and normally doesn't want them to get a picture if not.

Welcome! :wave:


Well, of course rude people get on my nerves but the one that drives me crazy the most is when people stop on the people movers. Like the exit for Space Mountain, as long as it is, people just stand there. It drives me crazy.

I've got to agree. Whilst at another park (the one with the big green guy), I got an earful from some "rather large" lady, all because I said excuse me as a walked passed her and her family. I pointed out that they are call moving "walk" ways and not moving "can't be bothered walking" ways! If people don't want to walk fine, just stand to one side and let people passed. :brick:


Active Member
A pet peeve of mine at character meals is when other people try to take pictures of the characters while they are at your table, rather than just waiting until the character visits their table.
We've actually had little kids from other tables get up and walk over to our table while the characters are visiting with our kids, and their parents are just laughing and taking their pictures.:hammer:
Also the smoking in non-smoking areas, as so many others have mentioned. We were in line at the MK to catch the boat to the Wilderness Lodge one night and someone was actually smoking in that line, right in front of us, blowing their smoke right down on my kids. People all around were making comments, but they kept smoking. There was a CM there who did nothing about it, which made me even more mad....its like they were scared to say something to the guy.


Active Member
I just ignored the guests when they did that. People would be like "eeyore!!" and i would be like "no thanks"

I especially couldn't stand it when i would need to walk to the other side to other tables and kids from the other side would follow me...pull on my tale...keep on calling me....

I had this mother get so angry at this one child because she followed me all over the place...she didn't say anything except kept on pulling my tale and hitting me. The mom got up and said "little one, where do you belong? Please wait your turn" the child didn't listen nor did she respond. Probably didn't speak english. The mother's daughter went to go take a picture with me and this girl pushed the daughter away and stood in front of me.

OOOOOOHHHH that got me infuriated, and i couldn't say a word about it!

We did eventually have a greeter tell the parents of the girl to stop and watch her.


Well-Known Member
My biggest pet peeve is when teens and adults (mostly men) act like they are "too cool" to enjoy Disney while they are there. Like if a character comes up to them they stand still and don't smile and look like a jack*#$...


Well-Known Member
Mine is people who do not go to the end of the seat. why why why do they do this and i am trying not to be a raciest as i am from England But they always talk in Spanish and you now they Speak English but you walk into the theater and they plonk themselves right in the middle of the row and let everyone trip over them so they can sit in the middle. The last time this happened last month my partner stamped her foot hard on the people as she walked by and we almost got into a big fight on the subject with them.
Also why is it you go to pay for something and there is again a south american person in front of you trying to not pay the full amount and 20 other people from there family adding extra items into the sale that takes 20 min to complete. This so winds me up and always makes my day sad in Florida when this happens. I love the american service and smile and chatty ness of life over in your country but this always comes across as the worst in your TOURISTS that ruin it for the rest of us holiday makers.

Try living here.


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Original Poster
Oh, this is huuuuge with me:

People who make a fuss over wheelchairs getting on the Bus.

So... my grandmother uses a wheelchair because it's extremely tiresome and painful for her to stand up for long periods of time. Heck, it's even painful for her to stand up for SHORT periods of time.

She's not handicapped. She can stand up. It's just tough.

So the bus driver sees her in the wheelchair... at the wheelchair line for the bus.

Sometimes the driver will ask if she can get up, and she does. Very slowly she gets helped up by the driver and I climb on with the chair.

Other times the driver will do the fun "wheelchair-a-vator" thing on the bus (commonly reffered to as 'grandma's tower of terrror' by my family).

On both ocassions we both have to stand there and endure the array of LAZER BEAMS people stare at us from the regular line. Seriously... it's like they'd rip us apart if they could.

If that wasn't bad enough, while the driver preps the bus to get her on, sometimes I can hear people complaining loudly, as if to me, about how she should be made to wait for the next bus and et cetera. Other times, I can hear them planning.

...and even ONE TIME we got on the bus, just as the doors closed behind us and I helped the driver buckle her in, some teenager ducked under the rails, ran head first towards the back doors and tried to jump on JUST AS the doors were closing.

Needless to say he was stuck between the doors. The driver freaked out and opened them. His family, of course, began a raucous raport with the driver complaining and yelling and cursing and et cetera.

All the while me and my grandmother just sit there close by twiddling our thumbs trying to ignore it.

SERIOUSLY!? What's up with that?

Oh, and another thing: Our parties come on with us. Hey... they're with us. We're not gonna take a bus and get split up. We even do the polite thing and stay standing (the guys do anyway) so that everyone gets a seat. And we put the kids on our laps too.

But no, you still hear people freaking out.


Naturally Grumpy
So I guess we're pretty much in agreement then. Cast Members are just fine, attractions and a burned out lightbulb or two are not a problem.

All the problems begin and end with the stupid Guests! :rolleyes: :brick:


Active Member
My biggest pet peeve is when teens and adults (mostly men) act like they are "too cool" to enjoy Disney while they are there. Like if a character comes up to them they stand still and don't smile and look like a jack*#$...


Come off it my imagination is as good as anybody else or I would not go to Walt Disney World in the first place but the characters are for kids.

I know who the jack*#$ is.

What annoys me is adults that go up to these Disney Cast Members dressed in a Goofy suit and make a total *#$ of themselves and double that when they are not acting for their kids.

What also annoys me is when these characters know you do not want to play lets pretend and annoy you when you are trying to relax.


New Member
I wouldn't do that...they are illegal, in addition to being quite rude. My wife and I use them to keep in contact with each other when we each take a child to do something that the other child does not want to do.
I don't think that's really a good idea either. When I go to Disney in 68 days I will be calling my mother who is sick with cancer many times a day to check on her!!!! I would be upset if a family member couldn't get in touch with me or vice versa!!!!!!!!:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I have yet to see a pay phone in the parks that my wife could phone me on to let me know someone at home has been rushed to hospital... :brick:

10 years ago, I would have been devastated to find out too late.

Thank you, Monty. This has happened to us. Didn't use the phone on the attractions but in lines and in between.


Loud,obnoxious central and south american tour groups,and their a$$^@!# tour guides who stand in lines for them so everyone can try to cut the line after running over from the previous ride!:mad: Here is a chant for you .....GO AWAAAY AWAY AWAY AWAY.....AND DON"T COME BACK ANOTHER DAY!!!!

And to the some of the cheerleader groups. What is it gonna take to get you to realize we don't want to hear your cheers? Your here for the competition, do it at the competition. Here is my cheer to you, ...Give me a S....Give me a H.....Give me a U..... Give me a T.......Give me a U......Give me a P....what does that spell???...........SHUT UP!!!!!!!!! OHH yeah and to the cheerleader parents and chaperones of those groups ,when you come with them to these events your suppose to watch them 24/7,not sit at the hotels at the quiet pools and get drunk,while they run around unsupervised! Your the reasons for the bad rep for the ones who have manners and respect for themselves and others.
I too am bugged by talking when I'm trying to listen. My other pet peeve is the "bump and run". We all sideswipe other people at Disney, it's gonna happen, it's understandable. What bugs me is the people who slam right into you full force and don't take the time to even say excuse me. A little politeness goes a long way :)

On the flipside of this peeve (even though that bothers me too) is people that don't acknowledge when you do something nice. (ie: hold a door, give up a bus seat etc...) Just walk past or look at you like they deserve nothing less than the treatment you've given them. Or the non-acknowledgement of saying excuse me if I am the offender. Maybe it's just me.:confused:


i love living with the land, but the last 2 times people talked the whole way through it. if you dont want to listen just be quiet so others can


New Member

ooooh yes. those shoes should be banned, from EVERYWHERE. its nothing but kids getting in your way, or falling on thier faces becuase, hello, shoes shouldnt be made with wheels. thats what roller blades are for.:brick:

I hate to have to fight the urge to push over a little kid everytime i see one with heeleys. I think it says the parents are push overs and give thier kids whatever they want, and have no concern for thier saftey, or other people.

sorry to offend anyone... i really dislike heeleys. Love kids though. just dont want to see them get hurt.

and crocs. :zipit:


New Member
For those who don't think babies should be at WDW because "they won't remember" - Think about what you are saying!! Do we leave our babies to sit all day and stare at the walls until they are old enough to remember us playing with them, taking them to the park, etc. Of course they won't remember any of this, but this is how they learn about the world...if you waited to do anything with your children until they could remember, they would become useless vegetables. As long as no one is asking you to watch their child at WDW, what business is it of yours? P.S. - My children are all teenagers now, but have been happily coming to WDW since they were infants...and we have some fantastic family memories and pictures!! :)

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