I don't have a problem with people taking thier babies and other young children to Disney. I took my DD when she was 3 months old. I do have a problem with people who just let their kids cry and scream and don't do anything about it.
Its annoying enough when you stand by them in a long line or on a ride, but on our last trip in Feburary I noticeed this going on a lot in nice sit down restruants. I'm sorry, I'm paying a lot of money to enjoy a meal and, I don't want to listen to your child cry for an hour. I have no doubt they are "just tired", but take them out of the restruant so the rest of us can eat in peace.
Its annoying enough when you stand by them in a long line or on a ride, but on our last trip in Feburary I noticeed this going on a lot in nice sit down restruants. I'm sorry, I'm paying a lot of money to enjoy a meal and, I don't want to listen to your child cry for an hour. I have no doubt they are "just tired", but take them out of the restruant so the rest of us can eat in peace.