Park Hopper Passes going away!!!


Well-Known Member
TURKEY said:
Most FL residents either:

1. Have an annual or seasonal pass.
2. By Play 4 Day tickets (that sound like they are dissapearing to 3 days).
3. Buy single day tickets.
They're going to cut it down to 3 days?

I can see how FL residents can buy single day tickets because we'd do that too. But we are so lucky that we've been able to get Play 4 Days passes, and they extend the deadline at least a month to upgrade to Seasonal or AP's. Thanks to that, we were able to get Play 4 Days and last weekend we upgraded to Seasonal.


Well-Known Member
We always buy for the days we are going to be there. There is never anything left over, so this system will work. We were planning a 7 day trip this time anyhow. As for the less fortunate, I know what you mean. We have to save for at least a year to go. :cry:

I'm not sure if I read something wrong, but did I see where you had to buy something more to take advantage of the early entry hour? I'm easily confused anyway, so this is just making my head spin around. :lookaroun


New Member
I say make it simple, no add-ons, every ticket is a park hopper and a Plus ticket. Keep the prices as they were, have 2, 3, 4 ,5, and 7 day tickets set at the current price for the "Premium" ticket...
That way people won't be spending as much on tickets and therefore will spend more money in the parks.
HMMM. this is very intersting. The offical disney chart clears it up though.

Well this is a bad thing for floridians. In the summer the offer the 4-day park hopper pass for $109. Now we have to pay $185, plus the $35 park hopper. It would be nice if Disney comes up with a seperate rates for Florida Residents. They always have. Thats a perk of living in Florida

Jekyll Baker

New Member
longfamily said:
I wonder if this will create a loss in profits for Disney. Currently people purchase gold and platinum add-ons to their package to aquire the use of the all-inclusive food option. Granted, in it's current state, both add-ons allow for three meals a day whereas this new system only allows for 2 meals plus snack. But anyone who has experienced the inclusive meal plan with the add-ons knows that this is way to much food to begin with. Isn't Disney shooting themselves in the foot by offering the guest a custom tailored deal. It would be easier for the guest to not look into the add-ons, resulting in disney losing profit. Yes?
Maybe yes to a degree, but it does gear things more towards the customization of the tickets. How many people actually eat three FULL meals a day when at the parks? I usually only eat one or two real meals a day myself. And I think most people probably do the breakfast, snack, and late lunch/early dinner because of the prices of food in the parks.


Well-Known Member
Mickeyman819 said:
HMMM. this is very intersting. The offical disney chart clears it up though.

Well this is a bad thing for floridians. In the summer the offer the 4-day park hopper pass for $109. Now we have to pay $185, plus the $35 park hopper. It would be nice if Disney comes up with a seperate rates for Florida Residents. They always have. Thats a perk of living in Florida
On the All Ears site they mention discounts for Florida Residents on such things as the single day tickets. They mention the 3rd day free when you buy for two days. Could be wrong though :veryconfu


FamilyMan said:
May this be the end to ANNUAL PASSES???? I see nothing anywhere that says they will continue to sell APs...

According to the information they are giving cast members, APs will still be offered (along with Florida resident discounts and Seasonal Passes).


Well-Known Member
This new system actually sounds pretty good. I know some people don't like change, but I have been at the gates to Disney and heard people complaining about the current system; I recall a guy compaining that he didn't want to park hop and he didn't care if the ticket never expired...he didn't want to have to pay for those "extras," so why couldn't he just buy a four day ticket without them and save some money...personally, I felt the old system had its limits, and the package deals (ultimates) never seemed particularly cost effective. I also like the fact that Disney Quest is one of the plus options. Before you had to buy the ulimate PH to get it as an option. I think the meal offer sounds like it might be intereesting, too.


Account Suspended
If this is confusing to diehard Disney fans ... imagine how confusing it will be to first timers or occasional visitors.


Well-Known Member
Oddly enough, I wonder how many people there are that buy 6 or 7 day park hoppers and actually use them all in one trip. I love disney, but i couldn't imagine going to parks on 6 or 7 different occasions in one trip. 5 maybe.. but 6 or 7? I wonder how other people feel about that. I would think that the people that buy those tix use them because of their "never expires" feature.


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
If this is confusing to diehard Disney fans ... imagine how confusing it will be to first timers or occasional visitors.
What is confusing? It really seems simple.

1. Buy the number of days you want.
2. Do you want to park hop?
3. Do you want to go to the 'extra' parks?
4. Do you want to have these tickets good forever?

That's it... Same as before except they have set it up so you don't have to pay for 2 - 4 if you don't want to. It's a win-win situation for everyone if you step back and look at it. Don't take the media's stories to heart... they have to have a reason to kick up their ratings so they picked out the only thing they could find bad about the new system - the one day tickets. As many have said, those one day tickets are probably rarely used -- and probably shouldn't be even when they are.

Come on everyone... research and think about it a little before griping about a change. As several have pointed out, most people WILL SAVE money!


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
If this is confusing to diehard Disney fans ... imagine how confusing it will be to first timers or occasional visitors.

Honestly, I don't think its confusing at all. There are 4 questions you need to ask yourself when purchasing tickets: 1) How many days do I want to go to the parks? 2) Do I want to park-hop or just go to one park a day? 3) Do I want to go to the waterparks too? 4) Do I know I will use all the days on my pass or might I only use a few of them and want to save the rest (thus you want the days to never expire)?

That's all there is to it. Just choose the answers and select the ticket and options that best suit your needs. That's what customizing your own tickets is all about with the new Magic Your Way passes. It makes even more sense if you look at the price chart on

The confusing part is trying to show and convince others that this "new" pass program offers the ability to get mutli-day passes that are more or less the same as they have now, but for way cheaper in some cases if you don't choose all the "extra" options or just a little cheaper if you do. Not easy when the newspapers focus on the easiest comparison: that being that a single day ticket price went up $5 bucks to $60.00 a day....which will not affect a majority of people who vacation to WDW who will benefit price-wise with this new pass program.


New Member
First of all, I must commend everyone here for doing such a great job at analyzing all of this!!! Some of you number crunchers are making this kinda easier for me to process!! Bravo to you!!!

In regards to the price increase, I can honestly see how at first it is kinda daunting to look at. I was honestly confused in the beginning. But, I was thinking and basically there have been many things in our lifetime that have been introduced where we've all been like, "Oh my gosh, this is way too much information to process! I'm so confused!!!" I think over time people will get used to the idea and the system in general.

Now, to whether it's a deal or not? Well, if you put all the costs and benefits together, I think the benefits of the plans outweigh the costs. Yes, for some of the passes, it's not such a great deal. But if every pass were a steal of a deal, Disney wouldn't make any money. And of course, we don't want Disney to not make money. I am an Annual Passholder (which for a starving college student like me wasn't easy to get, but great to have in that I don't pay for anything but food really), but my gf is coming down over spring break and I have been looking for a plan like this. Honestly, the best thing about this is that you're not limited to a certain number of days. Exactly what I was looking for! And the fact that people can choose what options they want, kinda negates the fact that some things may cost more. If you can get exactly what you want, sometimes price doesn't matter.

Well, that's just my opinion. Ugh, I tell ya, this is what college does to ya. Make you analyze everything too much! Thank goodness MVMCP is tomorrow night! It'll save my sanity!!!!


Well-Known Member
phlydude said:
From what I am reading, there will be no more Ultimate Park Hopper (a.k.a. Length of Stay passes) when this new program hits.
Well that should be interesting because here in the UK I know for a fact that Virgin Holidays are selling WDW Resort packages with Length of Stay passes for vacations through to the end of October 2005.


Well-Known Member
In the UK it doesn't look like Disney will give you all the options.

I wonder how it will all work out. At the moment a 10 Day Hopper PLUS 5 Options is £217 \ $417 which I think is a bargain.

I wonder, as many UK guests go to Orlando for usually 2 weeks how these new passes will compare to an Ultimate Park Hopper.


New Member
I went in May and came home with 1 day and 2 extras left on my pass. I am going in July and we are planning on going to the parks 5 days, so this saves me money, cause I will only have to buy a 4 day ticket with the hopper add on, cause I do not need to extras and I do not think I will buy the "no expiration" option.


New Member
We've already booked our 2005 trip with Virgin Holidays in the UK - we paid a price including an Ultimate Park Hopper but I wonder what we'll get now... :veryconfu

Tim G

Well-Known Member
What about all these "have been" guests... who still have ie. 4 days left on their 7 days parkhopper??

Is it "sorry, Too Bad" for them???

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