Park Hopper Passes going away!!!


Account Suspended
Wow ... you guys get it ... congrats. I understand it as well. However, there are at least 5 people in this thread posting that they didn't. They are who I was referring to, not you two super-geniuses :rolleyes:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Wow ... you guys get it ... congrats. I understand it as well. However, there are at least 5 people in this thread posting that they didn't. They are who I was referring to, not you two super-geniuses :rolleyes:
Errr.. what is there to understand??? Please explain what.. (if any)


New Member
Corrus said:
What about all these "have been" guests... who still have ie. 4 days left on their 7 days parkhopper??

Is it "sorry, Too Bad" for them???

Nope. Tix bought before 12/2 (yesterday) still have no expiration date.

My wife and I still have one day left on our Park Hoppers from our honeymoon in 1990. Someday we may use it...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Catch 22 said:
Well that should be interesting because here in the UK I know for a fact that Virgin Holidays are selling WDW Resort packages with Length of Stay passes for vacations through to the end of October 2005.
Well it appears as though these new passes are not going to be much unlike the Length of Stay passes aside from the fact that there is not going to be unlimited PLUS visits and they will max out at 7 days.

I don't know if those on holiday for more than a week will have other options, especially coming from other countries...


Well-Known Member
Thrawn said:
Wow ... you guys get it ... congrats. I understand it as well. However, there are at least 5 people in this thread posting that they didn't. They are who I was referring to, not you two super-geniuses :rolleyes:

I'm not pretending to be a "super-genius" as I didn't develop the new passes and certainly I'm not trying to be sarcastic or rude. I didn't even realize until now that someone had posted basically the same exact thing I did minutes before as I was writing my last post. The new passes are very easy to understand and when folks are buying their tickets on-line or at the ticket booths, the options will be very easy to understand and clearly laid out before them.

Again, what becomes confusing is trying to show and justify comparisons that show that the new system in general will provide great savings to the MAJORITY of WDW vactioneers, especially when news media and other folks are implying they have to pay "extra" to add on park hopping or that prices are skyrocketing (which is true only for single day passes which are not used by a majority of folks anymore). As others and I have shown, with the exception of a 4 Day Magic Your Way pass with the park hopping options AND the no Expiration option being more expensive than the current 4 Day Park Hopper pass with the same offerings, all other multi-day passes with the EXACT same benefits are cheaper than their current respective counterparts. Knock off potentially unnecessary stuff like the No Expiration option and the tickets become considerably cheaper than current options now offered.

I honestly believe if folks don't jump on the bandwagon and just LOOK at the price chart it wouldn't be confusing. Different folks are making it sound more confusing than it is. Again, it all comes down to four simple questions that I and another forum member outlined. What is a little disheartening is that some are not realizing that Disney is taking guest suggestions and DOING something with them by offering a program that is more versatile and cheaper for multi-day passes, which is what the MAJORITY of WDW guests get. Its unfortunate when misleading remarks portray a negative impression of the new pass program with things like, "hey, they raised the ticket prices more than ever before", "they want me to pay to park hop", "all they want is more $$$", etc., when in reality it will be cheaper for a majority of folks who plan a trip to WDW....while also providing an incentive to stay on property longer (and what is so bad about that?)


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
What about all these "have been" guests... who still have ie. 4 days left on their 7 days parkhopper??

Is it "sorry, Too Bad" for them???

Nope, Disney still accepts all tickets that it has ever sold, and is willing to convert old, non-electronic tickets into current tickets. Disney will continue to allow guests who have days remaining on their current tickets to use them...

Though, interesting fact, some (not all) park hoppers that are sold without an expiration date do have one... 12/31/2030


Well-Known Member
The ONLY people this new passing system will affect is weekend vactioneers who perhaps would have bought 2 or 3 single day tickets in the past. These folks will feel the price hike in single day tickets. However, the new 3-Day Magic Your Way Pass will cost you $57.00 a day, which is not that drastic of a price hike compared to recent price increases. (Recall, there is NO current 3-day pass....right now if you planned on only spending 3 days at the parks you would have to buy 3 single day tickets that expire the second you use them)

However, most weekend vactioneers are probably Florida Citizens. (Folks from outside Florida are more inclined to stay 4 or more days ). The new Magic Your Way Pass program also has special discounts just for Florida citizens including:

1)A third day free with the purchase of a two-day ticket.
2) Or 10 percent savings on a one-day base ticket.
3) Or free "Park Hopper" option added to a full-price one-day ticket.

So, in theory, a weekend vactioneer can get 3 days at the parks for $39.67 a day! And this is ALWAYS offered to Florida citizens, not just a "special" during the off-season. Or perhaps they are only spending one day at a park, take 10% off the new $59.75 one day ticket and it will cost $53.77 a day, which is cheaper than CURRENT single day passes.

See, what I think is confusing is trying to show how this new program in almost all ways provides more verstality and also cheaper tickets, despite the sensationalistic nature of saying "Disney rose single day tickets to $60.00".....that is not the big picture. Otherwise, when you just take it for what it is, it really is easy to understand...just don't fall into the trap of thinking Disney just rose ticket prices or that you now have to pay "more" for park hopping..its not true.


Well-Known Member
Great comparison chart. Thanks Speck....shows how nearly every new option is cheaper than current options (although I must add that all "new prices" listed above do NOT include the "No Expiration" option...this would make a 4 day pass about $30 more than the current price....but all other mutli-day tickets with the No Expiration option added on would STILL be cheaper than the old tickets).


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the new chart Speck. It shows what we've been trying to communicate that options above 4 days have decreased in price. I'm willing to bet this will cover most visitors to the parks.


Well-Known Member
this seems to be one of those "read the price guide, then figure out what you want to pay for" type of things. it is kinda annoying that they have changed the ticket format, but it's not going to stop me from hitting the parks :) i'm curious as to see what effect (if any) it has on my trip in October of next year.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Thanks for the new chart Speck. It shows what we've been trying to communicate that options above 4 days have decreased in price. I'm willing to bet this will cover most visitors to the parks.

Yeah....while I think the vast majority of guests take advantage of the park-hopper option, I think that only a slim amount use the "no expiration" option.

Also, now that the tickets can be customized to a guest's LOS, they will not really NEED the no-expiration......most people that usedthis in the past were proabbly those who bought a 4-day park hopper and only stayed for a that a 2-day pass is an option, I am not sure why the no-expiration is needed.


Well-Known Member
ok here's my questions...
The 35$ never expire that 35$ PER DAY? or one price for as many days as you buy?

is there any limit to how many days you buy at once? Because dont you think you can buy a ton of days, add the 35 dollar never expire option and be set for a few years? (i suppose this only makes sense if the 35 dollar charge is per ticket, not per day...)


Well-Known Member
AliciaLuvzDizne said:
ok here's my questions...
The 35$ never expire that 35$ PER DAY? or one price for as many days as you buy?

is there any limit to how many days you buy at once? Because dont you think you can buy a ton of days, add the 35 dollar never expire option and be set for a few years? (i suppose this only makes sense if the 35 dollar charge is per ticket, not per day...)
The $35 was for a 5 day ticket and is a one time charge. The amount is a sliding amount based on the number of days you purchase.

2 day - $10
3 day - $10
4 day - $15
5 day - $35
6 day - $45
7 day - $55
10 day - $100

You are correct... if you want the no expiration, go for a large number of days and use if for several trips. A no expiration of a 4 or less day ticket doesn't make sense anyway.

Source -


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
The $35 was for a 5 day ticket and is a one time charge. The amount is a sliding amount based on the number of days you purchase.

2 day - $10
3 day - $10
4 day - $15
5 day - $35
6 day - $45
7 day - $55
10 day - $100

You are correct... if you want the no expiration, go for a large number of days and use if for several trips. A no expiration of a 4 or less day ticket doesn't make sense anyway.

Source -
i see...
thank you very much! its all starting to make sense to me now :lol:


New Member
This new ticket system is actually perfect for me! I love it. I would be able to get 7 days (When I go for a week, I'm at the parks all 7 days. LOL) I don't get there very often so I want to spend all the time I can at the parks.

I also don't care about the no expiration thing, because I use everything anyway.

I hate waterparks and don't really care about DisneyQuest, so.. the Plus options would always go to waste with me. All I need is the 7 day tix and the Hopper option. Love the cheaper prices!!

Boo's Mom

New Member
we normally take 7 people when we go to disney (all adults) and we normally get the 4 day park hoppers. How much more is it going to cost us? this sucks because it doesn't look like I'll be getting to disney anytime soon and with this price increase thing I'll probably never make it to disney.. :cry:

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