Our road trip, resort hopping, HOT, HOT, HOT trip report: August 9-21, 2010

I just got back a few days ago, and while laundry waits for me, I was excited to get started on this.

We are a family of six. There is me, Jenn, my hubby, Sam, 15 year old daughter, drama queen, Lexy (or as she has taken to calling herself by her middle name this trip Ariana :lol:), 9 year old daughter and mini drama queen, Lainey, 8 year old son, Roderick, and finally 6 year old daughter, Bella.

This was our first trip ever driving. My parents drove down when I was a kid, but we have never driven as adults. I was super excited for this new adventure. Sam was really not excited at all! He kept checking every day for flight prices to see if they had dropped.

I think because of this new experience there was more drama and crankiness before the trip. Sam and I were at each other a bit. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that I had this horrible mosquito bite. I had been itching it for days and on Saturday, the day we planned on leaving, it was very red and puffy looking. Really half of the back of my calf was involved. I asked Sam if he had ever seen a bug bite look like that and he said no. So we headed to the urgent care because I was worried that if it was getting infected that it would only get worse during our trip. So we spent two hours sitting around in a tiny boxlike room waiting to see a doctor for a prescription. It was crazy and not like we didn't have a million things to do. So we were snapping at each other a little, and I think at this point I didn't even want to go on the trip any more. I was ready to just scrap it. But we went home and starting throwing stuff in suitcases. Sam would have loved to been packed already but since I'm the procrastinator it wasn't done. Needless to say we were running late from our self-imposed leave time. Sam said if we were flying we would have missed the plane.

But at 10:30 at night we were finally ready to go. Here is the three little ones excited to get started. Lexy was cranky and too cool for this picture.


I have a picture of Sam before we left, but he insisted on loading the garage with the door closed so not everyone would know we were leaving on vacation so he was hot and sweaty. :lol:

We have a 26 hour drive ahead of us without stops, be we left Saturday night because at this point we don't know if we'll want to stop and rest somewhere. We are due in on Monday the 9th and I wanted to be there right away in the morning. So here we go!


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Since we got out from breakfast around park opening, we decided to to fantasyland now before there were waits. I refuse to wait in that hot line for dumbo, so if the kids want to ride, it's now or never.

Some of the scenery on the way. I have to admit that with the construction going on everywhere, it was hard finding somewhere to look that was pretty.





Ahh, the walls.


There was a woman on dumbo who didn't realize what she got the token for on dumbo. She put it in her pocket, and the CM had to wait for about 5 minutes for her to dig it out. She was annoyed, so I gave her a little understanding smile that earned me a pat on my arm as she came by.

Lainey and Rod were behind me and Sam.


Lexy and Bella were around the corner. Everyone always has to try to get a specific color.


Having fun.




Well-Known Member
I'm so glad you didn't do a whole mess of updating yesterday because I didn't log onto the computer at all. :eek: That NEVER happens! Between spelling & vocab tests w/the boys and trying to keep them focused on school all day instead of goofing off PLUS I'm mad-sewing trying to finally finish my quilt I just didn't find the time. Ack! :hammer:

Isn't that line-up on the inside of the turnstiles but before getting out on Main Street odd? I didn't get it either. Why can't they let people onto the first piece of Main Street then rope it off like they do at DHS? I know we've done it at least a few times. You must've had one of the very earliest seatings, huh? Whenever we find ourselves in the mini-herd we make our way into the area by City Hall, take our time visiting with Roy & Minnie, etc. to kill time. That initial herd will move along hurrying off to their ADRs leaving things a bit more like what you expected. Sometimes it makes us a couple minutes late but it's not the end of the world. There's always plenty of folks lined up at the podium when we make it so it's not like they had nothing to do but wait on us dawdling. Even if I got to the podium and they said "No, you're too late." I'd not care. The whole point for me is to get on Main Street early when it's peaceful and I can soak it all in. Even with the mini-herd, your pics are gorgeous. Your family is so adorable. I love the early mornings. You can feel the hum of excitement in anticipation of the day ahead. Nothing like it!

Ugh! I feel ya on the wait to meet Cindy! Doesn't it make you feel like corralled cattle? I just wanna moo at the CM's every time they urge the group to shuffle forward, get out your autograph books, have your cameras ready, etc. :lol:

We've only done breakfast at CRT once. We didn't have the best service which is probably what prompts us not to go back at that time. Dinner has always felt so much more laid back. I wonder if that's changed now that they do the princess rotations during dinner as well?

Meeting Ariel-with-legs the first time was oober-cool to me, too. I never thought I'd get such a kick out of meeting a character for the first time. LOL!

Agree on the sentiments about the Aurora. :lookaroun I've seen her a bunch of times in recent years where she just felt...well...off. Maybe it's the same "friend" I keep seeing. :shrug: Nevertheless, I'm nice and act all sweet and all but I'd be lying if I said the hair on the back of my neck didn't stand up at the time. :lookaroun

Okay. Dumbo & the coin. I've not been on Dumbo since I was about 12 so I'm really in the dark on the coin. What's the coin for? If we opt to do Dumbo in the early morning I don't wanna be clueless like that lady you mentioned and hold up the entire show. I'd prob'ly do just like her and think, "Cool! Freebie!" and stuff it in my pocket, too. LOL!

Still savoring every second of your trip. Oh how I wish we could go again....or at least know when we could go again.... :cry:


Well-Known Member
:lol: I bet you two have something in common with LOTS of people!

I shall not quote the husband or his buddy (friend & former co-worker of ours who is also a huge Disney fan) about their thoughts about Jasmin as this is a family-friendly forum. Jasmin does seem to have a special bunch of admirers to put it mildly. :lol:


Well-Known Member
:lol: I bet you two have something in common with LOTS of people!

No kidding! During my last trip in January (my husband's first), my husband and I got in line to meet the princesses because he wanted to meet Belle. He also wanted to go to the storytime with Belle, but it was cancelled due to cold weather.

I'm really enjoying your trip report! I can't believe that this trip was your first time to American Adventure. I've seen it almost every trip, but I never really appreciated it until I was in college - and I even majored in History. You have such a cute family, and I am looking forward to reading more!


Well-Known Member
Great update Jenn!!! It's been almost 10 years sine I ate at CRT!!! I think it's time to go back. And I agree definite would pay cash too, 2 TS credits is crazy in my opinion!


mouselvrmom;4241972Bella was carrying on like she'd never had anything to drink before.[/QUOTE said:
I have frequently thrown this kind of temper tantrum while at the world...but I'm 29. Walking + hot weather + crowds = meltdowns for me :lol:

Lexy wanted a picture right in front of the castle.


Little sisters rock!


Your daughter's posing reminds me of how my family would tease me when I was that age because I would pose in every picture!

I love that your kids seem to be so close. I'm sure they all fight constantly as all siblings do...but I hope I'm lucky enough to have a few kids close in age so they'll always have each other.

And yes, I have to agree with the others...that Jasmine is gorgeous! As for Aurora...I think those bangs she wears need to go! Jasmine needs to give her a few pointers....:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow, Jasmine looks gorgeous there! No wonder she has so many fans!:lol:

Great pictures, Jenn!

Thanks, Tammy!

I'm so glad you didn't do a whole mess of updating yesterday because I didn't log onto the computer at all. :eek: That NEVER happens! Between spelling & vocab tests w/the boys and trying to keep them focused on school all day instead of goofing off PLUS I'm mad-sewing trying to finally finish my quilt I just didn't find the time. Ack! :hammer:

Isn't that line-up on the inside of the turnstiles but before getting out on Main Street odd? I didn't get it either. Why can't they let people onto the first piece of Main Street then rope it off like they do at DHS? I know we've done it at least a few times. You must've had one of the very earliest seatings, huh? Whenever we find ourselves in the mini-herd we make our way into the area by City Hall, take our time visiting with Roy & Minnie, etc. to kill time. That initial herd will move along hurrying off to their ADRs leaving things a bit more like what you expected. Sometimes it makes us a couple minutes late but it's not the end of the world. There's always plenty of folks lined up at the podium when we make it so it's not like they had nothing to do but wait on us dawdling. Even if I got to the podium and they said "No, you're too late." I'd not care. The whole point for me is to get on Main Street early when it's peaceful and I can soak it all in. Even with the mini-herd, your pics are gorgeous. Your family is so adorable. I love the early mornings. You can feel the hum of excitement in anticipation of the day ahead. Nothing like it!

Ugh! I feel ya on the wait to meet Cindy! Doesn't it make you feel like corralled cattle? I just wanna moo at the CM's every time they urge the group to shuffle forward, get out your autograph books, have your cameras ready, etc. :lol:

We've only done breakfast at CRT once. We didn't have the best service which is probably what prompts us not to go back at that time. Dinner has always felt so much more laid back. I wonder if that's changed now that they do the princess rotations during dinner as well?

Meeting Ariel-with-legs the first time was oober-cool to me, too. I never thought I'd get such a kick out of meeting a character for the first time. LOL!

Agree on the sentiments about the Aurora. :lookaroun I've seen her a bunch of times in recent years where she just felt...well...off. Maybe it's the same "friend" I keep seeing. :shrug: Nevertheless, I'm nice and act all sweet and all but I'd be lying if I said the hair on the back of my neck didn't stand up at the time. :lookaroun

Okay. Dumbo & the coin. I've not been on Dumbo since I was about 12 so I'm really in the dark on the coin. What's the coin for? If we opt to do Dumbo in the early morning I don't wanna be clueless like that lady you mentioned and hold up the entire show. I'd prob'ly do just like her and think, "Cool! Freebie!" and stuff it in my pocket, too. LOL!

Still savoring every second of your trip. Oh how I wish we could go again....or at least know when we could go again.... :cry:

Oh, yes, when we were standing in line for CRT, there was a CM that was very serious about her job. She kept yelling at us to fill in all available space until we were on top of the other families in line. It was pretty funny and slightly uncomfortable. I felt a little like I should be mooing.

And as for the token at dumbo. They give out these red little squares that are to help them know when they have enough people for each dumbo. In the past they asked you to place them on the ears of dumbo when you got in and they just went around and picked them up before you took off. This year for some reason, they didn't say that. Which led to the confusion with the woman who thought this plain red tag was a souvenier and placed it in her pocket.

No kidding! During my last trip in January (my husband's first), my husband and I got in line to meet the princesses because he wanted to meet Belle. He also wanted to go to the storytime with Belle, but it was cancelled due to cold weather.

I'm really enjoying your trip report! I can't believe that this trip was your first time to American Adventure. I've seen it almost every trip, but I never really appreciated it until I was in college - and I even majored in History. You have such a cute family, and I am looking forward to reading more!

I can't believe it was our first trip to American Adventure either. Now I can't imagine not doing it.

Great update Jenn!!! It's been almost 10 years sine I ate at CRT!!! I think it's time to go back. And I agree definite would pay cash too, 2 TS credits is crazy in my opinion!

Yes, you should go back again, but pay cash!

love the pics jenn! especially the little ones with dumbo :ROFLOL:

I figured you would like the dumbo pics!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have frequently thrown this kind of temper tantrum while at the world...but I'm 29. Walking + hot weather + crowds = meltdowns for me :lol:

Your daughter's posing reminds me of how my family would tease me when I was that age because I would pose in every picture!

I love that your kids seem to be so close. I'm sure they all fight constantly as all siblings do...but I hope I'm lucky enough to have a few kids close in age so they'll always have each other.

And yes, I have to agree with the others...that Jasmine is gorgeous! As for Aurora...I think those bangs she wears need to go! Jasmine needs to give her a few pointers....:)

My kids fight like cats and dogs, but they are also really close! I hope they can keep that feeling when they are all grown! And my kids are all super huge posers! :lol:

I think maybe they just need to retire that Aurora... :lookaroun


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After dumbo we waited for pooh. The line really wasn't bad, but part of it was out in the sun and I could feel the sweat start dripping. It didn't help that we were just looking at tarps.




After pooh, we went on snow white.




After experiencing the thrills of space mountain, Bella was like, "Wow, that was quick."

We got a phone call from our friends that were coming to see us today. They said that they were going to be on their way, so since we took the bus today, we thought we should head back.

Who's up for some ball?


We were happy to find a bus waiting for us when we exited. And better yet, we had the bus to ourselves. Actually, we probably would have prefered other people on the bus with us, but Roddy was happy to have the back to himself.





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We rushed back to our room to get ready before our friends got there. Have I mentioned how beautiful OKW is? There is foliage everywhere! It really is very relaxing and peaceful.



The kids are ready for the pool.


Now our friends lived in Minnesota and our families danced together. But they had just moved to Florida 3 weeks before we got there. Todd is in the Army and got a job change. Lainey and their daughter Jenna were super close, so we were very happy to get a chance to spend a little time together on our trip.

They arrived, and we had a few drinks in the room while the kids kept asking, "When are we going to the pool?"

Jenna and Lainey were just running around hugging each other. It was pretty cute.


We finally got to the pool, and Sam had to use some of that hot air to blow up the ball for the kids.


Our friends have four kids just like us, but they have two sets of twins. The older set are a year younger than Lexy and they know each other but not that well. So at first it was like they were keeping their distance. I had to force them to sit together for a quick picture before getting into the pool.


The boys got us a few drinks, which were yummy.


I thought these pools were pretty hot, but the kids loved it! It was like taking a bath.


Bella is super funny in the water. She likes to just lay there and float around on her back. Sometimes she'll talk to herself as she lays there.


Even the moms were having a good time!



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More hugging at the pool.


I like Bella in this one.


And I just realized that I caught some random girls snuggie in this picture- sorry about that!

By the end of the afternoon, Lexy and Maria were best buds and were doing the "I heart Disneyworld" symbol.


Unfortunately our friends had to leave, so we just hung out at the pool for a little longer.

Roddy and Bella were swimming in the hot tub, although I have no idea why they thought they needed the water hotter!


They wanted me to take a picture of them on top of the sand castle.



They're pretty goofy!



The kids get out for a drink and the sky is starting to get dark.




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We figure even with the sky getting darker, that we could stay a little bit longer. We're already wet, so we waited it out.


The kids really thought this was a neat pool.


I even somehow got talked into going down the slide. I always try to stay up because I have contacts in, but I always manage to go under.


Here I am laughing at how ridiculous I look.


Smile and wave.


We formed a little train.





It started raining, so we waited for a break and then headed back to the car to change and get ready for dinner. It's Ohanas tonight and we were ready for some fun!


Active Member
Great trip report and what a great looking family. This is one of the big reasons we love Disney is because it is a great family experience. Your kids will look back on these vacations with lasting memories - good for you and your husband for making a difference in your kids lifes.

We're leaving soon for our WDW vacation and we are looking for a good compact digital camera. Your pictures are great - what camera did you use?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great trip report and what a great looking family. This is one of the big reasons we love Disney is because it is a great family experience. Your kids will look back on these vacations with lasting memories - good for you and your husband for making a difference in your kids lifes.

We're leaving soon for our WDW vacation and we are looking for a good compact digital camera. Your pictures are great - what camera did you use?

Thanks! We feel that Disney is the best spot for us for our family vacations. There is something for everyone and it is just a fun place to spend time together. I hope that they will have lots of great family memories to look back on.

I use a canon XT, although I would really like to upgrade and add a few lenses. I feel that I'm just not able to get the shots that I want with what I have. So sorry I can't help you with the compact camera.


Well-Known Member
Love all the fun pool pictures, Jenn! More and more I've come to the conclusion that pool time is a must, especially for those mid-summer trips. That slide at OKW is a good one... I can never manage to stay above water either when I go down them.

Oh yes, and the picture of the kids in front of Casey's is a riot!

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