Our road trip, resort hopping, HOT, HOT, HOT trip report: August 9-21, 2010

I just got back a few days ago, and while laundry waits for me, I was excited to get started on this.

We are a family of six. There is me, Jenn, my hubby, Sam, 15 year old daughter, drama queen, Lexy (or as she has taken to calling herself by her middle name this trip Ariana :lol:), 9 year old daughter and mini drama queen, Lainey, 8 year old son, Roderick, and finally 6 year old daughter, Bella.

This was our first trip ever driving. My parents drove down when I was a kid, but we have never driven as adults. I was super excited for this new adventure. Sam was really not excited at all! He kept checking every day for flight prices to see if they had dropped.

I think because of this new experience there was more drama and crankiness before the trip. Sam and I were at each other a bit. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that I had this horrible mosquito bite. I had been itching it for days and on Saturday, the day we planned on leaving, it was very red and puffy looking. Really half of the back of my calf was involved. I asked Sam if he had ever seen a bug bite look like that and he said no. So we headed to the urgent care because I was worried that if it was getting infected that it would only get worse during our trip. So we spent two hours sitting around in a tiny boxlike room waiting to see a doctor for a prescription. It was crazy and not like we didn't have a million things to do. So we were snapping at each other a little, and I think at this point I didn't even want to go on the trip any more. I was ready to just scrap it. But we went home and starting throwing stuff in suitcases. Sam would have loved to been packed already but since I'm the procrastinator it wasn't done. Needless to say we were running late from our self-imposed leave time. Sam said if we were flying we would have missed the plane.

But at 10:30 at night we were finally ready to go. Here is the three little ones excited to get started. Lexy was cranky and too cool for this picture.


I have a picture of Sam before we left, but he insisted on loading the garage with the door closed so not everyone would know we were leaving on vacation so he was hot and sweaty. :lol:

We have a 26 hour drive ahead of us without stops, be we left Saturday night because at this point we don't know if we'll want to stop and rest somewhere. We are due in on Monday the 9th and I wanted to be there right away in the morning. So here we go!


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Your Epcot day reminds me much of the day we had when we were trying to meet up with you. We met Fiesta Donald and had a snack at Kringla before going on the Maelstrom. Oh, and I love your commentary on the woes of being a teenager. Great stuff. This report will be fun for Lexy to look back on when she's older.

If only we'd done that day then! :lol:

I should save this for her so that she can read it later! :D


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After dinner we were completely stuffed. I wasn't even sure how I was going to walk out of there! But we started making our way around.


Hey, how'd these crazy people get into my picture!




The kids get too much screen time, we have to have some parents in here!


Walking by Japan made me so excited for our dinner at Teppan Edo. We had never been, and were really looking forward to it!


One of the things that Sam really wanted to do this trip was American Adventure. We had never done it before, so the kids went dragging their feet.




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Of course, we had a lot of time to wait until the adventure was to begin.

Make a wish. What your wish already came true?




Love it!


Lainey is so weird. She wanted a picture of herself pretending to speak into the microphone. Then, all the littles had to have one.




I thought these were so super cool!




Sam and I both so loved this. The kids maybe not so much, but I think it's so important for them to get a lot of education on where our country came from. Lexy is taking an honors american history class and she had summer reading to do. One of the books is on Frederick Douglass. I made it a point to mention that he was in the show, hoping to get Lexy more interested in her book that she thought was so boring.

After the show, we were too tired for Illuminations, so we just headed for the exit and home. We had a very early morning tomorrow at CRT and then we had some friends coming to meet us, so we wanted to be rested.


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Mmm! Le Cellier!! I can't wait to eat there in October!! I'm sorry yours wasn't so good though. How was the pretzel bread?:)

Oh, yes, the pretzel bread was amazing! Sam asked for just that and not any of the other bread. :lol: But then Lexy wanted some of the sourdough. :D I was pretty full by the time my steak came! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Isn't it amazing how discerning kids can be when it's their wallets that have to open at the register??? Mine are exactly the same way! "Mom! I want this!" "Well, you have your money. Go get it." "Oh. Well, maybe I'll think about it a little more & come back later." Yep. :D

LeCellier. The pretzel bread is the best! I do the same thing Sam did: ask for just the pretzel bread so we can get plenty of it without waiting for refills. But, just like your family, someone will inevitably interject that they want the sourdough. :fork: How dare they take up valuable bread real estate with anything less than the best??? I always have to fight the urge to throw something at them in these moments. :lol: The worst part is when the bread comes and the culprit takes 1 stinkin' bite of the sourdough before moving on to pretzel bread. :rolleyes:

The mashed potatoes are the best! They're so oober simple to make, too. I usually omit the milk since mine tend to turn out just the right consistency without it. For Chandler's 13th birthday we grilled steaks for the family at home & I made the LeCellier taters upon his request. I had my in-laws and everyone so impressed thinking I could actually cook after all these years. :lol: Works for me!

I've been thinking that maybe our friends who tried LeCellier on our recommendation have ruined it for me. When they came back from their trip (April 2009) & gave us their reviews they said they felt the steaks were too salty. Ever since they told me that, I find the steaks rather salty. :mad: Or maybe my pea-brain has fallen prey to the power of suggestion. Either way, my last time eating at LeCellier I wasn't as wow'd. Strange, huh?

American Adventure. I just love this show. It's one of my faves. Americaaaaa...spread your golden wings..... love that song. The movie part at the end always gets me all choked up. The one thing I think kids don't get enough of in school anymore is patriotism. I take my boys to see that show every trip. And every trip they pick out something different that they noticed, usually something that they recognize from recent studies. Yaaaaayyyy!!!! :sohappy: School is everywhere!!!!! :sohappy: ((just don't say it within earshot of any kids))

Can't wait to see where Day 3 takes us! We're starting at CRT. Goody! I'm ready!!!!



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Isn't it amazing how discerning kids can be when it's their wallets that have to open at the register??? Mine are exactly the same way! "Mom! I want this!" "Well, you have your money. Go get it." "Oh. Well, maybe I'll think about it a little more & come back later." Yep. :D

LeCellier. The pretzel bread is the best! I do the same thing Sam did: ask for just the pretzel bread so we can get plenty of it without waiting for refills. But, just like your family, someone will inevitably interject that they want the sourdough. :fork: How dare they take up valuable bread real estate with anything less than the best??? I always have to fight the urge to throw something at them in these moments. :lol: The worst part is when the bread comes and the culprit takes 1 stinkin' bite of the sourdough before moving on to pretzel bread. :rolleyes:

The mashed potatoes are the best! They're so oober simple to make, too. I usually omit the milk since mine tend to turn out just the right consistency without it. For Chandler's 13th birthday we grilled steaks for the family at home & I made the LeCellier taters upon his request. I had my in-laws and everyone so impressed thinking I could actually cook after all these years. :lol: Works for me!

I've been thinking that maybe our friends who tried LeCellier on our recommendation have ruined it for me. When they came back from their trip (April 2009) & gave us their reviews they said they felt the steaks were too salty. Ever since they told me that, I find the steaks rather salty. :mad: Or maybe my pea-brain has fallen prey to the power of suggestion. Either way, my last time eating at LeCellier I wasn't as wow'd. Strange, huh?

American Adventure. I just love this show. It's one of my faves. Americaaaaa...spread your golden wings..... love that song. The movie part at the end always gets me all choked up. The one thing I think kids don't get enough of in school anymore is patriotism. I take my boys to see that show every trip. And every trip they pick out something different that they noticed, usually something that they recognize from recent studies. Yaaaaayyyy!!!! :sohappy: School is everywhere!!!!! :sohappy: ((just don't say it within earshot of any kids))

Can't wait to see where Day 3 takes us! We're starting at CRT. Goody! I'm ready!!!!


:lol: You're too funny! We got the extra pretzel bread before Lexy asked for the sourdough, so we were all good. We even had some extra that Sam wanted to take back with us to the room.

I never thought of making the potatoes at home! I'll have to get that recipe. That is just too nummy to deny.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I already commented once, but I just wanted to say thanks again for posting all these photos. I usually skip trip reports, but your kids look so happy in most of these pictures that it's infectious. I feel a little more cheerful everytime I check in here. It looks like you all know how to have fun. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I already commented once, but I just wanted to say thanks again for posting all these photos. I usually skip trip reports, but your kids look so happy in most of these pictures that it's infectious. I feel a little more cheerful everytime I check in here. It looks like you all know how to have fun. :)

Thanks so much for the kind words! I was feeling like maybe I was posting too many pictures, but I am also saving this in a word document for the kids, so I wanted to include lots. You made me feel a little bit better about sharing so much! :D


Active Member
Thank you for sharing your trip with us, this far. I cant wait to read about the rest! I loved looking at all your pictures as well. It looks like you had a wonderful time. =)


Well-Known Member
i can't believe you all have never been in to see the american adventure! (although, the first time i saw it was in 2007...so who am i to talk?! :lol:) i just love it. like sweetpee, i too get choked up at the end with the little montage video of events throughout history. it really makes you proud to be an american after watching it. and i LOVE the song! i have it on my ipod. :lol:

and i can't wait to hear what you all thought of teppan edo. i love going there! i know its just like any benihana type restaurant but teppan edo was the first one i had ever been to when i was a kid so i associate those type of restaurants with disney. the people who cook your food always have funny jokes and tricks to show. i just love it.


Well-Known Member
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Thank you for sharing your trip with us, this far. I cant wait to read about the rest! I loved looking at all your pictures as well. It looks like you had a wonderful time. =)

Thanks! :)
i can't believe you all have never been in to see the american adventure! (although, the first time i saw it was in 2007...so who am i to talk?! :lol:) i just love it. like sweetpee, i too get choked up at the end with the little montage video of events throughout history. it really makes you proud to be an american after watching it. and i LOVE the song! i have it on my ipod. :lol:

and i can't wait to hear what you all thought of teppan edo. i love going there! i know its just like any benihana type restaurant but teppan edo was the first one i had ever been to when i was a kid so i associate those type of restaurants with disney. the people who cook your food always have funny jokes and tricks to show. i just love it.

I know, I'm a bad American! :lol: I'm not sure I even knew there was a show in there before a few years ago. :lookaroun Epcot was just not a park we visited a lot when the kids were little, and my mom didn't care for it either so we didn't go there a lot when I was a kid either. But it is quickly becoming a favorite of mine now! I just love World Showcase and all of the restaurants there!

And I agree with you about the video montage at the end! It is very moving! I have that song as well.


I'm just loving your report! I'm really enjoying all the pictures and you've given me some great photo ideas for our next trip. You have a beautiful family and it looks like you are all having so much fun, can't wait to read more...


Well-Known Member
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I'm just loving your report! I'm really enjoying all the pictures and you've given me some great photo ideas for our next trip. You have a beautiful family and it looks like you are all having so much fun, can't wait to read more...

Thanks! I'll have to get working on uploading day three!


Active Member
love it jenn! i am a bit surprised there are no food pics from lecellier. what's up with that?

love the pics so much and some are so funny.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
love it jenn! i am a bit surprised there are no food pics from lecellier. what's up with that?

love the pics so much and some are so funny.

:lol: So you noticed, huh? All of my just food shots are being put by day in the food picture of the day thread. I drooled over that thread enough in the last however long, so I decided that I would post over there. So far I think I have my steak from here there. Desserts are coming up next.


Well-Known Member
Great update Jenn!! I second you on your comment of "its amazing how quick kids reconsider buying something when it is there own money!!!" I had to give Devon a budget when we were there too!! And he will be getting another one when we go in Dec too!!!


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Great update Jenn!! I second you on your comment of "its amazing how quick kids reconsider buying something when it is there own money!!!" I had to give Devon a budget when we were there too!! And he will be getting another one when we go in Dec too!!!

I think it's a really smart idea. That way they have a limit, they get to choose what they buy, and when it's gone, it's gone.

On to day three: Wednesday August 11, 2010.

We had reservations at CRT this morning. We love going there one morning so that we can get into the park before it opens and take pictures with no one in them. Well, that was not to be this trip. They must have changed how they do things. When we arrived, there was a huge line at the gate. We got in under the breakfast reservations sign only to find a line on the other side of the gate. They had it roped off so that you just couldn't walk in. They were holding people at the front and I guess there must have been 100 people or more in this snaking line around where you rent strollers. It was insane.

We were packed in like cattle. And one woman behind me was so frantic about missing her reservation that she kept hitting me from behind with her stroller. I was like, seriously, we all have reservations. Can you not see the huge line waiting to get in. We must have waited about 15 minutes or so when they let us in. So there were a ton of people when we walked in, not super conducive to pictures. Oh, well. We did some photopass pictures. I ordered the cd so I'll have to see how they turned out when I get it. They also took a few with my camera. They were eh, but it's not like we don't have lots from other years.



Lexy wanted a picture right in front of the castle.


So then Lainey had to get one too.


And then Sam and I needed to have one.


Little sisters rock!


We entered CRT and waited in line to see Cinderella.



Maybe it's time to stop doing this one for a while. I feel that we had better character interaction on past visits. Not that Cinderella wasn't nice, it just felt rushed and generic.


This year we weren't next to the window, but we were the closest we've ever been. It was nice to be able to look out and see this beautiful sight.



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This is one of Sam's favorite breakfasts mainly due to the potatoes that they used to have here. well, no longer. I thought the new roasted potatoes were pretty good, but they just weren't what Sam was looking for.

Who can complain, though, we're in the castle!


Lexy is too funny. She is always concerned about her weight like a typical teenager. So she got the healthy breakfast. Yogurt and granola. Yum.


I think Bella was pretty tired at this point and was almost falling asleep while eating her egg.


They did the princesses differently this year. I thought it was nice. In past years they would just have them all come out at once, wave and make their way around the room. This time they would come out one at a time after being announced. It was kind of neat as we had to guess who would be out next. Although poor Lainey was sad that there was no Snow White this year. She's her favorite. But we did get to see another favorite that we haven't yet.

Jasmine was first. Sam really likes her!


Aurora was next. She's my favorite, and I really should be nice, but I think this one is kind of funny looking.


Then, it was the big surprise. We got to see Ariel who is Lexy's favorite. We've seen her in mermaid form at DL, but never in human form in her dress, so Lexy was pretty excited, even though she's much too mature for characters!


Well, maybe not that mature, since she wanted a picture with her alone. I have this frame in my kitchen where each year I put each child with their favorite character from that trip alone. She has always had Tigger with her, but this year she wanted Ariel.


Lainey making a wish. I think the wishing ceremony is slightly cheesy, but so far the kids haven't thought so.


We were waiting hoping maybe Snow White would be last, but it was Belle. We would have to meet Snow White later.


As we were leaving, I went up to the window to get a picture of the view.


I know there is some debate over whether CRT is worth it's price. I feel that I would never use two credits on the dining plan for it, we always pay cash. But there is just something magical about eating in the castle. The view is fabulous, and the wait staff is excellent there. I have never had a bad experience with them. I feel that they go out of their way to make sure that you have a good experience.

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