Our 8th WDW Adventure..the trip I 'took out' one of my teenage sons..that's Rippin'!

Here it is, the next installment in our Disney adventures hot off the press for your reading pleasure. For those who’ve followed my last reports (and I, theirs) rest assured that this report will rival my first from January ’09. One of y’all must’ve ratted me out to Tinkerbell and had her read my last report because she tracked us down after we got to WDW and thoroughly flogged us with her wand o’pixie dust. We inhaled. Then we drank the water. The result was a rocket-shot straight to the top of the magic-meter....and our faith in wishing upon stars to make dreams come true has been restored in full and then some. So....please stand clear of the doors....por favor mantanganse alijado de las puertas....hold onto your hats and glasses, ‘cause this here’s the wildest ride in the wilderness!!!!

Preface: ((<---heh-heh...Who puts a preface in their TRs???)) :cool:

I couldn’t do this report justice without a bit of back-story for the usual gang out there who tunes in. Everyone else can just skip forward. Let’s be honest, we all sorta vaguely follow each other’s lives indirectly by reading each others’ reports and conversing over various topics. We catch the milestones as they relate to our common thread of Disney addiction. I don’t know if others are as insane as we are but our lives tend to revolve around our Disney adventures in some way, shape, or form. The significance of our 8th family adventure can’t be appreciated unless you hear some of the highlights since we last left you at the conclusion of our 7th trip in January this year.

Did ya notice the underlying sadness in that last trip and report? We did. For months we blamed it on Mother Nature’s cruel-n-frigid prank with the weather. As 2010 progressed we came to understand where the dark cloud that seemed to follow us around really came from. It came from us. Yep. We did that. Going into that trip we knew that this year was going to be rough. Tracey had already been job searching for over a month. We knew his project was nearing completion and jobs in his line of work were evaporating daily. Even with the nest-egg we had worked so hard to prepare ourselves with, the uncertainty the future held was overwhelming. So we arrived at WDW on that trip not knowing if or when we’d be able to return. The thought that we were staring down what could potentially be our last adventure for quite some time was heartbreaking. For an example: the joy & excitement in arriving was overshadowed from the very start by the sad idea that we possibly wouldn’t have that again. You see? It was those kinds of things that had us dragging that dark rain cloud around with us everywhere we went. At the conclusion of our January 2010 trip we actually gave thought to the idea that maybe our pixie dusted glasses had been shattered and the magic that used to live within our hearts had all but died. I wasn’t sure we’d ever go back even if everything worked out in the months to come.

And then life has it’s way of flinging the perspective stick it at you. In our family’s case, it was the whole stinkin’ tree.

Our year of insanity included: Tracey unemployed for the first time in 17 years, me standing up to the bubba’s in the public school system here and taking back control of our children’s educations, Tracey set a new record for himself (gotta laugh) for the most number of employers within a single year at 4 while the boys & I plunged headlong into homeschool together which is HUGE and life-changing in itself. It’s been crazy with all the twists-n-turns and the ups-n-downs. There were numerous times we could literally see ourselves losing everything we’ve worked so hard for all these years. In spite of everything that life threw at us, we were still happier than we’d been in a long time. Like Mama Odie says to Tiana & Naveen, ya gotta know whatcha neeeeeed. With each other we have always had everything we needed. Everything else, all the stuff, even Walt Disney World...it’s all just the lagniappe. Without life kicking us square in the tookus so our big ol’ heads could pop out for 2 1/2 minutes we might have gone on overlooking the best stuff in life.

And so we arrived at our 8th Walt Disney World adventure raring to go with a renewed perspective and a whole lot to be thankful for: each other.

Enough of all that mushy-gushy stuff. Let’s get this show on the road!

Here’s the particulars and the plan:

WHO: Tracey/DH, Chandler/DS-14 yro, Brian/DS-13 yro, Riley Belle/DFG (Dear Furry Girl), and Kelly/me!

WHERE & WHEN: (it was a 3 week multi-part road trip)

<-- 11/8-11/11..........Gramma’s house in Pensacola, Florida
<-- 11/11-11/21........Walt Disney World: Port Orleans French Quarter and Best Friends Pet Resort
<-- 11/21-11/28........My folk’s house/Nana & Grandpaw’s house in Monroeville, Alabama


The boys & I aren’t limited to the schedule that Tracey has with work. We drove and had fun along the way. Tracey flew in to meet us at WDW on arrival day and flew back to Houston on departure day. Thanksgiving morning he flew again & I picked him up. Even with all the gas in the car added to Tracey’s airfare(s) we still spent less than we would’ve for the 4 of us to fly round trip to Orlando. We haven’t had our own car at WDW with us since our 4th family trip. Having our car there was something I really, really wanted again and am sooooo glad we did. Besides, I love a good road trip and that time spent with just me & the boys was a blast!


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What a great update Kelly!! I so can not wait to go back!!! We went to MVMCP on 12/9. This was our 2nd time attending the party, and unfortunately, I think it will be our last!!! :eek: It was so crowded and lines were long for everything even for the hot chocolate and cookies!!! You could barely get a good spot for the parade or fireworks.... This party just isn't worth the $$$ for us!! But MNSSHP I'll pay the $$$ for that over and over!!!

On a side note... We got a foot of snow on the ground, come on up north, you can help me shovel! :lol:


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In the Parks
Wow Kelly Big Bells I did not even know you were going! I havent been on much! I checked out some pictures, but I did not read much. I'm having some bad Disney World blues all the sudden for some reason. I don't want to make it worse right now. Family looks great. And just like "Johnny" I'm not a fan of the yellow part of the egg either. I can dip toast in it...but eating it after thats all gone is just disgusting!


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Ahh... I LOVE the stepsisters. They're always such fun. This picture totally cracks me up... mostly because it appears that you are giving Anastasia the evil eye for chatting up your son. :lol: God help the poor girls who come knocking at your door! :ROFLOL:


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What a great update Kelly!! I so can not wait to go back!!! We went to MVMCP on 12/9. This was our 2nd time attending the party, and unfortunately, I think it will be our last!!! :eek: It was so crowded and lines were long for everything even for the hot chocolate and cookies!!! You could barely get a good spot for the parade or fireworks.... This party just isn't worth the $$$ for us!! But MNSSHP I'll pay the $$$ for that over and over!!!

On a side note... We got a foot of snow on the ground, come on up north, you can help me shovel! :lol:

Yeah. Our first MVMCP was on 12/6/07 and it was exactly as you described. On our way in that night I noticed the "sold out" sign out front. The lines for the event stuff like treats, characters, etc. were all insane. You couldn't hardly move on Main Street because it was straight up packed shoulder to shoulder in that area. It felt like Disney had over-sold the event. I was so disappointed that night & we swore never again. But then we had such different experiences the 2 Pirate & Princess parties we attended that it made me question the timing of that Christmas party. Honestly, the crowd level difference from that first week of December in 2007 to the full week before Thanksgiving was night and day. If I was going to go for the Christmas decorations again I'd choose the November dates even with the lack of the Candlelight Processional and the Santas around World Showcase.

Shoveling is exactly the reason I would never want to live up north. I've always told Tracey I'm an adventurer with an insatiable wanderlust who'll live anywhere. My big requirement for living where it snows is that he makes enough money to budget for someone to do the shoveling. I don't see myself shoveling snow. LOL! I should modify the requirement list to include a driver to get me around when it's icy or snowy. I'm the first to admit I cannot drive in that mess. Torrential rain, yes. Ice & snow, no. :D

Wow Kelly Big Bells I did not even know you were going! I havent been on much! I checked out some pictures, but I did not read much. I'm having some bad Disney World blues all the sudden for some reason. I don't want to make it worse right now. Family looks great. And just like "Johnny" I'm not a fan of the yellow part of the egg either. I can dip toast in it...but eating it after thats all gone is just disgusting!

I sneaked! LOL! I noticed you've been sporadic. I figured you been busy. Why have the blues, John? I don't get it. You've got a trip on the books w/a kicka$$ discount. It's not that much longer until you'll be able to start grabbing the ADRs. Man, you've got a lot to be excited about and look forward to. Yeah, "Little Johnny" isn't an egg yolk guy. He even asks me to seperate the yolk when I'm frying eggs so he just gets straight fried egg whites. LOL! Hey, and thanks for the compliments on the family. My little bunch of whack-jobs are my greatest achievement in life by far.

Ahh... I LOVE the stepsisters. They're always such fun. This picture totally cracks me up... mostly because it appears that you are giving Anastasia the evil eye for chatting up your son. :lol: God help the poor girls who come knocking at your door! :ROFLOL:

Ya know, I noticed my expression after the fact. I swear I wasn't feelin' squirrely or anything. Girls. Ugh. It's hard to teach boys to swim upstream and not think the way the rest of the world does especially when it comes to girls. Maybe the dirty look was a good thing. After all, Anastasia's motives aren't exactly pure & innocent. :animwink: But hey! I'm proud to say that the days of me being mortified at the thought of posting bad pics of myself are over. Bad pics come with the territory for us all, right??? :p


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I took the opportunity to practice my paparazzi skills for Hollybelle and her upcoming nuptials at Seabreeze Point. But then I was thinking of Fashionista007 and her upcoming nuptials at the wedding pavilion. I really think these two should coordinate their wedding dates/times because us other ladies could do a bang-up job with the stalker-pics! See?!


You are so sweet to think of me on your trip! :) I love the WP pic and I'm thoroughly enjoying your TR as always. I'm having fun catching up on TRs during my winter break.

I had to laugh at "Snow White and the Seven Guys". When my niece was younger, she couldn't pronounce "Dwarves" so she said "Dorps". "Snow White and the Seven Dorps" Precious!!

I really liked the bit about the Behind The Seeds tour. DF and I always ride The Land and love it and we've been interested in doing the tour for our disneymoon. Did you reserve ahead or just walk up? I'm glad to see they let you take pictures.

I loved the pics of the CM at ToT. I will NEVER forget the first time I rode it the CM said just as the doors were closing..."If you need anything, just scream". You are so right, CMs make most of the magic and they are so good at what they do :)

This is kinda off topic but to all the homeschoolers - have you ever looked into Connections Academy (google it, not sure if I'm allowed to post the url here because I work for them). It's a free online virtual school for K-12. If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me.

Back on topic...As always I loved your pics and can't wait to see more!


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WDW Day 10 - November 20th: DunDunDuuuuhn!!!! Kelly the Stainfighting Super Hero!

WDW Day 10 - November 20th: DunDunDuuuuhn!!!! Kelly the Stainfighting Super Hero saves the day!

My alarm went off at 6:45 but I didn’t get up until 7:20. Oh well. At least it wasn’t 8:30. We rushed to get ready then scarfed down a quicky breakfast at Sassagoula Floatworks. I swear, we have the routine down to a science now! We hauled booty so we could make it to Epcot’s rope drop just one more time. We were in line at the turnstiles at 8:40. Dang, we’re doing good!


Eventually they allowed the masses (and there were a LOT more masses today than just a couple days ago) on in to the fabled “rope”. We weren’t about to do the herd this morning. No stinkin’ way! We took our time and got pics.



What’s with the shirts? I knew you’d wonder. In trips past I’ve been big into the matching family shirts. I just didn’t have that sort of time to plan this go around plus I’m sorta getting over that notion for the most part. However, while in Pixar Place earlier in the trip Chandler spotted the perfect shirt for our family so we had to buy one for everyone. Anytime someone in our house gets their drawers in a wad someone else will make a loud announcement that ____ has their angry eyes in, ya better steer clear. It had to be done. I think we’ll all wear these for Christmas with the extended family, too. It just fits too well for us!

I know a bunch of y’all don’t like the Leave-a-Legacy tombstones but we got a bunch of family out there on those tiles so they have meaning to us.


Here’s my babies & their tile purchased in January 2004 when they were 7 & 8 years old. Here's what they looked like then:


And today.



**sniffle~sniffle** I had to go get me a tissue. Sorry. **sniffle~snort~sniffle** Where does the time go?!?!

Daisy had like noooobody visiting her so I was all-in to say hello to my favorite chickadee! Brian snapped a quick pic with his momma...


Then Daisy & I had a nice chat.


By the time we made it to the other side of SSE the rope & herd had disappeared. Oh shucky-darn. I guess we’ll have to relax!

Well, sorta. The park had just opened & we knew where 90% of everyone was which is where we didn’t want to go. Sooooo, we hung a left at the fountain and moved on to our big favorite. On the way we passed the Mouse Gear window with all the Vinylmations. Can you believe we haven’t been in Mouse Gear at all???



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You are so sweet to think of me on your trip! :) I love the WP pic and I'm thoroughly enjoying your TR as always. I'm having fun catching up on TRs during my winter break.

I had to laugh at "Snow White and the Seven Guys". When my niece was younger, she couldn't pronounce "Dwarves" so she said "Dorps". "Snow White and the Seven Dorps" Precious!!

I really liked the bit about the Behind The Seeds tour. DF and I always ride The Land and love it and we've been interested in doing the tour for our disneymoon. Did you reserve ahead or just walk up? I'm glad to see they let you take pictures.

I loved the pics of the CM at ToT. I will NEVER forget the first time I rode it the CM said just as the doors were closing..."If you need anything, just scream". You are so right, CMs make most of the magic and they are so good at what they do :)

This is kinda off topic but to all the homeschoolers - have you ever looked into Connections Academy (google it, not sure if I'm allowed to post the url here because I work for them). It's a free online virtual school for K-12. If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me.

Back on topic...As always I loved your pics and can't wait to see more!

Hi there! I was hoping you'd see my WC pics! LOL! I can't help but think of the people I *know* who will be getting married at the most magical place on earth. I think I'd be brain-dead if I was at those places and didn't think of you. LOL!

I love it! Snow White & the Seven Dorps! That's so adorable! Kids are so much fun with the stuff they say. I forget so much of that stuff. My brother recently broke out some Christmas morning video from when all the kids were little. Brian and his "dyin'-saur" which he called his dinosaur. LOL! Then there was Chandler with his "stick-its" for biscuits. Gotta love it!

I've not heard of that academy you mentioned specifically but I've looked into a lot of them. They're soooo expensive! The Christa McAuliffe one blew me away. There's so many options out there nowadays. It's amazing. Homeschoolers really do have a ton of options. I'm thinking next year I'll be looking for something more structured/organized so I'll be searching for the academy you mentioned... :animwink:

Next update is on the way... :wave:


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We proceeded on towards none other than...


...Test Track. We pretty much walked right on. I was so desperate to get a pic of my favorite little hidden gem in the whole ride but messed it up. Again. Dangit! Tracey didn’t want me to be let down so we had to ride it twice to make sure one of us got it. And we did! Here’s the highlights from our walk-ons at Test Track:




Brian, bless his heart, still doesn’t know where the camera is that takes these pics. LOL!



And, of course, my favorite sign that I couldn’t live without a picture of.


Moo. I bust into rolls of giggles every time I look at that sign. It’s a cow. Moo. LOL! I can’t explain it. LOL!

After our second spin on Test Track we decided to go hit a few other old favorites. First up was Nemo...




I’d like to send a special thanks to the stupid lady in the clam ahead of us with her flash photography. Heifer. Moo.

We didn’t hang around to see the exhibits or anything. We had ground to cover, folks. Nope, no talkin’ with the turtles. We had to use our Imaginations!!!!


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On our way over to JII we spotted a Captain EO poster. The boys wanted to give me their review:


As we proceeded thru the doors Chandler said to me, “Why do we go here? It’s not like they have the good Imageworks that you showed us that used to be upstairs. It’s $ucky now.” I laughed. “Yeah, well, $ucky-ness knows no bounds. They closed off a bunch of the $ucky Imageworks, too, so now it’s a whole new level of $ucktacular for us to partake of.” I guess I shouldn’t have showed them all the old footage of when the Imageworks was upstairs and it was incredible. They thought a lot of it was mega-cheese but then they also could *imagine* how the cheesy stuff was really cutting-edge and awesome back in the day.

So we rode JII & visited with Figment.


Then we exited past these really cutting edge walls.


We were kinda wanting to go towards World Showcase but it wasn’t even close to opening yet. We made a little stop in to sample some sodas...



They have a really smooth Coke machine in here, too!


Chandler got him a Coke icee in a dumbbell shaped bottle.


I snapped a few pics of the fun holiday topiary displays as we walked...





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Then the Tronorail came by. I swear, every time we saw this thing Tracey would get all wild-eyed and say, “That thing is f*expletive*ing awesome. I wanna ride it!” I don’t like it so I’d roll my eyes or say something snarky like, “Have fun. I don’t ride defective, soiled monorails.” Then we’d have a whole debate about why Tron was so awesome to him and not even anything worth remembering for me. Ask the boys. They’ll tell you about the exchanges we had over the stinkin’ Tronorails. It was like a script that had to be read half a dozen times whenever we’d be in Future World. Or the TTC. LOL!


A Kim Possible mission was on my list of to-dos so I signed us up even tho the boys acted like I was making them parade around the park nekkid. Neither of them are fans of Kim Possible. If they deem it uncool then I have to fight to make them open their narrow little eyes. Grrr. So here’s the tentative team. We were supposed to pick up our Kim-municator in Norway at 11:45. Okay. Got it.


Here’s the Christmas tree that chapped my hiney back in January when we were freezing and I was miserably cold.


I don’t know about you but I liked it much better when there were giant presents stacked beneath the tree. Oh well.

We hung a right and headed towards Canada and such. It was so pretty.


I think this Christmas tree was somewhere in this general area.


We made a potty-stop in the UK. Tracey was building a rocket so the boys & I snapped some extra pics.




We found a bench in the shade to wait for Tracey. There were several other people sitting quietly on benches nearby relaxing until World Showcase opened. While we waited for Tracey Brian was determined to get me mad. He kept making comments about how long Tracey was taking. The more comments he made the louder he got. Finally I pulled the little loudspeaker in close for a few instructions and...ugh...not-so-magical threats that involved places where there would be no witnesses. Peace was restored. Eventually Tracey emerged and all was well again. Onward we go.

As we moved past the UK closer to the walkway to the International Gateway Tracey pointed out some innocent-looking cracks in the sidewalk. “Do you see that, Kelly? Do you see what that is?” “Yeah. Cracks. So what?” “It’s not just cracks. Look at the exposed rebar.” By golly, he’s right. The rebar is exposed! I wonder how long until this gets fixed. It’s not a big deal other than it goes to show just how much wear there is from all the walking, cleaning, etc. over the years.




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We proceeded on towards the bridge over to France and discovered a phenomenon we’d never seen before. There’s a rope drop for World Showcase! Well, it’s no show or anything but there’s a rope and it stays there until it’s 11:00. Wow! So now we’ve seen a rope drop for WS! LOL! While waiting what else is there to do but take pics.

Whatcha lookin’ for, sweetie?


Hi Brian.


Mr. Ladies Man lookin’ all smooth-n-stuff.


Pretty scenery.


Oooh...it’s a bargy-boat.


We can walk across now. It’s hard not to run even if there’s nothing to really run for. It’s my competitive streak again... LOL!


The French came out to wave a flag. (No tacky jokes here about the flag not being white. I’m being good.) I waved back...


It’s Remy. Chandler cracks me up the way he says “bon appetit”. He says, “Bone Ape-T!t. Boys. Sheesh!


Morocco was just gorgeous as we passed.



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Then we arrived back at Japan.



We were really in search of the Yakitori House so we could try the food. We saw fishies...


And then we found the Yakitori House. So stinkin’ pretty.


It wasn’t open yet, though. We had 30 minutes to kill so we decided to go meander thru the shop while we waited. Brian made a beeline back to the Yugi-Oh! junk to get his little fix. I think he bought a pack or two of cards. You know, it’s like his addiction and all. He *had* to have ‘em. Chandler wanted to see what the big counter everyone was mobbing the night before was all about. He discovered it was a spot to select an oyster/clam/whatever and have a pearl extracted while you watch. The boys were quite fascinated with the prospect so we paid to do just one. Since I paid I got to choose.


I chose well. It was a 6 3/4 mm pearl which, I’m guessing, is a good thing. She played the drums.


The sweet girl offered the salt bowl with the pearl for Brian to have a little photo op. Nice!


Then Tracey got the goods.


We looked at the various settings and decided we’d bring our pearl back with the other 2 we have in their bags in one of our nightstands to have mounted next go around. I have no idea what I’ll get. I guess I’ll decide someday. Until then...


It’s about time for Yakitori House to be open so we decide to head that way. Tracey & I are old and infirm so we sent the boys up the pathway with the wheelchair while we took the steps straight up.


We used CS credits from the dining plan so I went out on a limb and tried sushi yet again. I’m not entirely sure beef sushi counts as real sushi but at least I finally found something *called* sushi that I enjoyed. Right?


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Chandler really wanted to eat a bratwurst so we continued on from Japan towards Germany. We passed by the good ol’ American Adventure but didn’t stop for the show.


I did take a peek inside at this creation. Such a shame it’s hidden in here. They should find a better place to display this thing. It’s really great!



When we arrived in Germany I had to stop at the little girl’s room. Lemme just stop here to make an observation. I stopped at this same restroom a couple nights previous and noticed it then, too. Why does this restroom smell like a cat’s litter box? Seriously. That’s exactly what it smells like. A litter box. I thought maybe that night it smelled that way because it was late in the day, maybe there’d been an overflow or something earlier, etc. But this was an hour after the area was open and it still smelled like a funky litter box. Why? It doesn’t look dirty? I didn’t see any kitty litter? What’s up with this????

Okay, getting back to the report now.... While I was in the ladies room wondering about the strange smell Tracey had run over to Karmel Kuche to buy me a caramel apple. I’d made a fuss a few days previous about wanting a caramel apple. That was more figuratively than anything. I really wanted to be able to go looooook and scope out a killer chocolatey caramel one. Bless his heart for trying. I didn’t say a word other than “Oh my! Thank you, sweetie!” He mentioned that they’ll slice them for you if you want but he didn’t know if I’d want that. I did so we went back in to see if they’d slice my unopened apple. Then I got to browse, too. Ooooh...there was some yummy looking treats in here!


In addition to getting my caramel apple sliced I got a couple dark chocolate covered strawberries for later, too. Mmmmm....

Chandler got his brat (I think) while I peeked in the teddy bear shop. I love teddy bears and dolls and toys. I was curious to see what their selection of Steiff’s would be. They always have at least 1 piece at a special price. I liked the toy-quality soft lovey Steiffs but they didn’t have anything else I’d really want. The Jimminy Cricket set, although it was a good price, I have nowhere to really display so those were a no. I did spot this heirloom-quality Steiff. I appreciated the embroidered details and wanted to get a pic for my dear friend out in California who creates heirloom bears by hand.


Ya know what would be cool?! What if Disney commissioned a very limited hand-made artist bear version of Duffy but made out of the good German mohairs & with the glass eyes, etc.? Oh I would be all over one of those!!!! Gah!

We decided to walk back towards France to see if Belle was out with Beast as we’d seen earlier in the trip. The crowds were arriving so we didn’t feel like lingering much longer. Brian reminded us of our Kim-Possible mission but with the way the place was filling up we just didn’t want to stick around for all that. Sorry, Kim. We’ll have to play next time. Beast wasn’t out...bummer...and I’ve had my pic with Belle in her blue dress plenty of times before. We hopped in line for the Friendship Boat back across the lagoon.

On the other side we strolled into the Gateway Gifts on the Canadian side. We selected a good glittery green ornament to take back to the Christmas shop at DtD for personalization for Tracey’s mom and I got a cool Christmas tshirt.

Tracey & Chandler stopped to take a few pics...



....while I headed on into the Duffy-ized Gateway Gifts. I still didn’t notice a whole lot of outfits. They just weren’t displaying them so well. Then I spotted the 12” WDW 40th anniversary Duffy’s! Me likey! I grabbed one and made my puppy-eyes at Tracey who finally made it in the shop to see what I was up to. He just smiled and took the bear from me to go pay for it. Such a sweet man!


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We walked out the front to see if Duffy was out doing meet-n-greets which he WAS! I was so over-the-moon excited!!! I ran to get in line! Tracey came with me to take pics. The boys just stayed out to the side & watched me do my thing. I took pics of all the storybook pages that tell you who Duffy is:





Then I got to meet Duffy! I was so giddy & excited!





I forget what I was doing but Chandler held my Duffy for me for a minute. I don’t know which one I wanna squeeze more: Chandler or the teddy bear!!!!



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We made our way back towards the front of FW and stopped in to ride Spaceship Earth. The pic turned out sorta weird. I tried to get Duffy into the shot with me. Dang!


On our way back out to the car I spotted someone familiar entering the park. Do you see him????


He’s all the way on the right on the ECV! See him now?! I guess even Santa needs a little vacation to get ready for the big day coming up!

When we got back out to the car we spotted this van parked across from us in the row in front of ours. How perfectly sweet! I hope MeMom & PawPaw had fun!


We ran over to DtD for me to drop off the ornament for Tracey’s mom. We wanted to get it personalized for our trip with them in January. The lots all read “Full” so Tracey dropped me off on a corner out by the traffic light near where the bus depots are. He cruised the parking areas and was gonna pick me back up at an agreed-on spot that’s actually behind where the stroller rental and bathrooms are tucked in near the Christmas shop. The personalization line was long but it had to be done. When I came out I found I had a bunch of texts saying something about if I saw another shirt like the one I just bought at Epcot I should get another one. There was also a few missed calls. Apparently I missed all the drama while I was in the shop. Tracey was cruising the parking lots and was headed out of one sitting at a traffic light when his nose started bleeding like crazy. He’s always been prone to nose bleeds. With his blood pressure and us fighting allergies lately it’s no wonder he hasn’t had more of them. So he’s sitting at this light when the tap in his nose lets loose. He didn’t want to get blood all over the inside of the car. The car isn’t the vehicle he normally drives so the boys tried to tell him where the napkin stash is in the driver door. Tracey was desperate so he grabbed the first thing he saw which was my bag with my new Christmas t-shirt in it. He got the shirt up to his face then the light turned green so he zipped straight across the intersection to get stopped out of the way and get out of the car. Where he ended up was a parking lot for cast or something so security came to tell him he couldn’t park there. When security pulled up Tracey had gotten out of the car and was leaned over his nose just pouring blood as if someone had turned on a faucet. The security guy was a little freaked and wanted to call for medical assistance. Brian, who also has frequent nose bleeds, got out of the car to get more napkins from the passenger door for his dad. Tracey refused the medical stuff and reassured the security guy that it would stop momentarily and it’s not a big deal. Brian was able to help. I also had a bottle of water in the car that was still cold. Tracey had the presence of mind to douse the now blood-soaked t-shirt in cold water before putting it back in the bag. Brian helped him find one of the travel garbage bags I keep in the passenger door and clean up all the bloody napkins. What fun! And I missed it!

On the way back to the resort this car was in front of us so I had to take a picture of it, too. Inside that little circle is a beautiful dent.


When we arrived at the resort I went straight to the gift shop to look for hydrogen peroxide. Score for a $1.29!!! We went back to the room, Tracey showered, and I went to work on my new shirt. I got every bit of the blood out with minimal effort which totally amazed all the guys. Oh yeah. Super-stain-fighter Mom to the rescue! Tracey didn’t have any on his clothes but there was some splatter marks on his shoes. I got those clean in no time, too. You’da thunk I was a major hero. LOL!

The boys went to the arcade while Tracey & I started packing up the room. We didn’t want to be up all night our last night like in previous years packing. Eventually we all showered and dressed to head out for our final dinner here....


We were right on time at the podium at 5:15. I had high hopes for this meal considering all the rave reviews I’d read. We had great service which is always appreciated. I had a salad (forget the name) which was okay, not great, just okay.


Tracey and I both ordered the tenderloin w/gratin potatoes for our entree. The tenderloin part was pretty good, again not great, but the taters were fantastic. Loved those. I could’ve done without all the rest and just ate a big ol’ bowl of the potatoes. LOL!


Brian finally got him some lamb with some sort of stew. He liked the lamb. The stew was a bit too much for him to wrap his brain around.


Chandler ordered some sort of shrimp pasta w/a tomato-based sauce. He said it was okay. He ate it but thought he chose poorly. Sorry no pics of the shrimp pasta stuff.

By the time dessert rolled around the guys had all lost their adventurous spirit so they all requested just single scoops of vanilla ice cream. I chose the American flight of desserts. All 3 tasted good there was just not enough of them to satisfy my intense sweet tooth. LOL!


That was the end of the table service credits for us. Buh-Bye wonderful table service credits. We enjoyed you!


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We took the elevator up to see what was shaking on the concourse. Lots! There was a super-cool gingerbread Christmas tree....


And shops to be browsed.


Tracey bought me a pretty little pair of gold Mickey earrings from Bayview Gifts. We rounded up the boys and headed to the elevator up to the monorail platform. We wanted to go cruise around to see the other resorts’ decorations. Once we got up to the platform one of the CMs directing people where to go came over to give us some instruction for where they were going to try to get Chandler onto the monorail with the ramp when it arrived. I kid you not, this guy had a perfect little conversation with my chest. I swear to you. I did not imagine that. I wasn’t wearing a real low-cut top. Cleavage was not hanging out or anything. It was a tank top with a hoody sweatshirt over my shoulders. Nothing real flashy, by far. I’m still not 100% used to such even tho it’s been more than 2 years since my “girls” came into my life. The boys and Tracey notice guys looking at them. I never do. I’m oblivious. I guess I still don’t expect it or something. I was always the wall-flower girl in school. People who looked at me didn’t do so because there was something appealing to see. Naturally this is how I still see myself. But this monorail platform CM made no bones about it. I think he might have just bent on down there to talk directly to them about what he wanted to do with Chandler’s wheelchair. When he walked away I turned around to Tracey really wide-eyed. Chandler was about to fall out of his chair laughing. Tracey smiled, bent his head down low towards my chest and said, “Did you get that?! Move over there close to the center of the train and...” We laughed and laughed. Good times, I tell you. Good times. Here’s a pic of the giant Mickey wreath outside the concourse.


The monorail was crazy busy. The elevators to the platform were mass chaos. We squeezed on into the monorail without Mr. Booby-Whisperer being the one to assist us to make the journey to the Grand Floridian. We opted not to get off at the Polynesian with the huge line of folks we saw waiting to get on. On we went to the GF to see the decorations. When we walked in I noticed the gorgeous inlaid floors right away...


The tree is so beautiful!


We made our way down to the lobby level to check out the gingerbread house. Oh my was it something to see. Before we got too close we noticed a photopass op set up in front of the Christmas tree so we hit it right quick. The semi-pro portrait guy they had working wasn’t so swooft on posing the family. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why at least 1 of us isn’t standing. He had Chandler sit in the chair (because anything else wasn’t optional), Tracey & Brian take a knee next to him, then I had to sorta squat/stoop down to their level. Strange. No surprise the picture turned out pretty lousy, too. LOL!


While we were getting our picture taken I noticed a couple high-energy little girls who looked maybe 7 or so running around holding hands. They ran by a few times before I realized they were making laps. As we approached the gingerbread display the little girls were running all over with a third kid, a little boy, joining in. Great. I tried to wait while their parents corralled them for some pictures in front of the gingerbread house thinking once they were done they’d move on. No such luck. They are in just about every stupid picture I took. Tracey had better luck although he wasn’t so amused when the little boy crawled beyond the rope & onto the porch where he attempted to sit on the miniature furnishings. The parents all stood around with drinks in hand laughing it up. The only thing worse than wild, unsupervised children are their parents who think when they’re mischievous it’s cute. Ugh. What a nightmare. Tracey managed to get some decent pictures. Chandler and I were so disgusted and annoyed by the pack of terrors that we were pretty much over it and ready to go. Sad it went down that way. Oh well. Here’s the gingerbread house pics. You can tell which are mine... LOL!






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We split up to browse the shops. I went into the ladies shop downstairs while the boys headed upstairs. They had some really cute stuff in there! I spent more time looking over the Harvey’s bags again. I sooooo want one, too! **sigh** They had the Disney Birki’s on clearance 50% off. Wouldn’t you know they had my size, too! I thought about ‘em but didn’t go for it even at that much off. I didn’t want to be impulsive. I wasn’t 100% sure I’d wear them all that often. Ya know?

I met the guys upstairs. We headed back out to the monorail platform to catch the next train back to the Contemporary. It was a 10 minute wait or so but it wasn’t so bad. On the monorail Tracey commented again for like the dozenth time that he’d really like to wake up Christmas Day and be at a Walt Disney World resort. I always laugh at this because we both know he hates mob crowds like that. Still he says it, tho. So on the monorail he said it again. This time I replied with, “I guess it’d be okay if you didn’t go anywhere on Christmas Day and you didn’t make the trip with any intention of going into a park at all.” I can’t believe I was actually seeing some of his logic in his statement. Then, we arrived back into the chaos of the Contemporary’s monorail platform and Tracey said, “Okay. I take it back. I do NOT want to do Christmas here.” Good boy! I knew you’d see past the pixie-dusted glasses.

We got our car from the valet. When he was about to pull up in our car a couple ladies were strolling out towards the parking lot. They didn’t slow down a bit and the car was really moving. Tracey jumped out to stop them because it really did look like they’d get run over by our car right there in front of us. The car stopped in time as did the ladies. Tracey apologized and explained. They just laughed, thanked him, then informed him they are from New York so they are pretty used to stopping cars. LOL! Okee-dokee! I need to see this New York someday. LOL!

When we got back to our resort the boys ran off to the game room for a last night of fun. Tracey & packed up. We walked over to the gift shop to retrieve the last of our packages from the resort delivery. We spotted Caroline from back home in Louisiana. She came running over to tell us she had juuuust talked to her dad on the phone. He was in a cab almost at the resort. Cool. We chatted for a few minutes then proceeded on with our business. Caroline went to check to make sure we didn’t have anything else waiting, too. She was such a doll! We hung out, shopped, etc. We went to look in on the kids. On our way back over I thought of something else I needed from the shop (I forget what). We were there when Tracey spotted our old boss walking in the door. Of course he & Caroline had a sweet little reunion of sorts. It was so adorable. Made me think of when my dad came to visit us when we were little kids. We hung out browsing for a bit not wanting to interrupt. Then Caroline brought her dad over to say hello. He remembered us which was pretty cool considering it was a big company and we only worked there a little over a year. We talked about old friends and how business has been in the market, etc. Tracey and I made it a point to gush about Caroline and thank Michael for the time we had to work for his family. In retrospect, we both agree that working for the Wink Company was the best, most enjoyable jobs we ever had. It was a heckuva commute which ultimately played a huge role in us moving away. Working for that company even with the size felt like a being part of a really big family which is something we enjoyed. They were so good to us. Just for instance, one day one of our kids got sick at school. We lived just over a hundred miles from where we worked. Tracey needed to go get the sick kid to take to the doctor (his mom had taken the kiddo home already) but I couldn’t leave work because I had a big deadline to meet preparing a drawing package for delivery to the client. Mr. Wink, Caroline’s dad, happened to be within earshot of us having this conversation about how to work the whole thing out because my cubicle was right outside Big Daddy’s office at the time. Mr. Wink came over to us and asked what was up. We explained. He looked at me & asked if any of the pool vehicles were available. I told him the only one we had was the brand new 4-Runner that I knew the girl who was in charge of the company vehicles was still waiting to have marked with the company logo before it went into service. Mr. Wink told Tracey to take the new truck & go. He could just drive the truck back the next day. He made sure I provided Tracey with a company gas card and that was that. See? That’s not normal. They’re just that kind of family and family is what’s most important to them. I get that and so do they. Michael remembered that day, too. So sweet! He was quite flattered we thought so highly of him & his family. We spent some time catching up and such but we didn’t want to keep him all night. He asked if we’d like to go have a drink at the Scatt Cat but we needed to get the packing done and start loading out the car for tomorrow so we declined. But golly, it really is a small world, huh? LOL!

The boys returned from the game room at about 11:30. We tried not to bug them too much. We wanted them to have some time doing their own thing. We all piled into our beds and watched ‘When Harry Met Sally’. Last look at the clock was 12:20 or so. The last night is always the pits.


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WDW Day 11 - November 21st: Goodbyes are never easy...

WDW Day 11 - November 21st: Goodbyes are never easy...

We had an early breakfast ADR at Crystal Palace this morning so I set my alarm for 6:00. When the alarm went off I thought about it, rolled the guilt of skipping out on a good ADR around in my head, then finally decided that with so little sleep and such a long drive ahead for me Mickey would want me to stay in bed & rest so we could come back another day. I didn’t get up until 7:30. Everyone got dressed & we had the car totally packed up by 9.

I had mulled those 50% off Birkis at the GF in my mind all evening and again this morning. I told Tracey about them, too. We knew we couldn’t go anywhere in the car like we had all week with it totally packed out now. It was decided that Tracey would run me over to the GF, let me out at the door so I could run in to get the Birki’s, then meet me back out front. While we were running to the GF the boys were going to stay in the arcade at the resort & get a bite of breakfast.

Tracey & I made our run over to GF as planned. Smooth sailing! I was also able to use my AP discount for a total of 60% off the original price. I love getting a good deal! The GF’s lobby was insane busy, tho. I’m glad this was our check-out day because things were really crazy going into the holiday week.

When we returned to POFQ we found that the boys had been playing instead of eating while we were gone (which honestly wasn’t more than 20 minutes total). We all headed into Sassagoula Floatworks for breakfast one last time.

I took a few pics on our way over to the boat to DtD. Brian is so silly with the poses he comes up with:




I snapped a few pics on the boat, too. Brian looked so sad this morning:


Chandler did, too, but this shot was so funny it kinda kills the somber tone:


I liked the theming of the Tren-D window displays. Ursulla:


...and Cruella DeVille:


Our first stop at DtD was Team Mickey for Tracey to find a new Dallas Cowboys hat. Brian was watching the guy make the baseball bats in the front of the store. He had a little scrap that came off the end of one bat which he quickly shaped into a tiny 6” bat. He pointed to Brian then motioned for him to walk to the counter nearby. He came out & handed Brian the little baby bat. So cute! Brian just treasures the thing. I wish I’d thought to get that guy to sign it. That would’ve been neat. :)

After Team Mickey we gave World of Disney a shot. Normally it’s such a zoo in there that I steer clear but it was still early enough in the day that we could actually enjoy it.

Chandler modeled a cute pair of Mickey ears for us:



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We browsed around a bit. We picked Christmas gifts for Chandler & Tracey (we had found a little gift for Brian earlier in the trip). We walked over to the Disney Dooney & Bourke display...



Look at the 2nd pic. Above the CM on the left, top shelf, black balloon bag all the way to the left...that’s the bag Tracey bought me for Christmas!!! ((squeals)) It was so hard to decide on just 1 but I managed. And with the AP discount it was even better!!!! ((squeals some more))

Also in WoD, I gotta say I’ve been scoping out the nerdy character merch thru the entire trip and I friggin’ looooove that stuff! Love it with a capital “L”! I wish I had gotten a bunch of that stuff while I was there. Oh well....

Brian ran into Once Upon a Toy for his last purchase. He got a little Indiana Jones Lego set. Again, this kid comes up with the funniest little poses:


I really like this Christmas tree at DtD:


We decided not to prolong things anymore so we headed back to POFQ via our little boat.


While we waited I marveled some more at my fully-awesome new Birki’s which were breaking in rather nicely and feeling like heaven on my tootsies:


Tracey was a bit sad, too.


Here come some boats!



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During the ride back to our resort the tree houses look a little better than the last time we saw them in May of ’08. They also got their own boat launch, too. Niiiice:



That was the last of our Disney rides. Here comes Tracey & Chandler looking all pitiful:


It wasn’t quite time for Tracey’s DME transfer back out to the airport and I didn’t want to leave him alone. I wanted to leave when he was getting ready to board his bus. Soooo, we figured we’d top off our tanks before everyone hit the road with one last lunch at Sassagoula Floatworks. We still had a few more counter service meals left we could burn. Tracey & I split a last cheesesteak. It was so yummy. Here’s the boys at the last supper:


We checked right quick and discovered we had a couple more snacks left to burn, too. No problem-o!


Finally it was time to go. So sad. A last look back.


When I got in the car I had to take this out of my window which felt totally wrong.


Tracey wheeled Chandler over to a bench, I pulled the car up, and he took our handy-dandy wheelchair back to bell services for Walker Mobility to come pick up. Getting ready to pull out. To quote Knuckle Jerry’s classic from the January ’09 trip: It blows.


Daddy saw his DME bus pulling into the resort so it was time for us to hit the highway. Kisses and hugs for Daddy. We’d be seeing him again on Thanksgiving in just 4 more days. We pulled away and both boys broke out into sobs. I think if there’s anyone on earth worse with goodbyes than me it’s my babies. LOL! It was so hard not to cry. Instead, I busied myself with turning back thru the parking lot so I could capture Tracey’s departure, too.


Goodbye Port Orleans French Quarter. We’ll see you again someday. Thanks for everything. You’re definitely our home away from home.

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