Official: Captain EO Returns to DL


Well-Known Member
When you come down off your morally superior high horse, remember that he was never covicted of any wrong-doing, and the allegations against him were never proven. On one occasion, he was even acquitted. If he was guilty then the courts and the SYSTEM failed.

I really hate to contribute to this debate since I see it as largely irrelevant to WDW. However, the courts do fail sometimes. Also, it is not the purpose of the courts to convice all of the guilty. There are provisions to protect the innocent accused that will result in guilty men and women being acquitted. It's a trade off. Less likelihood of convicting an innocent man means a greater likelihood of a guilty man going free.

With regards to Jackson, I don't have enough information to form an opinion. But the amount of money he paid to keep from going to court sure doesn't look good.

As this relates to WDW, Jackson was a controversial figure. Disney has a very family-friendly brand. There will be some people like the ones posting here who don't want to see Jackson in a place that is supposed to be family-friendly.

The more important argument is that I don't think Disney stands to make any significant money from Eo at Epcot. That's why it will come back to DL where the annual passholders will come for the nostalgia fix. But it probably won't come back to Epcot.

But if you really, really want to see Eo again, rejoice. And book at trip to DL.


Well-Known Member
I really hate to contribute to this debate since I see it as largely irrelevant to WDW. However, the courts do fail sometimes. Also, it is not the purpose of the courts to convice all of the guilty. There are provisions to protect the innocent accused that will result in guilty men and women being acquitted. It's a trade off. Less likelihood of convicting an innocent man means a greater likelihood of a guilty man going free.

With regards to Jackson, I don't have enough information to form an opinion. But the amount of money he paid to keep from going to court sure doesn't look good.

As this relates to WDW, Jackson was a controversial figure. Disney has a very family-friendly brand. There will be some people like the ones posting here who don't want to see Jackson in a place that is supposed to be family-friendly.

Exactly. I would also like to point out how funny I find it that so many people are willing to lambaste our legal system when it achieves a result they find problematic, but those same people are willing to turn a blind eye to those supposed problems when it suits their agenda.

I would have thought Disney would err on the side of caution, and kept out a man who likely engaged in egregious acts.

I wonder what you'd all be saying if Disney announced plans tomorrow to introduce "OJ Simpson's Gridiron Bash" at Innoventions. I mean, after all, he was never found guilty criminally. Would that be different? If so, is it really different, or is it just different because you like Michael Jackson's music?

(I'll be the first to admit that I like his music, I'm only presenting this to play devil's advocate to those who seem to foreclose on the idea of Michael Jackson being a bad person. We judge people everyday; Jackson should be no different.)


Park History nut
Premium Member
This one is going to run and run (or be locked)

I`ll just be happy if they bring back Makin' Memories with it!


Active Member
You realize Walt Disney died 43 years ago, right?

Do you have a problem with the Walt Disney company continuing after his death?


Walt Disney built the Disney Company which lived on after his death- and he made it very apparent he was proud to offer DL and his creations to everyone. Michael Jackson IS Michael Jackson- he built his own reputation on himself- and he was a VERY private man with a shady life.

It's the truth. I think Al Lutz even said they were not consdiering EO because of Jackson's unknown personal life. It's sad- but true.


Think for yourselfer
Exactly. I would also like to point out how funny I find it that so many people are willing to lambaste our legal system when it achieves a result they find problematic, but those same people are willing to turn a blind eye to those supposed problems when it suits their agenda.

I would have thought Disney would err on the side of caution, and kept out a man who likely engaged in egregious acts.

I wonder what you'd all be saying if Disney announced plans tomorrow to introduce "OJ Simpson's Gridiron Bash" at Innoventions. I mean, after all, he was never found guilty criminally. Would that be different? If so, is it really different, or is it just different because you like Michael Jackson's music?

(I'll be the first to admit that I like his music, I'm only presenting this to play devil's advocate to those who seem to foreclose on the idea of Michael Jackson being a bad person. We judge people everyday; Jackson should be no different.)

You are dead on.(No pun intended) There would be outrage if this happened.

I continue to be floored at the amount of support this pedophile is getting. I will not "get off my high horse". The guy dies and all of a sudden we forget what he was like in life. Besides, it doesn't take a very high horse to look down on a child molester.


Well-Known Member
I jumped up with excitement when I heard the announcement and then I heard it was for Disneyland and just simply said "oh" as I sank back into the couch. I hope they do decide to bring it back to Epcot. I have memories of seeing it as a kid. Just like any 80's kid, I was a Michael Jackson fan and still am a fan of his earlier work and I would love to see the show again. Plus, I'm sure the villain won't scare as much as it did back then, haha.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
You are dead on.(No pun intended) There would be outrage if this happened.

I continue to be floored at the amount of support this pedophile is getting. I will not "get off my high horse". The guy dies and all of a sudden we forget what he was like in life. Besides, it doesn't take a very high horse to look down on a child molester.

It's like a broken record with you....whatever you believe him to be or not be, the courts and legal system in this country do not agree. He was acquitted of any and all charges. The fact that you've convicted him in your head has no bearing on anything.


Active Member
It's like a broken record with you....whatever you believe him to be or not be, the courts and legal system in this country do not agree. He was acquitted of any and all charges. The fact that you've convicted him in your head has no bearing on anything.




Didn't Michael Jackson payoff the people accusing him? :animwink:

I LOVE his music. I just know something is fishy there and I don't think he belongs in a Disney park. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
It's like a broken record with you....whatever you believe him to be or not be, the courts and legal system in this country do not agree. He was acquitted of any and all charges. The fact that you've convicted him in your head has no bearing on anything.

I'm hearing more than one broken record playing. Acquitted does not equal innocent.


Well-Known Member
You are dead on.(No pun intended) There would be outrage if this happened.

I continue to be floored at the amount of support this pedophile is getting. I will not "get off my high horse". The guy dies and all of a sudden we forget what he was like in life. Besides, it doesn't take a very high horse to look down on a child molester.

And you're pathetic. Like they said, the courts didnt agree with you. Just because you feel that way about him, doesnt mean other people do. And it also doesnt mean he is a child molester.

As far as WDW and EO is concerned. I think they should just do it. So what if his image was controversial with said allegations, disney continues to support stars like Miley Cyrus with all her scandals and stuff. Yes, there may be outrage from people like this dude above me, but there will be more that will be in support of it.


Well-Known Member
So what if his image was controversial with said allegations, disney continues to support stars like Miley Cyrus with all her scandals and stuff.

What did I miss?


When did Miley Cyrus ever do anything more scandalous than a questionable photo shoot? Not even in the same ballpark as Jackson. Not even the same game.


Well-Known Member
What did I miss?


When did Miley Cyrus ever do anything more scandalous than a questionable photo shoot? Not even in the same ballpark as Jackson. Not even the same game.

It was more than one photo shoot. And true, its nowhere near what MJ was accused of, but the fact that they can support her inspite of her "scandals" means they can support MJ imo.


Well-Known Member
It was more than one photo shoot. And true, its nowhere near what MJ was accused of, but the fact that they can support her inspite of her "scandals" means they can support MJ imo.

I detect a serious flaw in your logic.

Apples and oranges.

Miley Cyrus is about as squeaky clean of a public figure as you can find. Michael Jackson, in spite of the white-washing his memory got upon his passing, remains a controversial figure to this day. Especially for a company like Disney.

Putting that aside, there are plenty of other good reasons why a 20-year old music video should not be playing in a Future World pavilion.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Child molester or not, MJ was a very WEIRD guy. He bought along creepy life size mannaquins with him on his tours, and then there's that infamous painting of himself nude looking like Jesus with nude angel children around him. That's just weird as hell.


Well-Known Member
I detect a serious flaw in your logic.

Apples and oranges.

Miley Cyrus is about as squeaky clean of a public figure as you can find. Michael Jackson, in spite of the white-washing his memory got upon his passing, remains a controversial figure to this day. Especially for a company like Disney.

Putting that aside, there are plenty of other good reasons why a 20-year old music video should not be playing in a Future World pavilion.

Detect away, but that still doesnt take away from the fact that MJ was one of the greatest talents hollywood has ever seen. He did so much for music, and crossed barriers, and made history. Thats why so many people honored him when he passed. Thats why so many people went to see his movie and the like. Yes, he was a weirdo and an accussed molester, but outside of that he was the most talented male entertainer to ever walk this earth. And I think it would be great to have him back at epcot. If the judgemental people want to fault him, and cant see anything but his accussations, then they can simply not go to the show. For every one person who may be outrage of eo's return, there will be 100s more who are for it. Attendance at that pavilion will be up. With that said, I doubt disney would do it, because they're too scary to support him.

And as far as Miley is concerned, she is supposed to be a "role-model" and her choices have been poor. She's made mistakes, but she seems to continue to do that, and I frankly think she is a hypocrit(sp) I dont like her, and I choose to not associate anything with her. Just like people can if eo is back at epcot. :cool:


Think for yourselfer
And you're pathetic. Like they said, the courts didnt agree with you. Just because you feel that way about him, doesnt mean other people do. And it also doesnt mean he is a child molester.

As far as WDW and EO is concerned. I think they should just do it. So what if his image was controversial with said allegations, disney continues to support stars like Miley Cyrus with all her scandals and stuff. Yes, there may be outrage from people like this dude above me, but there will be more that will be in support of it.

I don't know what world your living in, but it seems to me someone who is blindly defending a man who did unconscionable things with children, would be the one categorized as pathetic. Not to mention you are clearly not playing with a full deck if you think Miley Cyrus taking slightly risque photos even comes close to the things jacko was accused of, let alone admitted to doing. He was a seriously sick man, a drug addict, and in all likelihood a child molester.

Also I would appreciate it if you didn't attack me personally as I did not attack you. Try and block out your love of this sick man's music and analyze his life more reasonably. I am sure you will find that he is not the kind of person that should be polluting WDW.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what world your living in, but it seems to me someone who is blindly defending a man who did unconscionable things with children, would be the one categorized as pathetic. Not to mention you are clearly not playing with a full deck if you think Miley Cyrus taking slightly risque photos even comes close to the things jacko was accused of, let alone admitted to doing. He was a seriously sick man, a drug addict, and in all likelihood a child molester.

Also I would appreciate it if you didn't attack me personally as I did not attack you. Try and block out your love of this sick man's music and analyze his life more reasonably. I am sure you will find that he is not the kind of person that should be polluting WDW.

And it seems like the world you're living in is one where you see nothing but fault in people. You seem to be the one who believe he was scum, I dont think that and neither do the other millions of people who support him. Yes, his personal life at times seemed to outshine his music, hustle, and talent. But Im not dwelling on what he supposedly did. To me, its not about that, its about his talent. And for that reason alone I think EO should be back.

If you think by bringing the show back, it is "polluting" WDW, then you have a choice to not go or just not go to the show. That simple.


Active Member
And it seems like the world you're living in is one where you see nothing but fault in people. You seem to be the one who believe he was scum, I dont think that and neither do the other millions of people who support him. Yes, his personal life at times seemed to outshine his music, hustle, and talent. But Im not dwelling on what he supposedly did. To me, its not about that, its about his talent. And for that reason alone I think EO should be back.

If you think by bringing the show back, it is "polluting" WDW, then you have a choice to not go or just not go to the show. That simple.

Have you ever noticed how after MJ's death people only focused on "the performer he was"? Millions of people loved him for that- his music, his dance moves, etc.- and they completely ignored the years of the trial.

And the "if you don't like it, then you don't have to see it" attitude is a little :rolleyes:. The film could easily remind parents of the accusations- probably around the film was made when he would of been doing these supposed things with children. It's gross- but hey, it's true.... :hurl:


Park History nut
Premium Member
He was a seriously sick man, a drug addict, and in all likelihood a child molester.
Way to go. Personal opinion, name calling and slander all in one post.

If you don`t like it, stay away. I`m sure a few heads won`t affect attendence.


Well-Known Member
Way to go. Personal opinion, name calling and slander all in one post.

If you don`t like it, stay away. I`m sure a few heads won`t affect attendence.

As much as I respect you for all you do for the fan community, I think this is flawed reasoning, especially coming from you.

I've seen a number of your posts criticizing decisions the Walt Disney Company has made. Why don't we all just take this same "if you don't like it, stay away" attitude with every attraction we don't like or land we think needs improving? I would argue that it's a lot easier to take that attitude with an attraction that doesn't involve a potential moral issue (Captain EO) than one that does (Stitch's Great Escape). Staying away doesn't simply mean not frequenting the attraction--it means staying away from discussing it (since that is what is at issue here, us discussing Captain EO).

If it's okay to critique some decisions of the company here, it should be okay to critique all. Bringing EO back is a business decision. We can and should scrutinize it (does the short term financial benefit outweigh the long term risk to the company's image by associating with such an individual? Who knows, but that's not to say we can't speculate). I personally would see Captain EO if it came back to EPCOT, but that doesn't mean everyone would, nor does that mean that there aren't compelling reasons for not seeing it or for not bringing it back in the first place.

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