Official: Captain EO Returns to DL


Well-Known Member
Lets all keep our MAGIC EYE open to see if EPCOT will do it too. HISTA is unwatchable. The same english guy in that is in imagination and they both draw no audience.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
In case you forgot, he paid 15.3 million dollars to make accusations disappear. Innocent men do not do that. He is a POS. Case closed.
Please see my reply to LivFreeorDisney.
Well, isn't this post full of judgment, hatred and self righteousness.


Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Then how do you feel about The Hall of Presidents? Those guys are all mostly dead too. :D
Keep this one under your hat, but I understand Walt Disney has been dead for decades! :eek:

But those greedy ratfinks running his parks apparently think it's OK to make money off his characters. I hear those shameless profiteers even have a whole attraction dedicated to Walt himself! :fork:


Well-Known Member
But those greedy ratfinks running his parks apparently think it's OK to make money off his characters. I hear those shameless profiteers even have a whole attraction dedicated to Walt himself! :fork:

You should see the new lobby and pre-show that opened on Friday at Disneyland's redone Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln show!

The entire lobby pre-show is just Walt, Walt, and more Walt (who happens to be dead) talking about making a robot of a famous dead guy that will put on a show every 20 minutes at Disneyland.



Well-Known Member
I'm really shocked about the comments on the Disney Parks Blog. I think mine is about the only one that even comes close to being negative (Tom from IN), even then, I still gave kudos to Disney. I just think time has made some people have rose-colored glasses towards this show. I showed it to some of my friends, and they laughed for most of the show, saying later that it "could make a good drinking game." I understand a lot of people just want to take trips down memory lane, and that's fine, but if people go in with the expectations of some substantively great show, I'll think they may be disappointed.

I know the only reason I would want it to come to EPCOT is to possibly be the spark that brings a new JII sooner rather than later. I don't think it would cause such a result (if the pavilion is busier, it stands to reason that any refurbishment could be postponed further), so I don't want it to come to EPCOT.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I'm really shocked about the comments on the Disney Parks Blog. I think mine is about the only one that even comes close to being negative (Tom from IN), even then, I still gave kudos to Disney.
I've heard that blog is pretty heavily moderated to screen out critical comments.


Well-Known Member
What blows my mind is people thinking that those wanting to see EO again are going to be surprised when they see the show. We all know it is not a timeless piece and is definitely of its own era. If you don't like the show that's fine, but thinking that fans believe it is going to feel modern are just crazy. If Disney does the preshow the right way (set up the show by going through its backstory and why it is being brought back) it will definitely get people in the right frame of mind.

If Disneyland had shown its opening special in the park when it celebrated its 50th, I wonder if the same people would be complaining. I own that special and enjoy watching it but it is definitely dated. It is SO 1950's ;)


Well-Known Member
You should see the new lobby and pre-show that opened on Friday at Disneyland's redone Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln show!

The entire lobby pre-show is just Walt, Walt, and more Walt (who happens to be dead) talking about making a robot of a famous dead guy that will put on a show every 20 minutes at Disneyland.


:lol: :sohappy:


Active Member
You should see the new lobby and pre-show that opened on Friday at Disneyland's redone Great Moments With Mr. Lincoln show!

The entire lobby pre-show is just Walt, Walt, and more Walt (who happens to be dead) talking about making a robot of a famous dead guy that will put on a show every 20 minutes at Disneyland.


Walt dedicated his life to creating Disney- Michael Jackson dedicated his life to music. Disneyland was Walt's creation- his sanctuary where he could create 'the impossible'. To have an attraction highlighting his creations in a park he created from the ground up is appropriate. Just like having a Graceland-esque Neverland Ranch honoring the king of pop. Comparing Walt and Michael Jackon's place in the Disneyland park is like comparing apples to oranges. One fits perfectly- and it should and always will, and the other is for a cheap buck capitalizing on a death of a popstar with a troubled personal life- and he probably isn't oh so innocent either... which is often overlooked so you'll go see his movie or buy his albums or maybe go see a retro 3D movie and buy a T-shirt.


Think for yourselfer

Are you really saying we should not judge or hate a "man" that is a child molester? This can't be a real argument.

Also speaking generally, are all of you MJ defenders also Roman Polanski defenders? Keep MJ out of the parks, its bad enough his crap movie made all that money for his dirty family. End this charade.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult

Are you really saying we should not judge or hate a "man" that is a child molester? This can't be a real argument.

Also speaking generally, are all of you MJ defenders also Roman Polanski defenders? Keep MJ out of the parks, its bad enough his crap movie made all that money for his dirty family. End this charade.

"Alleged" never proved.

Judge not...(well you should know the rest)

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!

Are you really saying we should not judge or hate a "man" that is a child molester? This can't be a real argument.

Also speaking generally, are all of you MJ defenders also Roman Polanski defenders? Keep MJ out of the parks, its bad enough his crap movie made all that money for his dirty family. End this charade.

When you come down off your morally superior high horse, remember that he was never covicted of any wrong-doing, and the allegations against him were never proven. On one occasion, he was even acquitted. If he was guilty then the courts and the SYSTEM failed.

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