Odd Things Overheard


Well-Known Member
In 1998 on a long (and qiuet) bus ride from the MK to the All Star resorts late at night. The woman sitting behind us was the only person on the bus talking (to her friend) rather loudly:

" It looks like were taking another long way back. I told my son yesterday that 'you have to be careful. These busses go to all these out of the way places. We don't know these bus drivers, they could be taking us anywhere. It's just like in Germany during WWII. They didn't know where they were going when they got on those trains and ended up in concentration camps...' Well, his bar mitzva is this summer... I found a lovely pink outfit to wear. Well, not pink, a mauve or dusty rose. Because I never wear pink... Then I had to find some shoes to wear with it... The only thing that I could find were some sandals in gold or sliver. Matte, not shiny, because the shiny metallics are just tacky!..... Well, I couldn't make up my mind. So, I bought both pair, and never looked back. Oh, we're here."

During the monologue which lasted the entire trip we could see that the whole bus was trying to stifle laughter. As they exited the bus, the lady ( still talking ) was leading the way and her friend stayed back a bit, turned back to the rest of us on the bus and said apologetically "Thank you". The doors closed, and the entire bus let out our stored laughter.


New Member
Well this one time, we were on the tram to Magic Kingdom, and we were sitting in the row right behind the row that has two benches facing each other. There were two families there, one of them was there for the first time, and the other family were "experts". Well the newbie family asked about Space Mountain, like if it was fun, and how rough it was, and the "experts" respond "Oh, Space Mountain is a great ride! It's not too rough, but it's extremely fast. It goes up to about 60 miles per hour! And sometimes, if you ask nicely, they'll turn the lights on for you." And I could tell that the expert family actually meant what they were saying. I couldn't help but laugh, I mean 60mph? come on!


This may not follow the thread exactly but had to share...This was not actually overheard..more witnessed..We took my father in '05 and he is a smoker..I told him that there are designated smoking areas and we will keep an eye out for one...he proceeded to tell me that it wasn't that big of a deal, he would be just light up when he wanted..it was a public place..besides it's not like they would take him to Mickey jail..WRONG !!!! Omg it wasn't one puff into the cigarette that a cast member came over and said "Hello sir, I hope you are enjoying your day at Animal Kingdom. We have smoking areas available and if you would just follow me I would be more than happy to escort you there" BUSTED !!! We laughed sooo hard and still remind him of that..But I do have to say that it was a VERY POLITE "sir you are breaking the RULES"..heh heh he


New Member
Climbing into ToT in April 05, I got seated and who comes out of the special access tunnel but James Hetfield of Metallica. He sits next to me and another guy comes in and sandwiches James between us. Since I'm an a**, I couldn't resist telling him I loved the band and hoped they'd be around for a lot longer. He politely smiled and said thanks and I left him alone. The guy in front of us gets into his row, sees James, recognizes him as someone famous but can't place exactly why. He says "Hey, you're the guy from that band, uh...uh..." James, again smiling politely, finishes the sentence for him and says "Metallica". The guy then says, and I'm not lying here, "Oh, I was thinking somone else." The guy sits down, James looks at me as if to say "?" and I just shrugged my shoulders:shrug:. And on went the ride...

Absolutely the funniest, and most absurd thing I've ever seen at WDW.


Well-Known Member
In 1998 on a long (and qiuet) bus ride from the MK to the All Star resorts late at night. The woman sitting behind us was the only person on the bus talking (to her friend) rather loudly:

" It looks like were taking another long way back. I told my son yesterday that 'you have to be careful. These busses go to all these out of the way places. We don't know these bus drivers, they could be taking us anywhere. It's just like in Germany during WWII. They didn't know where they were going when they got on those trains and ended up in concentration camps...' Well, his bar mitzva is this summer... I found a lovely pink outfit to wear. Well, not pink, a mauve or dusty rose. Because I never wear pink... Then I had to find some shoes to wear with it... The only thing that I could find were some sandals in gold or sliver. Matte, not shiny, because the shiny metallics are just tacky!..... Well, I couldn't make up my mind. So, I bought both pair, and never looked back. Oh, we're here."

During the monologue which lasted the entire trip we could see that the whole bus was trying to stifle laughter. As they exited the bus, the lady ( still talking ) was leading the way and her friend stayed back a bit, turned back to the rest of us on the bus and said apologetically "Thank you". The doors closed, and the entire bus let out our stored laughter.

That is hysterical!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Climbing into ToT in April 05, I got seated and who comes out of the special access tunnel but James Hetfield of Metallica. He sits next to me and another guy comes in and sandwiches James between us. Since I'm an a**, I couldn't resist telling him I loved the band and hoped they'd be around for a lot longer. He politely smiled and said thanks and I left him alone. The guy in front of us gets into his row, sees James, recognizes him as someone famous but can't place exactly why. He says "Hey, you're the guy from that band, uh...uh..." James, again smiling politely, finishes the sentence for him and says "Metallica". The guy then says, and I'm not lying here, "Oh, I was thinking somone else." The guy sits down, James looks at me as if to say "?" and I just shrugged my shoulders:shrug:. And on went the ride...

Absolutely the funniest, and most absurd thing I've ever seen at WDW.

LOL...now THAT was funny! My DH thought that was funny has h*ll.


New Member
One time my husband, son and I were at Epcot enjoying a nice lunch at Le Cellier when we couldn't help but hear the family at a table near us. There were the usual complaints about the hotel they were at etc (not sure where they were staying) and then the grandma just out of nowhere says in a fairly loud voice "Well some people like old raw fish"

Needless to say it made for some interesting later conversations for us :)


Well-Known Member
My wife and I were on the bus to Saratoga Springs hearing a family talk to another family about how good the "Fantasmo" show is. :shrug:

Also, on the Kilimanjaro Safari, someone asked if the animals were real! :brick:

We did all we could not to laugh!:ROFLOL:

That's nothing! When I rode KS last November, a woman asked the driver what Disney does with the animals when they die. Our driver looked appalled at the question but said nicely she didn't know.


Well-Known Member
I have two...

Back in '05, we were making our way to the bag check area at the MK and right as we go to put our bag on the table, this is what we overheard:

A guy is heading the opposite direction and asks a CM: "Is there any place cool here?" (actually referring to the temperature) and the CM responded: "I'm sorry sir." To which the guest said with a scoff as he dramatically takes out a cigarette: "Psh, Happiest place on earth *grumble, grumble*"

In '07 I was at the Epcot bag check one night and there was a lady in front of me who was going through the simple check process. The CM then asked to see her wallet (this was one of those huge purse/wallet things that you could actually hide stuff in.) She was about to open it, but this guy behind her told her to refuse. He told security that they had no right to look in her wallet. The security CM told him the reasons why, but this guy was having none of it. So the CM told him he could speak to some one higher up if he'd like. Needless to say, two other security personnel came over and escorted the guy away. And the kicker? This guy didn't even know the woman in front of him!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Climbing into ToT in April 05, I got seated and who comes out of the special access tunnel but James Hetfield of Metallica. He sits next to me and another guy comes in and sandwiches James between us. Since I'm an a**, I couldn't resist telling him I loved the band and hoped they'd be around for a lot longer. He politely smiled and said thanks and I left him alone. The guy in front of us gets into his row, sees James, recognizes him as someone famous but can't place exactly why. He says "Hey, you're the guy from that band, uh...uh..." James, again smiling politely, finishes the sentence for him and says "Metallica". The guy then says, and I'm not lying here, "Oh, I was thinking somone else." The guy sits down, James looks at me as if to say "?" and I just shrugged my shoulders:shrug:. And on went the ride...

Absolutely the funniest, and most absurd thing I've ever seen at WDW.
Now that is a slap in any famous person ego. I hate to admit it, but I would take pleasure in doing that to a snobby celeb, but I would guess James is a pretty cool dude.


Well-Known Member
Climbing into ToT in April 05, I got seated and who comes out of the special access tunnel but James Hetfield of Metallica. He sits next to me and another guy comes in and sandwiches James between us. Since I'm an a**, I couldn't resist telling him I loved the band and hoped they'd be around for a lot longer. He politely smiled and said thanks and I left him alone. The guy in front of us gets into his row, sees James, recognizes him as someone famous but can't place exactly why. He says "Hey, you're the guy from that band, uh...uh..." James, again smiling politely, finishes the sentence for him and says "Metallica". The guy then says, and I'm not lying here, "Oh, I was thinking somone else." The guy sits down, James looks at me as if to say "?" and I just shrugged my shoulders:shrug:. And on went the ride...

Absolutely the funniest, and most absurd thing I've ever seen at WDW.

Did you buy the photo of you sitting next to him?


New Member
giving the devil horn metal signature hand gesture? please say yes.

Ohh Man, I wanted to soooo badly. Apparently, celebs can ask that pictures of them not be sold, and this was in effect when I tried to buy the pic:mad:. The CM was really cool about it though. He told me if I rode again right away(it was pretty slow that day) that he'd give me a free pic on my next ride. Not much of a consolation but pretty cool move for a CM to make.


Well-Known Member
During a packed character dinner, my 4 yr old son yelled out to Chip "Where do you keep your nuts?" Every table heard it he said it so loud.

Chip thought it was so funny that he had to lean on the table and it was obvious that there was some serious silent laughing going on in that costume.


Well-Known Member
During a packed character dinner, my 4 yr old son yelled out to Chip "Where do you keep your nuts?" Every table heard it he said it so loud.

Chip thought it was so funny that he had to lean on the table and it was obvious that there was some serious silent laughing going on in that costume.

Giggity, giggity, giggity, goo!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
January of 2006 we were staying at Fort Wilderness we were waiting for a boat to the Magic Kingdom, there was a young lady about 22 or 23 yelling for her mother to get down to the end of the dock because there was a snake sticking his head out of the water. Her mother and sister proceeded to run down the dock to where we were waiting for the boat to get us and were making a big scene about this "snake" and they were taking pictures and screaming everytime it stuck its head above the water.

Too bad it was a cormorant bird :brick:
This one is still my all time favorite, my entire family always quotes it.

We were in Animal Kingdom in August 2006, and it was raining. Not torrential downpours, but enough that the majority of people there had put on rain gear. So this woman is helping her kids get into their ponchos, and after they're all set to go, she says:

"Now, if you get lost or separated for some reason, just look for us in the yellow ponchos."

...my whole family just stood there laughing. I hope none of the kids got lost, 75% of the park was in yellow ponchos!


Well-Known Member
This one is still my all time favorite, my entire family always quotes it.

We were in Animal Kingdom in August 2006, and it was raining. Not torrential downpours, but enough that the majority of people there had put on rain gear. So this woman is helping her kids get into their ponchos, and after they're all set to go, she says:

"Now, if you get lost or separated for some reason, just look for us in the yellow ponchos."

...my whole family just stood there laughing. I hope none of the kids got lost, 75% of the park was in yellow ponchos!

:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:Nice! Definitely something Homer Simpson would say.

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