Odd Things Overheard


Well-Known Member
In 1998 on a long (and qiuet) bus ride from the MK to the All Star resorts late at night. The woman sitting behind us was the only person on the bus talking (to her friend) rather loudly:

" It looks like were taking another long way back. I told my son yesterday that 'you have to be careful. These busses go to all these out of the way places. We don't know these bus drivers, they could be taking us anywhere. It's just like in Germany during WWII. They didn't know where they were going when they got on those trains and ended up in concentration camps...' Well, his bar mitzva is this summer... I found a lovely pink outfit to wear. Well, not pink, a mauve or dusty rose. Because I never wear pink... Then I had to find some shoes to wear with it... The only thing that I could find were some sandals in gold or sliver. Matte, not shiny, because the shiny metallics are just tacky!..... Well, I couldn't make up my mind. So, I bought both pair, and never looked back. Oh, we're here."

During the monologue which lasted the entire trip we could see that the whole bus was trying to stifle laughter. As they exited the bus, the lady ( still talking ) was leading the way and her friend stayed back a bit, turned back to the rest of us on the bus and said apologetically "Thank you". The doors closed, and the entire bus let out our stored laughter.

:lol:We had a similar experince one morning on the bus from the Contemporary to the AK. A family group, grandparents, parents and 2 kids were sitting across from us. Grandma starts quizzing the kids in a New Yorkish acent (think Fran Drescher on the Nanny) "Anthony, did you p@@p this morning? We're going to be busy today, and we can't waste time looking for a bathroom every time you think you have to p@@p. Is that a booger in your nose? Here, let Grandma get it......"
This went on and on and on.......


I've got one thats more cute than funny. Back in 06 at the first Very Merry Christmas Party (my last night in Florida after my time at Space) I was taking in whatever the show was at the Tomorrowland theatre and a small child in front of me (must have been in the 5-7 range) said the following when Chip and Dale hit the stage.


Everyone around laughed and he kept saying it until about 2 minutes later (after some dialog in the show)...

Is it Chip & Dip or Chip & Dale.

Was cute though and I remember it way more than the show lol.


Well-Known Member
Was at the Mk and we walk into the park and there is a family in front of us walking in and the son looks at the castle and saw it looked like a birthday cake. He was probably about 8 and he turned to his dad and said "What the f*** is wrong with the castle, I want to f***ing leave." We were shocked standing there thinking the father was about to smack the kid, but the father turns to his wife and says " This if pretty f***ing stupid I told you we shouldnt have come here."

Now that is a family of Role Models, eh! They should "forbid" people like that from entering the parks....Im not sure who was the more ignorant...the child or the parents....guess Id toss my wager onto the parents.


Well-Known Member
OMG, some of these stories are absolutely hysterical. Good reading. It will also help me think about how loudly I am talking on buses, standing in line, etc.... I certainly don't want to come home from my trip in September and see a story posted on here where someone complains about "this chick who was standing in front of me at POTC when....." only to realize that the story is about me.


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Original Poster
Speaking of users of this site, here is one that I overheard that seemed a bit odd and I kinda "stuck around" to listen to the conversation.

Girl: "Honey, you know any good places I could find what's on the menus at Disney?"
Guy #1: "Tried the internet?"
Girl: "Yeah, I don't know any good sites though?"
Guy #2: "Try wdwmagic.com, they have everything Disney there from menus to chatting about upcoming stuff, I'm a user there."
Girl: "So it's all about Disney?"
Guy #2: "Yes, 100%, everything is Disney on that site."
Guy #1: "Or you could try google, that might help."
Girl: "I've tried google, all I get is a site that wants me to search for something google related."
Guy #1: "Just try disney.com, I'm sure they have something, it shouldn't be hard?"
Guy #2: "Yeah, that might work also. Had you tried Disney.com?"
Girl: "No."

If this was you, please reply as I'm curious who this user was?

Plus, somebody had a birthday down at the World and all day long (I mean literally, we ran into these people everywhere we went. All they would do is go "I say Happy you Say Birthday....Happy....Birthday....Happy Birthday." But not only that, it would change. "I say sweet you say Sixteen.....Sweet....Sixteen....Sweet Sixteen." Went about two hours without hearing that, I guess we went our separate ways in the crowd. Suddenly at the Crystal Palace (it was thunderstorming and lightening by the way) I hear "I say Crystal, you say Palace.....Crystal.....Palace....Crystal...." I thought about yelling "I say Quiet you say nothing" but I was afraid they'd actually say, "Nothing!"

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