This is a little different from the screaming girls and rude parade crowds...
I was on Universe of Energy and when the vehicle began moving I realized I was downwind from someone with VERY VERY bad B.O.
It was so bad in fact, I had to restrict my breathing a little bit so I could enjoy the ride while not choking from the B.O.
When the ride ended, I began to exit and WHOAH! I got a total mouthful of that HORRIBLE B.O! Whoever it was hadn't bathed in at least one week NOR used deodorant in all their days in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /><st1:state w:st="on"><ST1>Florida</ST1></st1:state> parks. My boyfriend told me to wait a second. He then turned to me and said, "It’s this family next to us...they smell ABOSULUTELY horrible." So we let them get some distance between us. We followed them out with about 6 or 7 other guest in between us and the family. The whole time I was holding my breath. That was a long breath to hold for exiting Universe or Energy.
When we got outside to the fresh air I had to step aside for a second because the B.O. in the air was SO bad I began to gag in my mouth a little. SO GROSS!! This family had left a trailing B.O. smell the whole way out.
To park visitors: PLEASE PLEASE bathe and wear deodorant! With the ride lines and ride vehicles in small spaces, your B.O. can offend everyone around you within a 15 foot radius!!