Obnoxious Park Visitor Stories


Well-Known Member
I also hate it when a group lets some people in line and then the rest of the group goes up to them. That really annoys me that they think that they are special and that they dont have to wait in the lines like everybody else.


Well-Known Member
The thing I hate the most, is how long it can take at times to get inside the park because people can't put their fingers in the machine correctly (and members of my family have been guilty of this)...I really like the new ones at MK....The whole Epcot bag check/turnstile is another fun thing at WDW...

But hey WDW is great! Lets not let the little things get to us! :D :lol:

That is annoying. My family has been so many times now that we can all just do the whole system naturally. But people (expecially adults) can't figure out where to put their finger. Oh, and also when they are trying to put in their pass and they keep on putting it above where it is supposed to go. But it is really funny/annoying when they cant figure out what is wrong and they tell the cm that it isn't working.:lol: :lol:


Active Member
I have two obnoxious things that happened both last year and both at MK.

One, we went to the Christmas party and had ridden Splash Mountain, we went up to look at the picture, and just as we found it the CM put a block in front of it. We asked why she did that and she said someone who was seated behind us had done something, that they couldn't show us the picture, it must have been bad because she wouldn't even tell us what was done. Our kids were disapointed, but the CM was really nice, she took us back up to the exit of the ride, and let us ride the ride again, getting priority seating and not waiting in line.

The second was at Cosmic Cafe, (during popwarner cheerleading competitions), and my son and I went to find a seat while my wife and daughter went to get lunch. We found a table with four chairs and sat down, well at the next table was this cheerleader and her brother. Well when the father came over with the food he took one of our chairs. I asked him what he was doing and he accused us of taking one of his chairs. I must admit I have a temper and I was very loud about how rude he was, so I went to this family who was leaving and asked nicely if I could have one of their chairs. Low and behold the father returned the chair to our table. My wife still teases me about being in the "Happiest Place in the World" and almost getting in a fight.


New Member
I don't think most adults do this on purpose...they just don't realize there are kids behind them...I mean afterall they're watching the parade.

As already mentioned, I also have a problem with people who get in position to watch a parade late and then expect that they and their kids will be able to see the whole thing without a problem. I've seen people pick their spots hours in advance so it can be done...they plan ahead.

The thing I hate the most, is how long it can take at times to get inside the park because people can't put their fingers in the machine correctly (and members of my family have been guilty of this)...I really like the new ones at MK....The whole Epcot bag check/turnstile is another fun thing at WDW...

But hey WDW is great! Lets not let the little things get to us! :D :lol:

I totally agree with you. I hate when I've been holding my spot for 2 hours for a parade and then people with kids just assume I should let their whole stinky, sticky little horde scramble in front of me just so they can see. Well hello, I want to see too and I'm not very tall at all. That's why I got there Early! If they want to be able to see, they should have gotten there early too! It's the same principle as people who show up at a movie theater 5 minutes before a movie starts and then seem baffled that they can't find a good seat, or want you to move over, when you've been there for 45 minutes.

I'm short and I was a kid once too so I understand wanting to be able to see, but, these kids' parents need to be responsible. It's a perfect time to teach your kids about how to go about something the right way. If you want to see the parade then you need to get there early for a spot just like everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Irritants, Irritants

I hate it when you're standing in line forever to get something to eat, and the people in front of you don't decide what they want until they get to the front, thereby slowing down everybody. "Let's see now, what do I want? Now that the decision on my food is imminent, let's take a few moments and ponder the cuisine of this fine epicurean adventure."

Hello! You just stood in line for 20 minutes, and a menu has been clearly visible the whole time. Disney limits the options just so you don't have too much indecision. Perhaps the contemplation and thinking could have been done a little sooner. This is especially pronounced at the Fish & Chips stand next to the English Pub. "Martha, do you want the hallibut or the cod? Hallibut or cod? They're both fish? I don't know if it's fresh or frozen." You can just feel the blood pressure of everyone go up, and the counter person grinding his or her teeth as this happens for the hundredth time that day.

However, for the thousands of people you encounter at Disney World during your trip, it's rather amazing that so few reach a 10 on the irritation scale.
i hate when parents insist to take their itty bitty children on scary rides such as ToT or something like that jsut because they want to ride it its not only their trip after a kid is scared that bad they will probably be tromitized the rest of their life


Well-Known Member
Oooh! I hate Stoppers too! But, I got to admit, the worst for us is the people with walkie-talkies, that DON'T need one. Their voice alone booms across the park. We don't need to hear your argument over dinner...:brick:


New Member
I don't think most adults do this on purpose...they just don't realize there are kids behind them...I mean afterall they're watching the parade.

As already mentioned, I also have a problem with people who get in position to watch a parade late and then expect that they and their kids will be able to see the whole thing without a problem. I've seen people pick their spots hours in advance so it can be done...they plan ahead.

I'm not talking about coming to a parade late and wanting my children to have priority veiwing. I'm talking about sidewalk sitters waiting for the parade, we come in behind them, our children standing politely like a second row and us adults behind like a third row and waiting there for 20 minutes. Then the parade starts and the previously sitting adults stand up for the duration of the parade. They know children are behind them and don't care. I've seen this happen many times during parades and to families other than ours. There's no need for that. They staked out their parade spot -- fine. But then stay sitting. Or at least have the common courtesy to say "I'll be standing for the parade. Your kids may not be able to see past me". It would at least give us time to find an alternate spot.


New Member
I saw an idiot father on my last trip. He loudly cussed out a CM on Splash Mountain because his son was too short to ride. Like it was her fault. :rolleyes: I had to applaud the CM because she totally kept her cool and never waivered. Perhaps this is what made the dad so angry? She didn't respond to his temper tantrum. :)

Kill them with kindness. That tactic is so great. When people are mad at you (or about something that seems like you have control over) just be kind and polite...it drives them mad!


Well-Known Member
Well, as I posted above, we just make all the kids wait with us and always spread out so that by the time the parade does start we aren't on top of each other...its amazing how you quietly get squished together.
Now, when we have the rented strollers (usually 6 kids in our group..2-3 stroller size)...we push them to the curb and lock them in place. We have adults on either side of the stroller(s) and usually my husband sits behind them until the parade starts..but he does let people know he will stand..he's just not going to stand for over an hour before the parade starts. We especially leave the kids in the stroller for the night time parade and fireworks..to keep us from getting separated.


New Member
Sorry to any parents who use them but for me despite all the other great displays of rudeness that have been pointed out here, the worst is the "double-wide" stroller. I understand that you may have 2 kids, and you may even have 2 kids who can't walk through WDW on their own. This is perfectly understandable. But why does your stroller need to be two-abreast?

I myself have one that seats 2 but the seats are back to front (one child in front of the other) not across. The back to front stroller doesn't take up half the freaking sidewalk, and usually the people pushing these monstrosities are just moseying along, so not only are they taking up half the sidewalk, but then you can't get around them! Even worse is when the kids aren't even in the stroller and these creeps are just using this enormous bohemoth of a stroller as a glorified shopping cart to carry all their junk around in! *sigh* what is WRONG with people???


My worst memory was a few years ago at Tough to be a Bug. I was with my two sisters and we were walking into a row in the center of the theater when another adult cut in front of me to enter the same row. Well I cut in front of his wife but was still seperated from my sisters. I tried to switch seats with him but his wife sat next to him taking my seat and the rest of the row was already filled in. It was a bad game of musical chairs. We ended up finding a row at the very back of the theater where my sisters and I could sit together but it is still frustrating to remember it.


Active Member
Heres a list ;)

Queue jumpers - need to be shot, by this i mean the mob of spanish students (no racism intended) that thought, i know - ill talk at 100000 decibels in the queue to start with, acting like a complete and utter a____________ in the process by banging into people whilst im play fighting with a friend or foe. Then thinking nahhh why not just push in (10 of them) i want to ride with my friends at the front! one of them proceeded to have a go at missues cmatt (my good self being heavy set, 6ft 1 long hair metal head kinda guy, got my blonde 5ft 5 to fight on her own as i cowered in a corner :lol:)

Funilly enough they stopped messing around after this....

Kids - Need to be shot, especially the ones that push infront of my disabled sister to meet a character or when they push in front of missues cmatt - again she just shouts at them.

Smart arsed cms (well the ones at dlrp anyway - the space mountain picture desk especially, if i WANTED an extra photo id ask - oh and by the way this also means not to print the F*****G thing off also and make me pay for a photo i dont sodding want! :(

People in resturants who perssistantly talk 1000000000000000 decibels, then proceeding to storm out after a very courteos cm/waiter informed them how rude and disrupting they were being. Again in my case it was the spanish - but this goes for any nation or creed, DONT talk loud in a resturant - its a big no no!

Some evil swines on panoramagic thingy :( im scared of hot air balloons! (being in them) and those twits shaking it made me really nervous! :(

Oh last but by no means least - the pusher inner people in animagique! at the studios - they pushed in by jumping over theater seats and i didnt get in the end translation headphones!


New Member
I really lose my cool with people who push and shove to be the *first* one in the theater, then plop down in the middle of the row and make everyone else walk over them. At Philharmagic,I actually heard a family plotting and scheming about how they want to get in the theatre first to get the "good seats" (meaning the center). HEEELLLOOOO! The whole theater is filled with good seats! It's a 3D show! The effects will be the exact same no matter where you sit!!! I told my BF we were not sitting anywhere near them because I would launch a verbal assault if I had to climb over them!


New Member
We were on Star Tours once with a family with a 4 year old boy. Once the ride started moving he started yelling "May Day!! May Day!!" over and over, everytime the ride moved a lot. I thought it was funny and one of those precious moments that makes Disney Disney for me. One of the other guests didn't think so and keep talking loudly to his wife of how annoying the kid was being. You have to let some of that go and just have some fun on vacation for goodness sake!


Another thing is people that stop in the middle of walking/stroller pushing to check a map, have a conversation, make plans for dining, whatever -- causing people behind them to stumble and/or make abrupt changes of direction to avoid a collision! Pull to the freaking side to make a stop!

We call these people "stoppers" and I yell to my DH watch out for the stoppers.

Amen to that! Along with that, I add the large groups of people (6 or more) that insist upon walking abreast and disrupting down the flow of traffic (they usually are "stoppers" as well). When my family gets into areas that have a lot of people, we go single file simply as a courtesy to other guests (and we usually have a particular destination in mind). It's not enough to ruin my vacation time, but I do wish people were a bit more courteous (seems like it wasn't as much a problem 15 years ago, but I may looking back with rose colored glasses).

Screamers, etc. on a ride as a rule don't bother me. A funny story about PotC from my last trip:
My oldest son still at home (11) was with me on PotC, and we were in the very front of the boat. We hit the drop, and right behind us, this poor lady started screaming her head off and actually started crying. This continued through the battle scene and I look back to see that this woman was at least 35 (it was a pair of Jamaican women, btw). I couldn't help but start laughing, rather than get annoyed. Her companion was telling her to stop acting like a baby and that she was ruining everybody elses fun on the ride. I looked back and told her it was ok, "they get that a lot on this ride..." I think when the cryer saw my 11-year old son laughing, she finally stopped... (he was getting mad, but he turned around and saw it was an adult and couldn't help it either). A little humor goes a long way in situations like this to be sure.


New Member
I have 2 instances of annoyance:

1. When we landed at the airport, there was a slight wait to board the Magical Express. Then we sat on the bus for another 5-7 minutes. Well, the woman in front of us with her family was complaining the whole time about their service. If it was so bad, why didn't she just pay all the money needed to taxis or rental car? To hear her complaining right after we landed and we were so exicited to be at Disney made me want to kick her off the bus.

2. While in Tommorow Land (in front of Buzz Lightyear), we saw a senior citizen watering the flowers and plants and he wasn't using a watering can. He was exposing himself and just peeing everywhere. It was like being in city watching a homeless guy go the bathroom in the street. Others around us informed a CM.


Well-Known Member
We've had that happen to us too. We have staked out seats well in advance and some foreign speaking people force their way into a tiny spot and push us down. All the while speaking in another language like they don't understand anyone around or think they've done anything wrong! :mad:

That happened to us back in 8/3/06. This little girl came up and asked for "ONE". I said are you sitting my yourself - she nodded yes, then pointed to her mother across the street. I thought it was weird, but whatever. About an hour later my 2 yr old niece was playing hokey-pokey in the middle of Main Street - so she wasn't on her piece of the curbspace and would you believe that when I turned back around to look at my family on the curb, the girls' mothers had squeezed her butt into the space where my niece was sitting. I told her she couldn't sit there, but she wouldn't budge. She was speaking in a language I did not understand.

So my family watched the parade......with the woman sitting in the middle of us and with my niece on my lap.

This is exactly why I normally tell people NO when they ask if I have extra space. If I do have extra space, then I always let any kids that are behind us have the space.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha, thats funny. I do that in like all the preshows that I know em word for word. Not loudly or nothing, but enough to make sure Im saying it verbatum. My fav. is ToT.

====> May I make a suggestion? I understand you wishing to prove to yourself that you know all the words to certain rides. It can be fun. If that is the case, please simply MOUTH the words to yourself, with no sound coming out of your moving lips. That will satisfy your desire.

By using any kind of sound, you are now feeding your ego by proving to others that you are a Disney vetran/expert so others will think better of you and thus help your low self esteem. In reality, you are simply upseting people by being rude (even if it is a whisper) and in actuality they think a lot worse of you than they would if you were quiet.

My niece and I have a tradition: At the hotel, or outside the attraction, we will say to each other: "Welcome foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host, your ghost host." Inside the ride, we look at each other and mouth the words with no sound whatsoever. We get a kick out of knowing the words, yet we upset no one and ruin no one's enjoyment of the ride.

Everyone should enjoy the rides as Disney intended.

If you must share your knowledge, share transportation secrets about faster ways to get around "The World". That will win you points with people.



Well-Known Member
I really lose my cool with people who push and shove to be the *first* one in the theater, then plop down in the middle of the row and make everyone else walk over them. At Philharmagic,I actually heard a family plotting and scheming about how they want to get in the theatre first to get the "good seats" (meaning the center). HEEELLLOOOO! The whole theater is filled with good seats! It's a 3D show! The effects will be the exact same no matter where you sit!!! I told my BF we were not sitting anywhere near them because I would launch a verbal assault if I had to climb over them!

I did something really, really bad on my last trip......

In Philharmagic, same thing happened - 1000 people trying to sit down when of course these !@#$%^&* people stop and sit down in the middle of the aisle. I was annoyed and I stepped on all their feet, except the elderly people. I really felt bad for a minute. I really should not have done it.

This is reason I didn't raise too much hell when the lady sat down on my nieces Spectro curbspace. I figured it was punishment for my bad behavior.

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