Not-Worth-It Attractions


Well-Known Member
I'm probably going to be stoned for this, but I found Carousel of Progress "Not worth it." I rode it once, it was okay but what scenes DID cause my sense of cynicism kick in, just kinda bored me. *ducks and prepares for the stoning*
*Throws stones at you for the COP and SSE comment*:p:D
I'm surprised how many people don't enjoy Jungle Cruise also. I see 75% of the guests getting off laughing and enjoying the ride. Obviously we have some skippers who aren't the most entertaining, and I feel sorry for the people who end up getting them. Unfortunately you can't control how funny people are.

Nope, but if you have a favorite skipper *cough*AlbinoPygmy*GAGWHEEZECOUGH!* sorry, had a little something in my throat. Anyways, you could always ask if they're in and if you can ride their boat. As for the rest, you could blame the College Program for sending in a bunch of college kids who I feel just don't get what it takes to be a skipper, and when they finally do, they leave in a week when their term ends. Jungle is mostly ran by CPs, and is probably the reason why Jungle is on so many of these skip lists.

I also don't understand the problem with IASW, it's a classic, and the Jungle Cruise is always fun. I also love the "lots of walking required" attractions like Swiss Family Treehouse and Tom Sawyer's Island. Exploring the caves and walking trails is alot of old-fashioned fun, but I guess people would rather have screens? :lookaroun Just kidding, but I do think most of the tourists are afraid of a little extra exercise.

Unfortunately that is so true, if it isn't digitized or 3D, it shouldn't be done, and heaven forbid you WALK THROUGH an attraction. On a side note, somewhat related, I'm also tired of people wanting to come in to use their FP's 5 - 10 minutes before their 1 hour window and wine at me like it's my fault for not being the nice Disney CM and letting them in, so I suggest they go walk through the treehouse several times and come back and see me later, and bring me a dole whip while you're at it!


Well-Known Member
Speaking for just myself.....I could care less how old a ride is, or whether Walt Disney himself designed it. The fact is, is it enjoyable to sit in a boat hearing the same song over and over and over and over again while drifting slowly past ancient animatronic dolls dressed in the garb of their foreign countries? Answer: ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's as boring as all get-out. The same goes for the Jungle Cruise. Regardless of it being an original attraction, it is EXTREMELY BORING, the animatronics are quite poor, and the boat's skipper isn't even remotely amusing. As far as the others go, I always loved the original Journey Into Your Imagination ride with Dreamfinder and Figment. Every single refurbishment since that original show has been worse and worse than the last. Even now the existing ride is terribly lame (but I will give it some props for the disappearing butterfly in the cage illusion). As for the live doesn't matter if I'm in WDW, Six Flags, or any other amusement park environment, I HATE to be in a place filled with great rides and sit and watch someone sing or dance or whatever. Live shows just are NOT for me. I want to be going fast, or dropping from a height, or going round and round. Country Bear Jamboree was fine when I was about 8 years old. Since that was a long time ago, its appeal wore off very quickly. I view the Monsters Inc Laugh Floor the same as any other live show.....not worth my time when I could be on a ride. And Star Tours? That kind of ride technology/format is seriously out-dated. I love the Star Wars theme and all, and wish they would proceed with the oft-rumored update to the attraction, but I actually liked Body Wars much better than ST and it was basically the same ride.

So those are my reasons for passing up the ones I had listed earlier. Some will agree with me somewhat, some may disagree's all good. We can all enjoy what we want in WDW.

I think some of the appeal of "classic" attractions like It's a Small World and the Jungle Cruise is generational.

For example: Taking my kids on Small World and watching their little eyes light up? Amazing and heart warming.

Jungle Cruise? - I was 16 the first time I went to Disney. My grandparents took my entire family on a trip to Disney as a gift. Both of my grandparents had a huge love of Disneyworld and both have since passed. When I rode the Jungle Cruise three weeks ago, I could still "see" (in my imagination and memory of course!) my grandparents sitting on the boat. I suddenly remembered exactly where we were sitting 14 years ago, and I could remember my grandmother excitedly pointing out upcoming "events" on the ride to me. Of course, this won't make the ride a "must see" for you, but I imagine I"m not the only one with sentimental feelings for a ride or two. And that is why some of these rides are a must see for so many others!


Active Member
My take on this whole thread. People seeing the rides for the first time see the rides quite differently than people who have been there year after year after year. Regulars tend to forget the excitement they had when walking into the park that first time. Even the greatest roller coaster in the world gets hum drum if you ride it every week.
As a fellow retail owner told me a long time ago when you buy things for the shop you have to remember to buy some ugly stuff, too, cause not every one in the world likes what you like.
For a lot of us who go to the parks regularly we forget that most of the families there only make the trip to Disney parks once in their lives or if they do make a second trip it might be when the kids they brought 20 years ago have kids so they want to show their grandkids the time of their life, too.
I love some of the new rides, wouldn't step into others a second time. I love some of the old rides, look forward to seeing them again because they make ya feel good, but would never go into some of them ever again. There is enough to do skipping the ones that don't rock your boat because some of the ones you don't like might just be someone else's favorite ride or show.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Problem was, I didn't find it thrilling. It's an attempt at thrills but comes across as lame and feels extremely controlled. My main beef with it though is that it just doesn't follow through with the story it sets up. Most are okay with just doesn't work for me.

Ok, I have to ask because this is the first time I've ever heard anyone say something like that in regards to Tower of Terror........what about it didn't follow through with the story?

The story: The hotel's elevator was struck by lightning with guests in it and it dropped really fast and took them to the Twilight Zone.

The ride: The elevator takes you, too, to the Twilight Zone which you can see aspects of it each time the elevator doors open, and also as you move forward through the hallway. Oh, and the elevator drops fast several times.

Where didn't you think it followed through with the story? Seems to me it followed up the story exactly.


Sorry but all of the rides at the parks are designed for somebody but none of the rides are designed for everybody. Even Disney cannot pull off a stunt like that.

I have one ride that I do not think should be in any of the parks and that is the Indy cars. It is to county fairish to me. I love county fairs but I would not pay $75 to get into any of them that I have been too. Disney can do better than this.:hammer:


Well-Known Member
Stitch's Great Escape, Test Track, American Adventure, all the movies in World Showcase, Sounds Dangerous, Indy Cars, Living with the Land (once was more than enough for me), and Rafiki's Planet Watch (that was several hours of my life that I will NEVER get back).


New Member
What are the attractions that you consciously pass by on each trip to WDW? My "waste of time attractions" in WDW are as follows (IMO - which I know not everyone will agree with):

* It's a Small World (original or's awful)
* Jungle Cruise
* Tomorrowland Speedway
* Stitch's Great Escape
* Sounds Dangerous
* El Rio de Tiempo
* Journey into Your Imagination
* Chester & Hester's Dino-Rama
* ANY and ALL live shows
* Enchanted Tiki Room
* Country Bear Jamboree
* Monsters Inc Laugh Floor
* Universe of Energy (needs a SERIOUS overhaul)
* Star Tours
* Kali River Rapids quote]

Why even go to disney world if your going to skip over half of the attractions?


New Member
Stitch's Great Escape, Test Track, American Adventure, all the movies in World Showcase, Sounds Dangerous, Indy Cars, Living with the Land (once was more than enough for me), and Rafiki's Planet Watch (that was several hours of my life that I will NEVER get back).

I understand most of these attratcions but why test track?


Well-Known Member
I can honestly say that we don't consider anything not worth it. We've been blessed to go to WDW every year for the last four years (2009 will make five). There are some rides or attractions we visit every other trip. LMA is one. It's neat, but I don't have to see it every trip. There are only three rides I have to avoid. It's not because I don't like them. They just make me sick beyond all belief.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Let him, Unkadug...

This troll is probably just a bored little kid...
Every holiday season, someone like him will appear...

Trolls never last for long here... :D

So says the troll himself. If you'll notice, there's been no hate or anger spread in this thread......except by yourself and unkadug who just want to scream "troll" for no apparent reason.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Why even go to disney world if your going to skip over half of the attractions?

Probably because that list isn't anywhere near "half" of the attractions, they're merely the ones here and there that I don't like. There's far more to enjoy there than to dislike.....and so, I go.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Not always so :lookaroun
So says the troll himself. If you'll notice, there's been no hate or anger spread in this thread......except by yourself and unkadug who just want to scream "troll" for no apparent reason.

Well, these threads usually are created for an argument...not friendly discussion. Surely you realize that? I'm surprised this one has not erupted into a fanboi EPCOT war.:lookaroun:rolleyes::lol:

And Tim is far from a troll.;)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, these threads usually are created for an argument...not friendly discussion. Surely you realize that? I'm surprised this one has not erupted into a fanboi EPCOT war.And Tim is far from a troll.;)

Well, as you can see through 6 pages of the thread, it wasn't created for arguments and the only problems have come from the first guy with that stupid cartoon, and then the other one crying "troll". He strikes me as exactly a troll.....trying to start arguments where there aren't any.
so. no im not new to this website, i have actually posted on here before on another name but i forgot my log in name and everything. I read over this forum very frequently and just thought i had to post my thought on this issue.

Being the disney freak i am, i love disney. I live in ohio and go at least 2 or 3 times a year, people call me crazy because i own season pass, but whatev. On this issue, disney is a magical place, every attraction is part of the magic no matter how boring or dull it may be. Any attraction to me is worth it, idc if its the same every time. Philharmagic is the same thing everytime, and everytime i go in, it gives me chills. People need to see the inner picture of disney. As much as some attractions seem so bad, they are there for a reason. If youre really a disney fanatic as some people say they are, they wouldnt let little things get to them to enjoy the disney experience.

Not ever visiting an attraction is not an issue with me, yes i will not get to go to every attraction i want to in one trip, but i will hit it in the next trip for sure. Walt created this empire we called disney, he created its a small world and COP, these are living legends of Disney, straight from walt.

Every attraction is its place for a reason, Some people may not like it, but there are people who enjoy it and who haven't seen it before.

thats my two cents, i know all the true disney freaks will agree

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