Norway Pavilion Frozen construction - Frozen Ever After ride

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Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
Much of Frozen, I notice, seems to be only done to cash in on Tangled. Like, does Disney expect us to believe that both movies having a hoofed animal that doesn't talk but acts like a dog was a coincidence?


Well-Known Member
Much of Frozen, I notice, seems to be only done to cash in on Tangled. Like, does Disney expect us to believe that both movies having a hoofed animal that doesn't talk but acts like a dog was a coincidence?

That's actually a fairly common trope in animation. Four legged animals, if they're not dogs or cats, often act like dogs or cats because that's an easier reference for the animators.


Well-Known Member

More like 4 hours for a 4 minute ride...

or a trip half way round the world while waiting. (line starting in world showcase plaza looping past Mexico, Norway, and China up to the bridge, before another backswitch back loop towards Norway). are you ready for this Disney? :banghead:


Well-Known Member
Well...guests are not FORCED to wait in a 4 hour line...they choose to. there are other attractions...there is no promise that if you go to EPCOT you WILL get on every single attraction. The lines are only as long as people are willing to wait.
My last trip to MK there was a 150 minute wait for 7 Dwarves at One AM...and people were still getting in line.
So...Cant help what lines will come. It does point out they probably need more attractions though...

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
The point is the IP will guarantee large lines. For an attraction that can't handle them.

It's just Wrong wrong wrong.

When the ride opens, I imagine this is what EPCOT will be like...



Well-Known Member
Much of Frozen, I notice, seems to be only done to cash in on Tangled. Like, does Disney expect us to believe that both movies having a hoofed animal that doesn't talk but acts like a dog was a coincidence?
That's actually a fairly common trope in animation. Four legged animals, if they're not dogs or cats, often act like dogs or cats because that's an easier reference for the animators.
mulan is one of my favorite examples of this


Well-Known Member
While we always rode Maelstrom and found it to be somewhat dated, but a pleasant break from walking around, I always thought it needed a facelift. So, I'm a little sad to see the trolls and oil rig go, but am interested to see the new attraction. I'm not a Frozen fan, but I was happy that it did not flop and cost Disney a loss.

For those that are not happy, I'm curious why. Is it because it did not take place in Norway? Do you not want Disney characters in Epcot? Do you think the meet and greet building is a waste of space in WS? Should Epcot be mainly for adults and not kids? Again, I'm just curious as to the reasons for objections.


Keep Moving Forward


Premium Member
While we always rode Maelstrom and found it to be somewhat dated, but a pleasant break from walking around, I always thought it needed a facelift. So, I'm a little sad to see the trolls and oil rig go, but am interested to see the new attraction. I'm not a Frozen fan, but I was happy that it did not flop and cost Disney a loss.

For those that are not happy, I'm curious why. Is it because it did not take place in Norway? Do you not want Disney characters in Epcot? Do you think the meet and greet building is a waste of space in WS? Should Epcot be mainly for adults and not kids? Again, I'm just curious as to the reasons for objections.

You can find 410 pages of discussion on this topic here:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I didn't go to it, I went by my neighbor that did go and that is what she told me. So sorry about that, still though comparatively it is still more expensive then what the majority pays for a WDW ticket with less entertainment. Perhaps more intense for 2 hours, but, still less. Like most of the people on these threads I'm just passing down pieces of information that I got from a reliable source, who shall not be named.

The point is that regardless of $70 or $135 (as a minimum price) it is still a better deal.

On the other hand, people don't KEEP paying hundreds a day to see the SAME band play the SAME songs they've been playing for decades - for ten days in a row. Like they do at Disney parks.
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