Norway Pavilion Frozen construction - Frozen Ever After ride

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The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Just curious here because I don't remember Norway being much more then the ride. I know it had the restaurant, gift shop and the stuff outside which I think is remaining, there really isn't a lot to it. Throw in a couple of Trolls and you got it back.
There was a viking ship that you could climb in, doubling as a playground. A stave church with exhibitions. A restaurant that you could legally enter without being in the presence of a five year old girl.

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
OMG! My mind is aglow with whirling transient nodes of thought. The Swedish chef presents the Boathouse where you ride your Ford on the fjord just like the Norwegians! A nod to this new restaurant could be included (maybe branded onto the skin of the Mako sharks). Synergy out the wazoo creating a cross property thematic masterpiece.

jeebus George! you're on a roll!

There was a viking ship that you could climb in, doubling as a playground. A stave church with exhibitions. A restaurant that you could legally enter without being in the presence of a five year old girl.
didnt the stave church become a frozen merchandise store?

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Are you aware of the best ride made by SeaWorld? No, I'm not talking about Manta. I'm definitely not talking about Antarctica, even though by quoting your post I seem to have implied that. It's at Busch Gardens (the Virginia one).

Sure, it's about the same quality of a below-average Universal ride, but that's a high for SeaWorld and so close to where I live that it's a close enough substitute for Spiderman.
No, I wasn't aware. Looks a bit Spiderman-ish. Which I considered the most technologically amazing ride in Orlando.

I definitely prefer SEA over UNI though, theme-wise. I'm not sure this ride would work for me, apart from sheer thrill and tech awesomeness. Would love to ride though!
(And Manta is beyond awesome! Fantastic queue and fantastic ride. You'd have to truly deliver to beat that one!)


Well-Known Member

jeebus George! you're on a roll!

didnt the stave church become a frozen merchandise store?

no it didn't but it is closing this month till the end of May,,,for what exactly yet its not known but apparently an exhibit change out. I wonder if it will reopen at all....


Well-Known Member
Just curious here because I don't remember Norway being much more then the ride. I know it had the restaurant, gift shop and the stuff outside which I think is remaining, there really isn't a lot to it. Throw in a couple of Trolls and you got it back.

the film after the ride....and at one time there was another film they offered certain days of the week upstairs in the corporate lounge.


Well-Known Member
No, I wasn't aware. Looks a bit Spiderman-ish. Which I considered the most technologically amazing ride in Orlando.

I definitely prefer SEA over UNI though, theme-wise. I'm not sure this ride would work for me, apart from sheer thrill and tech awesomeness. Would love to ride though!
(And Manta is beyond awesome! Fantastic queue and fantastic ride. You'd have to truly deliver to beat that one!)
Ride system wise it utilizes an Oceaneering Evolution ride vehicle, which is very similar to the ride vehicle Universal Creative designed and Oceaneering fixed for The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man.


Well-Known Member
the film after the ride....and at one time there was another film they offered certain days of the week upstairs in the corporate lounge.
I stopped riding because of that film. It was boring and unnecessary to me. I guess I wasn't alone because after a while they no longer "required" you to watch it and they let you walk through. The only way you could avoid it, originally, was to rush through and catch up to the previous audience leaving the theater, timing was everything because that door would close as soon as the last person got through it. That helped sustain the life of the pavilion for the rest of the time. Many people did watch it and enjoyed it, but, it was never a highlight as far as I was concerned.


Well-Known Member
I stopped riding because of that film. It was boring and unnecessary to me. I guess I wasn't alone because after a while they no longer "required" you to watch it and they let you walk through. The only way you could avoid it, originally, was to rush through and catch up to the previous audience leaving the theater, timing was everything because that door would close as soon as the last person got through it. That helped sustain the life of the pavilion for the rest of the time. Many people did watch it and enjoyed it, but, it was never a highlight as far as I was concerned.

it was clearly outdated but nice for its time, after several failed attempts to get a new one in there all gave up.


Well-Known Member
they already do really with the akershus breakfast, but they are going to have no choice I think but to change how this park operates to accommodate the masses of frozen crowds, at least when it comes to world showcase hours, if they have any brains... which we know how that goes....
Why not control crowd levels by increasing the price of the meal?

Something that the imagination of a C- level Econ 101 student could conjure up.

Next Big Thing

Well-Known Member
At the risk of thread derail, I like Rat. It's fun. A very good rather than a fantastic ride. I do always feel it is too tame. For example, the fire is too lukewarm and comes out of the oven when you are already leaving, the cold is not cold enough, the movements are too gentle. The ride system is never really pushed to its limits. Only in the chase do you feel the true excitement of a free moving vehicle, but that is mostly in video corridors. Wish there would be a grand scene on the restaurant floor or something, three or six ratcars scurrying about the place looking for cover.

Also, I dislike how the restaurant is not integrated into the ride well. You look from the exit of the ride into the restaurant, for marketing purposes, rather than from the restaurant into the ride, which would be done for guest satisfaction purposes. The reverse of DL+DLP Pirates then, products of a more brilliant era.

Still, on the whole, the ride succeeds. There is definitely a feel of the grand gesture about it, including the entire area. That counts for something. The difference with the neighbouring Toy Story Land is shocking, despite only two years difference RAT represents the best and TSL the worst of the entire park. Luckily, WDW realised this too and so decided to forego on that TSL failure and

Brian Swan

Well-Known Member

Brian Swan

Well-Known Member
With no Inside info at all I'm willing to wager that changes.....Norway is close enough they could open just that small section and hold off on beer sales for two hours or what not.
When they had the previous A&E M&G in Norway, it was opened at RD...

Brian Swan

Well-Known Member
There was a viking ship that you could climb in, doubling as a playground. A stave church with exhibitions. A restaurant that you could legally enter without being in the presence of a five year old girl.
Yeah, there was a lot more to Norway when it first opened. The biggest loss was when they converted Akershus, abd very good Norwegian restaurant into a mass-feeding Princess stable. I would have been OK if they changed breakfast and lunch and kept dinner as a "real" restaurant, but no. To me, this was the real start of the descent of WS.


Well-Known Member
Are you aware of the best ride made by SeaWorld? No, I'm not talking about Manta. I'm definitely not talking about Antarctica, even though by quoting your post I seem to have implied that. It's at Busch Gardens (the Virginia one).

Sure, it's about the same quality of a below-average Universal ride, but that's a high for SeaWorld and so close to where I live that it's a close enough substitute for Spiderman.

This ride uses the same ride system as Spiderman and Transformers but horrible video quality, pour audio and a story that doesn't make much sense. Other than that it's great.


Well-Known Member
This ride uses the same ride system as Spiderman and Transformers but horrible video quality, pour audio and a story that doesn't make much sense. Other than that it's great.
The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and Transformers: The Ride 3D utilize a ride system designed by Universal Creative and not the Evolution system utilized by Curse of DarKastle. Oceaneering was originally one of many vendors working on the SCOOP vehicles but the situation became one of too many cooks in the kitchen. Oceaneering took on making those original vehicles work properly and became the sole manufacturer responsible for the next four attractions. With their experience working on the SCOOP vehicles, Oceaneering developed the Evolution ride vehicles in use at Curse of DarKastle but Universal continues to use their design.


Well-Known Member
The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and Transformers: The Ride 3D utilize a ride system designed by Universal Creative and not the Evolution system utilized by Curse of DarKastle. Oceaneering was originally one of many vendors working on the SCOOP vehicles but the situation became one of too many cooks in the kitchen. Oceaneering took on making those original vehicles work properly and became the sole manufacturer responsible for the next four attractions. With their experience working on the SCOOP vehicles, Oceaneering developed the Evolution ride vehicles in use at Curse of DarKastle but Universal continues to use their design.
Should I say, "more or less the same system" then?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there was a lot more to Norway when it first opened. The biggest loss was when they converted Akershus, abd very good Norwegian restaurant into a mass-feeding Princess stable. I would have been OK if they changed breakfast and lunch and kept dinner as a "real" restaurant, but no. To me, this was the real start of the descent of WS.


The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Yeah, there was a lot more to Norway when it first opened. The biggest loss was when they converted Akershus, abd very good Norwegian restaurant into a mass-feeding Princess stable. I would have been OK if they changed breakfast and lunch and kept dinner as a "real" restaurant, but no. To me, this was the real start of the descent of WS.
Well personally I felt WS was immeasurably improved once we were all spared the unspeakable horror of Norwegian food... :D
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