No mention of Lights of Winter in the 2010 holiday press release

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
WOW! this is one hot topic. I have spent many trips at WDW. This year will by my first during the holiday season. I would have had no idea something was missing if I wasn't a regular on these boards. Switching ones allegiances from one company(WDW) to another (US) is an overreaction to disappointment. Don't think for one minute that the US faithfull weren't outraged over Back to the Future or King Kong being removed. It is a business. This country is STILL in a recession. Regardless of what anyone would like you to think. Certain things have to be cut so they can still make budget. At the same time they have to offer incentives to get people to come. This will be my 2nd trip this year. The only reason I can take 2 trips is because they offered free dining twice. Anyone that wants to quit going to WDW because a light display has been taken down or some attraction or show you grew up with is gone is just setting themselves up for more disappointment. There is a reason you fell in love with Disneyworld. That reason wasn't found anywhere else. Don't think for one minute that Harry Potter is going to make you feel like a kid again. You will go to US and spend the entire trip counting the days until you return to WDW.
If it was just one thing I would agree but there has been an almost constant removal of attractions, displays, etc with no replacement over the last few years and it has simply become too much. Eventually we have to cry no mas and vote with our dollars.


Well-Known Member
WOW! this is one hot topic. I have spent many trips at WDW. This year will by my first during the holiday season. I would have had no idea something was missing if I wasn't a regular on these boards. Switching ones allegiances from one company(WDW) to another (US) is an overreaction to disappointment. Don't think for one minute that the US faithfull weren't outraged over Back to the Future or King Kong being removed. It is a business. This country is STILL in a recession. Regardless of what anyone would like you to think. Certain things have to be cut so they can still make budget. At the same time they have to offer incentives to get people to come. This will be my 2nd trip this year. The only reason I can take 2 trips is because they offered free dining twice. Anyone that wants to quit going to WDW because a light display has been taken down or some attraction or show you grew up with is gone is just setting themselves up for more disappointment. There is a reason you fell in love with Disneyworld. That reason wasn't found anywhere else. Don't think for one minute that Harry Potter is going to make you feel like a kid again. You will go to US and spend the entire trip counting the days until you return to WDW.

I don't think it's JUST about the LoW... It's a wide range of things that all add up to many people changing how they vacation in Orlando. A handful of years ago, I wouldn't have even thought of spending time at USF on our trips... It would just take time away from me being at the Disney parks!! But things are different. Competition is catching up.

You're right that I'll still watch Wishes with my kids in my lap and get teary-eyed... Disney still has a knack for tugging the heartstrings. But they've done things that have left that door open a crack for competitors, and I've realized there's a "big blue world" out there...

And the major difference between fans of USF being upset Kong or Back to the Future was removed is that those were removed to make way for new and better attractions... They weren't shuttered just to leave behind cobwebs. That's what's happened with the LoW. And WoL. And Sounds Dangerous. Etc, etc...


New Member
If it was just one thing I would agree but there has been an almost constant removal of attractions, displays, etc with no replacement over the last few years and it has simply become too much. Eventually we have to cry no mas and vote with our dollars.

I forgot Disney has an infinite number of dollars to spend


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
If it was just one thing I would agree but there has been an almost constant removal of attractions, displays, etc with no replacement over the last few years and it has simply become too much. Eventually we have to cry no mas and vote with our dollars.

That's what I've decided to do. Instead of a holiday visit this winter, I'm putting those monies into a longer tour of New England next summer. Not because of LoW in particular, but a sense of decline in general that I have right now. I'm sure we'll return, but it will be some time.....
How do we know the lights aren't coming back? Just because they weren't mentioned in the press release?

I agree that if they really did "plus" them, or upgrade them, they might have mentioned it, but if they're just putting them back up, doesn't seem like it's really worth mentioning...


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
How do we know the lights aren't coming back? Just because they weren't mentioned in the press release?

I agree that if they really did "plus" them, or upgrade them, they might have mentioned it, but if they're just putting them back up, doesn't seem like it's really worth mentioning...

With the ire they received last year when the LoW were taken out, if WDW were to bring them back it would be posted in bold, 20-point font across the top of the announcement....:)


Well-Known Member
Life is full of changes.... you either bend with the changes or let it break you. Something Ilove about the parks others dislike and vice versa. I never saw LoW in person only through web pages... would I have liked to of seen it... absolutely... will it stop me from enjoying the rest of what WDW has to offer.... No.

So in my best Tiny Tim voice........................

God Bless US Everyone!! :)


Well-Known Member
How do we know the lights aren't coming back? Just because they weren't mentioned in the press release?

I agree that if they really did "plus" them, or upgrade them, they might have mentioned it, but if they're just putting them back up, doesn't seem like it's really worth mentioning...

I believe we had reports just a few weeks ago that the LoW were still wrapped up backstage and hadn't been touched since last year at all. So just "putting them back up" isn't an option, I don't think.

If they were going to do it, at this point, it would have to be completely new equipment, which would probably mean newer tech, which would probably be something they would advertise. Anything they could show as a new draw to the park would only make sense to advertise.


Well-Known Member
I believe we had reports just a few weeks ago that the LoW were still wrapped up backstage and hadn't been touched since last year at all. So just "putting them back up" isn't an option, I don't think.

If they were going to do it, at this point, it would have to be completely new equipment, which would probably mean newer tech, which would probably be something they would advertise. Anything they could show as a new draw to the park would only make sense to advertise.

Yeah I think it was early August some had said that they saw them still sitting backstage in the same spot as last year with nothing done to them.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
That's what I've decided to do. Instead of a holiday visit this winter, I'm putting those monies into a longer tour of New England next summer. Not because of LoW in particular, but a sense of decline in general that I have right now. I'm sure we'll return, but it will be some time.....
Our passes are good through December of this year. More than likely we will not renew. My family has been begging to go back to US and Sea World. Despite my objections to US I just might have to give in to the kids.


Our passes are good through December of this year. More than likely we will not renew. My family has been begging to go back to US and Sea World. Despite my objections to US I just might have to give in to the kids.

Know what you mean on that last sentence. We only get to visit once every 2-4 years. Planning to return next summer. Given the lines we can expect at Potter, the extra cost, and the time it would take away from Disney, I've tried all the convincing powers I have to get the kids to say let's skip US. Even when I said that (financially) it might come down to either doing WDW only or doing something completely different (like skiing). But if HP wasn't part of the trip, they voted for the ski trip. I was sort of bluffing, but now my DW kind of likes the idea of skiing, so I may have just screwed myself out of a Florida trip altogether! Best laid plans...


Well-Known Member
Thank you, mods! :sohappy:

Every thread I walked into was an arguementive mess with that PFTW jackapple trolling around.

LoW, if not displayed, is a big loss for the holiday atmosphere as it was last year. I've only been to the World once around New Year's and didn't mind paying a slightly higher price than normal because of the aesthetics that were applied for Christmas and the like.

Now that WDW has once again raised prices and has had numerous quality issues throughout its parks (E:E, Dinosaur, SSE decent, WoL unused, etc.) and is also pinching back on displays for the holiday season, I do believe it has now become "cons outweigh the pros" time. Or as most have said on here...

Increase in Cost + Decrease in Quality = Not a Good Reason to Go

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