No mention of Lights of Winter in the 2010 holiday press release


Well-Known Member
Also its not just the lack of missing LOW. But the lack of decor. Every year they have dwindled it down more and more to nothing, as far as Epcot goes at least. Hollywood studios is beautiful at Christmas and so is MK, but Epcot its clear they dont want to pay any teams to have to put up the stuff or do anything beyond the main tree. Last year was pretty dismal, sounds like its going to be again. The countries use to decorate a lot more, now hardly any except for a couple wreaths in Germany, Norway and France, and one garland on the outside of Italy just to name a couple things and they call it a day. And aside from those it pretty much ends there except for the AA tree. They use to have poinsetta trees in future world and world showcase, the show around the main tree, LOW, etc. The entrance to the park use to have thick red garlands if I remember correctly, and Akerhshus use to be heavily decorated with a Norwegian winter theme but now that its not part of the candlight package and just a character madhouse Im not sure they do that anymore. Does anyone remember anything else they use to do? I know Im forgetting something.


Along those lines, the vast, vast majority of people who visit during the Christmas season this year will not even be aware that there ever WAS a LOW. I think we overestimate the impact of changes and lack of refurbs around here. For instance, I rode PPF just a couple weeks ago and thought it was great, just perfect. Didn't notice a thing wrong with it. Got back and almost immediately found a thread on here about what horrible condition it's in.

99.9% of park-goers don't notice 99.9% of the stuff that's griped about on here.


Well-Known Member
Along those lines, the vast, vast majority of people who visit during the Christmas season this year will not even be aware that there ever WAS a LOW. I think we overestimate the impact of changes and lack of refurbs around here. For instance, I rode PPF just a couple weeks ago and thought it was great, just perfect. Didn't notice a thing wrong with it. Got back and almost immediately found a thread on here about what horrible condition it's in.

99.9% of park-goers don't notice 99.9% of the stuff that's griped about on here.

Except last year Guest Relations at EPCOT was basically flooded with complaints due to the lack of LoW, at least according to a friend that works there.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Except last year Guest Relations at EPCOT was basically flooded with complaints due to the lack of LoW, at least according to a friend that works there.

There were many people (probably more than 20, but I'm just guessing there :rolleyes:) upset over the LoW being removed. And even more who will not be happy with their continued absence......


Well-Known Member
Where is your evidence that he is in the minority? You do know that this board is just a fraction of the people who visit WDW?

Many people "in the know" reported that GR was taken aback by the response, and that TDO underestimated the reaction.

Also... How about using a little common sense to come to the conclusion?? LoW was a main staple of the holidays for WDW, certainly for Epcot. It was removed, with no notice, with no replacement.

I would think it would be easy to draw the conclusion a vast majority of people don't like the idea of a major thing like that taken away, to be replaced by nothing. It doesn't take a degree in probabilities to figure out.


Well-Known Member
Vocal guest satisfaction of 20 people means nothing when you deal with MILLIONS. Last Christmas time there were VOCAL guests that were mad that Disney was not Secular and celebrated Christmas...their were VOCAL guests that got mad that people said Merry Christmas, i was one i refuse to say happy holidays, so should Disney listen to these minority of people?

You probably should do some homework on how complaints are registered, valued, and assessed. Large companies that deal with the public know that a certain percentage of people are going to be upset with their product at one point or another, and most usually have a formula for what one person that actually complains is the eqivalent of. They don't say "20 people went to GR to complain about the LoW today. Too bad for those 20 people". Those 20 people extrapolate out to some larger number.

I don't know Disney's formula. But I am also content to know they got a much larger response from LoW being missing than they expected. So I'm content not knowing their formula. :D


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I wouldn't expect someone who claims to work at WDW to be so argumentative with past, present and future guests either.......:brick:


Well-Known Member
I heard from many sources on many different boards and from visits to WDW (I asked some CMs here and there on one of our many local visits to WDW) that Disnery was shocked at the outrage over the LoW.

Also, it doesnt take a rocket scientist as a guest to notice one of the few high-profile (almost the only lol) Christmas Holiday decorations being removed from Epcot... In my opinion the LoW (whether you love it or hate ot or simply never cared) set the mood for you as you progressed toward World was really impressive as you walked under or past it IMHO.


Well-Known Member
I heard from many sources on many different boards and from visits to WDW (I asked some CMs here and there on one of our many local visits to WDW) that Disnery was shocked at the outrage over the LoW.

Also, it doesnt take a rocket scientist as a guest to notice one of the few high-profile (almost the only lol) Christmas Holiday decorations being removed from Epcot... In my opinion the LoW (whether you love it or hate ot or simply never cared) set the mood for you as you progressed toward World was really impressive as you walked under or past it IMHO.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, and thats the point right there. The continuation of taking away, yet rising prices. For some reason its always Epcot that gets the shaft, I wont even begin with the list but as for Christmas time LOW is not a tiny loss.


Well-Known Member
LOL....i feel sad for you....the point is that literally only like 20 of you are mad about it being seem to think this website makes up the majority of people who visit WDW....

You have no evidence at all that they got any response...everyday i get complaints form people ranging from the price of MNSSHP to the lack of diversity at the Food and Wine festival, to people missing Spectromagic and the Summer Nightastic Fireworks but the difference is that unlike you i am smart enough to understand that they are not the i have never received a complain about LoW at all.....


If you paid attention to any of my posts, you'd know that I don't view what is said here as mainstream opinion. I think quite the opposite.

I think most people have no idea anything's even missing at Epcot during the holdiays. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that OF THE PEOPLE THAT KNOW IT'S BEEN REMOVED, a vast majority of them aren't happy about it.

The poster on the first page that was happy it was gone and thought it was clutter is definitely in the minority. Line up 100 people that know the LoW are gone, and I'd bet 95 of them will say they're not happy about it.

How does this not make sense? :hammer:


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I love your responses because it reminds me of grammar school...i was proven wrong so lets ignore them....are you going to pout and cry too?

No, your incessant braying isn't that important to me. But I don't like seeing threads that were open for over a year and with 1,700 posts get shut down either.....


Well-Known Member
You did not word it correctly...the way you made it sound like was that the vast majority of people where mad that it was gone....i dont agree with the 95 people...if you lined up 100 people i think only about 60 or so people who be mad that it is gone...i am indifferent about it....i only cared about the CP and the special Illuminations show...

I worded it just fine. It was your interpretation that was incorrect, apparently.

And I stand behind the reports that it turned into a much bigger issue than TDO thought it would, as well. No, every single person that walked through the gates didn't say "HEY??? WHERE'S THE LoW?!?!?!?"... But there were many more than GR and TDO anticipated.


Active Member
LOL....i feel sad for you....the point is that literally only like 20 of you are mad about it being seem to think this website makes up the majority of people who visit WDW....

You have no evidence at all that they got any response...everyday i get complaints form people ranging from the price of MNSSHP to the lack of diversity at the Food and Wine festival, to people missing Spectromagic and the Summer Nightastic Fireworks but the difference is that unlike you i am smart enough to understand that they are not the i have never received a complain about LoW at all.....

Pixar where in disney do you currently work if you dont mind me asking


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Well maybe if people like you would accept that others know what they are talking about or accept that others have differing opinions threads would not be closed....yeah so blame yourself before you blame others....

Sounds like a wee touch of projection to me....

I'm officially done with this troll. Nothing but braying from the back stall and arguing with anyone who dares have a different point of view.....


Well-Known Member
LOL....i feel sad for you....the point is that literally only like 20 of you are mad about it being seem to think this website makes up the majority of people who visit WDW....

You have no evidence at all that they got any response...everyday i get complaints form people ranging from the price of MNSSHP to the lack of diversity at the Food and Wine festival, to people missing Spectromagic and the Summer Nightastic Fireworks but the difference is that unlike you i am smart enough to understand that they are not the i have never received a complain about LoW at all.....

Here is a sample of more than 20 people that are concerned about LOW. Check out the comments section on Disney's official blog from last year.

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