Nice Disney Smells


New Member
My very FAVORITE smell is (this is going to sound really weird) but the smell of the dinosaur scene in the ellen energy ride. I have always loved that smell ever since the first I rode the ride. I was so happy when they left the dinos in when they did the redo of the ride a while ago and everytime we go through that part I look like a huffer, because I just can't get enough of it!

Also, I know it is sulfer, but it just smells so much different when you are actually in the ride then when you smell sulfer normally. When I normally smell it I just want to gag! Oh how I love Disney and the way they mess with your senses!


Well-Known Member
Oh! I forgot to mention that I love the smell of the Mexico pavilion too. It just hits home for me. And the boat ride smell too, I love it!


New Member
I kinda think almost everything in wdw has that "disney smell". Just in a little different ways. The other day my sister went to the Rainforest Cafe that we have over in Atlantic City for her bday and she said it was just like the one in DTD and it even had the same exact smell that the one in DTD has...she kept thinking she was in disney lol.

I felt the same way when I ate there at Atlantic City. Also, when I went to Texas a few weeks back, we ate at the Rainforest Cafe at the Grapevine Mills Mall and I almost forgot where I was. When we left I was disappointed not to be walking out into the Animal Kingdom or Downtown Disney. There were so many cool places to eat at with all the bbq joints and steakhouses, but we love the rainforest cafe because of Disney, so we had to go there.

Other smells I love is POTC, Splash Mountain, the monorail even tho it does smell funny. And I most definately agree with the Ceremonial House ot the Polynesian.


Active Member
wow this morning i walked outside my house to go to work and it was so hot and i thought wow it smells/feels like when you walk outside your room for the first time in the day at wdw.

also when i was in NYC yesterday it smelt kinda funky and all i could think of is if you put your hands on the handlebar on splash and then smell them... not soo good lol


Well-Known Member
I too love the smells on Main Street coming from the confectionary! Also the smell of PoTC and the Poly Ceremonial House. The burning rainforest on Kali River Rapids at AK is appealing to me for some reason.

But 3 smells no one should EVER seek out are the chili dog Stitch burps up on SGE, the smell in the virtual masks you wear on Aladdins Magic Carpets at Disney Quest - and the worst of all - waiting in a tightly packed line (or even worse, bus) with about 500 other people wearing ponchos that are soaked on the outside with rain, and soaked underneath with sweat - yucko. :hurl:


This is odd, but my 10 year old daughter always says the smell of bacon reminds her of Disneyworld (because of the Food Courts in the AM). We don't cook bacon so there are no other times she smells it really, other than DW!


Active Member
The smell of oranges in the soarin' attraction has to have my vote, though i do also love the smells during be our guest in mickey's philamagic!


awwww where do i start


1. the smell of main street bakery,mmmmmm cookies.

2. the land,every sunday morning my house smells like it when i make breakfast.its awesome.:D

3.soarin's smells.

4.theres something about the smell in TT that gets me everytime.

5.the water rides,specifically kali when you go thru the jungle.

6.ToT's lobby.

7.the smell of rides such as spaceship earth and imagination,i dont know what it is,maybe the hydrolics or something but that smell is the best smell ever.

8.ploy's grand ceramonial house.

9.and finally the smell of any of the food in disney,gets my mouthy watering everytime.:D

heres one for you all,where is the most unusual place you have ever smelt a WDW smell? what was it and where?


Well-Known Member
heres one for you all,where is the most unusual place you have ever smelt a WDW smell? what was it and where?

i know i have said this before, but i will say it again lol... mascara smells like disney water. Everytime I do my makeup I think of WDW because of the smell. Weird, I know.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
As far as I'm concerned, even the bad smells are something to savor, because they always take me back to Disney. The bad water, some of the foilage to ward off certain animals, the smell of the cleaners they use in the rooms. But most of all the smells of the rides, ( or attractions ) that always takes me there.


Well-Known Member
Last month, someone in my high school hallway walked by spraying perfume that smelled exactly like Soarin's pines... then immediately after, someone sprayed an orange scent, again exactly like Soarin's. Such a weird occurrence to have both in succession. :lol:


Kali River Rapids has its own smell. It smells like jungle and water, but there's also the smell and heat of the fire in the logging scene. Just thinking about it makes me think of being completely soaked! :lol:

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