Nibblesandbits Amazingly Wonderful Trip Report Number 3 (Sept. 14-21)

The Pre-Game: (Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this TR! :D)

This trip was absolutely great. My DH (What's His Face as he is commonly known around here-also abbreviated WHF) and I had a wonderful time and even during this last trip we were already talking about going back, since we were offered the Free Dining for next year. We didn't take Disney up on their offer, as we were still mulling where we want to go for our next vacation, but going back to Disney World is definitely in our minds again. (Right now, we are considering Vegas and Disneyland however).

What's His Face and I have been planning this trip for about a year now. I remember hearing about the Halloween parties last year and knowing that I wanted to go when those were going on. I also knew that I wanted to go in Sept. b/c crowds were small and with the hope that Disney would be offering Free Dining. I got my wish on all accounts.

Now, after reflecting on all my trips, I realize I actually learn something new each time. The last trip before this one, I learned not to kill myself by trying to accomplish everything in a short window of time. This time I learned a very different lesson. As a Disney Fanatic, we all try to plan, and plan, and plan our trips. This then skews our expectations on what we believe our trip will then turn out like. (Then we wonder why people come back complaining about what a crummy time they had or problems that occured.) For me, while I do try to plan, I don't over plan...this just works well for me. However, I guess I'd been hyping up this trip for so long in my head, that I was still a little disappointed when things didn't go as I had "planned" in my head. Next trip, I am going to try not to "plan" so hard in my head. (Good luck to me! :ROFLOL: )

Just so you know, I am DEFINITELY NOT complaining about my trip. I did end up having a blast, however, the way I got there was not how I planned and I think that's why I may feel a little sad now. I did a lot of things that were new or different than usual on this trip, including, but not limited to, going to the (very soggy) MNSSHP, going on my first tour (a Segway Tour!), meeting up with a couple of friends for the first time that I've "met" from here, going to Pleasure Island for the first time and falling in love with the Adventurer's Club (Kungaloosh! :D ), getting to eat in restaurants I would have never dreamed I'd be eating in, and seeing attractions that normally, I wouldn't pick to see.

As you can probably tell, this trip was jam packed with let's get down to the fun! (And of course, the pictures!) :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Your trip reports didn't take a week to complete....:brick:

You never see what goes on pre-TR. I individually resize every pic, upload them all to Photobucket, and save a Word document containing comments and captions corresponding with each image tag copied from my Photobucket account.

THEN, I rearrange the images so they somewhat match up with each other like a story, then cut it into hopefully-consistent 10-image copied chunks, paste it into Quick Reply every 30 seconds, and pray to God everything works.

...In other words, if I didn't do all that, then yes, mine probably WOULD take a week. :D

We just don't like you Danny! :shrug:



Aaaah... that must be it. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Y'all are crazy! :lol:
I love that smilie!


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Day 3-Sunday Sept. 16
Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom

Today we woke up late again, got dressed and ready to go, and got on the bus for AK. We got to the park at around 12:30 and when we got there we were starving, so I got myself a Mickey's Premium (my first for the trip!) and WHF got some french fries. By this time however, we realized that we had missed Finding Nemo: The Musical, which I desperately wanted to see, but it would have to wait.

Therefore, we headed over to Dinoland. This was actually my first time in this half of the park. The first time I'd been to AK, I'd gone to the other side, so all this was brand new territory.


Now, you should know...that I am terrified of dinosaurs...and will not ride Dinosaur. So I sat and waited out front while WHF rode. While I was outside I heard this little girl screaming her head off. She did NOT want to go in. OMG! It was so heartwrenching to hear this girl screaming bloody murder. I almost offered to watch her, b/c I knew what it felt like to be terrified of something like that, but I figured it might be weird if some stranger offered to watch this kid while the parents went on the ride. So, I just sat there and watched as her parents carried her towards the ride. I never saw her reaction when she came out, but knowing about this ride, I can only imagine it wasn't good.

Also while I was sitting there, I had a nice chat with a custodial CM. I really wished I'd gotten her name. Finally while I was sitting waiting, I saw a family get awarded a Magical Moment. They were going to get to see how Dinosaur worked. (At least that's the gist of what I got from eavesdropping.)

After WHF got off of Dinosaur, which is said is the coolest ride, we went to Chester and Hester's. This was my first time there, and it's definitely carnival feeling, but that's part of the fun. I really enjoyed it and didn't think it was so bad after all.


From there, we went for my first ride on Expedition Everest. OMG! I got so freaking nervous before I went on this. This was the other ride that kinda terrified me, but I really wanted to go on it. I was so scared that by the time I got off, I literally felt weak! Luckily, I loved it! So we got a FP so I could experience it later on without being nervous.

Everest is looming in the distance:




After that, we went over to Kali River Rapids...which I didn't want to ride b/c I knew if I rode, I would get soaked. Turns out, WHF didn't get soaked at all. He got a little damp, But the people riding next to him got drenched!


After that, we ran over to check out Nemo, but unfortunately there was a problem, so that performance was closed and they didn't know whether it would be back running that day.

After that we went to Kilamanjaro Safaris. This was a really amazing tour. The last time, I didn't see many animals at all, but this time, we saw a ton...and I even got up close and personal with a giraffe!




And one of my favorites:



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My other favorite:


This little guy was so freaking cute!


After that, we headed back over to ride E:E again, but with our FP. The line was nonexistant at this point though. We would have ridden again, but I wanted to try to catch Nemo, if it was showing. This time, I enjoyed E:E much more. I think it's a great ride and definitely one of my favorites now.

So, we booked on over to Nemo, which, once again, was closed. Well, pooh. Now I had to come back to AK just so I could see Nemo. Well, I was going to have to figure this out b/c this was not part of the original plan.

Instead of seeing Nemo then, we went to see ITTBAB. This was only my second time seeing it...and I thought it was a lot neater than I remembered. (And scarier...)


And finally, one of me and WHF, since the peanut gallery keeps asking for one. :lol:



From there, AK was closed, so we made our way over to MK for EMH. This is when it started downpouring again. (You'll notice a pattern, everytime we go to MK, the skies just seem to open up!) Luckily, we were on a bus for most of this down pour. But we had a very nice talk with a bus driver who was just getting off work.

Once we got to MK, we met up with Vince again. We ended up finding him on Main Street and so decided that we were going to try to ride Space. Unfortunately, the line was too long, as we had dinner ressies in about an hour, so we went to ride the TTA instead. Then we got on Buzz...where I touted my skills...only to have my butt kicked by not only WHF, but also Vince. I came in third to these bozos!


After that...Vince and I went to ride the teacups...WHF won't ride b/c they make him sick.

Here's his best attempt at getting a pic of the two of us though:


We were apparently spinning very fast. All I know is that I got a little dizzy b/c Vince convinced me to look at the ceiling the entire ride! Then we got on IASW. After that, it was time for our ADRs. Tonight's dinner was going to be at Liberty Tree Tavern. This was my first time here as well. I thought the food was very delicious...WHF thought it ended up being the best meal of the trip. Dinner here is just like Thanksgiving, so maybe that's why we both liked it. And they had amazing apple cobbler!

Once dinner was over, we caught the tail end of Wishes and then met up with Vince again. We were going to ride BTMR, since we were in the area, but the wait was coming all the way outside the building! No thanks! So instead we went over to see Philharmagic. I love how into it Vince gets when he sees Ariel on screen.

After that, we went to TL and rode Space finally. Then we went to see MILF for the first time. I thought it was cute. Got lots of laughs too. After that, we went to ride POTC...our second attempt...and it was once again, broken down. Nuts!!! We then tried to get Vince on Splash, but he simply will not do it. (Chicken!) Once again, we were gonna ride BTMR, but we didn't want to wait in the longish line. So, we then headed over to see the HM, since Vince hadn't seen the new version yet.

After that, the park was closed, so we slowly walked out. I didn't want to leave, b/c I wasn't sure if I'd get to see Vince again, and we were having such a wonderful time together, all three of us.


From we went to try to get on the bus. The line was halfway down the road! No thanks! So instead, we hopped on the monorail and took a nice ride on that, just to kill some time. After that, we came back to the hotel, stuck our feet in the pool again (ahh) and then went to bed.

Up next: Typhoon Lagoon (But it might be a bit b/c I'm going out to dinner...:lol: )


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Monday Sept. 17
Typhoon Lagoon, DTD, and Boardwalk

Today, we got up, got ready and headed straight for the busses for Typhoon Lagoon. This was my first time there. I had been to Blizzard Beach before, and really liked it, so I really considered going back there, but since this was something I hadn't experienced, we decided to go there.



The first thing we did was find a spot to put our stuff. We found a nice area right by the main eating area. It was relatively secluded and we found a semi-shady spot. After that, we got something to eat, since we were right there. I got pizza and WHF got hamburger. We saved our desserts for later. (If you asked them to, they would hold onto your ice cream until you were ready to eat it.)

Once lunch was over, we went to Gangplank Falls. This was the family ride and we absolutely loved it! We both thought it was one of the better rides in the park! We rode it back to back since there was no line. From there, we headed over to Mayday Falls. This is touted as the longest ride in the park, but it sure didn't feel long. I didn't like this one as much. I also didn't really like Keehaul Falls much either, but did like it better than the other.

From there, we headed over to Humunga Cowabunga. I was really nervous about this. I did not enjoy Slush Gusher when I went on that at BB and this was semi-similar. I faced my fear though and thought it was cool, but man does that thing give you wedgies and squirts water in places that it doesn't belong! :eek:

From there, we then went to the storm slides. We did all three. They were certainly a hike to get to. After that was did the lazy river. From there, I did Shark Reef. WHF was a little scared of it, so he didn't do it. I really liked the experience...however, my mask was actually leaking water the whole time, so it made it really hard for me to do it so that I could put my face in the water and breathe. I did end up kind of panicking and hurried back to the other side of shore. If my mask had been working though, I would have enjoyed the experience so much more.

From there, we went to ride Crush n' Gusher. I thought that was only ok at first. Then I went to go get my Premium ice cream bar and WHF went to ride Humunga Cowabunga again. Once he got back, we went to the wave pool where we waited a while for a big wave. It never came, so we went back to Crush n' Gusher and rode it like 7 or 8 times in a row. I like (in order) Banana, then Pinapple, then Coconut. After that, the park was closed so we went back home.

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