Well-Known Member
Why does this have to be fair? There is no Constitutional right to a Disney vacation. Everyone always says Walt wouldn't like this. Guess what, Walt was a businessman and was in it to make money. Everythign else was just slick marketing. If we are so concerned with fairness let's just make all hotels on property like Motel 6 so even more people can afford to go. What would that accomplish? You got it, the ned of Disneyworld. I am so tired of all of the talk baout we have to be fair in this country. I busted my butt to get where I am today and I am proud of that! Why is it fair that my experience should suffer just because someone else hasn't made the same choices I made. BTW, the argument that the lobby and etc. are already perks at a Deluxe resort is wrong. It is not a perk it is a public place that anyone is allowed. Limit access to the resorts t oresort guests only and it would then be a perk. Also FYI, I have become so annoyed at the amount of people that do not stay at the resort that visit it that We have begun staying at Pop and I spend the extra on another trip to Vegas for myself.
It's not about fairness for the sake of fairness. It is about business. Disney wants to enticing the top dollar guests without alienating the general public. It is a balancing act to keep both segments as happy as possible.
If they are hesitant about adding in-park perks for the deluxe resort guest, it isn't out of some weird communistic bent, it is because they do not want to devalue to product for the masses.
To this point it has been their policy to keep the division exclusively between on-property and off-property for the biggest most visible perks, and keep the higher end options at the resorts or quietly invisible.
It's my personal opinion that they will continue this policy for the near future, so if FP system is changed to give certain guests and advantage it will be implemented for all the WDW resorts.