I'm almost sorry I started this thread. I didn't mean for everyone to get up in arms about whether or not there is an impending/will be ever Texas Disney park. I just wanted to see what everyone thought about the picture that was posted on the investors page. I did label it New Park...just cause it was what was written as the caption. Sorry.
The real reason why I'm sorry is that everyone here is giving a miriad of reasons why Disney won't build a park anywhere. Cost, tourism base, economic reasons...whatever. But no one here is giving the reasons why they can. Because they are Disney. And I may just have a soft spot for the ideals set forth by the man that inspires me on a daily basis but Walt made the impossible believable. He made the wonderful...touchable. And he made a lot of our dreams come true. So just remember that when you get into a contest about who here is "righter." There are a million reasons why there shouldn't be another Disney park but only one reason why it should be...and that reason is because it's Disney. And to me...that reason outweighs anything else you can put up against it.
So I'm guessing that the answer to my question on whether anyone else here had heard anything about the posted picture on the investor page is:
"We're too busy counting the ways why there shouldn't be a park, we're too busy arguing about the fiscal dynamics of a Texas based attraction, and, more importantly, we're too busy trying to prove everyone else on a post wrong that we will completely ignore the question at hand."
Thanks guys...I guess next time I'll post a question that won't be taken so personally. Possibly something on gay marriage or stem cell research.
The Truth