New nighttime show 'Rivers of Light' confirmed to be coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom


Well-Known Member
And I'm telling you it will not be at 6. I don't need to trust you. I've been to Florida (gasp) and can read sunrise and sunset tables. If you leave at 5 and it is dark, your watch is broken.

You're inconsistent. First you said dark at 5:45. Now not dark at 6. Which is it? You don't seem certain if you can't get your times straight. If you think 5:45 then we're in agreement a show could be at 6.

Sorry. You're wrong. I was referring to November 6 and later in standard time, not daylight time. Approx 5:30.
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Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
You're inconsistent. First you said dark at 5:45. Now not dark at 6. Which is it? You don't seem certain if you can't get your times straight. If you think 5:45 then we're in agreement a show could be at 6.

Sorry. You're wrong. I was referring to November 6 and later in standard time, not daylight time. Approx 5:30.
been there both in january and in september.
5:30pm in both cases still has plenty of light.
Id say it gets dark by 7 not by 6 in january.

No Name

Well-Known Member
Funny how a few people want the park to close earlier. Why? I am genuinely baffled. Anyone with that opinion is more than welcome to answer.
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Well-Known Member
Funny how you and some others want the park to close earlier. Why? I am baffled. Anyone reading this is welcome to answer.

And then Disney will cut hours elsewhere, but everyone will complain that they're being cheap and only doing it save money. It feels kind of hypocritical.

The other poster doesn't seem to want the park to close earlier. In fact it seems as they are saying that it would be nice of the park would stay open later than usual. Like until 8pm or 9pm. When we have gone in October it would close as early as 5pm. 7pm if we were lucky. Saying that it would be nice to have the park open until 8pm or 9pm is not asking for shorter hours.


Well-Known Member
Um, I hate to barge into this all important argument about sunsets, but what's everyone's opinion on whether it will be up and running by Christmas this year?

No Name

Well-Known Member
The other poster doesn't seem to want the park to close earlier. In fact it seems as they are saying that it would be nice of the park would stay open later than usual. Like until 8pm or 9pm. When we have gone in October it would close as early as 5pm. 7pm if we were lucky. Saying that it would be nice to have the park open until 8pm or 9pm is not asking for shorter hours.

You're right, I read it as though he wants the park to close at 8 or 9 rather than 10 or 11. But I see, he wants it to stay open to a reasonable time rather than closing early like it used to. So I de-quoted him. Thank you.

There are others who have expressed the opinion that it should close earlier, so I'll leave the question for them.


Well-Known Member
You're right, I read it as though he wants the park to close at 8 or 9 rather than 10 or 11. But I see, he wants it to stay open to a reasonable time rather than closing early like it used to. So I de-quoted him. Thank you.

There are others who have expressed the opinion that it should close earlier, so I'll leave the question for them.

I cannot grasp the idea behind wanting it to close earlier. Too many people consider this park a half-day park and are content with the early closing. I understand the half-day park idea but we have been in this park many times finding the time getting close to 5pm far too quickly. I would prefer this park stay open until at least 8pm, if not later.


Well-Known Member
There are issues with the guidance system.

There was a serious incident during testing.

Work is still ongoing to overcome the issues.

Recent incident during a test?

It's disturbing that they still haven't come up with a solution to the guidance system.. Makes you wonder if they even will? or if eventually they will decide to take a different approach with installing guide rails or manually drive the floats?


Well-Known Member
Recent incident during a test?

It's disturbing that they still haven't come up with a solution to the guidance system.. Makes you wonder if they even will? or if eventually they will decide to take a different approach with installing guide rails or manually drive the floats?

You would think that if some young engineers with very little experience can make 50+ drones fly in concert with one another fairly seamlessly then Disney Imagineers should be able to make these floats self-guide and operate with one another well enough.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
There are issues with the guidance system.

There was a serious incident during testing.

Work is still ongoing to overcome the issues.

1) What is the spatial resolution (e.g. +/- 3 feet) they expect with the guidance system they are using? Is the problem more with controlling the boats/barges/pretty floating things or with the guidance system itself? Sorry if these have already been answered. I'm just curious and have to return to work shortly (damnable real world!).

2) Random thought - I do home improvement projects and have, on occasion, built novel scientific instrumentation over the years. Sometimes a bad problem like, "serious incident during testing", can really help elucidate a problem and actually speed troubleshooting. If any of you work on cars or computers, you know that sometimes you can have a weird, sporadic, non-serious issue that you can never quite figure out. Then, a complete failure happens and you go, "Oh, so that's the problem!" Anyway, I've never worked for a big company, but my wife does. I have friends who do. In fact, by virtue of growing up not far from WDW, I have friends who work in various and sundry jobs at the world. I get the impression that after a disaster like this occurs, it can become a HUGE setback because it causes those in management to be very cautious. Meanwhile, there are one or two exceptionally nerdy types who now know the answer and could fix the problem, but they are held back by what I think of as large organization inertia. This may not be happening here, but I'm sure it happens. Sorry for the long ramble. Now back to work.


Premium Member
Recent incident during a test?

It's disturbing that they still haven't come up with a solution to the guidance system.. Makes you wonder if they even will?

The same thing could have been said 2 months after Test Track was supposed to open. Maybe they do have a solution that just takes time to implement. Maybe software needed to be re-written. Maybe they have a solution and are still testing and adjusting it.


Well-Known Member

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