News New Haunted Mansion Grounds Expansion, Retail Shop Coming to Disneyland Resort in 2024

Disney Irish

Premium Member
It's an elevator that comes up from underground to the street level. It's not rocket science. Every subway system in the world has them now. But instead of a modern aesthetic, they'll surround this basic concept with a green wrought iron canopy that looks like an old-timey "greenhouse".

But underneath the greenhouse theme, there's basically this modern elevator infrastructure that leads directly down to the Doombuggy loading area below ground. Elevators are perfectly safe and legal for wheelchair use.

That canopy doesn't look like a "greenhouse" to me, but I see where you thought process is.

To me it still looks more like the WDW HM canopy cover for their queue, which is why I think its the new LL queue. Again I draw your attention to the intentional break in the brick wall, which wouldn't be there if it was just a covering for an elevator.

But I guess we'll see where they go with this. I'm sure we'll get more details in the months to come.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
That canopy doesn't look like a "greenhouse" to me, but I see where you thought process is.

To me it still looks more like the WDW HM canopy cover for their queue, which is why I think its the new LL queue. Again I draw your attention to the intentional break in the brick wall, which wouldn't be there if it was just a covering for an elevator.

But I guess we'll see where they go with this. I'm sure we'll get more details in the months to come.
They already have the side entrance. If they gutted the stairs (at :30 second mark in video) they could put an elevator there somehow. Makes sense to be there because:

1. They will already be doing queue work in that area, so keeps all the work in one place.
2. The path from the portrait room to that door is already there.



Well-Known Member
Where is my commission? I clocked this yesterday.

I’m about halfway through the video. He always seems to have a mixture of keen observations mixed with some really questionable takes. For example he’s hoping those “5” trees are the ones that exist today and that they don’t get rid of any mature trees but he already speculated that the brick wall is the halfway point of Magnolia Park (where the fountain was) and there are no mature trees in the new extended HM queue. I’m guessing you can blame it on the speed at which he’s trying to get these videos posted.

Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
I’m about halfway through the video. He always seems to have a mixture of keen observations mixed with some really odd guesses. For example he’s hoping those “5” trees are the ones that exist today and that they don’t get rid of any mature trees but he already speculated that the brick wall is the halfway point of Magnolia Park (where the fountain was) and there are no mature trees in the new extended HM queue. I’m guessing you can blame it on the speed at which he’s trying to get these videos posted.

I will say, this tree pictured in the back nearest the wall could be the existing one, in another much smaller planter.

I've labelled them here:


Screen Shot 2023-08-30 at 5.00.15 PM.png

It does seem #3 matches in the concept art, and this street view image.

They may also be removing those two existing trees, and planting new smaller ones? Pending where the new wall goes.


Well-Known Member
I will say, this tree pictured in the back nearest the wall could be the existing one, in another much smaller planter.

I've labelled them here:

View attachment 740074

View attachment 740075

It does seem #3 matches in the concept art, and this street view image.

They may also be removing those two existing trees, and planting new smaller ones? Pending where the new wall goes.

Yeah # 3 seems to match. #4 seems like it’s being replaced. However if #3 is a match then he’s obviously wrong about the fountain/ brick wall. Both things can’t be true. That’s what I’m getting at


Well-Known Member
I will say, this tree pictured in the back nearest the wall could be the existing one, in another much smaller planter.

I've labelled them here:

View attachment 740074

View attachment 740075

It does seem #3 matches in the concept art, and this street view image.

They may also be removing those two existing trees, and planting new smaller ones? Pending where the new wall goes.

Also if # 3 is a match then the bandstand must be moving over. Maybe not totally to where the fountain is today but over to the left of it a bit. And if all that’s the case then we aren’t losing 50% of Magnolia Park but more like 20% or less. The train station being the frame of reference should have told us that but once I saw noticed some of those things you pointed out I ran with it. In reality it seems like we were both right about certain things. The end product seems to be like what both of us were envisioning combined.

EDIT: but then there’s that damn identical tree we talked about earlier. Ok something is out of scale with this concept art. We probably shouldn’t be treating it like blueprints. Lol.

EDIT EDIT: Never mind we were obviously wrong about that tree. That tree that looks identical to the one next to French Market is going to be the one that’s replacing Mature tree #4. Just don’t understand why tree # 4 has to be replaced.
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Disney Analyst

Well-Known Member
Yeah # 3 seems to match. #4 seems like it’s being replaced. However if #3 is a match then he’s obviously wrong about the fountain/ brick wall. Both things can’t be true. That’s what I’m getting at

I think the wall is going to curve, hugging the existing trees (with #4 potentially gone as you said), with the centre most point of the wall hitting nearest the existing fountain, which may not be exactly right on top of it, but close, and reusing the plumbing to feed water to the new fountain.


Well-Known Member
I mean at least a shout out. I used to hear things on a certain vlog that I used to to say pop up until I commented on that here and then it stopped. Lol.

A few years ago I had a post on the Disneyland subreddit that gained traction. A vlogger used the photo I posted in a video (which was fine, it wasn't my photo to begin with... though if you're monetizing videos you should probably get permission from whoever did take the photo before using it)... but the vlogger quoted me and others in the thread verbatim and didn't give any credit.

He had a patreon and people were sending this fool money each month. And he couldn't even have original thoughts.
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Disney Irish

Premium Member
They already have the side entrance. If they gutted the stairs (at :30 second mark in video) they could put an elevator there somehow. Makes sense to be there because:

1. They will already be doing queue work in that area, so keeps all the work in one place.
2. The path from the portrait room to that door is already there.

Yes I was originally thinking about it going there when I read the announcement. This was before reading about the idea of it being the green canopy area which doesn't line up with this side entrance.

But I'm actually wondering if they may try reusing that for a LL entrance or something.

Anyways, I'm not sold on the idea that the green canopy area in the concept art is the new ADA exit elevator area. It may go on this side of the mansion, it may not. But I still don't think its represented by the green canopy.


Well-Known Member
Bravo Disney. You could have just stopped offering Lightning Lane for HM but let’s mess up one of the most beautiful places in the park instead. 😔
Maybe I just have picked really bad times to ride Mansion over the last two summers, but more often than not, Magnolia Park was swallowed by Mansion queue whenever I went on the ride or passed by. It still looks like they're going to offer some sort of park area, and because the Mansion queue is being extended, hopefully this new/refurbished park area will actually be able to be enjoyed rather than commandeered to fit a purpose it wasn't designed for. So while my experiences are admittedly limited, I can't help but wonder: how much of the day was Magnolia Park actually usable as a place to relax? And I'm wondering these things where it's been almost a decade since I've been to the park during HMH season. T

We won't know if it's done if the look is going to be as negatively affected as some are predicting (and the only thing that appears to be definitely gone is the fountain, so far as I can tell), but I imagine that no matter what, the new area will be significantly more functional than what's there now.

This very much reminds me of Project Stardust: there was lots of complaining about that initially, but the complaints have generally subsided because not all that much actually changed. I'm envisioning something similar playing out here too.


Well-Known Member
Today all ECVs are left in the front of the mansion off to the side, any person using an ECV that can't walk on their own must transfer to a wheelchair.

I doubt this will change even with the new elevator no matter its location as there isn't enough space for them inside the mansion.

This is not accurate. ECVs and powered chairs can be taken down to load. CMs encourage ECV and powered chair owners to park them; but, if guests are not able to stand and make the walk - they can take them down. We've done this hundreds of times.

As the video shows, the infrastructure to use the path to the portrait corridor is already there and the only issue are the stairs.

But even foregoing all of this... loading ADA at one physical location and exiting them at another location would require some method of conveying the guest's method of transportation from one point to another within the roughly 8 minutes it takes to complete the circuit.

Doing so would require a separate stop of the omnimover per each "group" of ADA guests at the conclusion of the ride. This doesn't mean 1 Doom Buggy only as depending on group sizes, they can load multiple groups of people in chairs/ECVs. The most I've personally seen is 5 Doom Buggy's with 3 ADA groups of 1-3 people. When it stops at unload, the options would be load another group of ADA guests at load or send the current ADA lead buggy (130) around to load and stop again. While they could certainly reprogram the attraction to have a variable "ADA" lead RV, logistically it would be another deterrent to just using the almost ADA compliant cooridor path to exit that is just missing a ramp or elevator to work.

DL's Mansion only allows one ADA "group" on the ride at any given time because of the current issues with only being able to enter/exit from one point - load. I don't anticipate that changing. Again, the issue is the very challenging internal paths in the show building when trying to evac someone who isn't very ambulatory. Keeping everyone grouped together makes this much easier. In Florida or Tokyo, because entrance and exit are at ground level they have more options in the event of an emergency evac as all the emergency exit doors take you back to the same ground.

The unique ADA chair Clam on Mermaid certainly would help those that can't transfer; but, what is really needed are rides like the Kuka RV system or even TSMM or RSR that can call any RV into a separate load/unload station where it can take whatever time is needed without impacting the rest of the RV's in motion.

Even if Mansion had such a system, it wouldn't solve the problem that this solution that was announced for the reconfiguration of the ADA load/unload. This problem is addressing the challenge of getting TO the load/unload platform and not the process of loading/unloading. If a Buggy could be pulled out of rotation without stopping - it would still need to leave the track system far enough to then get to a lift of some sort to get back and forth to ground level. That type of complexity would require a complete redo of the very simply conveyor belt omnimover system that was created as a simple solution to keep the RVs moving. It accomplishes this by tethering them all together and pulls them as one.

BTW - I can't imagine whatever solution they come up with for the backstage hallway/path being too complex. The space available simply won't allow for much as it still has to serve as an emergency exit for all the guests at load level. For this reason, the stairs will need to remain or be replaced with a ramp; but, adding an elevator for ADA makes the most sense. Remember all of this is an excersise of space management. DL doesn't have the Florida Project's curse of space that is not being used.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I just have picked really bad times to ride Mansion over the last two summers, but more often than not, Magnolia Park was swallowed by Mansion queue whenever I went on the ride or passed by. It still looks like they're going to offer some sort of park area, and because the Mansion queue is being extended, hopefully this new/refurbished park area will actually be able to be enjoyed rather than commandeered to fit a purpose it wasn't designed for. So while my experiences are admittedly limited, I can't help but wonder: how much of the day was Magnolia Park actually usable as a place to relax? And I'm wondering these things where it's been almost a decade since I've been to the park during HMH season. T

We won't know if it's done if the look is going to be as negatively affected as some are predicting (and the only thing that appears to be definitely gone is the fountain, so far as I can tell), but I imagine that no matter what, the new area will be significantly more functional than what's there now.

This very much reminds me of Project Stardust: there was lots of complaining about that initially, but the complaints have generally subsided because not all that much actually changed. I'm envisioning something similar playing out here too.

There’s been a lot of back and forth on this so I’ll wait until you get to the newest comments to properly respond. But I’ll say at the moment it doesn’t seem quite as bad as I thought it would be at its worst (which was earlier this morning). But no matter what it won’t be a relaxing space, all the planters and fountain are gone and we may lose a huge tree. The ambiance of the area will change significantly.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
This is not accurate. ECVs and powered chairs can be taken down to load. CMs encourage ECV and powered chair owners to park them; but, if guests are not able to stand and make the walk - they can take them down. We've done this hundreds of times.

As the video shows, the infrastructure to use the path to the portrait corridor is already there and the only issue are the stairs.

But even foregoing all of this... loading ADA at one physical location and exiting them at another location would require some method of conveying the guest's method of transportation from one point to another within the roughly 8 minutes it takes to complete the circuit.

Doing so would require a separate stop of the omnimover per each "group" of ADA guests at the conclusion of the ride. This doesn't mean 1 Doom Buggy only as depending on group sizes, they can load multiple groups of people in chairs/ECVs. The most I've personally seen is 5 Doom Buggy's with 3 ADA groups of 1-3 people. When it stops at unload, the options would be load another group of ADA guests at load or send the current ADA lead buggy (130) around to load and stop again. While they could certainly reprogram the attraction to have a variable "ADA" lead RV, logistically it would be another deterrent to just using the almost ADA compliant cooridor path to exit that is just missing a ramp or elevator to work.

DL's Mansion only allows one ADA "group" on the ride at any given time because of the current issues with only being able to enter/exit from one point - load. I don't anticipate that changing. Again, the issue is the very challenging internal paths in the show building when trying to evac someone who isn't very ambulatory. Keeping everyone grouped together makes this much easier. In Florida or Tokyo, because entrance and exit are at ground level they have more options in the event of an emergency evac as all the emergency exit doors take you back to the same ground.

The unique ADA chair Clam on Mermaid certainly would help those that can't transfer; but, what is really needed are rides like the Kuka RV system or even TSMM or RSR that can call any RV into a separate load/unload station where it can take whatever time is needed without impacting the rest of the RV's in motion.

Even if Mansion had such a system, it wouldn't solve the problem that this solution that was announced for the reconfiguration of the ADA load/unload. This problem is addressing the challenge of getting TO the load/unload platform and not the process of loading/unloading. If a Buggy could be pulled out of rotation without stopping - it would still need to leave the track system far enough to then get to a lift of some sort to get back and forth to ground level. That type of complexity would require a complete redo of the very simply conveyor belt omnimover system that was created as a simple solution to keep the RVs moving. It accomplishes this by tethering them all together and pulls them as one.

BTW - I can't imagine whatever solution they come up with for the backstage hallway/path being too complex. The space available simply won't allow for much as it still has to serve as an emergency exit for all the guests at load level. For this reason, the stairs will need to remain or be replaced with a ramp; but, adding an elevator for ADA makes the most sense. Remember all of this is an excersise of space management. DL doesn't have the Florida Project's curse of space that is not being used.
This is not at all the experience my party had just back in May. They had the person in my party using the ECV transfer to a regular wheelchair and then go down. And then we did the reverse to reclaim the ECV which was parked to the side. In the multiple times I've been with someone using an ECV have never had the ECV go down with us to the loading area. Maybe its different with a motorized wheelchair, but with a full scooter sized ECV never seen it done.

I really don't think it needs a fully separate load/unload for ADA, don't even know how that would be possible with an omnimover attraction anyways. Having the TLM style ADA omnimover vehicle would be the way to do it, and it can unload in the same unload location as everyone else. Doesn't require a whole reconfiguration or the unload belt either, just has to slow down enough to allow for unload. And again there is enough room in that area of the exit to place an elevator if they wanted.

Anyways, I'm willing to say you guys are maybe right as I'm open to all possibilities here. We don't know exactly how they are going to do it. But who knows they may surprise us here and do it in a similar way to what I'm suggesting. At least I'm open to all possibilities.

Anyways we'll see what happens next year.


Well-Known Member
There’s been a lot of back and forth on this so I’ll wait until you get to the newest comments to properly respond. But I’ll say at the moment it doesn’t seem quite as bad as I thought it would be at its worst (which was earlier this morning). But no matter what it won’t be a relaxing space, all the planters and fountain are gone and we may lose a huge tree. The ambiance of the area will change significantly.
It seems to me it should be a more relaxing space than it is currently, if only because it won't become hijacked into becoming part of a queue during any time the ride is busy enough to need an overflow queue.

People should theoretically actually be able to linger in the area and relax without having to be shooed away to make way for more queuing space.

Some of the aesthetics will be altered, but it need not mean it will definitively change for the worse, or that they can't make a modified area that's just as nice, but more functional.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me it should be a more relaxing space than it is currently, if only because it won't become hijacked into becoming part of a queue during any time the ride is busy enough to need an overflow queue.

People should theoretically actually be able to linger in the area and relax without having to be shooed away to make way for more queuing space.

Some of the aesthetics will be altered, but it need not mean it will definitively change for the worse, or that they can't make a modified area that's just as nice, but more functional.

In my experience as an annual pass holder it was quiet much more often than it was crazy. It was my favorite place to relax for 20 minutes. In fact outside of restaurants, it was the only place I actually took the time to sit down. Usually with a beignet and a mint julep (preferably Passionfruit).


Well-Known Member
I’m going to to stop posting about what my favorite things are because TDA has it out for me:

Favorite ride at Disneyland: Splash Mountain
Favorite ride at DCA: Tower of Terror
Favorite place to relax: Magnolia Park

TDA, care to know what my favorite snack is or my favorite bathroom? How about which entry tunnel I prefer.

Everyone say goodbye to the right entry tunnel.


Well-Known Member
There’s been a lot of back and forth on this so I’ll wait until you get to the newest comments to properly respond. But I’ll say at the moment it doesn’t seem quite as bad as I thought it would be at its worst (which was earlier this morning). But no matter what it won’t be a relaxing space, all the planters and fountain are gone and we may lose a huge tree. The ambiance of the area will change significantly.

Let's not forget how they changed the French Market also... which will impact the feel of the area.

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