New Crypt Queue in Haunted Mansion-What do you think?


This thing is a tragedy. A disaster. Worst thing ever to happen to any HM. I won't repost my whole response, posted in another thread, but it can be read HERE if anyone cares to look at it.

George Lucas on a Bench

Well-Known Member
I don't like this. I think it's very tacky, too silly and dumbed down. Spraying water and blowing bubbles in the queue? A whack-a-mole book thing? Really? The original line, in all its wonderful "simplicity", was a part of the story and keeping what was to be experienced inside a mystery. You know, how it all seemed relatively normal, albeit decidedly creepy? It's when you get inside that reality begins to just distort as all the haunts emerge. Awesome.

I agree with earlier posts that this looks like a yard sale of haunted house stuff randomly dumped outside of the house.


Well-Known Member
I love how everyone says the original line is part of the story. Cracks me up.

The original line is just that...a line. A series of ropes and bricks to contain the guests as they wait. The ride was opened at a time when Disney didn't do intricate queue lines that start telling the story, and it was just the area where you walked through to get to the attraction. The only thing out there that does anything to set the mood is the "house" itself, which, as I recall was not torn down recently and is still very much intact.

Hell, even things like the horse drawn hearse and stuff were after-thoughts.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I love how everyone says the original line is part of the story. Cracks me up.

The original line is just that...a line. A series of ropes and bricks to contain the guests as they wait. The ride was opened at a time when Disney didn't do intricate queue lines that start telling the story, and it was just the area where you walked through to get to the attraction. The only thing out there that does anything to set the mood is the "house" itself, which, as I recall was not torn down recently and is still very much intact.

Hell, even things like the horse drawn hearse and stuff were after-thoughts.

I agree. I think that most people are trying to read too much into this.

Take it as it is...a "plussing" of a great attraction.

If they had destroyed any part of the attraction itself (which they did in some peoples eyes a few years ago....but I digress) it would be one thing, but most people do not read that much into a queue besides how long it will last and most any diversion is welcome from the people they believe do not live up to their expectations of humanity.

How many times have those not satisfied questioned each queue diversion at the Jungle Cruise comparing them to how they play against the actual show scenes on the river? Let's all tear that apart, shall we?

And just to see if you're really paying attention.....K*Marting :rolleyes:


Active Member
This thing is a tragedy. A disaster. Worst thing ever to happen to any HM. I won't repost my whole response, posted in another thread, but it can be read HERE if anyone cares to look at it.

Wow... a tragedy? Unless I'm mistaken, you can just choose to stick to the original queue, yeah? I appreciate your enthusiasm about the ride, but I don't think this qualifies as a tragedy. Even Walt said Disneyland (and by extension WDW) will never be complete. Change is inevitable. It would be a tragedy if the Mansion were torn down or turned into a Ghostbusters shooting arcade. The ride we love is still there; enjoy it!


New Member
It's come to my.attention that people on these boards are lame and like to complain for the sake of complaining. I think WDW could actually invent the possibility of making people fly and still people would complain. Disney is trying to make everything fun, including waiting in line. I'm sorry some of you would rather stare at walls but not everyone does.


New Member
This thing is a tragedy. A disaster. Worst thing ever to happen to any HM. I won't repost my whole response, posted in another thread, but it can be read HERE if anyone cares to look at it.

Come on people... seriously? A tragedy?!

We should ALL appreciate that Disney is investing money to improve the park experience. People HATE waiting in line, and if Disney wants to continue to set itself apart, they have to continuously battle this nuisance.

Change is not always bad - let's keep perspective, please. While I may not be completely stoked about the new queue, it is certainly not a tragedy.


Well-Known Member
I went today and was VERY impressed by the new queue. Let me just say that it was completely optional and a CM was standing at the divide point clearly explaining each line. The right line takes you directly to the mansion doors, the left line through the graveyard first then to the doors. Having said that I had a woman behind me verbally argumentitive, with herself, about the queue. "This is f-ing rediculous, I don't see how this is f-ing interactive, this f-ing ____-t is a joke" all while toting 3 grade school schildren with her. :rolleyes: Obviously she didn't want to go into that line but the rest of her party did and were having a great time.

The visuals and effects are brilliant! Loved the books and bubbles. This was also the first time I've ridden since the Hitch Hiking Ghosts are MIA. The animation in the projections are very good actually. My only complaint was even though it's temporary, they could've covered the top part of the black tarp better. You actually see the chains and grommets at the top edge on a curtain track. Maybe a thin piece of painted wood would've kept my eye from going back to it.

The entire ride lasted about 15 minutes due to the constant stopping of the ride. This was also the first time I heard a CM come over the speakers to announce the movement of the vehicles (quite loudly too). Usually it's just the recording but they kept insisting on shouting over it the 4 or 5 times the doombuggies stopped during my ride.


Well-Known Member
This thing is a tragedy. A disaster. Worst thing ever to happen to any HM. I won't repost my whole response, posted in another thread, but it can be read HERE if anyone cares to look at it. is just a theme park attraction!


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Finally we see some of what's planned. I am pleased beyond my expectations. A crypt full of obscure or underdeveloped characters from the attraction-I am in heaven. Most importantly the gravestones outside of the queue were what I was looking for. I don't care if they are new or redone.

I am thrilled so far.


My favorite news is the sea capton tomb! :D


Active Member
I went today and was VERY impressed by the new queue. Let me just say that it was completely optional and a CM was standing at the divide point clearly explaining each line. The right line takes you directly to the mansion doors, the left line through the graveyard first then to the doors. Having said that I had a woman behind me verbally argumentitive, with herself, about the queue. "This is f-ing rediculous, I don't see how this is f-ing interactive, this f-ing ____-t is a joke" all while toting 3 grade school schildren with her. :rolleyes: Obviously she didn't want to go into that line but the rest of her party did and were having a great time.

The visuals and effects are brilliant! Loved the books and bubbles. This was also the first time I've ridden since the Hitch Hiking Ghosts are MIA. The animation in the projections are very good actually. My only complaint was even though it's temporary, they could've covered the top part of the black tarp better. You actually see the chains and grommets at the top edge on a curtain track. Maybe a thin piece of painted wood would've kept my eye from going back to it.

The entire ride lasted about 15 minutes due to the constant stopping of the ride. This was also the first time I heard a CM come over the speakers to announce the movement of the vehicles (quite loudly too). Usually it's just the recording but they kept insisting on shouting over it the 4 or 5 times the doombuggies stopped during my ride.

Sounds like a disaster and something that would drive me nuts. The screaming woman throwing a tantrum, and the stoping that is.
I liked it, and like the previous post said, When I went through the line they gave you the option.

I am a Disney purist and if they added this stuff to the ride, I'd be upset, but this is just the queue. It's there to help you pass the time while you wait. Calm down people!


Well-Known Member
I don't get this whole optional thing.... how do they manage it meeting back up with the main queue? when people are done playing around do they just line back up? I would have thought that this new interactive area was set up perfectly to allow the main queue to walk through it which will also ease up on the line flooding out into Liberty Square whenever there is a storm of people getting into line. If you didn't want to play with the interactive elements, fine, just don't touch them, but if you're waiting in line for the attraction I don't really want the option to wait longer in another queue, and can't some people use it to kind of get rush past some people in the normal line?

I guess I'll have to wait until I see it in person...I was just imagining something a little more involved than the SM interactive elements we have today....


Active Member
I don't get this whole optional thing.... how do they manage it meeting back up with the main queue? when people are done playing around do they just line back up? I would have thought that this new interactive area was set up perfectly to allow the main queue to walk through it which will also ease up on the line flooding out into Liberty Square whenever there is a storm of people getting into line. If you didn't want to play with the interactive elements, fine, just don't touch them, but if you're waiting in line for the attraction I don't really want the option to wait longer in another queue, and can't some people use it to kind of get rush past some people in the normal line?

I guess I'll have to wait until I see it in person...I was just imagining something a little more involved than the SM interactive elements we have today....

I'm guessing that it goes from being optional to part of the actual line if the line is long enough to require it.

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