New Countries Being Added to Epcot?


Well-Known Member
Yes, Mexico is in North America. In the US you are, remember, in the "North American" Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with both Canada and Mexico...

As for which to replace, I know Norway stopped paying for their pavillion a while back which may put it on shaky ground... but then that pavillion has one of only two rides in all of WS. I really hope Morocco is not the pavillion that gets the axe as it is one of my favourites despite the lack of attractions.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Just to clarify, Mexico is in Central America (not North). You nailed Brazil though. :sohappy:

And Mexico is in Central America, Rio in South, but as an adult I can admit my mistake...just an honest slip while typing quickly. Things happen.



What i learned from this thread.....
1) Room for expansion in World Showcase
2) South Africa would be an awesome addition
3) Corporate sponsors not countries, sponsor the World Showcase
and last but not least
4) Just added to the 7 Continents of the world Central make it 8


New Member
Central America is just a term coined for the countries in the middle. But technically, they're all still in North America.


I think Greece would be a great addition. India, Nepal, Africa, etc. have already been done in AK, we don't need them in Epcot. They are more rustic atmospheres that fit better in that park. Epcot is far from rustic in any way.

I'm definitely not discrediting Raven, but if that's Disney's plan for World Showcase and the whole of Epcot, that is really disappointing. There is plenty of land to build new countries, it would be a shame to lose existing ones. And for a company that has done such amazing construction projects, moving a few propane tanks is not exactly difficult.

It also illustrates a problem that I've pointed out in other threads — that Disney's Epcot model does not work anymore. WHY does Disney need funding for every pavilion? Nobody is sponsoring the FL expansion, nobody funded Everest, so why must Epcot constantly suffer from this "funding" problem? Epcot is my favorite park, but it's getting embarrassing. Empty Future World pavilions, weak attractions in a place that was always cutting edge... it's just sad. The sponsor model isn't working, and I think they should abandon it. Maybe there are things about the business model that I don't understand, but if they can dump millions into Downtown Disney, they can do the same for Epcot, where it's needed much more. If I see a sponsor's name on the new Snow White Mine Train, I'll shut my mouth on the subject, but I guarantee we won't. If a sponsor is not needed there, why should one be needed for Epcot attractions?


New Member
I think Greece would be a great addition. India, Nepal, Africa, etc. have already been done in AK, we don't need them in Epcot. They are more rustic atmospheres that fit better in that park. Epcot is far from rustic in any way.

I'm definitely not discrediting Raven, but if that's Disney's plan for World Showcase and the whole of Epcot, that is really disappointing. There is plenty of land to build new countries, it would be a shame to lose existing ones. And for a company that has done such amazing construction projects, moving a few propane tanks is not exactly difficult.

It also illustrates a problem that I've pointed out in other threads — that Disney's Epcot model does not work anymore. WHY does Disney need funding for every pavilion? Nobody is sponsoring the FL expansion, nobody funded Everest, so why must Epcot constantly suffer from this "funding" problem? Epcot is my favorite park, but it's getting embarrassing. Empty Future World pavilions, weak attractions in a place that was always cutting edge... it's just sad. The sponsor model isn't working, and I think they should abandon it. Maybe there are things about the business model that I don't understand, but if they can dump millions into Downtown Disney, they can do the same for Epcot, where it's needed much more. If I see a sponsor's name on the new Snow White Mine Train, I'll shut my mouth on the subject, but I guarantee we won't. If it's not needed there, it's not needed in Epcot.

What? You don't like Illuminations being sponsored by Siemens?


Well-Known Member
Typical anti-social internet behavior. But at least I am not adamantly attempting to insult you about your mistake because I am sure you don't actually believe that Mexico is in North America. Whoever would actually believe that is uneducated and silly.....and I am sure that you don't fall into that category.

I don't think it is anti-social to point out that Rio is a city and Mexico is part of North America. Your statement above, however, is...well, uneducated and silly.


What? You don't like Illuminations being sponsored by Siemens?

Haha. If they CAN get sponsors that's fine, but if they can't, it's sad to see pavilions rotting away so Disney doesn't have to finance something. Look at WOL, it's already built and has running attractions, but sits empty because the sponsor pulled out. That doesn't make sense.


New Member
Haha. If they CAN get sponsors that's fine, but if they can't, it's sad to see pavilions rotting away so Disney doesn't have to finance something. Look at WOL, it's already built and has running attractions, but sits empty because the sponsor pulled out. That doesn't make sense.
I agree, Disney needs to stop relining on sponsors. Its THEIR park. Its their job to maintain and fund projects. If an outside company wanted to help fund a project, that's their decision.

The Mouse

umm, Dubai is an emirate of the United Arab Emirates with the largest city in said emirate being the city of Dubai, neither of which is a country. Much like Dubai there is a region called the state of Rio De Janeiro in which is the city of Rio De Janeiro. Also neither is a country.

As for adding either of those countries (Brazil or UAE, more so Brazil) I would be for it unless it would be at the expense of another country currently located in WS


Well-Known Member
Wow, this thread spiraled out of control pretty quickly.

Anyway, back to the original discussion:
I would love to see more countries added, but not at the expense of losing any of the current countries. I think there are enough creative minds at imagineering to make it work, even without using the "safety zone" used for the Illuminations. The other plots still seem usable to me. And I would agree that they should add some attraction there as well, not just a restaurant and shops. The sponsor model seemed to make sense when the park was new, and especially the first few years when Epcot Center was not popular and looked like a potential flop. I think TDO was seriously thinking that they spent too much money to build it and backed off spending any more of their own money there. But now, over 25 years later, it is a very popular park, and somewhat of a "cult favorite" among many Disney super fans like you and me. So with that being said, I agree with many of you about TDO losing the sponsor system at Epcot. That just seems silly and outdated.

Now, after making all those points, I will say this - after all these years since they added the first round of new countries (i.e. Norway) what makes you think they are going to add one now? I think our best hope at this point is upgrades and additions like the new restaurants they have recently added. I would even say that getting the e-ticket at Japan that was rumored a little while back would happen first, and even that would be surprising to me.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this thread spiraled out of control pretty quickly.

Anyway, back to the original discussion:
I would love to see more countries added, but not at the expense of losing any of the current countries. I think there are enough creative minds at imagineering to make it work, even without using the "safety zone" used for the Illuminations. The other plots still seem usable to me. And I would agree that they should add some attraction there as well, not just a restaurant and shops. The sponsor model seemed to make sense when the park was new, and especially the first few years when Epcot Center was not popular and looked like a potential flop. I think TDO was seriously thinking that they spent too much money to build it and backed off spending any more of their own money there. But now, over 25 years later, it is a very popular park, and somewhat of a "cult favorite" among many Disney super fans like you and me. So with that being said, I agree with many of you about TDO losing the sponsor system at Epcot. That just seems silly and outdated.

Now, after making all those points, I will say this - after all these years since they added the first round of new countries (i.e. Norway) what makes you think they are going to add one now? I think our best hope at this point is upgrades and additions like the new restaurants they have recently added. I would even say that getting the e-ticket at Japan that was rumored a little while back would happen first, and even that would be surprising to me.

Why bother. They make the $$ they want. Adding new countries will just take $$ away from what is there. Seems about as pointless as FLE when there are two half day parks out there.

Bork Bork

Active Member
Seems about as pointless as FLE when there are two half day parks out there.

You state this as fact, when it truly is a matter of opinion. I do, however, acknowledge that your opinion is the predominant viewpoint on this forum.

My family and I have no trouble spending entire days at either of the parks you infer. Would I like to see more attractions! Obviously!!

But DAK is more like a 3-day park if you are interested in the sensual aspects of the park and the animal viewing opportunities.

(I will now prepare to be flamed...)


Well-Known Member
You state this as fact, when it truly is a matter of opinion. I do, however, acknowledge that your opinion is the predominant viewpoint on this forum.

My family and I have no trouble spending entire days at either of the parks you infer. Would I like to see more attractions! Obviously!!

But DAK is more like a 3-day park if you are interested in the sensual aspects of the park and the animal viewing opportunities.

(I will now prepare to be flamed...)

The Animal Kingdom is my favorite park, but in a week long vacation I'd say I probably spend 10-15 hours there at the most, and that includes doing several things multiple times. Each trip to the park I probably go on Dinosaur, Everest, Kilimanjaro Safaris, Maharajah Jungle Trek, Pangani Forest and Festival of the Lion King. In a week long trip with multiple visits to the park I will probably do the Tree of Life exhibits, Discovery Island trails, Kali River Rapids, Finding Nemo the Musical and Flights of Wonder once each.

With all that said, the park needs nighttime entertainment and more rides. It's show line up is very solid, it could probably use a new substantial animal walk through, but it's fundamental need is a nighttime show and rides to keep guests busy until that nighttime show opens.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I hope not. Evict the only African country along the whole lagoon (the Outpost doesn't count) for yet another European pavilion? Meh.

I wouldn't think so either. Neither Spain (nor Greece) have the capital to spare right now for a pavilion at the WS....

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I have often wondered what happens to the UK, Germany, Italy and France (and possibly Norway, if they are members as well) pavilions if and when this consolidation is finalized and they cease to be seperate countries, and become "states" in a union, like Illinois, Indiana, etc. In that scenario, those countries would very much be outdated.
I can't see those pavilions ever being removed over something as mundane as European politics. English, French, German and Italian culture have played an outsize role in the world's historical and cultural development.

Whether any or all of them ever cease to exist as countries in an official sense, the cultural legacy of those areas will always be rich enough to warrant pavilions in WS.


New Member
I wouldn't think so either. Neither Spain (nor Greece) have the capital to spare right now for a pavilion at the WS....

It's only a rumor that countries themselves pay for pavillions. One Morocco was paid for by the country it represents. Most (but not all) of the rest were paid by companies from those respective countries and the few remaining were simply paid for by Disney.


Well-Known Member
Plus Disneys fees for companies whom sponsor etc are just so ridiculously high, these days especially, governments and companies dont want to come near it. It seems like anyway. And I dont think Disney really actively recruits to get any either or trys to get a country to step up to the plate. Which is a shame.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
It's only a rumor that countries themselves pay for pavillions. One Morocco was paid for by the country it represents. Most (but not all) of the rest were paid by companies from those respective countries and the few remaining were simply paid for by Disney.

I didn't say the countries were paying for the pavilions by themselves on the whole. Some nations did however make both financial and artistic contributions towards development however. But the fact remains that a number of European nations, Spain and Greece included, don't have the financial capability to make any contributions to a new pavilion. And that would not make them very appealing to Disney.

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