New attractions for AK


New Member
I only included Europe since I saw it discussed on the thread earlier and its pretty much the only area that wouldnt be included already. It could have things about the caveman paintings in France. Theres actually some interesting things you could come up with to do for Europe


Anyhow, can anyone give me a good reason as to a. Why Rafiki's Planet Watch was even built and b. Why they haven't scrapped it by now. It isn't like guests are coming in droves to pet a goat and have more environmental messages shoved down their throats.:shrug:

Having worked in Africa, I can attest first hand that guests do in fact come in droves to Rafiki's Planet Watch. There are two trains, each holding approx. 220 people, and for a good chunk of the day trains run at full capactity with guests waiting 5 minutes between trains.

In busier times of the year, there can be over a 20 minute wait for the train, and if you calculate 220 people every 5-7 minutes, Rafiki's Planet Watch is absolutely a valuable asset to the park. It is where guests step away from the fantasy and adventure of DAK and into the real world of environmentalism and conservation.

There is nothing wrong with Rafiki's Planet Watch being where it is today. It is quite popular, especially for children and inquisitive guests seeking knowledge about the animals they viewed in the park that day. There is plenty of other room for expansion in the park.

What I am upset over is the blatantly decimated "attraction" known as the Wildlife Express.

The plans for the Wildlife Express were once much more lavish and even included a plateau rising above the savanna which would offer guests breath-taking views of Kilimanjaro Safaris. The return from Rafiki's would have offered sneak glimpses of Tiger River Rapids and the Maharajah Jungle Trek, however much like other things in the park, this was slashed during budget cuts.

In fact, the Wildlife Express LITERALLY uses the least amount of track possible to make it from Africa to Rafiki's and back. :eek:


Well-Known Member
In some early concepts of the Discovery River boats there was meant to be a Kraken, I'm not sure of the Loch Ness monster was ever involved, but I would love to see the boats revived and mythical animals incorporated like once intended.

I remember reading about a restaurant somewhere. I think the land was actually going to have The Dragon Castle, River boats, Unicorn Maze and The Loch Ness Restaurant...I could very easily be mistaken but thats what I thought they had planned for the area.


Active Member
I remember reading about a restaurant somewhere. I think the land was actually going to have The Dragon Castle, River boats, Unicorn Maze and The Loch Ness Restaurant...I could very easily be mistaken but that what I thought they had planned for the area.

There was also a Fantasia themed boat ride planned. Looking at those plans are heartbreaking.


New Member
That is true, I think that place has a beautiful message but its potential is totally wasted. I mean, a petting zoo for goats?! :brick:

Hmm you must bypass some stuff? There is also the animal hospital where you can see animal getting operated on, thats pretty cool. there is also the talking trash can!!!:lol: I love those. plus people go to nasty road side fairs for petting zoos no one complains about those, kids love petting zoo's. though it is not the most amazing this it does server a purpose. I think it is great that they have all these exhibits to educate us, and it's also great all the money they raise to save animals. Yes it does need more rides but it's also great cause it's alot more than rides, but i get that the park isn't for everyone.


Active Member
Hmm you must bypass some stuff? There is also the animal hospital where you can see animal getting operated on, thats pretty cool. there is also the talking trash can!!!:lol: I love those. plus people go to nasty road side fairs for petting zoos no one complains about those, kids love petting zoo's. though it is not the most amazing this it does server a purpose. I think it is great that they have all these exhibits to educate us, and it's also great all the money they raise to save animals. Yes it does need more rides but it's also great cause it's alot more than rides, but i get that the park isn't for everyone.

I absolutely love AK. And as I have said before, that park has much more to offer than the few attractions that appear on its guide map. Although that can be said about all Disney parks, I feel like AK is the most deserving of that title.

My disappointment with the petting zoo is that such a nice area could be used for something more interesting and unique. AK is a very unique park and both that area and Dinorama feel extremely generic and uninspired. They are not up to par with the park as a whole.


Well-Known Member
The Animal Encounter show is informative, but admittedly it is very "zoo-like". While some would argue that Flights of Wonder is also very "zoo-like", they have infused some comedy/show elements into that show that separates it from the standard bird show.

I really think a walking path to Rafiki's is the way to go, especially if that path is lined with animals and/or Festival of the Lion King. If there's a way to keep the train as well, more power to them.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
The Animal Encounter show is informative, but admittedly it is very "zoo-like". While some would argue that Flights of Wonder is also very "zoo-like", they have infused some comedy/show elements into that show that separates it from the standard bird show.

I really think a walking path to Rafiki's is the way to go, especially if that path is lined with animals and/or Festival of the Lion King. If there's a way to keep the train as well, more power to them.

It would be interesting for them to keep the train and incorporate it into a new land, if the geography could be worked out........


New Member
A Europe land and a Beastly Kingdom land would likely be redundant.

I don't really see what a Euroland would bring to the park, surely AK should be about wildlife and natural environments like Asia & Africa. Europe is about cultures, history, architecture and so on and is suitably represented in Epcot in my opinion.

For me a good idea in AK would be a land based on the south american rainforest, maybe with a Kilimanjaro Safari style tour but as a boat on the Amazon and a thrill ride like the Hurricane Condor from Port Aventura but themed as a giant rainforest style tree to fit in with the land.........a Mythical Beasts land with some high-octane coasters would be magic as well :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
For me a good idea in AK would be a land based on the south american rainforest, maybe with a Kilimanjaro Safari style tour but as a boat on the Amazon and a thrill ride like the Hurricane Condor from Port Aventura but themed as a giant rainforest style tree to fit in with the land.........a Mythical Beasts land with some high-octane coasters would be magic as well :sohappy:

While I would agree, I vaguely remember some mentioning that they didn't want to have a South America land because "that had been done." I really don't know what that means considering they built an African Savannah.

As much as I would like to see them add more live animal attractions (What ever happened to their pushing for Pandas and Asian Elephants?), the park needs more attractions that aren't based on live animals.


Active Member
The Animal Encounter show is informative, but admittedly it is very "zoo-like". While some would argue that Flights of Wonder is also very "zoo-like", they have infused some comedy/show elements into that show that separates it from the standard bird show.

I really think a walking path to Rafiki's is the way to go, especially if that path is lined with animals and/or Festival of the Lion King. If there's a way to keep the train as well, more power to them.

I think Flights of Wonder is a fantastic show!

I like the fact that the Conservation Station can only be reached by train, I think it adds to the feeling that that place is protected and secure.


Well-Known Member
there really isn't too much to do at Rafiki's planet watch though. There's a small conservation building with a few characters, and the petting zoo. So much more could be done with all of the land used in that area.

Personally, I hope to see camp Minnie Mickey get the ax first, followed by this area.

...and what ever did happen to those Pandas?


Well-Known Member
CMM might as well be nixed. The only reason to make the extra trip is FotLK, which is an amazing show, but needs to be moved to Africa. Pocahontas got the axe and now the whole place is just a M&G. If they're so intent on saving money, just keep the basic theming and turn it into North America with bears and deer and such. Do you think that would be too close to Frontierland? For our fantasy animal, why not Bigfoot, the lake monster over in the Great Lakes, or any Native American legend that could be worked with? And there are sufficient movie tie ins, like Pocahontas, Brother Bear, Fox & The Hound and Bambi.


Well-Known Member

While I would LOVE to see some new stuff at AK, I do wonder about the validity of this report only because that is awfully quick. I mean even FL isn't going to be completed til '12. I guess we'll see...... :rolleyes:
While I would LOVE to see some new stuff at AK, I do wonder about the validity of this report only because that is awfully quick. I mean even FL isn't going to be completed til '12. I guess we'll see...... :rolleyes:
CM's are actually very reliable sources. I remember around 2003 a cast member told me that there was going to be a new ride called Expedition Everest to be built in the park, and before you know it construction began in early 2004. I believe there is truth to this report and when 2011 comes around well see what new attractions open in AK.


Well-Known Member
CM's are actually very reliable sources. I remember around 2003 a cast member told me that there was going to be a new ride called Expedition Everest to be built in the park, and before you know it construction began in early 2004. I believe there is truth to this report and when 2011 comes around well see what new attractions open in AK.
Well, the attraction was publicly announced in 2003 after Michael Eisner accidentally spilt the beans earlier at the shareholders meeting or on a financial reporting conference call.


Well-Known Member
I think Flights of Wonder is a fantastic show!

I like the fact that the Conservation Station can only be reached by train, I think it adds to the feeling that that place is protected and secure.

And exactly THAT'S the problem. It's the first time in a Disney park, that you actually have to take a mean of transportation to get into a land of the park. I always loved this idea, actually I think like they originally had planned the Space-pavillon in EPCOT gives you an impression of the potential that lies in a themed approach.
But its wasted on Rafikis watch. I thnik that many people go there because they believe this must be something special if you can only reach it by train. And these expectations are, mildly spoken, not fulfilled. Rafiki is not boring but its nothing special at all. A petting zoo? Epcotfan summed it up pretty much when he wrote:

"and 9 out of 10 are saying "why the heck did I waste my time?" as an addition to Gizmoducks numbers of visitors.

I was one of those 9. I wouldn't go there a second time, perhaps if I saw everything else I would go a second time but even if I would have to wait longer than 5 minutes I would change my mind again.
There is nothing there that stands up to the expectations that are built up by the unique approach. And what is even worse? The wildlife express train ride is the most BOOOORING ride in any Disney-park! Nearly nothing to see on the entire ride but trees, bamboo and some animal cages, big deal! I actually couldn't believe that imagineers would create such a boring ride with abolutely nothing interesting to see.
It makes the WDW-Railroad (it's nice to ride but nothing thrilling) look like an e-ticket (yes I know the Disneyland Railroad originally WAS considered an E-Ticket but you get the message)

When I saw the first map of DAK years ago and realized there is an area that can only be reached by train I thought "This looks interesting, must be something really special". There is NOTHING really special about conservation station. It's more like a tourist trap. Including a major attraction and extremely plussing the train could change this.


Active Member
And exactly THAT'S the problem. It's the first time in a Disney park, that you actually have to take a mean of transportation to get into a land of the park. I always loved this idea, actually I think like they originally had planned the Space-pavillon in EPCOT gives you an impression of the potential that lies in a themed approach.
But its wasted on Rafikis watch. I thnik that many people go there because they believe this must be something special if you can only reach it by train. And these expectations are, mildly spoken, not fulfilled. Rafiki is not boring but its nothing special at all. A petting zoo? Epcotfan summed it up pretty much when he wrote:

"and 9 out of 10 are saying "why the heck did I waste my time?" as an addition to Gizmoducks numbers of visitors.

I was one of those 9. I wouldn't go there a second time, perhaps if I saw everything else I would go a second time but even if I would have to wait longer than 5 minutes I would change my mind again.
There is nothing there that stands up to the expectations that are built up by the unique approach. And what is even worse? The wildlife express train ride is the most BOOOORING ride in any Disney-park! Nearly nothing to see on the entire ride but trees, bamboo and some animal cages, big deal! I actually couldn't believe that imagineers would create such a boring ride with abolutely nothing interesting to see.
It makes the WDW-Railroad (it's nice to ride but nothing thrilling) look like an e-ticket (yes I know the Disneyland Railroad originally WAS considered an E-Ticket but you get the message)

When I saw the first map of DAK years ago and realized there is an area that can only be reached by train I thought "This looks interesting, must be something really special". There is NOTHING really special about conservation station. It's more like a tourist trap. Including a major attraction and extremely plussing the train could change this.

You make a great point, but maybe putting a huge E-ticket attraction on the other end of the railroad loop would probably create flow problems, since the trains would probably be unable to handle the large crowds. I think Disney would have to work on a solution to that issue, if they were to really build something major over there.

Maybe adding one or two trains to the loop would solve that. :shrug:

By the way, how many trains cycle on the Wild Life Express?!

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