New attractions for AK


Well-Known Member
Yes, it takes tremendous skill to make tarmac and cheap carnival attractions appear as if they are tarmac and cheap carnival rides.
Except, if you look down you can see the remnants of the parking lot that everything has been built upon. Like was said, it is all set up to make it look like a tourist trap set up in this parking lot. There are even light bulbs that are intentionally left loose as to make them appear burnt out. It is all a bit cynical, but the attention to detail is there. The comments about the average family not noticing is the same reasoning used to justify not spending on elaborate details in other places.


It is not that the 'roadside attraction' theme is not executed well. The problem is I drove past dumb roadside attractions all the way down to WDW because i wanted to experience something better than that. A well executed recreation of a garbage dump is still a garbage dump.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
It is not that the 'roadside attraction' theme is not executed well. The problem is I drove past dumb roadside attractions all the way down to WDW because i wanted to experience something better than that. A well executed recreation of a garbage dump is still a garbage dump.
So if they were to build a attraction/mini land based around a garbage dump themed to WALL-E that would be a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
So if they were to build a attraction/mini land based around a garbage dump themed to WALL-E that would be a bad thing?

Touche'! Sounds like an awesome attraction, when does it open?
I wanna ride the giant garbage slide. You know, the one where people are given old carpet scraps, and get to careen wildly down a dangerous pile of garbage. Oh, and the food stands, they've got these giant, 1 pound serving of french fries dripping with oil, served up with a gallon of your favorite BnL soda YUM!!! :ROFLOL:


Active Member
It is not that the 'roadside attraction' theme is not executed well. The problem is I drove past dumb roadside attractions all the way down to WDW because i wanted to experience something better than that. A well executed recreation of a garbage dump is still a garbage dump.

And pretty soon, You won't have to drive far. When they install the former "Galaxy Spin" at Fun Spot on 192, it will be an exact copy of Primeval Whirl.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I admit I give Dumbo and Rocket jets a pass because they are original WDW; I expect better in the newest park. Plus, the carnival games section really puts it over the edge for me.

And I prefer the carpets because of the tie-in to a Disney property and the fact that a lot of kids, upon seeing the movie, wanted to ride a carpet, and now they have the chance to do so, just like everybody wanted to ride Dumbo, and ride gives them the chance to do so.

But they are still carnival rides, just well-executed ones. Heck, RnRC is an off-the-rack roller coaster, but it's well-themed and well-executed.

Yes, it takes tremendous skill to make tarmac and cheap carnival attractions appear as if they are tarmac and cheap carnival rides.

Imagineering can come up with the most elaborate backstory and add as much eyewash as possible, but it still doesn't detract that it was a poorly executed land built on the cheap. The average Guest walking through the land can easily pick up on the fact that not a lot of money was put into it...perhaps a lot of thought went into it with all of the details and such, but with the exception of Dinosaur and the Cretaceous Trail, the midway games and carnival rides are simply not Disney.

The phrase "a cheap coat of paint on an old car" comes to my mind. :shrug:

Except, if you look down you can see the remnants of the parking lot that everything has been built upon. Like was said, it is all set up to make it look like a tourist trap set up in this parking lot. There are even light bulbs that are intentionally left loose as to make them appear burnt out. It is all a bit cynical, but the attention to detail is there. The comments about the average family not noticing is the same reasoning used to justify not spending on elaborate details in other places.

And the points of debate are well-articulated above. I'll add. Go into the restaurant and look up so see the living spaces of our proprietors. And note how the building looks slapdash and like different parts were added on as quickly as possible (plus, enjoy the only place in DAK that you can sit in air conditioning for a while).

No question it that Dino-rama was a cheap expansion. Just as the Canada and China movie updates were cheap (in comparison to new movies), and tweaking the drop sequence of ToT is a cheap upgrade. Just as the Wishes dessert party is a revenue raiser with negative cost. If the parks are to survive, they need to make money, and not all of the expansion and changes can be high-cost ones. I give Disney credit for usually doing even the cheap ones well -- putting thought into them, even if they don't put a lot money into them.

As for the carnival rides son would probably put a number of the carnival rides on the top of his list. They don't do much for me, except when I ride with him and see the smiles. And he does enjoy Disney's carnival rides more than he enjoys others.


New Member
It is not that the 'roadside attraction' theme is not executed well. The problem is I drove past dumb roadside attractions all the way down to WDW because i wanted to experience something better than that. A well executed recreation of a garbage dump is still a garbage dump.

  • HM looks like a decrepit old house that is falling apart.
  • SM is a rundown boat ride through the south.
  • TOT is a abandoned hotel that has cobwebs everywhere.
Are these better or worse than the roadside attractions? There are alot of things you see at WDW that you could easily see anywhere else, including your drive down to WDW. Disney makes them entertaining by adding the Disney magic to them.

On a side note, everyone talks about all these crummy road side carnivals. Has anyone actually ever seen one in the past 30 years??? I don't think they even exist anymore. (except South of the Border. "Too much TEQUILA!!!") :ROFLOL:If by going to AK and seeing Dinoland makes you say "Ho Hum, I could see this anywhere", then where do you live?


So quick question:

why are we still posting on this thread? i just read through 20 pages of complete nonsense. can we just shut this down so people dont have to read about other peoples ideas of what imaginary rides THEY think is best for an expansion that isnt happening at all?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
So quick question:

why are we still posting on this thread? i just read through 20 pages of complete nonsense. can we just shut this down so people dont have to read about other peoples ideas of what imaginary rides THEY think is best for an expansion that isnt happening at all?

I believe that's part and parcel with the "Rumors" theme of this forum....


Well-Known Member
On a side note, everyone talks about all these crummy road side carnivals. Has anyone actually ever seen one in the past 30 years??? I don't think they even exist anymore. (except South of the Border. "Too much TEQUILA!!!") :ROFLOL:If by going to AK and seeing Dinoland makes you say "Ho Hum, I could see this anywhere", then where do you live?

Actually we have a fairly large one every year here in Atlanta. It takes up most of the Turner Field parking lot next to the freeway.


Well-Known Member
So quick question:

why are we still posting on this thread? i just read through 20 pages of complete nonsense. can we just shut this down so people dont have to read about other peoples ideas of what imaginary rides THEY think is best for an expansion that isnt happening at all?

Why did you read the whole 20 pages? A logical person would have figured out it was a rumor thread and stopped reading after the first couple of pages. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Except, if you look down you can see the remnants of the parking lot that everything has been built upon. Like was said, it is all set up to make it look like a tourist trap set up in this parking lot. There are even light bulbs that are intentionally left loose as to make them appear burnt out. It is all a bit cynical, but the attention to detail is there. The comments about the average family not noticing is the same reasoning used to justify not spending on elaborate details in other places.

I do appreciate the details and cleverness and even the "cynacism" of Dinorama. And I do think it works on people even though they may not readily notice all the details. Imagineers create worlds that work immediately on first impressions and then in the long term no matter how deeply guests care to venture because of all those layered details. My beef with Dinorama is the park it is in. I love the overall concept but if it was in DHS I would be a much bigger fan.


Well-Known Member
  • HM looks like a decrepit old house that is falling apart.
  • SM is a rundown boat ride through the south.
  • TOT is a abandoned hotel that has cobwebs everywhere.

1. Haunted Mansion. No it doesn't, the outside of it is pristine. Moot Point.

2. No it's not. The story goes that chick-a-pin hill flooded and the beaver brothers decided to run boats tours round from their old saw mill. Nothing Rundown about Splash at all.

3. O.K. I'll give you that one.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I actually don't think Dinorama is as bad as everyone says it is. It does have some good themeing that most people miss like its made to look like it was temporarily built over an existing parking lot.

However, the thing I find to be insulting is the fact that execs at the time thought something like Dinorama would actually boost AK's slumping numbers. I mean... seriously? No one's gonna rush to WDW to ride carnival rides. :lol:

While I do think Dinorama isn't that bad, I do think they could've had more fun with the concept. Like one idea I had a while back was to have a dark ride where Chester and Hester balatantly try to copy Dinosaur. But the ride is all crappy and falling apart and animatronic workers are rushing around trying to get the fake dinosaurs to work right.


Well-Known Member
Dinorama just reminds me of CMM: "Eh, let's just slap this up for a while to fill the space until we figure something out". It really just screams "cheap and unimaginative". The fact that there are carnival games with cheap, neon- colored stuffed prizes bothers me because it reminds me of something that universal would do and has done numerous times in both US and IoA. When all else fails, throw up the same kind of cheap crap your competitor does? That's not Disney. Shows to go how slipping standards are affecting one of WDW's most needy parks. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to just sit here and bash TDO all day because they did many things very well at AK, I just hate to see them resort to something like Dinorama.

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