Need Pixie dust - job situation bad


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My wife's been out of work for a year now. We weren't planning on going on vacation this year because money is tight, but with the great deals and all, we felt like we couldn't afford NOT to go.

But I just found out that there is a good chance that I'll be laid off while we're at WDW. How much would that s*ck!

Plus, most of my savings are investing in this house where we live now. We moved here because of the good schools, and with DW having cancer a few years ago (cancer free right now, thank the Lord), and having to go back to school for a career change that we though was a good idea when the economy was going well, I had to borrow a bit of money. Now with the bottom falling out of real estate, all the equity in our house is GONE. If I lose my job now, I don't know what I'll do.

I ask your prayers, and pixie dust, and any encouragement you can offer.



Well-Known Member
I wish I had some advice, or anything to say that would be helpful.
The best I can do is remind you to focus on the positives...your wife being cancer-free, your upcoming trip etc. and try not to let things get you down. There are so many people in your boat right now...hopefully the future will look brighter for all of you soon. In the meantime, this is a good place to vent and maybe someone will actually have something helpful to offer you.
Hang in there.

The Mom

Premium Member
I can't help you as far as employment goes, but this may be one of those years that WDW is out of the question, good deal or not. Yes, you might feel better short term, but might end up wishing that you hadn't spent the extra money.

Sometimes, the reward is much sweeter if we struggle to obtain it; I know that's been true in my life. The lean years have made me appreciate what I have right now, but also remind me that they can return again, so delayed gratification is the name of the game.


Well-Known Member
I can certainly relate to where you are. It has been a struggle since my divorce 3 years ago. I don't get child support and the business at my work has dropped significantly. I only make 33% of what I did when I first started. Take last nite, one year ago I would have made between 250-300--last nite I made $90! I've had to drop the cable, house phone, and until a month ago, internet----and the only way I got this back was trading the 75cents a day daily newspaper for 20 per month DSL. My job isn't looking good either. Jobs are just not out there these days. Jobs that you can support yourself much less a family.
I long for the day I can consider a vacation......but for now we just have to keep trudging along because I'm not going the SugarDaddy route!

So here's some pixie dust----and hopefully Tinkerbell can visit me soon too (before I'm living under the bridge)


Well-Known Member
I can't help you as far as employment goes, but this may be one of those years that WDW is out of the question, good deal or not. Yes, you might feel better short term, but might end up wishing that you hadn't spent the extra money.

Sometimes, the reward is much sweeter if we struggle to obtain it; I know that's been true in my life. The lean years have made me appreciate what I have right now, but also remind me that they can return again, so delayed gratification is the name of the game.

I totally agree. I know one thing---I swear when things turn around I'm going to bust my buttt to pay off this house (if I still have it) That way it can never get taken away from me.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I can't help you as far as employment goes, but this may be one of those years that WDW is out of the question, good deal or not. Yes, you might feel better short term, but might end up wishing that you hadn't spent the extra money.

Sometimes, the reward is much sweeter if we struggle to obtain it; I know that's been true in my life. The lean years have made me appreciate what I have right now, but also remind me that they can return again, so delayed gratification is the name of the game.

Thanks so much for that advice. And I agree.

I know. I thought about this, too. But I thought I was safe, and I just found out Thursday that I might not be. And everythings all paid for and we leave Friday. If I cancel now, I don't think I'll get anything back.

Besides, if worse comes to worse, we might not get back there for a very long time.

The Mom

Premium Member
Thanks so much for that advice. And I agree.

I know. I thought about this, too. But I thought I was safe, and I just found out Thursday that I might not be. And everythings all paid for and we leave Friday. If I cancel now, I don't think I'll get anything back.

Besides, if worse comes to worse, we might not get back there for a very long time.

For some reason, I thought you were planning a trip later in the year. This close to departure, you won't get your money back, so just go and savor every moment - even if you end up spending some time relaxing in your resort due to bad weather. (Bring cards and google card games before you leave)


Well-Known Member
My prayers go out to you and your family. It seems that so many good, honest, hard working Americans are having to deal with this situation. It is very difficult to understand. It certainly makes me 100% appreciative of what I have at this point in time and I will try to remember not to take any of it for granted.

Pixie dust for all!!!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thank you all for your kind words, encouragement, prayers, and pixie dust. Last night I got some news that makes the situation even a bit bleaker. Oh, well. I just have to let go and let God.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Sounds like this might be the perfect time for a vacation. Hopefully you're able to put it all out of mind for a few days and enjoy your trip.


Well-Known Member
My best wishes and prayers go out to you. Whenever I've been concerned about losing my job, there are only a few things that have made me feel better:
1. Getting my resume updated and ready to send.
2. Searching job sites for potential positions.
3. Checking in with friends and former colleagues (through linkedin or email).
4. Accepting that I'm doing everything I can to "right the ship" and trying to stay calm.

The last one's the toughest. Good luck to you. If you can get through #4 by Friday, you may be able to enjoy your trip more.


Active Member
Prayers and pixie dust coming your way!
I hope things turn around for you. I know how scary it can be when faced with losing your family's only income, best of luck with the job situation.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

Well, we went on vacation, and it was awsome. Now I'm back and, sure enough, I'm looking for work.

If any of you think you might have any leads for an Engineering Manager / Systems Engineer / Program Manager, please PM me and let me know.

Everyone else, thanks for your prayers and pixie dust and encouragement.


Active Member
I'm sending lots of prayers. I can't say hang in there b/c I know how frustrating and sickening what you're going through is....but please know there are us that are here to listen to you when you need us and we're praying for you and your family. Good luck! Keep your head up....


New Member
Lots of prayers coming your way. My husband got laid off earlier this year. I know the pressure but God works wonders when we let him lead us.


Well, we went on vacation, and it was awsome. Now I'm back and, sure enough, I'm looking for work.

If any of you think you might have any leads for an Engineering Manager / Systems Engineer / Program Manager, please PM me and let me know.

Everyone else, thanks for your prayers and pixie dust and encouragement.

I hope everything is working out for you. Unfortunately this is a terrible economy to be in that line of work. My husband is a mechanical designer and was laid off in January (right before our trip to celebrate my ?? birthday at WDW). We still went and are glad we did since things have been very hard since. He's had two interviews in this field since then and got neither job and most of his leads have not panned out since the companies then decide to not fill the position advertised. He's now driving motor coaches at less than half per hour when he does get runs, but at least he's working in some form.

So, pixie dust and good thoughts for you and your family and let's all hope that things turn around soon.


Well-Known Member
I lost my job Aug 20 (got replaced by a 20 year old :( ) So I'm being interviewed for a position that is salaried :( , 6 days per week, 60hrs. I'm probably going to have to take it just for the steady money and pray in a few months the hours go down. It comes to less per hour than I made 9.5 years ago but the options nowdays are limited.


You are definitely in my prayers. My husband was laid off in March 2007(three months after we charged a nice WDW trip) and didn't find a new job until March 2008. As soon as he started, their business started slowing down and his hours got cut and cut and cut until they finally laid him off in November 2008. He's still looking for the next job. It's really tough and really tight but it's amazing how God provides what we need to get through. This site is my daily (or sometimes 2x, 3x, 4x, etc..)dose of pixie dust. My friends think I would be stressed by going on here when I can't take a trip, but it really relaxes me. Congrats too on your wife being cancer free!!!!!!


Best wishes, I hope things work out - and in the meantime really enjoy your holiday. My brother is in the same position here in England, similar line of work actually, and they had a holiday booked - they are on it now so I hope they're having a good time and that they come back to good news - he sent some applications off before they left.

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