Need Pixie dust - job situation bad


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Thank you all SOOOO much for your support. And prayers and pixie dust to those of you who are (or who have family or friends) in job-related difficulty. It really means a lot to me to have replies to this thread. Helps me keep me chin up. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Well, we went on vacation, and it was awsome. Now I'm back and, sure enough, I'm looking for work.

If any of you think you might have any leads for an Engineering Manager / Systems Engineer / Program Manager, please PM me and let me know.

Everyone else, thanks for your prayers and pixie dust and encouragement.

I'm glad you decided to go ahead because you needed this trip. Now you are recharged and ready to face the task at hand. I wish you luck, I've been looking for work myself and have had little luck. Hang in there. ((HUGS))


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Just a quick note to say that I just now heard that I've got a job interview next week, and to thank you all again for your support in this and other threads.

I don't want to say anything else about it right now, because I don't want to jinx myself :lol:.

But I was really nervous the last few days waiting for this call; now my stomach isn't doing flip-flops anymore. I've got plenty of time to prepare (and get nervous again :lol:) before next week!

Thanks again - See ya' real soon!


Good luck on the interview!!! To even get one is a huge step.

My husband got the possibility of good news this week. He had a meeting with his former supervisor and they are trying to get the powers that be to let my husband be called back to work.

Let's hope, I am really tired of working overtime to help make ends meet, but thankful that at least one of us has a steady job.


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Good luck on the interview!!! To even get one is a huge step.

My husband got the possibility of good news this week. He had a meeting with his former supervisor and they are trying to get the powers that be to let my husband be called back to work.

Let's hope, I am really tired of working overtime to help make ends meet, but thankful that at least one of us has a steady job.
Thanks. Good luck to your husband. You'll be in my prayers.

My wife and I are both out of work now. If one of us doesn't get something soon, I don't know what we'll do. She's been out of work for over a year, and her unimployment insurance extended benefits (thank God for that at least) will run out soon, and my severance will only go so far.

Plus my parents won't be able to take care of themselves much longer, and we were going to do a mother-daughter thing, but that project is on hold indefinitely. And my father-in-law is dying of Parkinsons disease, so my wife is talking funeral arrangements with her mom. Altogether not a great time.

But we're trying to keep our chins up and look on the bright side for what we have, and not focus on the downside. Getting this interview is great news, even if nothing comes of it. It means at least one company has interest, maybe there are others.
Good luck to both of you. Remember to keep all that are jobless in our prayers. Let us know how things go.
Thanks. And yes, I'm more sympathetic to the all the other unemployed out there after everything that has happened this year. They are in my prayers all the time.
I'm glad to hear some good news because today I just found out that a dear friend got laid off. Keep us updated!:wave:
Thanks. I'm sorry about your friend. My best wishes to them and they'll be in my prayers as well. Thanks for your thoughts, and I will keep you updated.

Thanks everyone. It really helps to talk about things here and get comments!


Well-Known Member
Hang in there! I got the job I posted about earlier. Right now it's 45 hrs a week and my hours are 6-3 so it's something I am going to try to deal with.
Oh.......and the young lady who replaced me (who was supposed to draw a younger crowd), has already been fired for stealing and cocaine usage...:ROFLOL:


Active Member
Hang in there! I got the job I posted about earlier. Right now it's 45 hrs a week and my hours are 6-3 so it's something I am going to try to deal with.
Oh.......and the young lady who replaced me (who was supposed to draw a younger crowd), has already been fired for stealing and cocaine usage...:ROFLOL:

Isn't Karma just great sometimes?


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Hang in there! I got the job I posted about earlier. Right now it's 45 hrs a week and my hours are 6-3 so it's something I am going to try to deal with.
Oh, Debbie, I'm SO happy for you. As anyone who's been unemployed for any peroid of time knows, it's always better to be working, even in less-than-ideal conditions, than to be on the beach and worried about keeping your home, etc. Congrats.
Oh.......and the young lady who replaced me (who was supposed to draw a younger crowd), has already been fired for stealing and cocaine usage...:ROFLOL:
As miles said: Karma. I'd advise against gloating, however; that's bad Karma, too. But I totally understand your roflol.


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Thanks so much. That means a lot to me. I know prayer works. Just not always the way you think it will. I always try to remember to praise God's name first, then ask that His will be done and not mine. Then I can ask for my intentions.

For example, I prayed really hard that I be spared from this trial. I have not been spared from the trial, but I know in my heart and soul that there is something else that He means for me out there. I just don't know what it is yet. It may turn out that getting layed off is the best thing that ever happened to me. ijdk.

So please, everyone (who prays) pray (on my behalf) that God's will be done for me. If it be His will, I pray for me and my family to be taken care of.

Those of you who don't pray, I hope you are not offended by this particular post - I know I am walking the line here - please just keep me in your thoughts, or send pixie dust through the internet, or whatever you do. I appreciate it all, and above all I am an ecumenist, so I strive to accept whatever religion (or lack of) or culture you belong to.

OK, enough on that tack before I get this thread closed. Thanks to all of you for your support.


Well-Known Member
Hey KingStephan, just thinking about you in my prayers today and I thought I'd remind you that you are not alone. I trust that you'll find a good job soon.


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Thanks so much. I pray for all the others who are unemployed every day as well.

I didn't get the job I interviewed for last week. Also, I had a surprise phone interview yesterday for a job in Phoenix (I live in NJ and really would rather not move for a number of very good reasons - not just being selfish), and it went rather well, but judging by the way things ended, I think they have somebody else in mind. You never know though.

Thanks everyone. Please continue to keep me in your thoughts / prayers / pixie dust wishes / whatever your thing is. I really appreciate it! I'll continue to keep you posted.

See ya' real soon!


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Thanks for the lead! I've been shopping on usajobs for federal jobs, and it's been hard to find something that fits my background. Also generally to be an investigator (which is something that I'd really like to do) you have to be younger than I am. Kinda funny that an agency that polices companies for hiring discrimination has age restrictions on some jobs, but I understand that this is an exception :lol:.

Thanks again! Keep the leads coming - you never know where a lead will take you. In fact, I'm going to follow up on a management position I found through this link - it's a long shot and requires relo, but what the heck it might lead somewhere. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I made it one month at this job and it's amazing to see how management and the workforce has changed. The place is always shorthanded. Food Service especially, and every employee in there works 40 hours! I'm amazed at the mentality---workers for the most part only have specific tasks. There isn't any teamwork. This is management's fault and when I get my own dept next week I am definitely going to change that! I've been told I will be met with resistance---and I told them I'll put my big girl panties on and deal with it!


Thanks so much. That means a lot to me. I know prayer works. Just not always the way you think it will. I always try to remember to praise God's name first, then ask that His will be done and not mine. Then I can ask for my intentions.

For example, I prayed really hard that I be spared from this trial. I have not been spared from the trial, but I know in my heart and soul that there is something else that He means for me out there. I just don't know what it is yet. It may turn out that getting layed off is the best thing that ever happened to me. ijdk.

So please, everyone (who prays) pray (on my behalf) that God's will be done for me. If it be His will, I pray for me and my family to be taken care of.

Those of you who don't pray, I hope you are not offended by this particular post - I know I am walking the line here - please just keep me in your thoughts, or send pixie dust through the internet, or whatever you do. I appreciate it all, and above all I am an ecumenist, so I strive to accept whatever religion (or lack of) or culture you belong to.

OK, enough on that tack before I get this thread closed. Thanks to all of you for your support.

My husband never would have made it this far without prayer.

The project that was supposed to get him called back has been pushed back, so he's still waiting and now on his first unemployment extension.


Good news!!! My husband's former employer called him back today with a definite call back date. He starts back there on Monday!!!!!!:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

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